/** * @fileoverview A helper that translates context.report() calls from the rule API into generic problem objects * @author Teddy Katz */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const assert = require("assert"); const ruleFixer = require("./rule-fixer"); const interpolate = require("./interpolate"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Typedefs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * An error message description * @typedef {Object} MessageDescriptor * @property {ASTNode} [node] The reported node * @property {Location} loc The location of the problem. * @property {string} message The problem message. * @property {Object} [data] Optional data to use to fill in placeholders in the * message. * @property {Function} [fix] The function to call that creates a fix command. * @property {Array<{desc?: string, messageId?: string, fix: Function}>} suggest Suggestion descriptions and functions to create a the associated fixes. */ /** * Information about the report * @typedef {Object} ReportInfo * @property {string} ruleId * @property {(0|1|2)} severity * @property {(string|undefined)} message * @property {(string|undefined)} [messageId] * @property {number} line * @property {number} column * @property {(number|undefined)} [endLine] * @property {(number|undefined)} [endColumn] * @property {(string|null)} nodeType * @property {string} source * @property {({text: string, range: (number[]|null)}|null)} [fix] * @property {Array<{text: string, range: (number[]|null)}|null>} [suggestions] */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Translates a multi-argument context.report() call into a single object argument call * @param {...*} args A list of arguments passed to `context.report` * @returns {MessageDescriptor} A normalized object containing report information */ function normalizeMultiArgReportCall(...args) { // If there is one argument, it is considered to be a new-style call already. if (args.length === 1) { // Shallow clone the object to avoid surprises if reusing the descriptor return Object.assign({}, args[0]); } // If the second argument is a string, the arguments are interpreted as [node, message, data, fix]. if (typeof args[1] === "string") { return { node: args[0], message: args[1], data: args[2], fix: args[3] }; } // Otherwise, the arguments are interpreted as [node, loc, message, data, fix]. return { node: args[0], loc: args[1], message: args[2], data: args[3], fix: args[4] }; } /** * Asserts that either a loc or a node was provided, and the node is valid if it was provided. * @param {MessageDescriptor} descriptor A descriptor to validate * @returns {void} * @throws AssertionError if neither a node nor a loc was provided, or if the node is not an object */ function assertValidNodeInfo(descriptor) { if (descriptor.node) { assert(typeof descriptor.node === "object", "Node must be an object"); } else { assert(descriptor.loc, "Node must be provided when reporting error if location is not provided"); } } /** * Normalizes a MessageDescriptor to always have a `loc` with `start` and `end` properties * @param {MessageDescriptor} descriptor A descriptor for the report from a rule. * @returns {{start: Location, end: (Location|null)}} An updated location that infers the `start` and `end` properties * from the `node` of the original descriptor, or infers the `start` from the `loc` of the original descriptor. */ function normalizeReportLoc(descriptor) { if (descriptor.loc) { if (descriptor.loc.start) { return descriptor.loc; } return { start: descriptor.loc, end: null }; } return descriptor.node.loc; } /** * Compares items in a fixes array by range. * @param {Fix} a The first message. * @param {Fix} b The second message. * @returns {int} -1 if a comes before b, 1 if a comes after b, 0 if equal. * @private */ function compareFixesByRange(a, b) { return a.range[0] - b.range[0] || a.range[1] - b.range[1]; } /** * Merges the given fixes array into one. * @param {Fix[]} fixes The fixes to merge. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The source code object to get the text between fixes. * @returns {{text: string, range: number[]}} The merged fixes */ function mergeFixes(fixes, sourceCode) { if (fixes.length === 0) { return null; } if (fixes.length === 1) { return fixes[0]; } fixes.sort(compareFixesByRange); const originalText = sourceCode.text; const start = fixes[0].range[0]; const end = fixes[fixes.length - 1].range[1]; let text = ""; let lastPos = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const fix of fixes) { assert(fix.range[0] >= lastPos, "Fix objects must not be overlapped in a report."); if (fix.range[0] >= 0) { text += originalText.slice(Math.max(0, start, lastPos), fix.range[0]); } text += fix.text; lastPos = fix.range[1]; } text += originalText.slice(Math.max(0, start, lastPos), end); return { range: [start, end], text }; } /** * Gets one fix object from the given descriptor. * If the descriptor retrieves multiple fixes, this merges those to one. * @param {MessageDescriptor} descriptor The report descriptor. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The source code object to get text between fixes. * @returns {({text: string, range: number[]}|null)} The fix for the descriptor */ function normalizeFixes(descriptor, sourceCode) { if (typeof descriptor.fix !== "function") { return null; } // @type {null | Fix | Fix[] | IterableIterator<Fix>} const fix = descriptor.fix(ruleFixer); // Merge to one. if (fix && Symbol.iterator in fix) { return mergeFixes(Array.from(fix), sourceCode); } return fix; } /** * Gets an array of suggestion objects from the given descriptor. * @param {MessageDescriptor} descriptor The report descriptor. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The source code object to get text between fixes. * @param {Object} messages Object of meta messages for the rule. * @returns {Array<SuggestionResult>} The suggestions for the descriptor */ function mapSuggestions(descriptor, sourceCode, messages) { if (!descriptor.suggest || !Array.isArray(descriptor.suggest)) { return []; } return descriptor.suggest.map(suggestInfo => { const computedDesc = suggestInfo.desc || messages[suggestInfo.messageId]; return { ...suggestInfo, desc: interpolate(computedDesc, suggestInfo.data), fix: normalizeFixes(suggestInfo, sourceCode) }; }); } /** * Creates information about the report from a descriptor * @param {Object} options Information about the problem * @param {string} options.ruleId Rule ID * @param {(0|1|2)} options.severity Rule severity * @param {(ASTNode|null)} options.node Node * @param {string} options.message Error message * @param {string} [options.messageId] The error message ID. * @param {{start: SourceLocation, end: (SourceLocation|null)}} options.loc Start and end location * @param {{text: string, range: (number[]|null)}} options.fix The fix object * @param {Array<{text: string, range: (number[]|null)}>} options.suggestions The array of suggestions objects * @returns {function(...args): ReportInfo} Function that returns information about the report */ function createProblem(options) { const problem = { ruleId: options.ruleId, severity: options.severity, message: options.message, line: options.loc.start.line, column: options.loc.start.column + 1, nodeType: options.node && options.node.type || null }; /* * If this isn’t in the conditional, some of the tests fail * because `messageId` is present in the problem object */ if (options.messageId) { problem.messageId = options.messageId; } if (options.loc.end) { problem.endLine = options.loc.end.line; problem.endColumn = options.loc.end.column + 1; } if (options.fix) { problem.fix = options.fix; } if (options.suggestions && options.suggestions.length > 0) { problem.suggestions = options.suggestions; } return problem; } /** * Validates that suggestions are properly defined. Throws if an error is detected. * @param {Array<{ desc?: string, messageId?: string }>} suggest The incoming suggest data. * @param {Object} messages Object of meta messages for the rule. * @returns {void} */ function validateSuggestions(suggest, messages) { if (suggest && Array.isArray(suggest)) { suggest.forEach(suggestion => { if (suggestion.messageId) { const { messageId } = suggestion; if (!messages) { throw new TypeError(`context.report() called with a suggest option with a messageId '${messageId}', but no messages were present in the rule metadata.`); } if (!messages[messageId]) { throw new TypeError(`context.report() called with a suggest option with a messageId '${messageId}' which is not present in the 'messages' config: ${JSON.stringify(messages, null, 2)}`); } if (suggestion.desc) { throw new TypeError("context.report() called with a suggest option that defines both a 'messageId' and an 'desc'. Please only pass one."); } } else if (!suggestion.desc) { throw new TypeError("context.report() called with a suggest option that doesn't have either a `desc` or `messageId`"); } if (typeof suggestion.fix !== "function") { throw new TypeError(`context.report() called with a suggest option without a fix function. See: ${suggestion}`); } }); } } /** * Returns a function that converts the arguments of a `context.report` call from a rule into a reported * problem for the Node.js API. * @param {{ruleId: string, severity: number, sourceCode: SourceCode, messageIds: Object, disableFixes: boolean}} metadata Metadata for the reported problem * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The `SourceCode` instance for the text being linted * @returns {function(...args): ReportInfo} Function that returns information about the report */ module.exports = function createReportTranslator(metadata) { /* * `createReportTranslator` gets called once per enabled rule per file. It needs to be very performant. * The report translator itself (i.e. the function that `createReportTranslator` returns) gets * called every time a rule reports a problem, which happens much less frequently (usually, the vast * majority of rules don't report any problems for a given file). */ return (...args) => { const descriptor = normalizeMultiArgReportCall(...args); const messages = metadata.messageIds; assertValidNodeInfo(descriptor); let computedMessage; if (descriptor.messageId) { if (!messages) { throw new TypeError("context.report() called with a messageId, but no messages were present in the rule metadata."); } const id = descriptor.messageId; if (descriptor.message) { throw new TypeError("context.report() called with a message and a messageId. Please only pass one."); } if (!messages || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(messages, id)) { throw new TypeError(`context.report() called with a messageId of '${id}' which is not present in the 'messages' config: ${JSON.stringify(messages, null, 2)}`); } computedMessage = messages[id]; } else if (descriptor.message) { computedMessage = descriptor.message; } else { throw new TypeError("Missing `message` property in report() call; add a message that describes the linting problem."); } validateSuggestions(descriptor.suggest, messages); return createProblem({ ruleId: metadata.ruleId, severity: metadata.severity, node: descriptor.node, message: interpolate(computedMessage, descriptor.data), messageId: descriptor.messageId, loc: normalizeReportLoc(descriptor), fix: metadata.disableFixes ? null : normalizeFixes(descriptor, metadata.sourceCode), suggestions: metadata.disableFixes ? [] : mapSuggestions(descriptor, metadata.sourceCode, messages) }); }; };