# import/no-amd

Reports `require([array], ...)` and `define([array], ...)` function calls at the
module scope. Will not report if !=2 arguments, or first argument is not a literal array.

Intended for temporary use when migrating to pure ES6 modules.

## Rule Details

This will be reported:

define(["a", "b"], function (a, b) { /* ... */ })

require(["b", "c"], function (b, c) { /* ... */ })

CommonJS `require` is still valid.

## When Not To Use It

If you don't mind mixing module systems (sometimes this is useful), you probably
don't want this rule.

It is also fairly noisy if you have a larger codebase that is being transitioned
from AMD to ES6 modules.

## Contributors

Special thanks to @xjamundx for donating his no-define rule as a start to this.

## Further Reading

- [`no-commonjs`](./no-commonjs.md): report CommonJS `require` and `exports`
- Source: https://github.com/xjamundx/eslint-plugin-modules