For snapshot tests, Jest uses `pretty-format` with options that include some of its built-in plugins. For this purpose, plugins are also known as **snapshot serializers**.
To serialize application-specific data types, you can add modules to `devDependencies` of a project, and then:
In an **individual** test file, you can add a module as follows. It precedes any modules from Jest configuration.
import serializer from 'my-serializer-module';
// tests which have `expect(value).toMatchSnapshot()` assertions
For **all** test files, you can specify modules in Jest configuration. They precede built-in plugins for React, HTML, and Immutable.js data types. For example, in a `package.json` file:
"jest": {
"snapshotSerializers": ["my-serializer-module"]
## Writing plugins
A plugin is a JavaScript object.
If `options` has a `plugins` array: for the first plugin whose `test(val)` method returns a truthy value, then `prettyFormat(val, options)` returns the result from either:
-`serialize(val, …)` method of the **improved** interface (available in **version 21** or later)
-`print(val, …)` method of the **original** interface (if plugin does not have `serialize` method)
### test
Write `test` so it can receive `val` argument of any type. To serialize **objects** which have certain properties, then a guarded expression like `val != null && …` or more concise `val && …` prevents the following errors:
-`TypeError: Cannot read property 'whatever' of null`
-`TypeError: Cannot read property 'whatever' of undefined`
For example, `test` method of built-in `ReactElement` plugin:
Each property of `colors` in `config` corresponds to a property of `theme` in `options`:
- the key is the same (for example, `tag`)
- the value in `colors` is a object with `open` and `close` properties whose values are escape codes from [ansi-styles]( for the color value in `theme` (for example, `'cyan'`)
Some properties in `config` are derived from `min` in `options`:
-`spacingInner` and `spacingOuter` are **newline** if `min` is `false`
-`spacingInner` is **space** and `spacingOuter` is **empty string** if `min` is `true`
### Example of serialize and test
This plugin is a pattern you can apply to serialize composite data types. Side note: `pretty-format` does not need a plugin to serialize arrays.
// We reused more code when we factored out a function for child items
// that is independent of depth, name, and enclosing punctuation (see below).
const SEPARATOR = ',';
function serializeItems(items, config, indentation, depth, refs, printer) {
The **original** interface is adequate for plugins:
- that **do not** depend on options other than `highlight` or `min`
- that **do not** depend on `depth` or `refs` in recursive traversal, and
- if values either
- do **not** require indentation, or
- do **not** occur as children of JavaScript data structures (for example, array)
Write `print` to return a string, given the arguments:
-`val` which “passed the test”
- current `printer(valChild)` callback function: serialize children
- current `indenter(lines)` callback function: indent lines at the next level
- unchanging `config` object: derived from `options`
- unchanging `colors` object: derived from `options`
The 3 properties of `config` are `min` in `options` and:
-`spacing` and `edgeSpacing` are **newline** if `min` is `false`
-`spacing` is **space** and `edgeSpacing` is **empty string** if `min` is `true`
Each property of `colors` corresponds to a property of `theme` in `options`:
- the key is the same (for example, `tag`)
- the value in `colors` is a object with `open` and `close` properties whose values are escape codes from [ansi-styles]( for the color value in `theme` (for example, `'cyan'`)
### Example of print and test
This plugin prints functions with the **number of named arguments** excluding rest argument.
This plugin **ignores** the `printFunctionName` option. That limitation of the original `print` interface is a reason to use the improved `serialize` interface, described above.