mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 13:59:03 +00:00
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ on:
paths-ignore: [ '*.md' ]
- master
- develop
- '**'
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Changelog
## v2.10.0
- [Add ref input parameter](https://github.com/dorny/paths-filter/pull/82)
- [Fix change detection in PR when pullRequest.changed_files is incorrect](https://github.com/dorny/paths-filter/pull/83)
## v2.9.3
- [Fix change detection when base is a tag](https://github.com/dorny/paths-filter/pull/78)
@ -66,13 +66,11 @@ For more scenarios see [examples](#examples) section.
# What's New
- Add `ref` input parameter
- Add `list-files: csv` format
- Configure matrix job to run for each folder with changes using `changes` output
- Improved listing of matching files with `list-files: shell` and `list-files: escape` options
- Support local changes
- Fixed retrieval of all changes via Github API when there are 100+ changes
- Paths expressions are now evaluated using [picomatch](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch) library
- Support workflows triggered by any event
For more information see [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/dorny/paths-filter/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
@ -111,6 +109,13 @@ For more information see [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/dorny/paths-filter/blob/
# Default: repository default branch (e.g. master)
base: ''
# Git reference (e.g. branch name) from which the changes will be detected.
# Useful when workflow can be triggered only on default branch (e.g. repository_dispatch event)
# but you want to get changes on different branch.
# This option is ignored if action is triggered by pull_request event.
# default: ${{ github.ref }}
# How many commits are initially fetched from base branch.
# If needed, each subsequent fetch doubles the
# previously requested number of commits until the merge-base
@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ inputs:
description: 'Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE where the repository was checked out.'
required: false
description: |
Git reference (e.g. branch name) from which the changes will be detected.
This option is ignored if action is triggered by pull_request event.
default: ${{ github.ref }}
required: false
description: |
Git reference (e.g. branch name) against which the changes will be detected. Defaults to repository default branch (e.g. master).
@ -3865,34 +3865,44 @@ async function getChangesOnHead() {
return parseGitDiffOutput(output);
exports.getChangesOnHead = getChangesOnHead;
async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base, ref, initialFetchDepth) {
async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base, head, initialFetchDepth) {
let baseRef;
let headRef;
async function hasMergeBase() {
return (baseRef !== undefined && (await exec_1.default('git', ['merge-base', baseRef, ref], { ignoreReturnCode: true })).code === 0);
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
return false;
return (await exec_1.default('git', ['merge-base', baseRef, headRef], { ignoreReturnCode: true })).code === 0;
let noMergeBase = false;
core.startGroup(`Searching for merge-base ${base}...${ref}`);
core.startGroup(`Searching for merge-base ${base}...${head}`);
try {
baseRef = await getFullRef(base);
headRef = await getFullRef(head);
if (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
await exec_1.default('git', ['fetch', '--no-tags', `--depth=${initialFetchDepth}`, 'origin', base, ref]);
if (baseRef === undefined) {
baseRef = await getFullRef(base);
if (baseRef === undefined) {
await exec_1.default('git', ['fetch', '--tags', '--depth=1', 'origin', base, ref], {
await exec_1.default('git', ['fetch', '--no-tags', `--depth=${initialFetchDepth}`, 'origin', base, head]);
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
baseRef = baseRef !== null && baseRef !== void 0 ? baseRef : (await getFullRef(base));
headRef = headRef !== null && headRef !== void 0 ? headRef : (await getFullRef(head));
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
await exec_1.default('git', ['fetch', '--tags', '--depth=1', 'origin', base, head], {
ignoreReturnCode: true // returns exit code 1 if tags on remote were updated - we can safely ignore it
baseRef = await getFullRef(base);
baseRef = baseRef !== null && baseRef !== void 0 ? baseRef : (await getFullRef(base));
headRef = headRef !== null && headRef !== void 0 ? headRef : (await getFullRef(head));
if (baseRef === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not determine what is ${base} - fetch works but it's not a branch or tag`);
if (headRef === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not determine what is ${head} - fetch works but it's not a branch or tag`);
let depth = initialFetchDepth;
let lastCommitCount = await getCommitCount();
while (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
depth = Math.min(depth * 2, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
await exec_1.default('git', ['fetch', `--deepen=${depth}`, 'origin', base, ref]);
await exec_1.default('git', ['fetch', `--deepen=${depth}`, 'origin', base, head]);
const commitCount = await getCommitCount();
if (commitCount === lastCommitCount) {
core.info('No more commits were fetched');
@ -3910,16 +3920,16 @@ async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base, ref, initialFetchDepth) {
finally {
let diffArg = `${baseRef}...${ref}`;
// Three dots '...' change detection - finds merge-base and compares against it
let diffArg = `${baseRef}...${headRef}`;
if (noMergeBase) {
core.warning('No merge base found - change detection will use direct <commit>..<commit> comparison');
diffArg = `${baseRef}..${ref}`;
diffArg = `${baseRef}..${headRef}`;
// Get changes introduced on ref compared to base
core.startGroup(`Change detection ${diffArg}`);
let output = '';
try {
// Three dots '...' change detection - finds merge-base and compares against it
output = (await exec_1.default('git', ['diff', '--no-renames', '--name-status', '-z', diffArg])).stdout;
finally {
@ -4690,6 +4700,7 @@ async function run() {
const token = core.getInput('token', { required: false });
const ref = core.getInput('ref', { required: false });
const base = core.getInput('base', { required: false });
const filtersInput = core.getInput('filters', { required: true });
const filtersYaml = isPathInput(filtersInput) ? getConfigFileContent(filtersInput) : filtersInput;
@ -4700,7 +4711,8 @@ async function run() {
const filter = new filter_1.Filter(filtersYaml);
const files = await getChangedFiles(token, base, initialFetchDepth);
const files = await getChangedFiles(token, base, ref, initialFetchDepth);
core.info(`Detected ${files.length} changed files`);
const results = filter.match(files);
exportResults(results, listFiles);
@ -4720,7 +4732,7 @@ function getConfigFileContent(configPath) {
return fs.readFileSync(configPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
async function getChangedFiles(token, base, initialFetchDepth) {
async function getChangedFiles(token, base, ref, initialFetchDepth) {
// if base is 'HEAD' only local uncommitted changes will be detected
// This is the simplest case as we don't need to fetch more commits or evaluate current/before refs
if (base === git.HEAD) {
@ -4735,14 +4747,14 @@ async function getChangedFiles(token, base, initialFetchDepth) {
return await git.getChangesInLastCommit();
else {
return getChangedFilesFromGit(base, initialFetchDepth);
return getChangedFilesFromGit(base, ref, initialFetchDepth);
async function getChangedFilesFromGit(base, initialFetchDepth) {
async function getChangedFilesFromGit(base, head, initialFetchDepth) {
var _a;
const defaultRef = (_a = github.context.payload.repository) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.default_branch;
const beforeSha = github.context.eventName === 'push' ? github.context.payload.before : null;
const ref = git.getShortName(github.context.ref) ||
const ref = git.getShortName(head || github.context.ref) ||
(core.warning(`'ref' field is missing in event payload - using current branch, tag or commit SHA`),
await git.getCurrentRef());
const baseRef = git.getShortName(base) || defaultRef;
@ -4781,47 +4793,58 @@ async function getChangedFilesFromGit(base, initialFetchDepth) {
// Uses github REST api to get list of files changed in PR
async function getChangedFilesFromApi(token, pullRequest) {
core.startGroup(`Fetching list of changed files for PR#${pullRequest.number} from Github API`);
core.info(`Number of changed_files is ${pullRequest.changed_files}`);
const client = new github.GitHub(token);
const pageSize = 100;
const files = [];
for (let page = 1; (page - 1) * pageSize < pullRequest.changed_files; page++) {
core.info(`Invoking listFiles(pull_number: ${pullRequest.number}, page: ${page}, per_page: ${pageSize})`);
const response = await client.pulls.listFiles({
owner: github.context.repo.owner,
repo: github.context.repo.repo,
pull_number: pullRequest.number,
per_page: pageSize
for (const row of response.data) {
core.info(`[${row.status}] ${row.filename}`);
// There's no obvious use-case for detection of renames
// Therefore we treat it as if rename detection in git diff was turned off.
// Rename is replaced by delete of original filename and add of new filename
if (row.status === file_1.ChangeStatus.Renamed) {
filename: row.filename,
status: file_1.ChangeStatus.Added
// 'previous_filename' for some unknown reason isn't in the type definition or documentation
filename: row.previous_filename,
status: file_1.ChangeStatus.Deleted
try {
const client = new github.GitHub(token);
const per_page = 100;
const files = [];
for (let page = 1;; page++) {
core.info(`Invoking listFiles(pull_number: ${pullRequest.number}, page: ${page}, per_page: ${per_page})`);
const response = await client.pulls.listFiles({
owner: github.context.repo.owner,
repo: github.context.repo.repo,
pull_number: pullRequest.number,
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Fetching list of changed files from GitHub API failed with error code ${response.status}`);
else {
// Github status and git status variants are same except for deleted files
const status = row.status === 'removed' ? file_1.ChangeStatus.Deleted : row.status;
filename: row.filename,
core.info(`Received ${response.data.length} items`);
if (response.data.length === 0) {
core.info('All changed files has been fetched from GitHub API');
for (const row of response.data) {
core.info(`[${row.status}] ${row.filename}`);
// There's no obvious use-case for detection of renames
// Therefore we treat it as if rename detection in git diff was turned off.
// Rename is replaced by delete of original filename and add of new filename
if (row.status === file_1.ChangeStatus.Renamed) {
filename: row.filename,
status: file_1.ChangeStatus.Added
// 'previous_filename' for some unknown reason isn't in the type definition or documentation
filename: row.previous_filename,
status: file_1.ChangeStatus.Deleted
else {
// Github status and git status variants are same except for deleted files
const status = row.status === 'removed' ? file_1.ChangeStatus.Deleted : row.status;
filename: row.filename,
return files;
finally {
return files;
function exportResults(results, format) {
@ -54,30 +54,38 @@ export async function getChangesOnHead(): Promise<File[]> {
return parseGitDiffOutput(output)
export async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base: string, ref: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
export async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base: string, head: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
let baseRef: string | undefined
let headRef: string | undefined
async function hasMergeBase(): Promise<boolean> {
return (
baseRef !== undefined && (await exec('git', ['merge-base', baseRef, ref], {ignoreReturnCode: true})).code === 0
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
return false
return (await exec('git', ['merge-base', baseRef, headRef], {ignoreReturnCode: true})).code === 0
let noMergeBase = false
core.startGroup(`Searching for merge-base ${base}...${ref}`)
core.startGroup(`Searching for merge-base ${base}...${head}`)
try {
baseRef = await getFullRef(base)
headRef = await getFullRef(head)
if (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
await exec('git', ['fetch', '--no-tags', `--depth=${initialFetchDepth}`, 'origin', base, ref])
if (baseRef === undefined) {
baseRef = await getFullRef(base)
if (baseRef === undefined) {
await exec('git', ['fetch', '--tags', '--depth=1', 'origin', base, ref], {
await exec('git', ['fetch', '--no-tags', `--depth=${initialFetchDepth}`, 'origin', base, head])
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
baseRef = baseRef ?? (await getFullRef(base))
headRef = headRef ?? (await getFullRef(head))
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
await exec('git', ['fetch', '--tags', '--depth=1', 'origin', base, head], {
ignoreReturnCode: true // returns exit code 1 if tags on remote were updated - we can safely ignore it
baseRef = await getFullRef(base)
baseRef = baseRef ?? (await getFullRef(base))
headRef = headRef ?? (await getFullRef(head))
if (baseRef === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not determine what is ${base} - fetch works but it's not a branch or tag`)
if (headRef === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not determine what is ${head} - fetch works but it's not a branch or tag`)
@ -85,7 +93,7 @@ export async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base: string, ref: string, initia
let lastCommitCount = await getCommitCount()
while (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
depth = Math.min(depth * 2, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
await exec('git', ['fetch', `--deepen=${depth}`, 'origin', base, ref])
await exec('git', ['fetch', `--deepen=${depth}`, 'origin', base, head])
const commitCount = await getCommitCount()
if (commitCount === lastCommitCount) {
core.info('No more commits were fetched')
@ -103,17 +111,17 @@ export async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base: string, ref: string, initia
let diffArg = `${baseRef}...${ref}`
// Three dots '...' change detection - finds merge-base and compares against it
let diffArg = `${baseRef}...${headRef}`
if (noMergeBase) {
core.warning('No merge base found - change detection will use direct <commit>..<commit> comparison')
diffArg = `${baseRef}..${ref}`
diffArg = `${baseRef}..${headRef}`
// Get changes introduced on ref compared to base
core.startGroup(`Change detection ${diffArg}`)
let output = ''
try {
// Three dots '...' change detection - finds merge-base and compares against it
output = (await exec('git', ['diff', '--no-renames', '--name-status', '-z', diffArg])).stdout
} finally {
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ async function run(): Promise<void> {
const token = core.getInput('token', {required: false})
const ref = core.getInput('ref', {required: false})
const base = core.getInput('base', {required: false})
const filtersInput = core.getInput('filters', {required: true})
const filtersYaml = isPathInput(filtersInput) ? getConfigFileContent(filtersInput) : filtersInput
@ -31,7 +32,8 @@ async function run(): Promise<void> {
const filter = new Filter(filtersYaml)
const files = await getChangedFiles(token, base, initialFetchDepth)
const files = await getChangedFiles(token, base, ref, initialFetchDepth)
core.info(`Detected ${files.length} changed files`)
const results = filter.match(files)
exportResults(results, listFiles)
} catch (error) {
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ function getConfigFileContent(configPath: string): string {
return fs.readFileSync(configPath, {encoding: 'utf8'})
async function getChangedFiles(token: string, base: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
async function getChangedFiles(token: string, base: string, ref: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
// if base is 'HEAD' only local uncommitted changes will be detected
// This is the simplest case as we don't need to fetch more commits or evaluate current/before refs
if (base === git.HEAD) {
@ -70,18 +72,18 @@ async function getChangedFiles(token: string, base: string, initialFetchDepth: n
core.info('Github token is not available - changes will be detected from PRs merge commit')
return await git.getChangesInLastCommit()
} else {
return getChangedFilesFromGit(base, initialFetchDepth)
return getChangedFilesFromGit(base, ref, initialFetchDepth)
async function getChangedFilesFromGit(base: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
async function getChangedFilesFromGit(base: string, head: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
const defaultRef = github.context.payload.repository?.default_branch
const beforeSha =
github.context.eventName === 'push' ? (github.context.payload as Webhooks.WebhookPayloadPush).before : null
const ref =
git.getShortName(github.context.ref) ||
git.getShortName(head || github.context.ref) ||
(core.warning(`'ref' field is missing in event payload - using current branch, tag or commit SHA`),
await git.getCurrentRef())
@ -131,47 +133,61 @@ async function getChangedFilesFromApi(
pullRequest: Webhooks.WebhookPayloadPullRequestPullRequest
): Promise<File[]> {
core.startGroup(`Fetching list of changed files for PR#${pullRequest.number} from Github API`)
core.info(`Number of changed_files is ${pullRequest.changed_files}`)
const client = new github.GitHub(token)
const pageSize = 100
const files: File[] = []
for (let page = 1; (page - 1) * pageSize < pullRequest.changed_files; page++) {
core.info(`Invoking listFiles(pull_number: ${pullRequest.number}, page: ${page}, per_page: ${pageSize})`)
const response = await client.pulls.listFiles({
owner: github.context.repo.owner,
repo: github.context.repo.repo,
pull_number: pullRequest.number,
per_page: pageSize
for (const row of response.data) {
core.info(`[${row.status}] ${row.filename}`)
// There's no obvious use-case for detection of renames
// Therefore we treat it as if rename detection in git diff was turned off.
// Rename is replaced by delete of original filename and add of new filename
if (row.status === ChangeStatus.Renamed) {
filename: row.filename,
status: ChangeStatus.Added
// 'previous_filename' for some unknown reason isn't in the type definition or documentation
filename: (<any>row).previous_filename as string,
status: ChangeStatus.Deleted
} else {
// Github status and git status variants are same except for deleted files
const status = row.status === 'removed' ? ChangeStatus.Deleted : (row.status as ChangeStatus)
filename: row.filename,
try {
const client = new github.GitHub(token)
const per_page = 100
const files: File[] = []
for (let page = 1; ; page++) {
core.info(`Invoking listFiles(pull_number: ${pullRequest.number}, page: ${page}, per_page: ${per_page})`)
const response = await client.pulls.listFiles({
owner: github.context.repo.owner,
repo: github.context.repo.repo,
pull_number: pullRequest.number,
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Fetching list of changed files from GitHub API failed with error code ${response.status}`)
core.info(`Received ${response.data.length} items`)
if (response.data.length === 0) {
core.info('All changed files has been fetched from GitHub API')
for (const row of response.data) {
core.info(`[${row.status}] ${row.filename}`)
// There's no obvious use-case for detection of renames
// Therefore we treat it as if rename detection in git diff was turned off.
// Rename is replaced by delete of original filename and add of new filename
if (row.status === ChangeStatus.Renamed) {
filename: row.filename,
status: ChangeStatus.Added
// 'previous_filename' for some unknown reason isn't in the type definition or documentation
filename: (<any>row).previous_filename as string,
status: ChangeStatus.Deleted
} else {
// Github status and git status variants are same except for deleted files
const status = row.status === 'removed' ? ChangeStatus.Deleted : (row.status as ChangeStatus)
filename: row.filename,
return files
return files
} finally {
function exportResults(results: FilterResults, format: ExportFormat): void {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user