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synced 2025-01-29 18:45:41 +00:00
292 lines
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292 lines
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import {getExecOutput} from '@actions/exec'
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import {File, ChangeStatus, FileNumstat, FileStatus} from './file'
export const NULL_SHA = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
export const HEAD = 'HEAD'
export async function getChangesInLastCommit(): Promise<File[]> {
return core.group(`Change detection in last commit`, async () => {
try {
// Calling git log on the last commit works when only the last commit may be checked out. Calling git diff HEAD^..HEAD needs two commits.
const statusOutput = (
await getExecOutput('git', ['log', '--format=', '--no-renames', '--name-status', '-z', '-n', '1'])
const numstatOutput = (
await getExecOutput('git', ['log', '--format=', '--no-renames', '--numstat', '-z', '-n', '1'])
const statusFiles = parseGitDiffNameStatusOutput(statusOutput)
const numstatFiles = parseGitDiffNumstatOutput(numstatOutput)
return mergeStatusNumstat(statusFiles, numstatFiles)
} finally {
export async function getChanges(base: string, head: string): Promise<File[]> {
const baseRef = await ensureRefAvailable(base)
const headRef = await ensureRefAvailable(head)
// Get differences between ref and HEAD
// Two dots '..' change detection - directly compares two versions
return core.group(`Change detection ${base}..${head}`, () => getGitDiffStatusNumstat(`${baseRef}..${headRef}`))
export async function getChangesOnHead(): Promise<File[]> {
// Get current changes - both staged and unstaged
return core.group(`Change detection on HEAD`, () => getGitDiffStatusNumstat(`HEAD`))
export async function getChangesSinceMergeBase(base: string, head: string, initialFetchDepth: number): Promise<File[]> {
let baseRef: string | undefined
let headRef: string | undefined
async function hasMergeBase(): Promise<boolean> {
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
return false
return (await getExecOutput('git', ['merge-base', baseRef, headRef], {ignoreReturnCode: true})).exitCode === 0
let noMergeBase = false
core.startGroup(`Searching for merge-base ${base}...${head}`)
try {
baseRef = await getLocalRef(base)
headRef = await getLocalRef(head)
if (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
await getExecOutput('git', ['fetch', '--no-tags', `--depth=${initialFetchDepth}`, 'origin', base, head])
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
baseRef = baseRef ?? (await getLocalRef(base))
headRef = headRef ?? (await getLocalRef(head))
if (baseRef === undefined || headRef === undefined) {
await getExecOutput('git', ['fetch', '--tags', '--depth=1', 'origin', base, head], {
ignoreReturnCode: true // returns exit code 1 if tags on remote were updated - we can safely ignore it
baseRef = baseRef ?? (await getLocalRef(base))
headRef = headRef ?? (await getLocalRef(head))
if (baseRef === undefined) {
throw new Error(
`Could not determine what is ${base} - fetch works but it's not a branch, tag or commit SHA`
if (headRef === undefined) {
throw new Error(
`Could not determine what is ${head} - fetch works but it's not a branch, tag or commit SHA`
let depth = initialFetchDepth
let lastCommitCount = await getCommitCount()
while (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
depth = Math.min(depth * 2, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
await getExecOutput('git', ['fetch', `--deepen=${depth}`, 'origin', base, head])
const commitCount = await getCommitCount()
if (commitCount === lastCommitCount) {
core.info('No more commits were fetched')
core.info('Last attempt will be to fetch full history')
await getExecOutput('git', ['fetch'])
if (!(await hasMergeBase())) {
noMergeBase = true
lastCommitCount = commitCount
} finally {
// Three dots '...' change detection - finds merge-base and compares against it
let diffArg = `${baseRef}...${headRef}`
if (noMergeBase) {
core.warning('No merge base found - change detection will use direct <commit>..<commit> comparison')
diffArg = `${baseRef}..${headRef}`
// Get changes introduced on ref compared to base
return getGitDiffStatusNumstat(diffArg)
async function gitDiffNameStatus(diffArg: string): Promise<string> {
let output = ''
try {
output = (await getExecOutput('git', ['diff', '--no-renames', '--name-status', '-z', diffArg])).stdout
} finally {
return output
async function gitDiffNumstat(diffArg: string): Promise<string> {
let output = ''
try {
output = (await getExecOutput('git', ['diff', '--no-renames', '--numstat', '-z', diffArg])).stdout
} finally {
return output
export function parseGitDiffNameStatusOutput(output: string): FileStatus[] {
const tokens = output.split('\u0000').filter(s => s.length > 0)
const files: FileStatus[] = []
for (let i = 0; i + 1 < tokens.length; i += 2) {
status: statusMap[tokens[i]],
filename: tokens[i + 1]
return files
function mergeStatusNumstat(statusEntries: FileStatus[], numstatEntries: FileNumstat[]): File[] {
const statusMap: {[key: string]: FileStatus} = {}
statusEntries.forEach(f => (statusMap[f.filename] = f))
return numstatEntries.map(f => {
const status = statusMap[f.filename]
if (!status) {
throw new Error(`Cannot find the status entry for file: ${f.filename}`)
return {...f, status: status.status}
export async function getGitDiffStatusNumstat(diffArg: string) {
const statusFiles = await gitDiffNameStatus(diffArg).then(parseGitDiffNameStatusOutput)
const numstatFiles = await gitDiffNumstat(diffArg).then(parseGitDiffNumstatOutput)
return mergeStatusNumstat(statusFiles, numstatFiles)
export function parseGitDiffNumstatOutput(output: string): FileNumstat[] {
const rows = output.split('\u0000').filter(s => s.length > 0)
return rows.map(row => {
const tokens = row.split('\t')
// For the binary files set the numbers to zero. This matches the response of Github API.
const additions = tokens[0] == '-' ? 0 : Number.parseInt(tokens[0])
const deletions = tokens[1] == '-' ? 0 : Number.parseInt(tokens[1])
return {
filename: tokens[2],
export async function listAllFilesAsAdded(): Promise<File[]> {
return core.group(`Listing all files tracked by git`, async () => {
const emptyTreeHash = (await getExecOutput('git', ['hash-object', '-t', 'tree', '/dev/null'])).stdout
return getGitDiffStatusNumstat(emptyTreeHash)
export async function getCurrentRef(): Promise<string> {
core.startGroup(`Get current git ref`)
try {
const branch = (await getExecOutput('git', ['branch', '--show-current'])).stdout.trim()
if (branch) {
return branch
const describe = await getExecOutput('git', ['describe', '--tags', '--exact-match'], {ignoreReturnCode: true})
if (describe.exitCode === 0) {
return describe.stdout.trim()
return (await getExecOutput('git', ['rev-parse', HEAD])).stdout.trim()
} finally {
export function getShortName(ref: string): string {
if (!ref) return ''
const heads = 'refs/heads/'
const tags = 'refs/tags/'
if (ref.startsWith(heads)) return ref.slice(heads.length)
if (ref.startsWith(tags)) return ref.slice(tags.length)
return ref
export function isGitSha(ref: string): boolean {
return /^[a-z0-9]{40}$/.test(ref)
async function hasCommit(ref: string): Promise<boolean> {
return (await getExecOutput('git', ['cat-file', '-e', `${ref}^{commit}`], {ignoreReturnCode: true})).exitCode === 0
async function getCommitCount(): Promise<number> {
const output = (await getExecOutput('git', ['rev-list', '--count', '--all'])).stdout
const count = parseInt(output)
return isNaN(count) ? 0 : count
async function getLocalRef(shortName: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (isGitSha(shortName)) {
return (await hasCommit(shortName)) ? shortName : undefined
const output = (await getExecOutput('git', ['show-ref', shortName], {ignoreReturnCode: true})).stdout
const refs = output
.map(l => l.match(/refs\/(?:(?:heads)|(?:tags)|(?:remotes\/origin))\/(.*)$/))
.filter(match => match !== null && match[1] === shortName)
.map(match => match?.[0] ?? '') // match can't be null here but compiler doesn't understand that
if (refs.length === 0) {
return undefined
const remoteRef = refs.find(ref => ref.startsWith('refs/remotes/origin/'))
if (remoteRef) {
return remoteRef
return refs[0]
async function ensureRefAvailable(name: string): Promise<string> {
core.startGroup(`Ensuring ${name} is fetched from origin`)
try {
let ref = await getLocalRef(name)
if (ref === undefined) {
await getExecOutput('git', ['fetch', '--depth=1', '--no-tags', 'origin', name])
ref = await getLocalRef(name)
if (ref === undefined) {
await getExecOutput('git', ['fetch', '--depth=1', '--tags', 'origin', name])
ref = await getLocalRef(name)
if (ref === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Could not determine what is ${name} - fetch works but it's not a branch, tag or commit SHA`)
return ref
} finally {
function fixStdOutNullTermination(): void {
// Previous command uses NULL as delimiters and output is printed to stdout.
// We have to make sure next thing written to stdout will start on new line.
// Otherwise things like ::set-output wouldn't work.
const statusMap: {[char: string]: ChangeStatus} = {
A: ChangeStatus.Added,
C: ChangeStatus.Copied,
D: ChangeStatus.Deleted,
M: ChangeStatus.Modified,
R: ChangeStatus.Renamed,
U: ChangeStatus.Unmerged