2020-08-26 00:52:47 +00:00
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import { http } from './http';
async function run() {
2020-08-27 08:25:55 +00:00
const url = core.getInput('url') ? core.getInput('url') : (process.env.WEBHOOK_URL ? process.env.WEBHOOK_URL : '');
const headers = core.getInput('headers') ? core.getInput('headers') : (process.env.headers ? process.env.headers : null);
const body = core.getInput('body') ? core.getInput('body') : (process.env.data ? process.env.data : null);
if (!url) {
// validate a url
core.setFailed('A url is required to run this action.');
2020-08-26 00:52:47 +00:00
// initial info
core.info(`Sending webhook request to ${url}`);
// debug start
core.debug((new Date()).toTimeString()); // debug is only output if you set the secret `ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG` to true
// make the request
http.make(url, headers, body)
.then((res) => {
// output the status
core.setOutput('statusCode', res.status);
// report on the status code
core.info(`Received status code: ${res.status}`);
// debug end
core.info((new Date()).toTimeString());
.catch((err) => {
// set the action to failed
core.setFailed(`Received status code: ${err.status}`);
2020-08-27 08:25:55 +00:00