# 🚀 Webhook Action [![GitHub Release][ico-release]][link-github-release] [![License][ico-license]](LICENSE) A Github Action for sending a webhook event any endpoint Supports all [workflow event types](https://developer.github.com/webhooks/#events)
## Usage Example: ```yml - name: Webhook uses: joelwmale/webhook-action@master with: url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }} headers: '{"repository": "joelwmale/webhook-action"}' body: '{"event": "deployment", "repository": "joelwmale/webhook-action"}' ``` It is **highly** recommended to use the action is an explicit commit SHA-1: `uses = "joelwmale/webhook-action@{SHA-1}"` to find a commit click [here.](https://github.com/joelwmale/webhook-action/commits/master) ## Action Input The action has support for the following input variables (arguments): * **`url`** (**required**): The url to send the webhook to * **`headers`** (**optional**): Any headers you want to be sent with the webhook * **`body`** (**optional**): The body of data send with the webhook * **`insecure`** (**optional**): Enables calling to known self-signed or invalid SSL certificates You can find more information on how to use these input variables below. ## Arguments #### Headers **Required:** false Allows you to send custom headers with the request ```yml headers: '{"repository": "joelwmale/webhook-action"}' ``` #### Body **Required:** false **Must be a stringified JSON payload** Allows you to send a custom JSON object to the webhook ```yml body: '{"event": "deployment", "repository": "joelwmale/webhook-action"}' ``` ## Issues If you find any issues or have an improvement feel free to [submit an issue](https://github.com/joelwmale/webhook-action/issues/new) ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE) for more information. [ico-release]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/joelwmale/webhook-action.svg [ico-license]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-brightgreen.svg [link-github-release]: https://github.com/joelwmale/webhook-action/releases