`v8-compile-cache` attaches a `require` hook to use [V8's code cache](https://v8project.blogspot.com/2015/07/code-caching.html) to speed up instantiation time. The "code cache" is the work of parsing and compiling done by V8.
The ability to tap into V8 to produce/consume this cache was introduced in [Node v5.7.0](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v5.7.0/).
## Usage
1. Add the dependency:
$ npm install --save v8-compile-cache
2. Then, in your entry module add:
**Requiring `v8-compile-cache` in Node <5.7.0isanoop–butyouneedatleastNode4.0.0tosupporttheES2015syntaxusedby`v8-compile-cache`.**
## Options
Set the environment variable `DISABLE_V8_COMPILE_CACHE=1` to disable the cache.
Cache files are suffixed `.BLOB` and `.MAP` corresponding to the entry module that required `v8-compile-cache`. The cache is _entry module specific_ because it is faster to load the entire code cache into memory at once, than it is to read it from disk on a file-by-file basis.