/** * @fileoverview Helper to locate and load configuration files. * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const fs = require("fs"), path = require("path"), stringify = require("json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify"); const debug = require("debug")("eslint:config-file"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Determines sort order for object keys for json-stable-stringify * * see: https://github.com/samn/json-stable-stringify#cmp * @param {Object} a The first comparison object ({key: akey, value: avalue}) * @param {Object} b The second comparison object ({key: bkey, value: bvalue}) * @returns {number} 1 or -1, used in stringify cmp method */ function sortByKey(a, b) { return a.key > b.key ? 1 : -1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Writes a configuration file in JSON format. * @param {Object} config The configuration object to write. * @param {string} filePath The filename to write to. * @returns {void} * @private */ function writeJSONConfigFile(config, filePath) { debug(`Writing JSON config file: ${filePath}`); const content = `${stringify(config, { cmp: sortByKey, space: 4 })}\n`; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, "utf8"); } /** * Writes a configuration file in YAML format. * @param {Object} config The configuration object to write. * @param {string} filePath The filename to write to. * @returns {void} * @private */ function writeYAMLConfigFile(config, filePath) { debug(`Writing YAML config file: ${filePath}`); // lazy load YAML to improve performance when not used const yaml = require("js-yaml"); const content = yaml.safeDump(config, { sortKeys: true }); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, "utf8"); } /** * Writes a configuration file in JavaScript format. * @param {Object} config The configuration object to write. * @param {string} filePath The filename to write to. * @throws {Error} If an error occurs linting the config file contents. * @returns {void} * @private */ function writeJSConfigFile(config, filePath) { debug(`Writing JS config file: ${filePath}`); let contentToWrite; const stringifiedContent = `module.exports = ${stringify(config, { cmp: sortByKey, space: 4 })};\n`; try { const { CLIEngine } = require("../cli-engine"); const linter = new CLIEngine({ baseConfig: config, fix: true, useEslintrc: false }); const report = linter.executeOnText(stringifiedContent); contentToWrite = report.results[0].output || stringifiedContent; } catch (e) { debug("Error linting JavaScript config file, writing unlinted version"); const errorMessage = e.message; contentToWrite = stringifiedContent; e.message = "An error occurred while generating your JavaScript config file. "; e.message += "A config file was still generated, but the config file itself may not follow your linting rules."; e.message += `\nError: ${errorMessage}`; throw e; } finally { fs.writeFileSync(filePath, contentToWrite, "utf8"); } } /** * Writes a configuration file. * @param {Object} config The configuration object to write. * @param {string} filePath The filename to write to. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} When an unknown file type is specified. * @private */ function write(config, filePath) { switch (path.extname(filePath)) { case ".js": writeJSConfigFile(config, filePath); break; case ".json": writeJSONConfigFile(config, filePath); break; case ".yaml": case ".yml": writeYAMLConfigFile(config, filePath); break; default: throw new Error("Can't write to unknown file type."); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { write };