diff --git a/__tests__/installer.test.ts b/__tests__/installer.test.ts
index 5b4ae00..0551c46 100644
--- a/__tests__/installer.test.ts
+++ b/__tests__/installer.test.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,28 @@
-/* eslint @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports: 0 */
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
-import { IncomingMessage } from 'http';
+import { existsSync, promises as fs } from 'fs';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
-import { HttpClient, HttpCodes } from '@actions/http-client';
+import * as hm from '@actions/http-client';
+import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache';
import * as installer from '../src/installer';
+import { getVersionFromToolcachePath } from '../src/utils';
// Mocking modules
const CACHE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'runner');
+function mockHttpClientGet(responseBody: string, statusCode = hm.HttpCodes.OK): void {
+ jest.spyOn(hm, 'HttpClient').mockReturnValue(({
+ get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ message: { statusCode, statusMessage: '' },
+ readBody: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(responseBody)
+ })
+ } as unknown) as hm.HttpClient);
function createXmlManifest(...versions: readonly string[]): string {
return versions.map(ver => `${ver}`).join();
@@ -32,10 +42,7 @@ describe('getAvailableVersions', () => {
it('failed to download versions manifest', async () => {
- jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockResolvedValue({
- message: ({ statusCode: 0 } as unknown) as IncomingMessage,
- readBody: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('')
- });
+ mockHttpClientGet('', 0);
await expect(installer.getAvailableVersions()).rejects.toThrow(
/Unable to get available versions from/i
@@ -48,10 +55,7 @@ describe('getAvailableVersions', () => {
[` bar${createXmlManifest('')} foo`, []],
[` ${createXmlManifest(' 1.x', 'foo')}!`, [' 1.x', 'foo']]
])('%s -> %j', async (xml: string, expected: readonly string[]) => {
- jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockResolvedValue({
- message: ({ statusCode: HttpCodes.OK } as unknown) as IncomingMessage,
- readBody: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(xml)
- });
+ mockHttpClientGet(xml);
const availableVersions = await installer.getAvailableVersions();
@@ -69,10 +73,7 @@ describe('findVersionForDownload', () => {
['* ', ['foo', ' ', ' 1.0.x ', '3.0']],
[' >=3', [' 2.0.1', '!', ' 3.0.x ', '3.3']]
])('%s %j', async (spec: string, versions: readonly string[]) => {
- jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockResolvedValue({
- message: ({ statusCode: HttpCodes.OK } as unknown) as IncomingMessage,
- readBody: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(createXmlManifest(...versions))
- });
+ mockHttpClientGet(createXmlManifest(...versions));
await expect(installer.findVersionForDownload(spec)).rejects.toThrow(
new RegExp(`not find.* version for.* ${spec}`, 'i')
@@ -86,10 +87,7 @@ describe('findVersionForDownload', () => {
[' * ', ['!', '1.0.1', ' 3.1.0 ', '2.0.1 ', '3.3.0-alpha-1'], '3.1.0'],
['>=1 ', [' ', '1.1.0-beta-1', ' 1.0.1 ', ' 1.0.1-1'], '1.0.1']
])('%s %j -> %s', async (spec: string, versions: readonly string[], expected: string) => {
- jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'get').mockResolvedValue({
- message: ({ statusCode: HttpCodes.OK } as unknown) as IncomingMessage,
- readBody: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(createXmlManifest(...versions))
- });
+ mockHttpClientGet(createXmlManifest(...versions));
const resolvedVersion = await installer.findVersionForDownload(spec);
@@ -98,13 +96,100 @@ describe('findVersionForDownload', () => {
-process.env.RUNNER_TEMP = os.tmpdir();
+describe('download & setup Maven', () => {
+ process.env.RUNNER_TEMP = os.tmpdir();
-describe('downloadMaven', () => {
- it.todo('download a real version of Maven');
+ afterEach(async () => {
+ await fs.rmdir(CACHE_PATH, { recursive: true });
+ });
- it.todo('raises error if download failed');
+ describe('downloadMaven', () => {
+ const TEST_VERSION = '3.3.3';
- it.todo('raises error when extracting failed');
+ it('download a real version of Maven', async () => {
+ const toolPath = await installer.downloadMaven(TEST_VERSION);
+ expect(core.info).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Downloading Maven ${TEST_VERSION} from`, 'i'))
+ );
+ expect(existsSync(`${toolPath}.complete`)).toBe(true);
+ expect(existsSync(path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'maven', TEST_VERSION))).toBe(true);
+ expect(getVersionFromToolcachePath(toolPath)).toBe(TEST_VERSION);
+ });
+ it('raises error if download failed', async () => {
+ mockHttpClientGet('', 1);
+ await expect(installer.downloadMaven(TEST_VERSION)).rejects.toThrow(/Unexpected HTTP.* 1/i);
+ expect(core.info).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.stringMatching(/Failed to download.* Code\(1\)/i)
+ );
+ });
+ it('raises error when extracting failed', async () => {
+ const spyDownload = jest.spyOn(tc, 'downloadTool').mockResolvedValue(__filename);
+ await expect(installer.downloadMaven(TEST_VERSION)).rejects.toThrow(/failed.* exit code 1/i);
+ expect(spyDownload).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining(TEST_VERSION));
+ expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining('tar'));
+ });
+ });
+ describe('setupMaven', () => {
+ const TEST_VERSION = '3.2.5';
+ const TOOL_PATH = path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'maven', TEST_VERSION, os.arch());
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await fs.mkdir(TOOL_PATH, { recursive: true });
+ await fs.writeFile(`${TOOL_PATH}.complete`, '');
+ });
+ describe('reuses the cached version of Maven', () => {
+ it.each([
+ [TEST_VERSION, TEST_VERSION.replace(/\d+$/, 'x '), undefined],
+ [TEST_VERSION, TEST_VERSION.replace(/\.\d+$/, ''), TEST_VERSION.replace(/\d+$/, '0 ')]
+ ])('%s <- %s', async (expected: string, spec: string, active?: string) => {
+ const resolvedVersion = await installer.setupMaven(spec, active);
+ expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected);
+ expect(core.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`\\b${expected}\\b.*[\\\\/]bin$`))
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('uses version of system Maven', () => {
+ it.each([
+ [' 3.8', '3.8.2', ''],
+ ['3.x ', '3.3.9', TEST_VERSION]
+ ])('%s -> %s', async (spec: string, expected: string, resolved: string) => {
+ const resolvedVersion = await installer.setupMaven(spec, expected);
+ expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected);
+ expect(core.info).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Use.* ${expected} instead of .*\\b${resolved}`, 'i'))
+ );
+ expect(core.addPath).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
+ it('install a new version of Maven', async () => {
+ const expected = '3.6.3';
+ mockHttpClientGet(createXmlManifest('3.5.2 ', ` ${expected}`, '3.6.1'));
+ jest.spyOn(tc, 'downloadTool').mockResolvedValue('');
+ jest.spyOn(tc, 'extractTar').mockResolvedValue('');
+ const spyCache = jest.spyOn(tc, 'cacheDir').mockResolvedValue('foo');
+ const resolvedVersion = await installer.setupMaven(' >3.5');
+ expect(spyCache).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining(expected), 'maven', expected);
+ expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected);
+ expect(core.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path.join('foo', 'bin'));
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/__tests__/main.test.ts b/__tests__/main.test.ts
index 43aea9c..7732ebf 100644
--- a/__tests__/main.test.ts
+++ b/__tests__/main.test.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
+import * as os from 'os';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import { existsSync, promises as fs } from 'fs';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
-import { getActiveMavenVersion } from '../src/utils';
-import { setupMaven } from '../src/installer';
+import * as utils from '../src/utils';
+import * as installer from '../src/installer';
import { run } from '../src/main';
// Mocking modules
+const MVN_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'data');
const DEFAULT_VERSION = '3';
+const REAL_VERSION = '3.5.2';
+const CACHE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'runner');
describe('failed to run with invalid inputs', () => {
@@ -25,33 +30,83 @@ describe('failed to run with invalid inputs', () => {
describe('run with valid inputs', () => {
- it('setups default version when no Maven is installed', async () => {
+ it.each([
+ // Default version + no Maven is installed
+ [{ setup: 'foo', spec: '' }, [DEFAULT_VERSION, undefined]],
+ [{ active: '', setup: '3.0', spec: ' * ' }, [' * ', '']],
+ // Installed version !~ version input
+ [{ active: '3.5.2', setup: DEFAULT_VERSION, spec: ' 3.3' }, [' 3.3', undefined]],
+ // Installed version =~ version input
+ [{ active: '3.3.9', setup: '', spec: '3.x ' }, ['3.x ', '3.3.9']]
+ ])(
+ '%o -> %j',
+ async (
+ version: Readonly<{ spec: string; active?: string; setup: string }>,
+ expected: readonly (string | undefined)[]
+ ) => {
+ (core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(version.spec);
+ jest.spyOn(utils, 'getActiveMavenVersion').mockResolvedValue(version.active);
+ const spySetup = jest.spyOn(installer, 'setupMaven').mockResolvedValue(version.setup);
+ await run();
+ expect(spySetup).toHaveBeenCalledWith(...expected);
+ expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', version.setup);
+ }
+ );
+describe('integration tests', () => {
+ const ORIGINAL_PATH = process.env.PATH;
+ const TEST_VERSION = '3.1.1';
+ const TOOL_PATH = path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'maven', TEST_VERSION, os.arch());
+ process.env.RUNNER_TEMP = os.tmpdir();
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ process.env.PATH = `${MVN_PATH}${path.delimiter}${ORIGINAL_PATH ?? ''}`;
+ });
+ afterEach(async () => {
+ process.env.PATH = ORIGINAL_PATH;
+ await fs.rmdir(CACHE_PATH, { recursive: true });
+ });
+ it('uses system Maven if real version =~ default version', async () => {
(core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue('');
- (getActiveMavenVersion as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(undefined);
- (setupMaven as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue('foo');
await run();
- expect(setupMaven).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DEFAULT_VERSION, undefined);
- expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', 'foo');
+ expect(core.addPath).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', REAL_VERSION);
- it('setups when installed Maven is different with version input', async () => {
- (core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue('3.3');
- (getActiveMavenVersion as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue('3.5.2');
- (setupMaven as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(DEFAULT_VERSION);
+ it('install and cache a specific Maven version', async () => {
+ (core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(' ~3.1.0');
await run();
- expect(setupMaven).toHaveBeenCalledWith('3.3', undefined);
- expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', DEFAULT_VERSION);
+ expect(core.info).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Downloading Maven ${TEST_VERSION} from`, 'i'))
+ );
+ expect(core.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path.join(TOOL_PATH, 'bin'));
+ expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', TEST_VERSION);
+ expect(existsSync(`${TOOL_PATH}.complete`)).toBe(true);
- it('setups when installed Maven is correspond with version input', async () => {
- (core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue('3.x');
- (getActiveMavenVersion as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue('3.3.9');
- (setupMaven as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue('');
+ it('uses system Maven if real version > cached version', async () => {
+ await fs.mkdir(TOOL_PATH, { recursive: true });
+ await fs.writeFile(`${TOOL_PATH}.complete`, '');
+ (core.getInput as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue('3.x ');
await run();
- expect(setupMaven).toHaveBeenCalledWith('3.x', '3.3.9');
- expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', '');
+ expect(core.info).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.stringMatching(
+ new RegExp(`Use.* version ${REAL_VERSION} instead of.* ${TEST_VERSION}`, 'i')
+ )
+ );
+ expect(core.addPath).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(core.setOutput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('version', REAL_VERSION);
diff --git a/__tests__/utils.test.ts b/__tests__/utils.test.ts
index 70806d2..878df42 100644
--- a/__tests__/utils.test.ts
+++ b/__tests__/utils.test.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ jest.mock('child_process');
const MVN_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'data');
+const REAL_VERSION = '3.5.2';
describe('getVersionFromToolcachePath', () => {
@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ describe('getActiveMavenVersion', () => {
it('gets real version by `mvn` command', async () => {
- const expectedVersion = '3.5.2';
process.env.PATH = `${MVN_PATH}${path.delimiter}${ORIGINAL_PATH ?? ''}`;
const cp = jest.requireActual('child_process');
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ describe('getActiveMavenVersion', () => {
const installedVersion = await getActiveMavenVersion();
- expect(installedVersion).toBe(expectedVersion);
+ expect(installedVersion).toBe(REAL_VERSION);
- expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Retrieved.* version: ${expectedVersion}`, 'i'))
+ expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Retrieved.* version: ${REAL_VERSION}`, 'i'))
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ describe('getActiveMavenVersion', () => {
it('returns empty if `mvn` command is incorrect', async () => {
process.env.PATH = MVN_PATH;
- const cp = Object.create(new EventEmitter()) as EventEmitter & { stdout: EventEmitter };
+ const cp = (new EventEmitter() as unknown) as EventEmitter & { stdout: EventEmitter };
(child.spawn as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue((cp.stdout = cp));
setTimeout(() => cp.emit('data', 'foo') && cp.emit('close', 0), EMIT_AT);
diff --git a/jest.config.json b/jest.config.json
index 0d7e67a..39ab3d7 100644
--- a/jest.config.json
+++ b/jest.config.json
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
"clearMocks": true,
- "resetMocks": true,
+ "restoreMocks": true,
"moduleFileExtensions": ["ts", "js"],
"testEnvironment": "node",
"testMatch": ["**/*.test.ts"],
"transform": {
"\\.ts$": "ts-jest"
+ "testTimeout": 15000,
"verbose": true