## A JavaScript URI template implementation

This is a simple URI template implementation following the [RFC 6570 URI Template specification](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570). The implementation supports all levels defined in the specification and is extensively tested.

## Installation

For use with Node.js you can install it through npm:

    $ npm install url-template

If you want to use it in a browser, copy `lib/url-template.js` into your project and use the global `urltemplate` instance. Alternatively you can use [Bower](http://bower.io/) to install this package:

    $ bower install url-template

## Example

    var template = require('url-template');


    var emailUrl = template.parse('/{email}/{folder}/{id}');

    // Returns '/user@domain/test/42'
      email: 'user@domain',
      folder: 'test',
      id: 42

## A note on error handling and reporting

The RFC states that errors in the templates could optionally be handled and reported to the user. This implementation takes a slightly different approach in that it tries to do a best effort template expansion and leaves erroneous expressions in the returned URI instead of throwing errors. So for example, the incorrect expression `{unclosed` will return `{unclosed` as output. The leaves incorrect URLs to be handled by your URL library of choice.