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synced 2024-08-25 08:08:00 +00:00

- Convert project to Javascript/Typescript - Allow custom headers to be passed in (optional) - Allow body to be optional
244 lines
5.6 KiB
244 lines
5.6 KiB
'use strict';
const readline = require('readline');
const combos = require('./combos');
/* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
const metaKeyCodeRe = /^(?:\x1b)([a-zA-Z0-9])$/;
const fnKeyRe = /^(?:\x1b+)(O|N|\[|\[\[)(?:(\d+)(?:;(\d+))?([~^$])|(?:1;)?(\d+)?([a-zA-Z]))/;
const keyName = {
/* xterm/gnome ESC O letter */
'OP': 'f1',
'OQ': 'f2',
'OR': 'f3',
'OS': 'f4',
/* xterm/rxvt ESC [ number ~ */
'[11~': 'f1',
'[12~': 'f2',
'[13~': 'f3',
'[14~': 'f4',
/* from Cygwin and used in libuv */
'[[A': 'f1',
'[[B': 'f2',
'[[C': 'f3',
'[[D': 'f4',
'[[E': 'f5',
/* common */
'[15~': 'f5',
'[17~': 'f6',
'[18~': 'f7',
'[19~': 'f8',
'[20~': 'f9',
'[21~': 'f10',
'[23~': 'f11',
'[24~': 'f12',
/* xterm ESC [ letter */
'[A': 'up',
'[B': 'down',
'[C': 'right',
'[D': 'left',
'[E': 'clear',
'[F': 'end',
'[H': 'home',
/* xterm/gnome ESC O letter */
'OA': 'up',
'OB': 'down',
'OC': 'right',
'OD': 'left',
'OE': 'clear',
'OF': 'end',
'OH': 'home',
/* xterm/rxvt ESC [ number ~ */
'[1~': 'home',
'[2~': 'insert',
'[3~': 'delete',
'[4~': 'end',
'[5~': 'pageup',
'[6~': 'pagedown',
/* putty */
'[[5~': 'pageup',
'[[6~': 'pagedown',
/* rxvt */
'[7~': 'home',
'[8~': 'end',
/* rxvt keys with modifiers */
'[a': 'up',
'[b': 'down',
'[c': 'right',
'[d': 'left',
'[e': 'clear',
'[2$': 'insert',
'[3$': 'delete',
'[5$': 'pageup',
'[6$': 'pagedown',
'[7$': 'home',
'[8$': 'end',
'Oa': 'up',
'Ob': 'down',
'Oc': 'right',
'Od': 'left',
'Oe': 'clear',
'[2^': 'insert',
'[3^': 'delete',
'[5^': 'pageup',
'[6^': 'pagedown',
'[7^': 'home',
'[8^': 'end',
/* misc. */
'[Z': 'tab',
function isShiftKey(code) {
return ['[a', '[b', '[c', '[d', '[e', '[2$', '[3$', '[5$', '[6$', '[7$', '[8$', '[Z'].includes(code)
function isCtrlKey(code) {
return [ 'Oa', 'Ob', 'Oc', 'Od', 'Oe', '[2^', '[3^', '[5^', '[6^', '[7^', '[8^'].includes(code)
const keypress = (s = '', event = {}) => {
let parts;
let key = {
name: event.name,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
option: false,
sequence: s,
raw: s,
if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) {
if (s[0] > 127 && s[1] === void 0) {
s[0] -= 128;
s = '\x1b' + String(s);
} else {
s = String(s);
} else if (s !== void 0 && typeof s !== 'string') {
s = String(s);
} else if (!s) {
s = key.sequence || '';
key.sequence = key.sequence || s || key.name;
if (s === '\r') {
// carriage return
key.raw = void 0;
key.name = 'return';
} else if (s === '\n') {
// enter, should have been called linefeed
key.name = 'enter';
} else if (s === '\t') {
// tab
key.name = 'tab';
} else if (s === '\b' || s === '\x7f' || s === '\x1b\x7f' || s === '\x1b\b') {
// backspace or ctrl+h
key.name = 'backspace';
key.meta = s.charAt(0) === '\x1b';
} else if (s === '\x1b' || s === '\x1b\x1b') {
// escape key
key.name = 'escape';
key.meta = s.length === 2;
} else if (s === ' ' || s === '\x1b ') {
key.name = 'space';
key.meta = s.length === 2;
} else if (s <= '\x1a') {
// ctrl+letter
key.name = String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) + 'a'.charCodeAt(0) - 1);
key.ctrl = true;
} else if (s.length === 1 && s >= '0' && s <= '9') {
// number
key.name = 'number';
} else if (s.length === 1 && s >= 'a' && s <= 'z') {
// lowercase letter
key.name = s;
} else if (s.length === 1 && s >= 'A' && s <= 'Z') {
// shift+letter
key.name = s.toLowerCase();
key.shift = true;
} else if ((parts = metaKeyCodeRe.exec(s))) {
// meta+character key
key.meta = true;
key.shift = /^[A-Z]$/.test(parts[1]);
} else if ((parts = fnKeyRe.exec(s))) {
let segs = [...s];
if (segs[0] === '\u001b' && segs[1] === '\u001b') {
key.option = true;
// ansi escape sequence
// reassemble the key code leaving out leading \x1b's,
// the modifier key bitflag and any meaningless "1;" sequence
let code = [parts[1], parts[2], parts[4], parts[6]].filter(Boolean).join('');
let modifier = (parts[3] || parts[5] || 1) - 1;
// Parse the key modifier
key.ctrl = !!(modifier & 4);
key.meta = !!(modifier & 10);
key.shift = !!(modifier & 1);
key.code = code;
key.name = keyName[code];
key.shift = isShiftKey(code) || key.shift;
key.ctrl = isCtrlKey(code) || key.ctrl;
return key;
keypress.listen = (options = {}, onKeypress) => {
let { stdin } = options;
if (!stdin || (stdin !== process.stdin && !stdin.isTTY)) {
throw new Error('Invalid stream passed');
let rl = readline.createInterface({ terminal: true, input: stdin });
readline.emitKeypressEvents(stdin, rl);
let on = (buf, key) => onKeypress(buf, keypress(buf, key), rl);
let isRaw = stdin.isRaw;
if (stdin.isTTY) stdin.setRawMode(true);
stdin.on('keypress', on);
let off = () => {
if (stdin.isTTY) stdin.setRawMode(isRaw);
stdin.removeListener('keypress', on);
return off;
keypress.action = (buf, key, customActions) => {
let obj = { ...combos, ...customActions };
if (key.ctrl) {
key.action = obj.ctrl[key.name];
return key;
if (key.option && obj.option) {
key.action = obj.option[key.name];
return key;
if (key.shift) {
key.action = obj.shift[key.name];
return key;
key.action = obj.keys[key.name];
return key;
module.exports = keypress;