Joel Male 1ada95e04a
v2.0.0 (#12)
- Convert project to Javascript/Typescript
- Allow custom headers to be passed in (optional)
- Allow body to be optional
2020-08-26 10:52:47 +10:00

130 lines
2.4 KiB

// Generated by LiveScript 1.6.0
var max, min, negate, abs, signum, quot, rem, div, mod, recip, pi, tau, exp, sqrt, ln, pow, sin, tan, cos, asin, acos, atan, atan2, truncate, round, ceiling, floor, isItNaN, even, odd, gcd, lcm;
max = curry$(function(x$, y$){
return x$ > y$ ? x$ : y$;
min = curry$(function(x$, y$){
return x$ < y$ ? x$ : y$;
negate = function(x){
return -x;
abs = Math.abs;
signum = function(x){
if (x < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (x > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
quot = curry$(function(x, y){
return ~~(x / y);
rem = curry$(function(x$, y$){
return x$ % y$;
div = curry$(function(x, y){
return Math.floor(x / y);
mod = curry$(function(x$, y$){
var ref$;
return ((x$) % (ref$ = y$) + ref$) % ref$;
recip = (function(it){
return 1 / it;
pi = Math.PI;
tau = pi * 2;
exp = Math.exp;
sqrt = Math.sqrt;
ln = Math.log;
pow = curry$(function(x$, y$){
return Math.pow(x$, y$);
sin = Math.sin;
tan = Math.tan;
cos = Math.cos;
asin = Math.asin;
acos = Math.acos;
atan = Math.atan;
atan2 = curry$(function(x, y){
return Math.atan2(x, y);
truncate = function(x){
return ~~x;
round = Math.round;
ceiling = Math.ceil;
floor = Math.floor;
isItNaN = function(x){
return x !== x;
even = function(x){
return x % 2 === 0;
odd = function(x){
return x % 2 !== 0;
gcd = curry$(function(x, y){
var z;
x = Math.abs(x);
y = Math.abs(y);
while (y !== 0) {
z = x % y;
x = y;
y = z;
return x;
lcm = curry$(function(x, y){
return Math.abs(Math.floor(x / gcd(x, y) * y));
module.exports = {
max: max,
min: min,
negate: negate,
abs: abs,
signum: signum,
quot: quot,
rem: rem,
div: div,
mod: mod,
recip: recip,
pi: pi,
tau: tau,
exp: exp,
sqrt: sqrt,
ln: ln,
pow: pow,
sin: sin,
tan: tan,
cos: cos,
acos: acos,
asin: asin,
atan: atan,
atan2: atan2,
truncate: truncate,
round: round,
ceiling: ceiling,
floor: floor,
isItNaN: isItNaN,
even: even,
odd: odd,
gcd: gcd,
lcm: lcm
function curry$(f, bound){
var context,
_curry = function(args) {
return f.length > 1 ? function(){
var params = args ? args.concat() : [];
context = bound ? context || this : this;
return params.push.apply(params, arguments) <
f.length && arguments.length ?
_curry.call(context, params) : f.apply(context, params);
} : f;
return _curry();