/** * @fileoverview Helpers to debug for code path analysis. * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const debug = require("debug")("eslint:code-path"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Gets id of a given segment. * @param {CodePathSegment} segment A segment to get. * @returns {string} Id of the segment. */ /* istanbul ignore next */ function getId(segment) { // eslint-disable-line jsdoc/require-jsdoc return segment.id + (segment.reachable ? "" : "!"); } /** * Get string for the given node and operation. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to convert. * @param {"enter" | "exit" | undefined} label The operation label. * @returns {string} The string representation. */ function nodeToString(node, label) { const suffix = label ? `:${label}` : ""; switch (node.type) { case "Identifier": return `${node.type}${suffix} (${node.name})`; case "Literal": return `${node.type}${suffix} (${node.value})`; default: return `${node.type}${suffix}`; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { /** * A flag that debug dumping is enabled or not. * @type {boolean} */ enabled: debug.enabled, /** * Dumps given objects. * @param {...any} args objects to dump. * @returns {void} */ dump: debug, /** * Dumps the current analyzing state. * @param {ASTNode} node A node to dump. * @param {CodePathState} state A state to dump. * @param {boolean} leaving A flag whether or not it's leaving * @returns {void} */ dumpState: !debug.enabled ? debug : /* istanbul ignore next */ function(node, state, leaving) { for (let i = 0; i < state.currentSegments.length; ++i) { const segInternal = state.currentSegments[i].internal; if (leaving) { const last = segInternal.nodes.length - 1; if (last >= 0 && segInternal.nodes[last] === nodeToString(node, "enter")) { segInternal.nodes[last] = nodeToString(node, void 0); } else { segInternal.nodes.push(nodeToString(node, "exit")); } } else { segInternal.nodes.push(nodeToString(node, "enter")); } } debug([ `${state.currentSegments.map(getId).join(",")})`, `${node.type}${leaving ? ":exit" : ""}` ].join(" ")); }, /** * Dumps a DOT code of a given code path. * The DOT code can be visualized with Graphvis. * @param {CodePath} codePath A code path to dump. * @returns {void} * @see http://www.graphviz.org * @see http://www.webgraphviz.com */ dumpDot: !debug.enabled ? debug : /* istanbul ignore next */ function(codePath) { let text = "\n" + "digraph {\n" + "node[shape=box,style=\"rounded,filled\",fillcolor=white];\n" + "initial[label=\"\",shape=circle,style=filled,fillcolor=black,width=0.25,height=0.25];\n"; if (codePath.returnedSegments.length > 0) { text += "final[label=\"\",shape=doublecircle,style=filled,fillcolor=black,width=0.25,height=0.25];\n"; } if (codePath.thrownSegments.length > 0) { text += "thrown[label=\"✘\",shape=circle,width=0.3,height=0.3,fixedsize];\n"; } const traceMap = Object.create(null); const arrows = this.makeDotArrows(codePath, traceMap); for (const id in traceMap) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in const segment = traceMap[id]; text += `${id}[`; if (segment.reachable) { text += "label=\""; } else { text += "style=\"rounded,dashed,filled\",fillcolor=\"#FF9800\",label=\"<<unreachable>>\\n"; } if (segment.internal.nodes.length > 0) { text += segment.internal.nodes.join("\\n"); } else { text += "????"; } text += "\"];\n"; } text += `${arrows}\n`; text += "}"; debug("DOT", text); }, /** * Makes a DOT code of a given code path. * The DOT code can be visualized with Graphvis. * @param {CodePath} codePath A code path to make DOT. * @param {Object} traceMap Optional. A map to check whether or not segments had been done. * @returns {string} A DOT code of the code path. */ makeDotArrows(codePath, traceMap) { const stack = [[codePath.initialSegment, 0]]; const done = traceMap || Object.create(null); let lastId = codePath.initialSegment.id; let text = `initial->${codePath.initialSegment.id}`; while (stack.length > 0) { const item = stack.pop(); const segment = item[0]; const index = item[1]; if (done[segment.id] && index === 0) { continue; } done[segment.id] = segment; const nextSegment = segment.allNextSegments[index]; if (!nextSegment) { continue; } if (lastId === segment.id) { text += `->${nextSegment.id}`; } else { text += `;\n${segment.id}->${nextSegment.id}`; } lastId = nextSegment.id; stack.unshift([segment, 1 + index]); stack.push([nextSegment, 0]); } codePath.returnedSegments.forEach(finalSegment => { if (lastId === finalSegment.id) { text += "->final"; } else { text += `;\n${finalSegment.id}->final`; } lastId = null; }); codePath.thrownSegments.forEach(finalSegment => { if (lastId === finalSegment.id) { text += "->thrown"; } else { text += `;\n${finalSegment.id}->thrown`; } lastId = null; }); return `${text};`; } };