"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getNodeName = getNodeName; exports.scopeHasLocalReference = exports.getJestFunctionArguments = exports.isEachCall = exports.isDescribe = exports.isTestCase = exports.getTestCallExpressionsFromDeclaredVariables = exports.isHook = exports.isFunction = exports.TestCaseProperty = exports.DescribeProperty = exports.HookName = exports.TestCaseName = exports.DescribeAlias = exports.parseExpectCall = exports.isParsedEqualityMatcherCall = exports.EqualityMatcher = exports.ModifierName = exports.isExpectMember = exports.isExpectCall = exports.getAccessorValue = exports.isSupportedAccessor = exports.hasOnlyOneArgument = exports.getStringValue = exports.isStringNode = exports.followTypeAssertionChain = exports.createRule = void 0; var _path = require("path"); var _experimentalUtils = require("@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils"); var _package = require("../../package.json"); const REPO_URL = 'https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest'; const createRule = _experimentalUtils.ESLintUtils.RuleCreator(name => { const ruleName = (0, _path.parse)(name).name; return `${REPO_URL}/blob/v${_package.version}/docs/rules/${ruleName}.md`; }); exports.createRule = createRule; const isTypeCastExpression = node => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSAsExpression || node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSTypeAssertion; const followTypeAssertionChain = expression => isTypeCastExpression(expression) ? followTypeAssertionChain(expression.expression) : expression; /** * A `Literal` with a `value` of type `string`. */ exports.followTypeAssertionChain = followTypeAssertionChain; /** * Checks if the given `node` is a `StringLiteral`. * * If a `value` is provided & the `node` is a `StringLiteral`, * the `value` will be compared to that of the `StringLiteral`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {V} [value] * * @return {node is StringLiteral<V>} * * @template V */ const isStringLiteral = (node, value) => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Literal && typeof node.value === 'string' && (value === undefined || node.value === value); /** * Checks if the given `node` is a `TemplateLiteral`. * * Complex `TemplateLiteral`s are not considered specific, and so will return `false`. * * If a `value` is provided & the `node` is a `TemplateLiteral`, * the `value` will be compared to that of the `TemplateLiteral`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {V} [value] * * @return {node is TemplateLiteral<V>} * * @template V */ const isTemplateLiteral = (node, value) => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.TemplateLiteral && node.quasis.length === 1 && ( // bail out if not simple value === undefined || node.quasis[0].value.raw === value); /** * Checks if the given `node` is a {@link StringNode}. * * @param {Node} node * @param {V} [specifics] * * @return {node is StringNode} * * @template V */ const isStringNode = (node, specifics) => isStringLiteral(node, specifics) || isTemplateLiteral(node, specifics); /** * Gets the value of the given `StringNode`. * * If the `node` is a `TemplateLiteral`, the `raw` value is used; * otherwise, `value` is returned instead. * * @param {StringNode<S>} node * * @return {S} * * @template S */ exports.isStringNode = isStringNode; const getStringValue = node => isTemplateLiteral(node) ? node.quasis[0].value.raw : node.value; /** * Represents a `MemberExpression` with a "known" `property`. */ exports.getStringValue = getStringValue; /** * Guards that the given `call` has only one `argument`. * * @param {CallExpression} call * * @return {call is CallExpressionWithSingleArgument} */ const hasOnlyOneArgument = call => call.arguments.length === 1; /** * An `Identifier` with a known `name` value - i.e `expect`. */ exports.hasOnlyOneArgument = hasOnlyOneArgument; /** * Checks if the given `node` is an `Identifier`. * * If a `name` is provided, & the `node` is an `Identifier`, * the `name` will be compared to that of the `identifier`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {V} [name] * * @return {node is KnownIdentifier<Name>} * * @template V */ const isIdentifier = (node, name) => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && (name === undefined || node.name === name); /** * Checks if the given `node` is a "supported accessor". * * This means that it's a node can be used to access properties, * and who's "value" can be statically determined. * * `MemberExpression` nodes most commonly contain accessors, * but it's possible for other nodes to contain them. * * If a `value` is provided & the `node` is an `AccessorNode`, * the `value` will be compared to that of the `AccessorNode`. * * Note that `value` here refers to the normalised value. * The property that holds the value is not always called `name`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {V} [value] * * @return {node is AccessorNode<V>} * * @template V */ const isSupportedAccessor = (node, value) => isIdentifier(node, value) || isStringNode(node, value); /** * Gets the value of the given `AccessorNode`, * account for the different node types. * * @param {AccessorNode<S>} accessor * * @return {S} * * @template S */ exports.isSupportedAccessor = isSupportedAccessor; const getAccessorValue = accessor => accessor.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier ? accessor.name : getStringValue(accessor); exports.getAccessorValue = getAccessorValue; /** * Checks if the given `node` is a valid `ExpectCall`. * * In order to be an `ExpectCall`, the `node` must: * * be a `CallExpression`, * * have an accessor named 'expect', * * have a `parent`. * * @param {Node} node * * @return {node is ExpectCall} */ const isExpectCall = node => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression && isSupportedAccessor(node.callee, 'expect') && node.parent !== undefined; exports.isExpectCall = isExpectCall; const isExpectMember = (node, name) => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && isSupportedAccessor(node.property, name); /** * Represents all the jest matchers. */ exports.isExpectMember = isExpectMember; let ModifierName; exports.ModifierName = ModifierName; (function (ModifierName) { ModifierName["not"] = "not"; ModifierName["rejects"] = "rejects"; ModifierName["resolves"] = "resolves"; })(ModifierName || (exports.ModifierName = ModifierName = {})); let EqualityMatcher; exports.EqualityMatcher = EqualityMatcher; (function (EqualityMatcher) { EqualityMatcher["toBe"] = "toBe"; EqualityMatcher["toEqual"] = "toEqual"; EqualityMatcher["toStrictEqual"] = "toStrictEqual"; })(EqualityMatcher || (exports.EqualityMatcher = EqualityMatcher = {})); const isParsedEqualityMatcherCall = (matcher, name) => (name ? matcher.name === name : EqualityMatcher.hasOwnProperty(matcher.name)) && matcher.arguments !== null && matcher.arguments.length === 1; /** * Represents a parsed expect matcher, such as `toBe`, `toContain`, and so on. */ exports.isParsedEqualityMatcherCall = isParsedEqualityMatcherCall; const parseExpectMember = expectMember => ({ name: getAccessorValue(expectMember.property), node: expectMember }); const reparseAsMatcher = parsedMember => ({ ...parsedMember, /** * The arguments being passed to this `Matcher`, if any. * * If this matcher isn't called, this will be `null`. */ arguments: parsedMember.node.parent && parsedMember.node.parent.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression ? parsedMember.node.parent.arguments : null }); /** * Re-parses the given `parsedMember` as a `ParsedExpectModifier`. * * If the given `parsedMember` does not have a `name` of a valid `Modifier`, * an exception will be thrown. * * @param {ParsedExpectMember<ModifierName>} parsedMember * * @return {ParsedExpectModifier} */ const reparseMemberAsModifier = parsedMember => { if (isSpecificMember(parsedMember, ModifierName.not)) { return parsedMember; } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!isSpecificMember(parsedMember, ModifierName.resolves) && !isSpecificMember(parsedMember, ModifierName.rejects)) { // ts doesn't think that the ModifierName.not check is the direct inverse as the above two checks // todo: impossible at runtime, but can't be typed w/o negation support throw new Error(`modifier name must be either "${ModifierName.resolves}" or "${ModifierName.rejects}" (got "${parsedMember.name}")`); } const negation = parsedMember.node.parent && isExpectMember(parsedMember.node.parent, ModifierName.not) ? parsedMember.node.parent : undefined; return { ...parsedMember, negation }; }; const isSpecificMember = (member, specific) => member.name === specific; /** * Checks if the given `ParsedExpectMember` should be re-parsed as an `ParsedExpectModifier`. * * @param {ParsedExpectMember} member * * @return {member is ParsedExpectMember<ModifierName>} */ const shouldBeParsedExpectModifier = member => ModifierName.hasOwnProperty(member.name); const parseExpectCall = expect => { const expectation = { expect }; if (!isExpectMember(expect.parent)) { return expectation; } const parsedMember = parseExpectMember(expect.parent); if (!shouldBeParsedExpectModifier(parsedMember)) { expectation.matcher = reparseAsMatcher(parsedMember); return expectation; } const modifier = expectation.modifier = reparseMemberAsModifier(parsedMember); const memberNode = modifier.negation || modifier.node; if (!memberNode.parent || !isExpectMember(memberNode.parent)) { return expectation; } expectation.matcher = reparseAsMatcher(parseExpectMember(memberNode.parent)); return expectation; }; exports.parseExpectCall = parseExpectCall; let DescribeAlias; exports.DescribeAlias = DescribeAlias; (function (DescribeAlias) { DescribeAlias["describe"] = "describe"; DescribeAlias["fdescribe"] = "fdescribe"; DescribeAlias["xdescribe"] = "xdescribe"; })(DescribeAlias || (exports.DescribeAlias = DescribeAlias = {})); let TestCaseName; exports.TestCaseName = TestCaseName; (function (TestCaseName) { TestCaseName["fit"] = "fit"; TestCaseName["it"] = "it"; TestCaseName["test"] = "test"; TestCaseName["xit"] = "xit"; TestCaseName["xtest"] = "xtest"; })(TestCaseName || (exports.TestCaseName = TestCaseName = {})); let HookName; exports.HookName = HookName; (function (HookName) { HookName["beforeAll"] = "beforeAll"; HookName["beforeEach"] = "beforeEach"; HookName["afterAll"] = "afterAll"; HookName["afterEach"] = "afterEach"; })(HookName || (exports.HookName = HookName = {})); let DescribeProperty; exports.DescribeProperty = DescribeProperty; (function (DescribeProperty) { DescribeProperty["each"] = "each"; DescribeProperty["only"] = "only"; DescribeProperty["skip"] = "skip"; })(DescribeProperty || (exports.DescribeProperty = DescribeProperty = {})); let TestCaseProperty; exports.TestCaseProperty = TestCaseProperty; (function (TestCaseProperty) { TestCaseProperty["each"] = "each"; TestCaseProperty["concurrent"] = "concurrent"; TestCaseProperty["only"] = "only"; TestCaseProperty["skip"] = "skip"; TestCaseProperty["todo"] = "todo"; })(TestCaseProperty || (exports.TestCaseProperty = TestCaseProperty = {})); const joinNames = (a, b) => a && b ? `${a}.${b}` : null; function getNodeName(node) { if (isSupportedAccessor(node)) { return getAccessorValue(node); } switch (node.type) { case _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression: return joinNames(getNodeName(node.object), getNodeName(node.property)); case _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.NewExpression: case _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression: return getNodeName(node.callee); } return null; } const isFunction = node => node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.FunctionExpression || node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.ArrowFunctionExpression; exports.isFunction = isFunction; const isHook = node => node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && HookName.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.name); exports.isHook = isHook; const getTestCallExpressionsFromDeclaredVariables = declaredVariables => { return declaredVariables.reduce((acc, { references }) => acc.concat(references.map(({ identifier }) => identifier.parent).filter(node => !!node && node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression && isTestCase(node))), []); }; exports.getTestCallExpressionsFromDeclaredVariables = getTestCallExpressionsFromDeclaredVariables; const isTestCase = node => node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && TestCaseName.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.name) || node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && node.callee.property.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && TestCaseProperty.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.property.name) && (node.callee.object.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && TestCaseName.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.object.name) || node.callee.object.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && node.callee.object.object.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && TestCaseName.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.object.object.name)); exports.isTestCase = isTestCase; const isDescribe = node => node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && DescribeAlias.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.name) || node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && node.callee.object.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && DescribeAlias.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.object.name) && node.callee.property.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && DescribeProperty.hasOwnProperty(node.callee.property.name); /** * Checks if the given node` is a call to `<describe|test|it>.each(...)`. * If `true`, the code must look like `<method>.each(...)`. * * @param {JestFunctionCallExpression<DescribeAlias | TestCaseName>} node * * @return {node is JestFunctionCallExpressionWithMemberExpressionCallee<DescribeAlias | TestCaseName, DescribeProperty.each | TestCaseProperty.each>} */ exports.isDescribe = isDescribe; const isEachCall = node => node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && isSupportedAccessor(node.callee.property, DescribeProperty.each); /** * Gets the arguments of the given `JestFunctionCallExpression`. * * If the `node` is an `each` call, then the arguments of the actual suite * are returned, rather then the `each` array argument. * * @param {JestFunctionCallExpression<DescribeAlias | TestCaseName>} node * * @return {Expression[]} */ exports.isEachCall = isEachCall; const getJestFunctionArguments = node => node.callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && isSupportedAccessor(node.callee.property, DescribeProperty.each) && node.parent && node.parent.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression ? node.parent.arguments : node.arguments; exports.getJestFunctionArguments = getJestFunctionArguments; const collectReferences = scope => { const locals = new Set(); const unresolved = new Set(); let currentScope = scope; while (currentScope !== null) { for (const ref of currentScope.variables) { const isReferenceDefined = ref.defs.some(def => { return def.type !== 'ImplicitGlobalVariable'; }); if (isReferenceDefined) { locals.add(ref.name); } } for (const ref of currentScope.through) { unresolved.add(ref.identifier.name); } currentScope = currentScope.upper; } return { locals, unresolved }; }; const scopeHasLocalReference = (scope, referenceName) => { const references = collectReferences(scope); return (// referenceName was found as a local variable or function declaration. references.locals.has(referenceName) || // referenceName was not found as an unresolved reference, // meaning it is likely not an implicit global reference. !references.unresolved.has(referenceName) ); }; exports.scopeHasLocalReference = scopeHasLocalReference;