import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { existsSync, promises as fs } from 'fs'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as hm from '@actions/http-client'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as installer from '../src/installer'; import { getVersionFromToolcachePath } from '../src/utils'; // Mocking modules jest.mock('@actions/core'); const CACHE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'runner'); function mockHttpClientGet(responseBody: string, statusCode = hm.HttpCodes.OK): void { jest.spyOn(hm, 'HttpClient').mockReturnValue(({ get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ message: { statusCode, statusMessage: '' }, readBody: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(responseBody) }) } as unknown) as hm.HttpClient); } function createXmlManifest(...versions: readonly string[]): string { return => `${ver}`).join(); } describe('getAvailableVersions', () => { it('loads real available versions', async () => { const availableVersions = await installer.getAvailableVersions(); expect(* versions.* from/i)); expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringMatching(/Available.* versions: \[.*,3.1.1,.*]/i) ); expect(availableVersions).toStrictEqual( expect.arrayContaining(['3.0', '3.2.5', '3.3.3', '3.8.2']) ); }); it('failed to download versions manifest', async () => { mockHttpClientGet('', 0); await expect(installer.getAvailableVersions()).rejects.toThrow( /Unable to get available versions from/i ); expect(; }); describe('returns bad versions for incorrect downloaded manifest', () => { it.each([ [` bar${createXmlManifest('')} foo`, []], [` ${createXmlManifest(' 1.x', 'foo')}!`, [' 1.x', 'foo']] ])('%s -> %j', async (xml: string, expected: readonly string[]) => { mockHttpClientGet(xml); const availableVersions = await installer.getAvailableVersions(); expect(availableVersions).toStrictEqual(expected); expect(; expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining(` [${String(expected)}]`)); }); }); }); describe('findVersionForDownload', () => { describe('raises error if versionSpec was not matched', () => { it.each([ [' *', ['']], ['* ', ['foo', ' ', ' 1.0.x ', '3.0']], [' >=3', [' 2.0.1', '!', ' 3.0.x ', '3.3']] ])('%s %j', async (spec: string, versions: readonly string[]) => { mockHttpClientGet(createXmlManifest(...versions)); await expect(installer.findVersionForDownload(spec)).rejects.toThrow( new RegExp(`not find.* version for.* ${spec}`, 'i') ); }); }); describe('returns the best matched correctly', () => { it.each([ [' 1.x', ['foo', '1.0.1', ' 1.1.0 ', '0.1.0 '], '1.1.0'], [' * ', ['!', '1.0.1', ' 3.1.0 ', '2.0.1 ', '3.3.0-alpha-1'], '3.1.0'], ['>=1 ', [' ', '1.1.0-beta-1', ' 1.0.1 ', ' 1.0.1-1'], '1.0.1'] ])('%s %j -> %s', async (spec: string, versions: readonly string[], expected: string) => { mockHttpClientGet(createXmlManifest(...versions)); const resolvedVersion = await installer.findVersionForDownload(spec); expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected); expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringMatching(/Resolved version/i)); }); }); }); describe('download & setup Maven', () => { process.env.RUNNER_TEMP = os.tmpdir(); process.env.RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE = CACHE_PATH; afterEach(async () => { await fs.rmdir(CACHE_PATH, { recursive: true }); }); describe('downloadMaven', () => { const TEST_VERSION = '3.3.3'; it('download a real version of Maven', async () => { const toolPath = await installer.downloadMaven(TEST_VERSION); expect( expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Downloading Maven ${TEST_VERSION} from`, 'i')) ); expect(existsSync(`${toolPath}.complete`)).toBe(true); expect(existsSync(path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'maven', TEST_VERSION))).toBe(true); expect(getVersionFromToolcachePath(toolPath)).toBe(TEST_VERSION); }); it('raises error if download failed', async () => { mockHttpClientGet('', 1); await expect(installer.downloadMaven(TEST_VERSION)).rejects.toThrow(/Unexpected HTTP.* 1/i); expect(; expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringMatching(/Failed to download.* Code\(1\)/i) ); }); it('raises error when extracting failed', async () => { const spyDownload = jest.spyOn(tc, 'downloadTool').mockResolvedValue(__filename); await expect(installer.downloadMaven(TEST_VERSION)).rejects.toThrow(/failed.* exit code 1/i); expect(spyDownload).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining(TEST_VERSION)); expect(core.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining('tar')); }); }); describe('setupMaven', () => { const TEST_VERSION = '3.2.5'; const TOOL_PATH = path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'maven', TEST_VERSION, os.arch()); beforeEach(async () => { await fs.mkdir(TOOL_PATH, { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile(`${TOOL_PATH}.complete`, ''); }); describe('reuses the cached version of Maven', () => { it.each([ [TEST_VERSION, TEST_VERSION.replace(/\d+$/, 'x '), undefined], [TEST_VERSION, TEST_VERSION.replace(/\.\d+$/, ''), TEST_VERSION.replace(/\d+$/, '0 ')] ])('%s <- %s', async (expected: string, spec: string, active?: string) => { const resolvedVersion = await installer.setupMaven(spec, active); expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected); expect(core.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`\\b${expected}\\b.*[\\\\/]bin$`)) ); }); }); describe('uses version of system Maven', () => { it.each([ [' 3.8', '3.8.2', ''], ['3.x ', '3.3.9', TEST_VERSION] ])('%s -> %s', async (spec: string, expected: string, resolved: string) => { const resolvedVersion = await installer.setupMaven(spec, expected); expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected); expect( expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`Use.* ${expected} instead of .*\\b${resolved}`, 'i')) ); expect(core.addPath).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('install a new version of Maven', async () => { const expected = '3.6.3'; mockHttpClientGet(createXmlManifest('3.5.2 ', ` ${expected}`, '3.6.1')); jest.spyOn(tc, 'downloadTool').mockResolvedValue(''); jest.spyOn(tc, 'extractTar').mockResolvedValue(''); const spyCache = jest.spyOn(tc, 'cacheDir').mockResolvedValue('foo'); const resolvedVersion = await installer.setupMaven(' >3.5'); expect(spyCache).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining(expected), 'maven', expected); expect(resolvedVersion).toBe(expected); expect(core.addPath).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path.join('foo', 'bin')); }); }); });