
底层渲染库舍弃 zrender,换为 antvG6
This commit is contained in:
Phenom 2021-04-06 21:45:11 +08:00
parent b886f33d9e
commit 72fcf5394a
36 changed files with 1860 additions and 1401 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1 +1,2 @@

.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"cSpell.language": "en"

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES2015",
"module": "commonJS",
"removeComments": true
"exclude": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
const Engine = SV.Engine,
Group = SV.Group,
Bound = SV.Bound,
G6 = SV.G6;
class BinaryTree extends Engine {
defineOptions() {
return {
element: {
default: {
type: 'binary-tree-node',
size: [60, 30],
label: '[id]',
style: {
fill: '#b83b5e'
link: {
child: {
type: 'line',
sourceAnchor: index => index + 1,
targetAnchor: 0,
style: {
stroke: '#333',
endArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.triangle(8, 6, 0),
fill: '#333'
startArrow: {
path: G6.Arrow.circle(2, -1),
fill: '#333'
pointer: {
external: {
offset: 14,
style: {
fill: '#f08a5d'
layout: {
xInterval: 40,
yInterval: 40,
fitCenter: true
animation: {
enable: true,
duration: 750,
timingFunction: 'easePolyOut'
* 对子树进行递归布局
layoutItem(node, parent, index, layoutOptions) {
// 次双亲不进行布局
if(!node) {
return null;
let bound = node.getBound(),
width = bound.width,
height = bound.height,
group = new Group(node);
if(parent) {
node.set('y', parent.get('y') + layoutOptions.yInterval + height);
// 左节点
if(index === 0) {
node.set('x', parent.get('x') - layoutOptions.xInterval / 2 - width / 2);
// 右结点
if(index === 1) {
node.set('x', parent.get('x') + layoutOptions.xInterval / 2 + width / 2);
if(node.child && (node.child[0] || node.child[1])) {
let leftChild = node.child[0],
rightChild = node.child[1],
leftGroup = this.layoutItem(leftChild, node, 0, layoutOptions),
rightGroup = this.layoutItem(rightChild, node, 1, layoutOptions),
intersection = null,
move = 0;
// 处理左右子树相交问题
if(leftGroup && rightGroup) {
intersection = Bound.intersect(leftGroup.getBound(), rightGroup.getBound());
move = 0;
if(intersection && intersection.width > 0) {
move = (intersection.width + layoutOptions.xInterval) / 2;
leftGroup.translate(-move, 0);
rightGroup.translate(move, 0);
if(leftGroup) {
if(rightGroup) {
return group;
* 布局函数
* @param {*} elements
* @param {*} layoutOptions
layout(elements, layoutOptions) {
let nodes = elements.default,
rootNodes = [],
treeGroup = new Group(),
for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
if(node.root) {
for(i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; i++) {
root = rootNodes[i];
root.subTreeGroup = this.layoutItem(root, null, i, layoutOptions);
if(lastRoot) {
let curBound = root.subTreeGroup.getBound(),
lastBound = lastRoot.subTreeGroup.getBound();
let move = lastBound.x + lastBound.width + layoutOptions.xInterval - curBound.x;
root.subTreeGroup.translate(move, 0);
lastRoot = root;
const BTree = function(container) {
engine: new BinaryTree(container),
data: [[
{ id: 1, child: [2, 3], root: true, external: ['treeA', 'gear'] },
{ id: 2, child: [null, 6] },
{ id: 3, child: [5, 4] },
{ id: 4, external: 'foo' },
{ id: 5 },
{ id: 6, external: 'bar', child: [null, 7] },
{ id: 7 },
{ id: 8, child: [9, 10], root: true },
{ id: 9, child: [11, null] },
{ id: 10 },
{ id: 11 }
{ id: 1, child: [2, 3], root: true, external: 'treeA' },
{ id: 2, external: 'gear' },
{ id: 3, child: [5, 4] },
{ id: 4, external: 'foo' },
{ id: 5, child: [12, 13] },
{ id: 12 }, { id: 13 }

demo/demo.html Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
user-select: none;
.container {
width: 100%;
height: 600px;
background-color: #fafafa;
<div class="container" id="container"></div>
<button id="btn">change</button>
<span id="pos"></span>
<script src="./../dist/sv.js"></script>
<script src="./dataStruct/BinaryTree.js"></script>
<script src="./demo.js"></script>
const container = document.getElementById('container'),
pos = document.getElementById('pos');
container.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
let x = e.offsetX, y = e.offsetY;
pos.innerHTML = `${x},${y}`;

demo/demo.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
let cur = BTree(document.getElementById('container'));
document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', e => {

dist/sv.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"dependencies": {
"@antv/g6": "^4.2.1",
"awesome-typescript-loader": "^5.2.1",
"typescript": "^3.2.2",
"webpack": "^4.28.2",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import * as zrender from "zrender";
import { Engine } from "../engine";
import { ConstructedData } from "../Model/modelConstructor";
import { SV } from "../StructV";
import { G6Data, Renderer } from "../View/renderer";
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import * as zrender from "zrender";
export const Util = {
* id
@ -19,29 +21,11 @@ export const Util = {
* @param origin
* @param ext
* @param obj
extends(origin, ext) {
zrender.util.extend(origin, ext);
* @param origin
* @param dest
merge(origin, dest) {
zrender.util.merge(origin, dest, true);
* @param object
clone(object) {
return zrender.util.clone(object);
objectClone<T extends Object>(obj: T): T {
return obj? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)): { };
@ -55,26 +39,6 @@ export const Util = {
* @param path
getPathCenter(path: Array<[number, number]>): [number, number] {
let maxX = -Infinity,
minX = Infinity,
maxY = -Infinity,
minY = Infinity;
path.map(item => {
if(item[0] > maxX) maxX = item[0];
if(item[0] < minX) minX = item[0];
if(item[1] > maxY) maxY = item[1];
if(item[1] < minY) minY = item[1];
return [(maxX + minX) / 2, (maxY + minY) / 2];
* @param assertFn
@ -86,14 +50,6 @@ export const Util = {
* @param classConstructor
getClassName(classConstructor): string {
return classConstructor.prototype.constructor.toString().split(' ')[1];
* @param text
@ -119,6 +75,41 @@ export const Util = {
if(value <= max && value >= min) return value;
if(value > max) return max;
if(value < min) return min;
* @param constructedDataType
* @returns
converterList(constructedDataType: ConstructedData[keyof ConstructedData]) {
return [].concat(...Object.keys(constructedDataType).map(item => constructedDataType[item]));
* G6 data
* @param constructedData
* @returns
convertG6Data(constructedData: ConstructedData): G6Data {
let nodes = [...Util.converterList(constructedData.element), ...Util.converterList(constructedData.pointer)],
edges = Util.converterList(constructedData.link);
return {
nodes: nodes.map(item => item.props),
edges: edges.map(item => item.props)
* @param matrix
* @param rotation
calcRotateMatrix(matrix: number[], rotation: number): number[] {
const Mat3 = SV.G6.Util.mat3;
Mat3.rotate(matrix, matrix, rotation);
return matrix;

View File

@ -1,219 +1,117 @@
// 二维向量 {x, y}
export class Vector {
public x: number;
public y: number;
constructor(x?: number, y?: number) {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
if(x !== undefined && y !== undefined) {
this.set(x, y);
export const Vector = {
* @param x
* @param y
* @param v1
* @param v2
set(x: number, y: number) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
add(v1: [number, number], v2: [number, number]): [number, number] {
return [v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1]];
* @param v1
* @param v2
subtract(v1: [number, number], v2: [number, number]): [number, number] {
return [v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1]];
* @param v1
* @param v2
dot(v1: [number, number], v2: [number, number]): number {
return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1];
* @param v
* @param n
scale(v: [number, number], n: number): [number, number] {
return [v[0] * n, v[1] * n];
* @param v
add(v: Vector, out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
out.x = this.x + v.x;
out.y = this.y + v.y;
return out;
* @param v
sub(v: Vector, out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
out.x = this.x - v.x;
out.y = this.y - v.y;
return out;
* @param v
dot(v: Vector): number {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;
* @param v
cro(v: Vector): number {
return this.x * v.y - v.x * this.y;
* @param n
croNum(n: number, out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
out.x = -n * this.y;
out.y = n * this.x;
return out;
* @param v
pro(v: Vector): number {
return this.dot(v) / v.len();
nor(out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
out.x = this.y;
out.y = -this.x;
return out;
len(): number {
return Math.hypot(this.x, this.y);
len_s(): number {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
nol(): Vector {
let len = this.len();
if(len === 0) {
return new Vector();
this.x = this.x / len;
this.y = this.y / len;
return this;
* @param n
scl(n: number, out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
out.x = n * this.x;
out.y = n * this.y;
return out;
inv(out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
out.x = -this.x;
out.y = -this.y;
return out;
* @param v
eql(v: Vector): boolean {
return this.x === v.x && this.y === v.y;
* ()
* @param v
ang(v: Vector): number {
return Math.acos(this.dot(v) / (this.len() * v.len()));
col(): Vector {
return new Vector(this.x, this.y);
length(v: [number, number]): number {
return Math.sqrt(v[0]**2 + v[1]**2);
* @param radian
* @param point
* @param point
* @param center
rot(radian: number, point: Vector, out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
rotation(radian: number, point: [number, number], center: [number, number] = [0, 0]): [number, number] {
if(radian === 0) return point;
radian = -radian;
let cos = Math.cos(radian),
sin = Math.sin(radian),
dx = this.x - point.x,
dy = this.y - point.y;
out.x = point.x + (dx * cos - dy * sin);
out.y = point.y + (dx * sin + dy * cos);
dv = [point[0] - center[0], point[1] - center[1]],
v = [0, 0];
v[0] = center[0] + (dv[0] * cos - dv[1] * sin);
v[1] = center[1] + (dv[0] * sin + dv[1] * cos);
return out;
return v as [number, number];
tangent(v: [number, number]): [number, number] {
return [-v[1], v[0]];
normalize(v: [number, number]): [number, number] {
let len = Vector.length(v);
if(len === 0) {
return [0, 0];
else if(len === 1) {
return v;
else {
return [v[0] / len, v[1] / len];
* direction方向len长度后的坐标
* @param v
* @param direction
* @param len
loc(direction: Vector, len: number, out?: Vector): Vector {
out = out || new Vector();
location(v: [number, number], direction: [number, number], len: number): [number, number] {
return Vector.add(v, Vector.scale(Vector.normalize(direction), len));
direction = direction.nol();
out.x = this.x + direction.x * len;
out.y = this.y + direction.y * len;
return out;
negative(v: [number, number]): [number, number] {
return Vector.scale(v, -1);
export const _tempVector1 = new Vector();
export const _tempVector2 = new Vector();
export const _tempVector3 = new Vector();
export const _tempVector4 = new Vector();

src/Lib/g6.js Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { SourceElement } from "../sources";
import { Shape, ShapeStatus } from "../View/shape";
import { zrShape } from "../View/shapeScheduler";
import { Link } from "./link";
import { Pointer } from "./pointer";
export interface Style {
// 填充颜色
fill: string;
// 图形文本
text: string;
// 文本颜色
textFill: string;
// 字体大小
fontSize: number;
// 字重
fontWeight: number;
// 描边样式
stroke: string;
// 透明度
opacity: number;
// 线宽
lineWidth: number;
// 其余属性免得每次新增属性都要声明一个新的子interface
[key: string]: any;
export interface ElementStatus {
x: number;
y: number;
rotation: number;
width: number;
height: number;
zIndex: number;
content: string;
style: Style;
export class Element {
id: number;
elementId: string = null;
elementLabel: string = null;
elementStatus: ElementStatus = null;
shapes: Shape[] | Shape = null;
relativeLinks: Link[] = [];
relativePointers: Pointer[] = [];
isDirty: boolean = false;
// 给sourceElement的部分
[key: string]: any;
constructor(elementLabel: string, sourceElement: SourceElement) {
this.elementLabel = elementLabel;
Object.keys(sourceElement).map(prop => {
this[prop] = sourceElement[prop];
this.elementStatus = {
x: 0, y: 0,
rotation: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
zIndex: 1,
content: '',
style: {
fill: '#000',
text: '',
textFill: '#000',
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: null,
stroke: null,
opacity: 1,
transformText: true,
lineWidth: 1
* set方法elementStatus的值
* @param propName
* @param value
set(propName: string, value: any) {
if(this.elementStatus[propName] !== undefined) {
this.elementStatus[propName] = value;
* @param isDirty
setDirty(isDirty: boolean) {
this.isDirty = isDirty;
* element映射的图形
* @param shapes
* @param elementStatus
* @override
renderShape(shapes: Shape[] | Shape, elementStatus: ElementStatus) { }
* shapeOptions
* @param shapeOptions
applyShapeOptions(shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>) {
Util.extends(this.elementStatus, shapeOptions);
// ------------------------------- 钩子方法 ------------------------------
onClick(event: any) { }
* @param targetEle
onLinkTo(targetEle: Element) {};
* @param emitEle
onLinkFrom(emitEle: Element) {};
* @param targetEle
onUnLinkTo(targetEle: Element) {}
* @param emitEle
onUnLinkFrom(emitEle: Element) {}
onRefer() {}
onUnRefer() {}

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
import { Engine } from "../engine";
import { SourceElement, Sources } from "../sources";
import { Shape, ShapeStatus } from "../View/shape";
import { ShapeScheduler, ZrShapeConstructor } from "../View/shapeScheduler";
import { Element } from "./element";
// 元素集类型
export type ElementContainer = { [key: string]: Element[] };
export type ElementConstructor = { new(elementLabel: string, sourceElement: SourceElement): Element };
export class ElementScheduler {
private engine: Engine;
private shapeScheduler: ShapeScheduler;
// 元素队列
private elementList: Element[] = [];
// 元素容器即源数据经element包装后的结构
private elementContainer: ElementContainer = {};
private elementMap: {
[key: string]: {
elementConstructor: ElementConstructor,
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
constructor(engine: Engine, shapeScheduler: ShapeScheduler) {
this.engine = engine;
this.shapeScheduler = shapeScheduler;
* @param elementLabel
* @param elementConstructor
* @param zrShapeConstructors
* @param shapeOptions
elementLabel: string,
elementConstructor: ElementConstructor,
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
) {
this.elementMap[elementLabel] = {
* element
* - SourceElement Element
* -
* -
* @param sourceData
constructElements(sourceData: Sources) {
if(Array.isArray(sourceData)) {
this.elementContainer['element'] = [];
sourceData.forEach(item => {
if(item) {
let ele = this.createElement(item, 'element');
else {
Object.keys(sourceData).forEach(prop => {
this.elementContainer[prop] = [];
sourceData[prop].forEach(item => {
if(item) {
let ele = this.createElement(item, prop);
* Element
* @param sourceElement
* @param elementLabel
private createElement(sourceElement: SourceElement, elementLabel: string): Element {
let elementInfo = this.elementMap[elementLabel],
shapes: Shape[] | Shape;
if(elementInfo === undefined) {
return null;
let { elementConstructor, zrShapeConstructors, shapeOptions } = elementInfo,
element: Element = null,
elementId = `${elementLabel}#${sourceElement.id}`;
element = new elementConstructor(elementLabel, sourceElement);
if(Array.isArray(zrShapeConstructors)) {
shapes = zrShapeConstructors.map(function(item, index) {
return this.shapeScheduler.createShape(`${elementId}(${index})`, item, element)
else {
shapes = this.shapeScheduler.createShape(`elementId`, zrShapeConstructors, element);
element.shapes = shapes;
element.renderShape(shapes, element.elementStatus);
return element;
* element对应的图形
public updateShapes() {
for(let i = 0; i < this.elementList.length; i++) {
let ele = this.elementList[i];
if(ele.isDirty) {
ele.renderShape(ele.zrShapes, ele.elementStatus);
* element元素
public getElementContainer(): ElementContainer | Element[] {
let keys = Object.keys(this.elementContainer);
if(keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === 'element') {
return this.elementContainer['element'];
return this.elementContainer;
* element列表
public getElementList(): Element[] {
return this.elementList;
public reset() {
this.elementList.length = 0;
this.elementContainer = { };

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import { LinkTarget } from "../sources";
import { Shape } from "../View/shape";
import { zrShape } from "../View/shapeScheduler";
import { Element, ElementStatus, Style } from "./element";
import { LabelStyle } from "./pointer";
export interface LinkOptions {
style: Style;
labelStyle: LabelStyle;
export interface LinkStatus extends ElementStatus {
points: [number, number][];
export class Link {
id: string;
element: Element = null;
target: Element = null;
linkLabel: string = null;
linkStatus: LinkStatus;
shapes: Shape[] | Shape = [];
index: number = -1;
sourceLinkTarget: LinkTarget = null;
isDirty: boolean = false;
constructor() { }
* @param isDirty
setDirty(isDirty: boolean) {
this.isDirty = isDirty;
* element映射的图形
* @param shapes
* @param elementStatus
* @override
renderShape(shapes: Shape[] | Shape, elementStatus: ElementStatus) { }

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
import { ShapeStatus } from "../View/shape";
import { ZrShapeConstructor } from "../View/shapeScheduler";
import { Element } from "./element";
import { Link } from "./link";
export class LinkScheduler {
private links: Link[] = [];
private prevLinks: Link[] = [];
private linkMap: {
[key: string]: {
linkConstructor: { new(): Link },
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
constructor() {
* @param elementList
public constructLinks(elementList: Element[]) {
* @param linkLabel
* @param linkConstructor
* @param zrShapeConstructors
* @param shapeOptions
public setLinkMap(
linkLabel: string,
linkConstructor: { new(): Link },
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
) {
this.linkMap[linkLabel] = {
* element对应的图形
public updateShapes() {
for(let i = 0; i < this.links.length; i++) {
let link = this.links[i];
if(link.isDirty) {
link.renderShape(link.shapes, link.linkStatus);
public reset() {
this.links.length = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { Engine } from "../engine";
import { LinkOption, PointerOption } from "../options";
import { sourceLinkData, SourceElement, Sources, LinkTarget } from "../sources";
import { Element, Link, Pointer } from "./modelData";
export interface ConstructedData {
element: { [key: string]: Element[] };
link: { [key: string]: Link[] };
pointer: { [key: string]: Pointer[] };
export class ModelConstructor {
private engine: Engine;
constructor(engine: Engine) {
this.engine = engine;
* elementlink和pointer
* @param sourceData
public construct(sourceData: Sources): ConstructedData {
let elementContainer = this.constructElements(sourceData),
linkContainer = this.constructLinks(this.engine.linkOptions, elementContainer),
pointerContainer = this.constructPointers(this.engine.pointerOptions, elementContainer);
return {
element: elementContainer,
link: linkContainer,
pointer: pointerContainer
* element
* @param sourceData
private constructElements(sourceData: Sources): { [key: string]: Element[] } {
let defaultElementName: string = 'default',
elementContainer: { [key: string]: Element[] } = { };
if(Array.isArray(sourceData)) {
elementContainer[defaultElementName] = [];
sourceData.forEach(item => {
if(item) {
let ele = this.createElement(item, defaultElementName);
else {
Object.keys(sourceData).forEach(prop => {
elementContainer[prop] = [];
sourceData[prop].forEach(item => {
if(item) {
let element = this.createElement(item, prop);
return elementContainer;
* element link
* @param linkOptions
* @param elementContainer
* @returns
private constructLinks(linkOptions: { [key: string]: LinkOption }, elementContainer: { [key: string]: Element[] }): { [key: string]: Link[] } {
let linkContainer: { [key: string]: Link[] } = { },
elementList: Element[] = Object
.map(item => elementContainer[item])
.reduce((prev, cur) => [...prev, ...cur]),
linkNames = Object.keys(linkOptions);
linkNames.forEach(name => {
linkContainer[name] = [];
linkNames.forEach(name => {
for(let i = 0; i < elementList.length; i++) {
let element: Element = elementList[i],
sourceLinkData: sourceLinkData = element[name],
options: LinkOption = linkOptions[name],
targetElement: Element | Element[] = null,
link: Link = null;
if(sourceLinkData === undefined || sourceLinkData === null) continue;
// ------------------- 将连接声明字段 sourceLinkData 从 id 变为 Element -------------------
if(Array.isArray(sourceLinkData)) {
element[name] = sourceLinkData.map((item, index) => {
targetElement = this.fetchTargetElements(elementContainer, element, item);
if(targetElement) {
link = new Link(name, element, targetElement, index);
return targetElement;
else {
targetElement = this.fetchTargetElements(elementContainer, element, sourceLinkData);
if(targetElement) {
link = new Link(name, element, targetElement, null);
element[name] = targetElement;
return linkContainer;
* element pointer
* @param pointerOptions
* @param elementContainer
* @returns
private constructPointers(pointerOptions: { [key: string]: PointerOption }, elementContainer: { [key: string]: Element[] }): { [key: string]: Pointer[] } {
let pointerContainer: { [key: string]: Pointer[] } = { },
elementList: Element[] = Object
.map(item => elementContainer[item])
.reduce((prev, cur) => [...prev, ...cur]),
pointerNames = Object.keys(pointerOptions);
pointerNames.forEach(name => {
pointerContainer[name] = [];
pointerNames.forEach(name => {
let options = pointerOptions[name];
for(let i = 0; i < elementList.length; i++) {
let element = elementList[i],
pointerData = element[name];
// 若没有指针字段的结点则跳过
if(!pointerData) continue;
let id = name + '#' + (Array.isArray(pointerData)? pointerData.join('-'): pointerData),
pointer = new Pointer(id, name, pointerData, element);
return pointerContainer;
* Element
* @param sourceElement
* @param elementName
private createElement(sourceElement: SourceElement, elementName: string): Element {
let elementOption = this.engine.elementOptions[elementName],
element = new Element(elementName, sourceElement),
label = elementOption.label? this.parserElementContent(sourceElement, elementOption.label): '';
element.set('label', label);
return element;
* @param sourceElement
* @param formatLabel
private parserElementContent(sourceElement: SourceElement, formatLabel: string): string {
let fields = Util.textParser(formatLabel);
if(Array.isArray(fields)) {
let values = fields.map(item => sourceElement[item]);
values.map((item, index) => {
formatLabel = formatLabel.replace('[' + fields[index] + ']', item);
return formatLabel;
* source中的连接字段获取真实的连接目标元素
* @param elementContainer
* @param element
* @param linkTarget
private fetchTargetElements(
elementContainer: { [key: string]: Element[] } ,
element: Element,
linkTarget: LinkTarget
): Element {
let elementName = element.name,
elementList: Element[],
targetId = linkTarget,
targetElement = null;
if(linkTarget === null || linkTarget === undefined) {
return null;
if(typeof linkTarget === 'string' && linkTarget.includes('#')) {
let info = linkTarget.split('#');
elementName = info[0];
targetId = info[1];
if(typeof targetId === 'number') {
targetId = targetId.toString();
elementList = elementContainer[elementName];
// 若目标element不存在返回null
if(elementList === undefined) {
return null;
targetElement = elementList.find(item => item.id === targetId);
return targetElement || null;

src/Model/modelData.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { ElementLabelOption, ElementOption, LinkLabelOption, LinkOption, PointerOption, Style } from "../options";
import { SourceElement } from "../sources";
import { BoundingRect } from "../View/boundingRect";
export interface G6NodeModel {
id: string;
x: number;
y: number;
rotation: number;
type: string;
size: number | [number, number];
anchorPoints: [number, number];
label: string;
style: Style;
labelCfg: ElementLabelOption;
externalPointerId: string;
export interface G6EdgeModel {
id: string;
source: string | number;
target: string | number;
type: string;
sourceAnchor: number | ((index: number) => number);
targetAnchor: number | ((index: number) => number);
label: string;
style: Style;
labelCfg: LinkLabelOption;
class Model {
id: string;
name: string;
props: G6NodeModel | G6EdgeModel;
constructor(id: string, name: string) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.G6Item = null;
this.props = null;
* G6 model
* @param option
initProps(option: ElementOption | LinkOption | PointerOption) { }
* G6 model
* @param attr
get(attr: string): any {
return this.props[attr];
* G6 model
* @param attr
* @param value
* @returns
set(attr: string, value: any) {
if(this.props[attr] === undefined) {
if(attr === 'style' || attr === 'labelCfg') {
Object.assign(this.props[attr], value);
else {
this.props[attr] = value;
if(this.G6Item === null) {
if(attr === 'rotation') {
const matrix = Util.calcRotateMatrix(this.getMatrix(), value);
this.set('style', { matrix });
else if(attr === 'x' || attr === 'y') {
[attr]: value
else {
* @returns
getBound(): BoundingRect {
return this.G6Item.getBBox();
getMatrix(): number[] {
if(this.G6Item === null) return null;
return this.G6Item.getContainer().getMatrix();
* G6Item
afterInitG6Item() {
this.set('rotation', this.get('rotation'));
export class Element extends Model {
constructor(type: string, sourceElement: SourceElement) {
super(sourceElement.id.toString(), type);
Object.keys(sourceElement).map(prop => {
if(prop !== 'id') {
this[prop] = sourceElement[prop];
* G6 model
* @param option
initProps(option: ElementOption) {
this.props = {
id: this.id,
x: 0,
y: 0,
rotation: option.rotation || 0,
type: option.type,
size: option.size,
anchorPoints: option.anchorPoint,
label: null,
style: Util.objectClone<Style>(option.style),
labelCfg: Util.objectClone<ElementLabelOption>(option.labelOptions),
externalPointerId: null
export class Link extends Model {
element: Element;
target: Element;
index: number;
constructor(type: string, element: Element, target: Element, index: number) {
super(`${element.id}-${target.id}`, type);
this.element = element;
this.target = target;
this.index = index;
* G6 model
* @param option
initProps(option: LinkOption) {
let sourceAnchor = option.sourceAnchor,
targetAnchor = option.targetAnchor;
if(option.sourceAnchor && typeof option.sourceAnchor === 'function' && this.index !== null) {
sourceAnchor = option.sourceAnchor(this.index);
if(option.targetAnchor && typeof option.targetAnchor === 'function' && this.index !== null) {
targetAnchor = option.targetAnchor(this.index);
this.props = {
id: this.id,
type: option.type,
source: this.element.id,
target: this.target.id,
label: option.label,
style: Util.objectClone<Style>(option.style),
labelCfg: Util.objectClone<LinkLabelOption>(option.labelOptions)
export class Pointer extends Model {
target: Element;
label: string | string[];
constructor(id: string, type: string, label: string | string[], target: Element) {
super(id, type);
this.target = target;
this.label = label;
this.target.set('externalPointerId', id);
* G6 model
* @param option
initProps(option: ElementOption) {
this.props = {
id: this.id,
x: 0,
y: 0,
rotation: 0,
type: option.type || 'external-pointer',
size: option.size,
anchorPoints: option.anchorPoint,
label: typeof this.label === 'string'? this.label: this.label.join(', '),
style: Util.objectClone<Style>(option.style),
labelCfg: Util.objectClone<ElementLabelOption>(option.labelOptions),
externalPointerId: null

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import { Shape } from "../View/shape";
import { zrShape } from "../View/shapeScheduler";
import { ElementStatus, Style } from "./element";
export interface LabelStyle extends Style {
textBackgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)',
textFill: '#fff',
textPadding: [4, 4, 4, 4]
export interface PointerOptions {
labelStyle: LabelStyle;
style: Style;
export class Pointer {
// 指针 id
id: string;
// 指针图形实例
shape: Shape;
// 指针类型名称
pointerLabel: string;
// 被该指针合并的其他指针
branchPointer: Pointer[];
// 若该指针是一个被合并的指针,保存合并这个指针的主指针
masterPointer: Pointer;
// 指针标签内容
text: string;
// 指针标签图形实例
textZrShapes: Shape[];
// 逗号图形实例
commaShapes: Shape[];
// 目标 element
target: Element;
isDirty: boolean = false;
constructor() {
* @param isDirty
setDirty(isDirty: boolean) {
this.isDirty = isDirty;
* element映射的图形
* @param shapes
* @param elementStatus
* @override
renderShape(shapes: Shape[] | Shape, elementStatus: ElementStatus) { }

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
import { ShapeStatus } from "../View/shape";
import { ZrShapeConstructor } from "../View/shapeScheduler";
import { Element, Style } from "./element";
import { Pointer } from "./pointer";
export interface PointerOptions {
style: Style;
export class PointerScheduler {
private pointers: Pointer[] = [];
private prevPointers: Pointer[] = [];
private pointerMap: {
[key: string]: {
pointerConstructor: { new(): Pointer },
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
constructor() {
* @param elementList
constructPointers(elementList: Element[]) {
pointerLabel: string,
pointerConstructor: { new(): Pointer },
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
) {
this.pointerMap[pointerLabel] = {
reset() {
this.pointers.length = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import * as G6 from "./../Lib/g6.js";
export default G6.registerNode('binary-tree-node', {
draw(cfg, group) {
cfg.size = cfg.size || [60, 30];
const width = cfg.size[0],
height = cfg.size[1];
const wrapperRect = group.addShape('rect', {
attrs: {
x: width / 2,
y: height / 2,
width: width,
height: height,
stroke: '#333',
fill: 'transparent'
name: 'wrapper'
group.addShape('rect', {
attrs: {
x: width / 4 + width / 2,
y: height / 2,
width: width / 2,
height: height,
fill: cfg.style.fill
name: 'mid',
draggable: true
if (cfg.label) {
const style = (cfg.labelCfg && cfg.labelCfg.style) || {};
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
x: width, // 居中
y: height,
textAlign: 'center',
textBaseline: 'middle',
text: cfg.label,
fill: style.fill || '#000',
fontSize: style.fontSize || 16
name: 'text',
draggable: true
return wrapperRect;
getAnchorPoints() {
return [
[0.5, 0],
[0.125, 0.5],
[0.875, 0.5],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import * as G6 from "./../Lib/g6.js";
export default G6.registerNode('external-pointer', {
draw(cfg, group) {
cfg.size = cfg.size || [8, 35];
const keyShape = group.addShape('path', {
attrs: {
path: this.getPath(cfg),
fill: cfg.style.fill
name: 'pointer-path'
if (cfg.label) {
const style = (cfg.labelCfg && cfg.labelCfg.style) || {};
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
x: cfg.size[0] + 2, // 居中
y: -cfg.size[1],
textAlign: 'left',
textBaseline: 'middle',
text: cfg.label,
fill: style.fill || '#000',
fontSize: style.fontSize || 16
name: 'pointer-text-shape'
return keyShape;
getPath(cfg) {
let width = cfg.size[0],
height = cfg.size[1],
arrowWidth = width + 4,
arrowHeight = height * 0.3;
const path = [
['M', 0, 0],
['L', -width / 2 - (arrowWidth / 2), -arrowHeight],
['L', -width / 2, -arrowHeight],
['L', -width / 2, -height],
['L', width / 2, -height],
['L', width / 2, -arrowHeight],
['L', width / 2 + (arrowWidth / 2), -arrowHeight],
return path;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import * as G6 from "./../Lib/g6.js";
export default G6.registerNode('link-list-node', {
draw(cfg, group) {
cfg.size = cfg.size || [30, 10];
const width = cfg.size[0],
height = cfg.size[1];
const wrapperRect = group.addShape('rect', {
attrs: {
x: width / 2,
y: height / 2,
width: width,
height: height,
stroke: '#ddd'
name: 'wrapper'
group.addShape('rect', {
attrs: {
x: width / 3,
y: height / 2,
width: width * (2 / 3),
height: height,
fill: cfg.style.fill
name: 'main-rect'
if (cfg.label) {
const style = (cfg.labelCfg && cfg.labelCfg.style) || {};
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
x: cfg.size[0] + 2, // 居中
y: -cfg.size[1],
textAlign: 'center',
textBaseline: 'middle',
text: cfg.label,
fill: style.fill || '#000',
fontSize: style.fontSize || 16
name: 'pointer-text-shape',
draggable: false,
return wrapperRect;
update(cfg, item) {
getAnchorPoints() {
return [
[0, 0.5],
[2 / 3, 0.5]

View File

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
import { Engine } from "./engine";
import { Bound } from "./View/boundingRect";
import { Group } from "./View/group";
import externalPointer from "./RegisteredShape/externalPointer";
import * as G6 from "./Lib/g6.js";
import linkListNode from "./RegisteredShape/linkListNode";
import binaryTreeNode from "./RegisteredShape/binaryTreeNode";
export const SV = {
createEngine(engineName: string): Engine {
return new Engine(engineName);
Engine: Engine,
Group: Group,
Bound: Bound,
registeredShape: [
externalPointer, linkListNode, binaryTreeNode

src/View/animation.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import { SV } from "../StructV";
export class Animations {
private duration: number;
private timingFunction: string;
private mat3 = SV.G6.Util.mat3;
constructor(duration: number, timingFunction: string) {
this.duration = duration;
this.timingFunction = timingFunction;
* /
* @param G6Item
* @param callback
append(G6Item, callback: Function = null) {
const type = G6Item.getType(),
group = G6Item.getContainer(),
animateCfg = {
duration: this.duration,
easing: this.timingFunction,
if(type === 'node') {
let mat3 = this.mat3,
matrix = group.getMatrix(),
targetMatrix = mat3.clone(matrix);
mat3.scale(matrix, matrix, [0, 0]);
mat3.scale(targetMatrix, targetMatrix, [1, 1]);
group.attr({ opacity: 0, matrix });
group.animate({ opacity: 1, matrix: targetMatrix }, animateCfg);
if(type === 'edge') {
const line = group.get('children')[0],
length = line.getTotalLength();
line.attr({ lineDash: [0, length], opacity: 0 });
line.animate({ lineDash: [length, 0], opacity: 1 }, animateCfg);
* /
* @param G6Item
* @param callback
remove(G6Item, callback: Function = null) {
const type = G6Item.getType(),
group = G6Item.getContainer(),
animateCfg = {
duration: this.duration,
easing: this.timingFunction,
if(type === 'node') {
let mat3 = this.mat3,
matrix = mat3.clone(group.getMatrix());
mat3.scale(matrix, matrix, [0, 0]);
group.animate({ opacity: 0, matrix }, animateCfg);
if(type === 'edge') {
const line = group.get('children')[0],
length = line.getTotalLength();
line.animate({ lineDash: [0, length], opacity: 0 }, animateCfg);

src/View/boundingRect.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import { Vector } from "../Common/vector";
// 包围盒类型
export type BoundingRect = {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
// 包围盒操作
export const Bound = {
* @param points
fromPoints(points: Array<[number, number]>): BoundingRect {
let maxX = -Infinity,
minX = Infinity,
maxY = -Infinity,
minY = Infinity;
points.map(item => {
if(item[0] > maxX) maxX = item[0];
if(item[0] < minX) minX = item[0];
if(item[1] > maxY) maxY = item[1];
if(item[1] < minY) minY = item[1];
return {
x: minX,
y: minY,
width: maxX - minX,
height: maxY - minY
* @param bound
toPoints(bound: BoundingRect): Array<[number, number]> {
return [
[bound.x, bound.y],
[bound.x + bound.width, bound.y],
[bound.x + bound.width, bound.y + bound.height],
[bound.x, bound.y + bound.height]
* @param arg
union(...arg: BoundingRect[]): BoundingRect {
return arg.length > 1?
arg.reduce((total, cur) => {
let minX = total.x < cur.x? total.x: cur.x,
maxX = total.x + total.width < cur.x + cur.width? cur.x + cur.width: total.x + total.width,
minY = total.y < cur.y? total.y: cur.y,
maxY = total.y + total.height < cur.y + cur.height? cur.y + cur.height: total.y + total.height;
return {
x: minX,
y: minY,
width: maxX - minX,
height: maxY - minY
}): arg[0];
* @param b1
* @param b2
intersect(b1: BoundingRect, b2: BoundingRect): BoundingRect {
let x, y,
maxX, maxY,
if(b1.x < b2.x + b2.width && b1.x + b1.width > b2.x) {
x = b1.x < b2.x? b2.x: b1.x;
maxX = b1.x + b1.width < b2.x + b2.width? b1.x + b1.width: b2.x + b2.width;
overlapsX = maxX - x;
if(b1.y < b2.y + b2.height && b1.y + b1.height > b2.y) {
y = b1.y < b2.y? b2.y: b1.y;
maxY = b1.y + b1.height < b2.y + b2.height? b1.y + b1.height: b2.y + b2.height;
overlapsY = maxY - y;
if(!overlapsX || !overlapsY) return null;
return {
width: overlapsX,
height: overlapsY
* @param bound
* @param rot
rotation(bound: BoundingRect, rot: number): BoundingRect {
let cx = bound.x + bound.width / 2,
cy = bound.y + bound.height / 2;
return Bound.fromPoints(Bound.toPoints(bound).map(item => Vector.rotation(rot, item, [cx, cy])));
* @param b1
* @param b2
isOverlap(b1: BoundingRect, b2: BoundingRect): boolean {
let maxX1 = b1.x + b1.width,
maxY1 = b1.y + b1.height,
maxX2 = b2.x + b2.width,
maxY2 = b2.y + b2.height;
if (b1.x < maxX2 && b2.x < maxX1 && b1.y < maxY2 && b2.y < maxY1) {
return true;
return false;

src/View/group.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { BoundingRect, Bound } from "../View/boundingRect";
import { Vector } from "../Common/vector";
import { Element } from "../Model/modelData";
* element组
export class Group {
id: string;
private elements: Array<Element | Group> = [];
constructor(...arg: Array<Element | Group>) {
this.id = Util.generateId();
if(arg) {
* element
* @param arg
add(...arg: Array<Element | Group>) {
arg.map(ele => {
* element
* @param element
remove(element: Element | Group) {
Util.removeFromList(this.elements, item => item.id === element.id);
* group的包围盒
getBound(): BoundingRect {
return Bound.union(...this.elements.map(item => item.getBound()));
* group
* @param dx
* @param dy
translate(dx: number, dy: number) {
this.elements.map(item => {
if(item instanceof Group) {
item.translate(dx, dy);
else {
item.set('x', item.get('x') + dx);
item.set('y', item.get('y') + dy);
* group
* @param rotation
* @param center
rotate(rotation: number, center?: [number, number]) {
// if(rotation === 0) return;
// let {x, y, width, height} = this.getBound(),
// cx = x + width / 2,
// cy = y + height / 2;
// if(center) {
// cx = center[0];
// cy = center[1];
// }
// this.elements.map(item => {
// if(item instanceof Group) {
// item.rotate(rotation, [cx, cy]);
// }
// else {
// let d = Vector.rotation(rotation, [item.x, item.y], [cx, cy]);
// item.x = d[0];
// item.y = d[1];
// item.set('rotation', rotation);
// }
// });
* group
clear() {
this.elements.length = 0;

src/View/layouter.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { Engine } from "../engine";
import { ConstructedData } from "../Model/modelConstructor";
import { Element, Pointer } from "../Model/modelData";
import { LayoutOptions, PointerOption } from "../options";
import { Bound, BoundingRect } from "./boundingRect";
export class Layouter {
private engine: Engine;
private containerWidth: number;
private containerHeight: number;
constructor(engine: Engine, containerWidth: number, containerHeight: number) {
this.engine = engine;
this.containerWidth = containerWidth;
this.containerHeight = containerHeight;
* @param nodes
private fiTCenter(nodes: (Element | Pointer)[]) {
const viewBound: BoundingRect = nodes.map(item => item.getBound()).reduce((prev, cur) => Bound.union(prev, cur));
let centerX = this.containerWidth / 2, centerY = this.containerHeight / 2,
boundCenterX = viewBound.x + viewBound.width / 2,
boundCenterY = viewBound.y + viewBound.height / 2,
dx = centerX - boundCenterX,
dy = centerY - boundCenterY;
nodes.forEach(item => {
item.set('x', item.get('x') + dx);
item.set('y', item.get('y') + dy)
* @param pointer
private layoutPointer(pointer: { [key: string]: Pointer[] }) {
Object.keys(pointer).map(name => {
const options: PointerOption = this.engine.pointerOptions[name],
pointerList: Pointer[] = pointer[name],
offset = options.offset || 8;
pointerList.forEach(item => {
let targetBound: BoundingRect = item.target.getBound();
item.set('x', targetBound.x + targetBound.width / 2);
item.set('y', targetBound.y - offset);
* @param constructedData
* @param layoutFn
public layout(constructedData: ConstructedData, layoutFn: (element: { [ket: string]: Element[] }, layoutOptions: LayoutOptions) => void) {
const options: LayoutOptions = this.engine.layoutOptions,
nodes: (Element | Pointer)[] = [...Util.converterList(constructedData.element), ...Util.converterList(constructedData.pointer)]
// 布局节点
layoutFn.call(this.engine, constructedData.element, options);
// 布局外部指针
// 将视图调整到画布中心
options.fitCenter && this.fiTCenter(nodes);

View File

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { Style } from "../Model/element";
import { Shape } from "./shape";
import { ShapeScheduler } from "./shapeScheduler";
export enum patchType {
export interface patchInfo {
type: number;
shape: Shape;
export class Reconciler {
private shapeScheduler: ShapeScheduler;
constructor(shapeScheduler: ShapeScheduler) {
this.shapeScheduler = shapeScheduler;
* @param oldStyle
* @param newStyle
reconcileStyle(oldStyle: Style, newStyle: Style): {name: string, old: any, new: any }[] {
let styleName: {name: string, old: any, new: any }[] = [];
Object.keys(newStyle).map(prop => {
if(newStyle[prop] !== oldStyle[prop]) {
name: prop,
old: oldStyle[prop],
new: newStyle[prop]
return styleName;
* differ
* @param shape
reconcileShape(shape: Shape) {
let patchList: patchInfo[] = [];
if(shape.isDirty === false) return;
// 比较图形路径
if(JSON.stringify(shape.prevShapeStatus) !== JSON.stringify(shape.shapeStatus.points)) {
type: patchType.PATH,
// 比较图形坐标位置
if(shape.prevShapeStatus.x !== shape.shapeStatus.x || shape.prevShapeStatus.y !== shape.shapeStatus.y) {
type: patchType.POSITION,
// 比较旋转角度
if(shape.prevShapeStatus.rotation !== shape.shapeStatus.rotation) {
type: patchType.ROTATION,
// 比较尺寸
if(shape.prevShapeStatus.width !== shape.shapeStatus.width || shape.prevShapeStatus.height !== shape.shapeStatus.height) {
type: patchType.SIZE,
// 比较样式
let style = this.reconcileStyle(shape.prevShapeStatus.style, shape.shapeStatus.style);
if(style.length) {
type: patchType.STYLE,
// 对变化进行更新
* @param container
* @param shapeList
reconcileShapeList(container: { [key: string]: Shape[] }, shapeList: Shape[]) {
let patchList: patchInfo[] = [];
for(let i = 0; i < shapeList.length; i++) {
let shape = shapeList[i],
name = shape.type;
// 若发现存在于新视图模型而不存在于旧视图模型的图形,则该图形都标记为 ADD
if(container[name] === undefined) {
type: patchType.ADD,
else {
let oldShape = container[name].find(item => item.id === shape.id);
// 若旧图形列表存在对应的图形,进行 shape 间 differ
if(oldShape) {
oldShape.isReconcilerVisited = true;
// 若发现存在于新视图模型而不存在于旧视图模型的图形,则该图形都标记为 ADD
else {
type: patchType.ADD,
// 在旧视图容器中寻找未访问过的图形,表明该图形该图形需要移除
Object.keys(container).forEach(key => {
container[key].forEach(shape => {
if(shape.isReconcilerVisited === false) {
type: patchType.REMOVE,
shape.isReconcilerVisited = false;
* @param patchList
patch(patchList: patchInfo[]) {
let patch: patchInfo,
shape: Shape,
for(i = 0; i < patchList.length; i++) {
patch = patchList[i];
shape = patch.shape;
switch(patch.type) {
case patchType.ADD: {
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'append');
case patchType.REMOVE: {
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'remove');
case patchType.PATH: {
shape.prevShapeStatus.points = shape.shapeStatus.points;
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'path');
case patchType.POSITION: {
shape.prevShapeStatus.x = shape.shapeStatus.x;
shape.prevShapeStatus.y = shape.shapeStatus.y;
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'position');
case patchType.ROTATION: {
shape.prevShapeStatus.rotation = shape.shapeStatus.rotation;
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'rotation');
case patchType.SIZE: {
shape.prevShapeStatus.width = shape.shapeStatus.width;
shape.prevShapeStatus.height = shape.shapeStatus.height;
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'size');
case patchType.STYLE: {
shape.prevShapeStatus.style = Util.clone(shape.shapeStatus.style);
this.shapeScheduler.emitAnimation(shape, 'style');
default: {

View File

@ -1,14 +1,213 @@
import { Engine } from '../engine';
import { Element, G6EdgeModel, G6NodeModel, Link, Pointer } from '../Model/modelData';
import { ConstructedData } from '../Model/modelConstructor';
import { Util } from '../Common/util';
import { Animations } from './animation';
import { SV } from '../StructV';
export interface G6Data {
nodes: G6NodeModel[];
edges: G6EdgeModel[];
export class Renderer {
constructor() {
private engine: Engine;
private DOMContainer: HTMLElement;
private animations: Animations;
private isFirstRender: boolean;
private prevRenderData: G6Data;
private graphInstance;
private helpGraphInstance;
constructor(engine: Engine, DOMContainer: HTMLElement, containerWidth: number, containerHeight: number) {
this.engine = engine;
this.DOMContainer = DOMContainer;
this.isFirstRender = true;
this.prevRenderData = {
nodes: [],
edges: []
const enable: boolean = this.engine.animationOptions.enable === undefined? true: this.engine.animationOptions.enable,
duration: number = this.engine.animationOptions.duration,
timingFunction: string = this.engine.animationOptions.timingFunction;
this.graphInstance = new SV.G6.Graph({
container: DOMContainer,
width: containerWidth,
height: containerHeight,
animate: enable,
animateCfg: {
duration: duration,
easing: timingFunction
fitView: this.engine.layoutOptions.fitView,
modes: {
default: ['drag-canvas', 'zoom-canvas', 'drag-node']
this.helpGraphInstance = new SV.G6.Graph({
container: DOMContainer.cloneNode()
this.animations = new Animations(duration, timingFunction);
applyAnimation() {
private initBehavior() {
this.graphInstance.on('node:drag', (() => {
let pointer = null;
return ev => {
if(pointer === null) {
pointer = this.graphInstance.findById(ev.item.getModel().externalPointerId);
if(pointer) {
x: ev.canvasX,
y: ev.canvasY
* G6Data
* @param prevData
* @param data
private diffAppendItems(prevData: G6Data, data: G6Data): G6Data {
return {
nodes: data.nodes.filter(item => !prevData.nodes.find(n => n.id === item.id)),
edges: data.edges.filter(item => !prevData.edges.find(e => e.id === item.id))
* G6Data
* @param prevData
* @param data
private diffRemoveItems(prevData: G6Data, data: G6Data): G6Data {
return {
nodes: prevData.nodes.filter(item => !data.nodes.find(n => n.id === item.id)),
edges: prevData.edges.filter(item => !data.edges.find(e => e.id === item.id))
* G6Item
* @param appendData
private handleAppendItems(appendData: G6Data) {
const appendItems = [
...appendData.nodes.map(item => this.graphInstance.findById(item.id)),
...appendData.edges.map(item => this.graphInstance.findById(item.id))
appendItems.forEach(item => {
* G6Item
* @param removeData
private handleRemoveItems(removeData: G6Data) {
const removeItems = [
...removeData.nodes.map(item => this.graphInstance.findById(item.id)),
...removeData.edges.map(item => this.graphInstance.findById(item.id))
removeItems.forEach(item => {
this.animations.remove(item, () => {
* G6
* @param constructedData
public build(constructedData: ConstructedData) {
let elementList: Element[] = Util.converterList(constructedData.element),
linkList: Link[] = Util.converterList(constructedData.link),
pointerList: Pointer[] = Util.converterList(constructedData.pointer),
nodeList = [...elementList.map(item => item.props), ...pointerList.map(item => item.props)],
edgeList = linkList.map(item => item.props),
list = [...elementList, ...linkList, ...pointerList];
const data: G6Data = {
nodes: <G6NodeModel[]>nodeList,
edges: <G6EdgeModel[]>edgeList
list.forEach(item => {
item.G6Item = this.helpGraphInstance.findById(item.id);
* @param constructedData
public render(constructedData: ConstructedData) {
let data: G6Data = Util.convertG6Data(constructedData),
renderData: G6Data = null,
appendData: G6Data = null,
removeData: G6Data = null;
appendData = this.diffAppendItems(this.prevRenderData, data);
removeData = this.diffRemoveItems(this.prevRenderData, data);
renderData = {
nodes: [...data.nodes, ...removeData.nodes],
edges: [...data.edges, ...removeData.edges]
this.prevRenderData = data;
if(this.isFirstRender) {
this.isFirstRender = false;
else {
if(this.engine.layoutOptions.fitView) {
* G6
* @param eventName
* @param callback
public on(eventName: string, callback: Function) {
if(this.graphInstance) {
this.graphInstance.on(eventName, callback)

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { Element, Style } from "../Model/element";
import { Group, zrShape, ZrShapeConstructor } from "./shapeScheduler";
export interface ShapeStatus {
x: number;
y: number;
rotation: number;
zIndex: number;
width: number;
height: number;
content: string;
points: [number, number][];
style: Style;
export class Shape {
id: string = '';
type: string = '';
zrConstructor: ZrShapeConstructor = null;
zrShape: zrShape = null;
targetElement: Element = null;
parentGroup: Group = null;
shapeStatus: ShapeStatus = {
x: 0, y: 0,
rotation: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
zIndex: 1,
content: '',
points: [],
style: {
fill: '#000',
text: '',
textFill: '#000',
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: null,
stroke: null,
opacity: 1,
transformText: true,
lineWidth: 1
prevShapeStatus: ShapeStatus = null;
isDirty: boolean = false;
isReconcilerVisited: boolean = false;
constructor(id: string, zrConstructor: ZrShapeConstructor, element: Element) {
this.id = id;
this.type = Util.getClassName(zrConstructor);
this.targetElement = element;
this.zrConstructor = zrConstructor;
this.zrShape = new zrConstructor();
this.prevShapeStatus = Util.clone(this.shapeStatus);
* @param propName
* @param props
* @param sync
attr(propName: string, props: any, sync: boolean = false) {
if(this.shapeStatus[propName] === undefined) return;
if(propName === 'style') {
Util.merge(this.shapeStatus.style, props);
else {
this.shapeStatus[propName] = props;
if(sync) {
this.zrShape.attr(propName, props);
updateShape() {

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
import { Util } from "../Common/util";
import { Engine } from "../engine";
import { Shape } from "./shape";
import * as zrender from "zrender";
import { Element } from "../Model/element";
export type zrShape = any;
export type Group = any;
export type ZrShapeConstructor = { new(): zrShape };
export class ShapeScheduler {
private engine: Engine;
private shapeList: Shape[] = [];
private shapeTable: { [key: string]: Shape[] } = {};
private parentGroupList: Group[] = [];
private appendList: Shape[] = [];
private removeList: Shape[] = [];
constructor(engine: Engine) {
this.engine = engine;
* @param id
* @param zrShapeConstructors
* @param element
public createShape(id: string, zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor, element: Element): Shape {
let shapeType = Util.getClassName(zrShapeConstructors),
shape = this.getReuseShape(id, shapeType);
if(shape === null) {
shape = new Shape(id, zrShapeConstructors, element);
return shape;
* @param shapes
public packShapes(shapes: Shape[]){
let group: Group = new zrender.Group(),
shape: Shape;
for(let i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
shape = shapes[i];
shape.parentGroup = group;
* @param shape
public appendShape(shape: Shape) {
let shapeType = shape.type;
if(this.shapeTable[shapeType] === undefined) {
this.shapeTable[shapeType] = [];
* @param shape
public removeShape(shape: Shape) {
let shapeType = shape.type;
Util.removeFromList(this.shapeTable[shapeType], item => item.id === shape.id);
if(this.shapeTable[shapeType].length === 0) {
delete this.shapeTable[shapeType];
Util.removeFromList(this.shapeList, item => item.id === shape.id);
* @param shape
* @param animationType
public emitAnimation(shape: Shape, animationType: string) {
* @param id
* @param shapeType
private getReuseShape(id: string, shapeType: string): Shape {
if(this.shapeTable[shapeType] !== undefined) {
let reuseShape = this.shapeTable[shapeType].find(item => item.id === id);
if(reuseShape) return reuseShape;
return null;
public reset() {
this.appendList.length = 0;
this.removeList.length = 0;

View File

@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
import { Element } from "./Model/element";
import { Element } from "./Model/modelData";
import { Sources } from "./sources";
import { Pointer } from "./Model/pointer";
import { ShapeStatus } from "./View/shape";
import { ShapeScheduler, ZrShapeConstructor } from "./View/shapeScheduler";
import { ElementConstructor, ElementContainer, ElementScheduler } from "./Model/elementScheduler";
import { Link } from "./Model/link";
import { LinkScheduler } from "./Model/linkScheduler";
import { PointerScheduler } from "./Model/pointerScheduler";
export type LayoutFunction = (elements: ElementContainer | Element[], containerWidth: number, containerHeight: number) => void;
import { ConstructedData, ModelConstructor } from "./Model/modelConstructor";
import { Renderer } from "./View/renderer";
import { AnimationOptions, ElementOption, LayoutOptions, LinkOption, Options, PointerOption } from "./options";
import { Layouter } from "./View/layouter";
export class Engine {
// 引擎id
private id: string;
// 引擎名称
private engineName: string;
// HTML容器
private DOMContainer: HTMLElement;
// 当前保存的源数据
private sources: Sources = null;
// 序列化的源数据
private stringifySources: string = null;
private elementScheduler: ElementScheduler = null;
private linkScheduler: LinkScheduler = null;
private pointerScheduler: PointerScheduler = null;
private shapeScheduler: ShapeScheduler = null;
private stringifySources: string = null; // 序列化的源数据
private modelConstructor: ModelConstructor = null;
private layouter: Layouter = null;
private renderer: Renderer = null;
private containerWidth: number;
private containerHeight: number;
private layoutFunction: LayoutFunction;
public elementOptions: { [key: string]: ElementOption } = { };
public linkOptions: { [key: string]: LinkOption } = { };
public pointerOptions: { [key: string]: PointerOption } = { };
public layoutOptions: LayoutOptions = null;
public animationOptions: AnimationOptions = null;
constructor(DOMContainer: HTMLElement, engineName: string) {
this.engineName = engineName;
this.DOMContainer = DOMContainer;
this.shapeScheduler = new ShapeScheduler(this);
this.elementScheduler = new ElementScheduler(this, this.shapeScheduler);
this.linkScheduler = new LinkScheduler();
this.pointerScheduler = new PointerScheduler();
constructor(DOMContainer: HTMLElement) {
const options: Options = this.defineOptions();
this.containerWidth = this.DOMContainer.offsetWidth;
this.containerHeight = this.DOMContainer.offsetHeight;
this.elementOptions = options.element;
this.linkOptions = options.link || { };
this.pointerOptions = options.pointer || { };
this.layoutOptions = Object.assign({
fitCenter: true,
fitView: false
}, options.layout);
this.animationOptions = Object.assign({
enable: true,
duration: 750,
timingFunction: 'linearEasing'
}, options.animation);
this.containerWidth = DOMContainer.offsetWidth,
this.containerHeight = DOMContainer.offsetHeight;
this.modelConstructor = new ModelConstructor(this);
this.layouter = new Layouter(this, this.containerWidth, this.containerHeight);
this.renderer = new Renderer(this, DOMContainer, this.containerWidth, this.containerHeight);
* @param sourceData
public render(sourceData: Sources) {
if(sourceData === undefined || sourceData === null) {
@ -59,88 +59,48 @@ export class Engine {
// 若前后数据没有发生变化什么也不干将json字符串化后比较
let stringifySources = JSON.stringify(sourceData);
if(stringifySources === this.stringifySources) return;
this.sources = sourceData;
this.stringifySources = stringifySources;
this.layoutFunction(this.elementScheduler.getElementContainer(), this.containerWidth, this.containerHeight);
const constructedData: ConstructedData = this.modelConstructor.construct(sourceData);
this.layouter.layout(constructedData, this.layout);
* @param elementLabel
* @param element
* @param zrShapeConstructors
* @param shapeOptions
* @returns
public applyElement(
elementLabel: string,
elementConstructor: ElementConstructor,
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
) {
this.elementScheduler.setElementMap(elementLabel, elementConstructor, zrShapeConstructors, shapeOptions);
* Link模型
* @param linkLabel
* @param linkConstructor
* @param zrShapeConstructors
* @param shapeOptions
public applyLink(
linkLabel: string, linkConstructor: { new(): Link },
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
) {
this.linkScheduler.setLinkMap(linkLabel, linkConstructor, zrShapeConstructors, shapeOptions);
* Pointer模型
* @param pointerLabel
* @param pointerConstructor
* @param zrShapeConstructors
* @param shapeOptions
public applyPointer(
pointerLabel: string, pointerConstructor: { new(): Pointer },
zrShapeConstructors: ZrShapeConstructor[] | ZrShapeConstructor,
shapeOptions: Partial<ShapeStatus>
) {
this.pointerScheduler.setPointerMap(pointerLabel, pointerConstructor, zrShapeConstructors, shapeOptions);
public defineOptions(): Options {
return null;
* @param layoutFunction
* @overwrite
public applyLayout(layoutFunction: LayoutFunction) {
this.layoutFunction = layoutFunction;
public layout(elementContainer: { [ket: string]: Element[] }, layoutOptions: LayoutOptions) { }
* @returns
public getContainerSize(): { width: number, height: number } {
return {
width: this.containerWidth,
height: this.containerHeight
* @param sourceData
* G6
* @param eventName
* @param callback
private constructModel(sourceData: Sources) {
private updateShapes() {
private resetData() {
public on(eventName: string, callback: Function) {
this.renderer.on(eventName, callback);

src/options.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
export interface Style {
fill: string; // 填充颜色
text: string; // 图形文本
textFill: string; // 文本颜色
fontSize: number; // 字体大小
fontWeight: number; // 字重
stroke: string; // 描边样式
opacity: number; // 透明度
lineWidth: number; // 线宽
matrix: number[]; // 变换矩阵
export interface ElementLabelOption {
position: string;
offset: number;
style: Style;
export interface LinkLabelOption {
refX: number;
refY: number;
position: string;
autoRotate: boolean;
style: Style;
export interface ElementOption {
type: string;
size: number | [number, number];
rotation: number;
anchorPoint: [number, number];
label: string;
labelOptions: ElementLabelOption;
style: Style;
export interface LinkOption {
type: string;
sourceAnchor: number | ((index: number) => number);
targetAnchor: number | ((index: number) => number);
label: string;
labelOptions: LinkLabelOption;
style: Style;
export interface PointerOption extends ElementOption {
position: 'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right';
offset: number;
export interface LayoutOptions {
fitCenter: boolean;
fitView: boolean;
[key: string]: any;
export interface AnimationOptions {
enable: boolean;
duration: number;
timingFunction: string;
export interface Options {
element: { [key: string]: ElementOption };
link?: { [key: string]: LinkOption }
pointer?: { [key: string]: PointerOption };
layout?: LayoutOptions;
animation?: AnimationOptions;

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@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
// 连接目标信息
export type LinkTarget = {
element: string;
target: number | string;
[key: string]: any;
} | number | string;
export type LinkTarget = number | string;
// 结点连接声明
export type LinkData = LinkTarget | LinkTarget[];
export type sourceLinkData = LinkTarget | LinkTarget[];
// 结点指针声明
export type PointerData = string | string[];
export type sourcePointerData = string | string[];
// 源数据单元
export interface SourceElement {
id: string | number;
[key: string]: any | LinkData | PointerData;
[key: string]: any | sourceLinkData | sourcePointerData;
// 源数据格式
export type Sources = { } | SourceElement[];

View File

@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES2015",
"module": "commonJS",
"experimentalDecorators": true,
//"outDir": "./../Demos/src/StructV",
"outDir": "./../Visualizer/src/StructV",
"declaration": true
"removeComments": true
"exclude": [
"node_modules", "examples"
"exclude": [

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@ -17,12 +17,9 @@ module.exports = {
test: /\.ts$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
options: {
configFileName: './atlconfig.json'
loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader'
//devtool: 'eval-source-map'
devtool: 'eval-source-map'