# dynamic imports require a leading comment with a webpackChunkName (dynamic-import-chunkname) This rule reports any dynamic imports without a webpackChunkName specified in a leading block comment in the proper format. This rule enforces naming of webpack chunks in dynamic imports. When you don't explicitly name chunks, webpack will autogenerate chunk names that are not consistent across builds, which prevents long-term browser caching. ## Rule Details This rule runs against `import()` by default, but can be configured to also run against an alternative dynamic-import function, e.g. 'dynamicImport.' You can also configure the regex format you'd like to accept for the webpackChunkName - for example, if we don't want the number 6 to show up in our chunk names: ```javascript { "dynamic-import-chunkname": [2, { importFunctions: ["dynamicImport"], webpackChunknameFormat: "[a-zA-Z0-57-9-/_]+" }] } ``` ### invalid The following patterns are invalid: ```javascript // no leading comment import('someModule'); // incorrectly formatted comment import( /*webpackChunkName:"someModule"*/ 'someModule', ); import( /* webpackChunkName : "someModule" */ 'someModule', ); // chunkname contains a 6 (forbidden by rule config) import( /* webpackChunkName: "someModule6" */ 'someModule', ); // invalid syntax for webpack comment import( /* totally not webpackChunkName: "someModule" */ 'someModule', ); // single-line comment, not a block-style comment import( // webpackChunkName: "someModule" 'someModule', ); ``` ### valid The following patterns are valid: ```javascript import( /* webpackChunkName: "someModule" */ 'someModule', ); import( /* webpackChunkName: "someOtherModule12345789" */ 'someModule', ); import( /* webpackChunkName: "someModule" */ /* webpackPrefetch: true */ 'someModule', ); import( /* webpackChunkName: "someModule", webpackPrefetch: true */ 'someModule', ); // using single quotes instead of double quotes import( /* webpackChunkName: 'someModule' */ 'someModule', ); ``` ## When Not To Use It If you don't care that webpack will autogenerate chunk names and may blow up browser caches and bundle size reports.