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synced 2024-08-25 08:08:00 +00:00

- Convert project to Javascript/Typescript - Allow custom headers to be passed in (optional) - Allow body to be optional
197 lines
5.0 KiB
197 lines
5.0 KiB
'use strict';
const colors = require('ansi-colors');
const SelectPrompt = require('./select');
const placeholder = require('../placeholder');
class FormPrompt extends SelectPrompt {
constructor(options) {
super({ ...options, multiple: true });
this.type = 'form';
this.initial = this.options.initial;
this.align = [this.options.align, 'right'].find(v => v != null);
this.emptyError = '';
this.values = {};
async reset(first) {
await super.reset();
if (first === true) this._index = this.index;
this.index = this._index;
this.values = {};
this.choices.forEach(choice => choice.reset && choice.reset());
return this.render();
dispatch(char) {
return !!char && this.append(char);
append(char) {
let choice = this.focused;
if (!choice) return this.alert();
let { cursor, input } = choice;
choice.value = choice.input = input.slice(0, cursor) + char + input.slice(cursor);
return this.render();
delete() {
let choice = this.focused;
if (!choice || choice.cursor <= 0) return this.alert();
let { cursor, input } = choice;
choice.value = choice.input = input.slice(0, cursor - 1) + input.slice(cursor);
return this.render();
deleteForward() {
let choice = this.focused;
if (!choice) return this.alert();
let { cursor, input } = choice;
if (input[cursor] === void 0) return this.alert();
let str = `${input}`.slice(0, cursor) + `${input}`.slice(cursor + 1);
choice.value = choice.input = str;
return this.render();
right() {
let choice = this.focused;
if (!choice) return this.alert();
if (choice.cursor >= choice.input.length) return this.alert();
return this.render();
left() {
let choice = this.focused;
if (!choice) return this.alert();
if (choice.cursor <= 0) return this.alert();
return this.render();
space(ch, key) {
return this.dispatch(ch, key);
number(ch, key) {
return this.dispatch(ch, key);
next() {
let ch = this.focused;
if (!ch) return this.alert();
let { initial, input } = ch;
if (initial && initial.startsWith(input) && input !== initial) {
ch.value = ch.input = initial;
ch.cursor = ch.value.length;
return this.render();
return super.next();
prev() {
let ch = this.focused;
if (!ch) return this.alert();
if (ch.cursor === 0) return super.prev();
ch.value = ch.input = '';
ch.cursor = 0;
return this.render();
separator() {
return '';
format(value) {
return !this.state.submitted ? super.format(value) : '';
pointer() {
return '';
indicator(choice) {
return choice.input ? '⦿' : '⊙';
async choiceSeparator(choice, i) {
let sep = await this.resolve(choice.separator, this.state, choice, i) || ':';
return sep ? ' ' + this.styles.disabled(sep) : '';
async renderChoice(choice, i) {
await this.onChoice(choice, i);
let { state, styles } = this;
let { cursor, initial = '', name, hint, input = '' } = choice;
let { muted, submitted, primary, danger } = styles;
let help = hint;
let focused = this.index === i;
let validate = choice.validate || (() => true);
let sep = await this.choiceSeparator(choice, i);
let msg = choice.message;
if (this.align === 'right') msg = msg.padStart(this.longest + 1, ' ');
if (this.align === 'left') msg = msg.padEnd(this.longest + 1, ' ');
// re-populate the form values (answers) object
let value = this.values[name] = (input || initial);
let color = input ? 'success' : 'dark';
if ((await validate.call(choice, value, this.state)) !== true) {
color = 'danger';
let style = styles[color];
let indicator = style(await this.indicator(choice, i)) + (choice.pad || '');
let indent = this.indent(choice);
let line = () => [indent, indicator, msg + sep, input, help].filter(Boolean).join(' ');
if (state.submitted) {
msg = colors.unstyle(msg);
input = submitted(input);
help = '';
return line();
if (choice.format) {
input = await choice.format.call(this, input, choice, i);
} else {
let color = this.styles.muted;
let options = { input, initial, pos: cursor, showCursor: focused, color };
input = placeholder(this, options);
if (!this.isValue(input)) {
input = this.styles.muted(this.symbols.ellipsis);
if (choice.result) {
this.values[name] = await choice.result.call(this, value, choice, i);
if (focused) {
msg = primary(msg);
if (choice.error) {
input += (input ? ' ' : '') + danger(choice.error.trim());
} else if (choice.hint) {
input += (input ? ' ' : '') + muted(choice.hint.trim());
return line();
async submit() {
this.value = this.values;
return super.base.submit.call(this);
module.exports = FormPrompt;