
3294 lines
130 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-09-10 08:57:32 +00:00
* vue-router v4.0.3
* (c) 2021 Eduardo San Martin Morote
* @license MIT
var VueRouter = (function (exports, vue) {
'use strict';
const hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === 'symbol';
const PolySymbol = (name) =>
// vr = vue router
? Symbol( '[vue-router]: ' + name )
: ( '[vue-router]: ' ) + name;
// rvlm = Router View Location Matched
* RouteRecord being rendered by the closest ancestor Router View. Used for
* `onBeforeRouteUpdate` and `onBeforeRouteLeave`. rvlm stands for Router View
* Location Matched
* @internal
const matchedRouteKey = /*#__PURE__*/ PolySymbol( 'router view location matched' );
* Allows overriding the router view depth to control which component in
* `matched` is rendered. rvd stands for Router View Depth
* @internal
const viewDepthKey = /*#__PURE__*/ PolySymbol( 'router view depth' );
* Allows overriding the router instance returned by `useRouter` in tests. r
* stands for router
* @internal
const routerKey = /*#__PURE__*/ PolySymbol( 'router' );
* Allows overriding the current route returned by `useRoute` in tests. rl
* stands for route location
* @internal
const routeLocationKey = /*#__PURE__*/ PolySymbol( 'route location' );
* Allows overriding the current route used by router-view. Internally this is
* used when the `route` prop is passed.
* @internal
const routerViewLocationKey = /*#__PURE__*/ PolySymbol( 'router view location' );
const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
function isESModule(obj) {
return obj.__esModule || (hasSymbol && obj[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'Module');
const assign = Object.assign;
function applyToParams(fn, params) {
const newParams = {};
for (const key in params) {
const value = params[key];
newParams[key] = Array.isArray(value) ? value.map(fn) : fn(value);
return newParams;
let noop = () => { };
function warn(msg) {
// avoid using ...args as it breaks in older Edge builds
const args = Array.from(arguments).slice(1);
console.warn.apply(console, ['[Vue Router warn]: ' + msg].concat(args));
const TRAILING_SLASH_RE = /\/$/;
const removeTrailingSlash = (path) => path.replace(TRAILING_SLASH_RE, '');
* Transforms an URI into a normalized history location
* @param parseQuery
* @param location - URI to normalize
* @param currentLocation - current absolute location. Allows resolving relative
* paths. Must start with `/`. Defaults to `/`
* @returns a normalized history location
function parseURL(parseQuery, location, currentLocation = '/') {
let path, query = {}, searchString = '', hash = '';
// Could use URL and URLSearchParams but IE 11 doesn't support it
const searchPos = location.indexOf('?');
const hashPos = location.indexOf('#', searchPos > -1 ? searchPos : 0);
if (searchPos > -1) {
path = location.slice(0, searchPos);
searchString = location.slice(searchPos + 1, hashPos > -1 ? hashPos : location.length);
query = parseQuery(searchString);
if (hashPos > -1) {
path = path || location.slice(0, hashPos);
// keep the # character
hash = location.slice(hashPos, location.length);
// no search and no query
path = resolveRelativePath(path != null ? path : location, currentLocation);
// empty path means a relative query or hash `?foo=f`, `#thing`
return {
fullPath: path + (searchString && '?') + searchString + hash,
* Stringifies a URL object
* @param stringifyQuery
* @param location
function stringifyURL(stringifyQuery, location) {
let query = location.query ? stringifyQuery(location.query) : '';
return location.path + (query && '?') + query + (location.hash || '');
* Strips off the base from the beginning of a location.pathname in a non
* case-sensitive way.
* @param pathname - location.pathname
* @param base - base to strip off
function stripBase(pathname, base) {
// no base or base is not found at the beginning
if (!base || pathname.toLowerCase().indexOf(base.toLowerCase()))
return pathname;
return pathname.slice(base.length) || '/';
* Checks if two RouteLocation are equal. This means that both locations are
* pointing towards the same {@link RouteRecord} and that all `params`, `query`
* parameters and `hash` are the same
* @param a - first {@link RouteLocation}
* @param b - second {@link RouteLocation}
function isSameRouteLocation(stringifyQuery, a, b) {
let aLastIndex = a.matched.length - 1;
let bLastIndex = b.matched.length - 1;
return (aLastIndex > -1 &&
aLastIndex === bLastIndex &&
isSameRouteRecord(a.matched[aLastIndex], b.matched[bLastIndex]) &&
isSameRouteLocationParams(a.params, b.params) &&
stringifyQuery(a.query) === stringifyQuery(b.query) &&
a.hash === b.hash);
* Check if two `RouteRecords` are equal. Takes into account aliases: they are
* considered equal to the `RouteRecord` they are aliasing.
* @param a - first {@link RouteRecord}
* @param b - second {@link RouteRecord}
function isSameRouteRecord(a, b) {
// since the original record has an undefined value for aliasOf
// but all aliases point to the original record, this will always compare
// the original record
return (a.aliasOf || a) === (b.aliasOf || b);
function isSameRouteLocationParams(a, b) {
if (Object.keys(a).length !== Object.keys(b).length)
return false;
for (let key in a) {
if (!isSameRouteLocationParamsValue(a[key], b[key]))
return false;
return true;
function isSameRouteLocationParamsValue(a, b) {
return Array.isArray(a)
? isEquivalentArray(a, b)
: Array.isArray(b)
? isEquivalentArray(b, a)
: a === b;
* Check if two arrays are the same or if an array with one single entry is the
* same as another primitive value. Used to check query and parameters
* @param a - array of values
* @param b - array of values or a single value
function isEquivalentArray(a, b) {
return Array.isArray(b)
? a.length === b.length && a.every((value, i) => value === b[i])
: a.length === 1 && a[0] === b;
* Resolves a relative path that starts with `.`.
* @param to - path location we are resolving
* @param from - currentLocation.path, should start with `/`
function resolveRelativePath(to, from) {
if (to.startsWith('/'))
return to;
if ( !from.startsWith('/')) {
warn(`Cannot resolve a relative location without an absolute path. Trying to resolve "${to}" from "${from}". It should look like "/${from}".`);
return to;
if (!to)
return from;
const fromSegments = from.split('/');
const toSegments = to.split('/');
let position = fromSegments.length - 1;
let toPosition;
let segment;
for (toPosition = 0; toPosition < toSegments.length; toPosition++) {
segment = toSegments[toPosition];
// can't go below zero
if (position === 1 || segment === '.')
if (segment === '..')
// found something that is not relative path
return (fromSegments.slice(0, position).join('/') +
'/' +
.slice(toPosition - (toPosition === toSegments.length ? 1 : 0))
var NavigationType;
(function (NavigationType) {
NavigationType["pop"] = "pop";
NavigationType["push"] = "push";
})(NavigationType || (NavigationType = {}));
var NavigationDirection;
(function (NavigationDirection) {
NavigationDirection["back"] = "back";
NavigationDirection["forward"] = "forward";
NavigationDirection["unknown"] = "";
})(NavigationDirection || (NavigationDirection = {}));
* Starting location for Histories
const START = '';
// Generic utils
* Normalizes a base by removing any trailing slash and reading the base tag if
* present.
* @param base - base to normalize
function normalizeBase(base) {
if (!base) {
if (isBrowser) {
// respect <base> tag
const baseEl = document.querySelector('base');
base = (baseEl && baseEl.getAttribute('href')) || '/';
// strip full URL origin
base = base.replace(/^\w+:\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
else {
base = '/';
// ensure leading slash when it was removed by the regex above avoid leading
// slash with hash because the file could be read from the disk like file://
// and the leading slash would cause problems
if (base[0] !== '/' && base[0] !== '#')
base = '/' + base;
// remove the trailing slash so all other method can just do `base + fullPath`
// to build an href
return removeTrailingSlash(base);
// remove any character before the hash
const BEFORE_HASH_RE = /^[^#]+#/;
function createHref(base, location) {
return base.replace(BEFORE_HASH_RE, '#') + location;
function getElementPosition(el, offset) {
const docRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
const elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
behavior: offset.behavior,
left: elRect.left - docRect.left - (offset.left || 0),
top: elRect.top - docRect.top - (offset.top || 0),
const computeScrollPosition = () => ({
left: window.pageXOffset,
top: window.pageYOffset,
function scrollToPosition(position) {
let scrollToOptions;
if ('el' in position) {
let positionEl = position.el;
const isIdSelector = typeof positionEl === 'string' && positionEl.startsWith('#');
* `id`s can accept pretty much any characters, including CSS combinators
* like `>` or `~`. It's still possible to retrieve elements using
* `document.getElementById('~')` but it needs to be escaped when using
* `document.querySelector('#\\~')` for it to be valid. The only
* requirements for `id`s are them to be unique on the page and to not be
* empty (`id=""`). Because of that, when passing an id selector, it should
* be properly escaped for it to work with `querySelector`. We could check
* for the id selector to be simple (no CSS combinators `+ >~`) but that
* would make things inconsistent since they are valid characters for an
* `id` but would need to be escaped when using `querySelector`, breaking
* their usage and ending up in no selector returned. Selectors need to be
* escaped:
* - `#1-thing` becomes `#\31 -thing`
* - `#with~symbols` becomes `#with\\~symbols`
* - More information about the topic can be found at
* https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/html5-id-class.
* - Practical example: https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/html5-id
if ( typeof position.el === 'string') {
if (!isIdSelector || !document.getElementById(position.el.slice(1))) {
try {
let foundEl = document.querySelector(position.el);
if (isIdSelector && foundEl) {
warn(`The selector "${position.el}" should be passed as "el: document.querySelector('${position.el}')" because it starts with "#".`);
// return to avoid other warnings
catch (err) {
warn(`The selector "${position.el}" is invalid. If you are using an id selector, make sure to escape it. You can find more information about escaping characters in selectors at https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/css-escapes or use CSS.escape (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSS/escape).`);
// return to avoid other warnings
const el = typeof positionEl === 'string'
? isIdSelector
? document.getElementById(positionEl.slice(1))
: document.querySelector(positionEl)
: positionEl;
if (!el) {
warn(`Couldn't find element using selector "${position.el}" returned by scrollBehavior.`);
scrollToOptions = getElementPosition(el, position);
else {
scrollToOptions = position;
if ('scrollBehavior' in document.documentElement.style)
else {
window.scrollTo(scrollToOptions.left != null ? scrollToOptions.left : window.pageXOffset, scrollToOptions.top != null ? scrollToOptions.top : window.pageYOffset);
function getScrollKey(path, delta) {
const position = history.state ? history.state.position - delta : -1;
return position + path;
const scrollPositions = new Map();
function saveScrollPosition(key, scrollPosition) {
scrollPositions.set(key, scrollPosition);
function getSavedScrollPosition(key) {
const scroll = scrollPositions.get(key);
// consume it so it's not used again
return scroll;
// TODO: RFC about how to save scroll position
* ScrollBehavior instance used by the router to compute and restore the scroll
* position when navigating.
// export interface ScrollHandler<ScrollPositionEntry extends HistoryStateValue, ScrollPosition extends ScrollPositionEntry> {
// // returns a scroll position that can be saved in history
// compute(): ScrollPositionEntry
// // can take an extended ScrollPositionEntry
// scroll(position: ScrollPosition): void
// }
// export const scrollHandler: ScrollHandler<ScrollPosition> = {
// compute: computeScroll,
// scroll: scrollToPosition,
// }
let createBaseLocation = () => location.protocol + '//' + location.host;
* Creates a normalized history location from a window.location object
* @param location -
function createCurrentLocation(base, location) {
const { pathname, search, hash } = location;
// allows hash based url
const hashPos = base.indexOf('#');
if (hashPos > -1) {
// prepend the starting slash to hash so the url starts with /#
let pathFromHash = hash.slice(1);
if (pathFromHash[0] !== '/')
pathFromHash = '/' + pathFromHash;
return stripBase(pathFromHash, '');
const path = stripBase(pathname, base);
return path + search + hash;
function useHistoryListeners(base, historyState, currentLocation, replace) {
let listeners = [];
let teardowns = [];
// TODO: should it be a stack? a Dict. Check if the popstate listener
// can trigger twice
let pauseState = null;
const popStateHandler = ({ state, }) => {
const to = createCurrentLocation(base, location);
const from = currentLocation.value;
const fromState = historyState.value;
let delta = 0;
if (state) {
currentLocation.value = to;
historyState.value = state;
// ignore the popstate and reset the pauseState
if (pauseState && pauseState === from) {
pauseState = null;
delta = fromState ? state.position - fromState.position : 0;
else {
// console.log({ deltaFromCurrent })
// Here we could also revert the navigation by calling history.go(-delta)
// this listener will have to be adapted to not trigger again and to wait for the url
// to be updated before triggering the listeners. Some kind of validation function would also
// need to be passed to the listeners so the navigation can be accepted
// call all listeners
listeners.forEach(listener => {
listener(currentLocation.value, from, {
type: NavigationType.pop,
direction: delta
? delta > 0
? NavigationDirection.forward
: NavigationDirection.back
: NavigationDirection.unknown,
function pauseListeners() {
pauseState = currentLocation.value;
function listen(callback) {
// setup the listener and prepare teardown callbacks
const teardown = () => {
const index = listeners.indexOf(callback);
if (index > -1)
listeners.splice(index, 1);
return teardown;
function beforeUnloadListener() {
const { history } = window;
if (!history.state)
history.replaceState(assign({}, history.state, { scroll: computeScrollPosition() }), '');
function destroy() {
for (const teardown of teardowns)
teardowns = [];
window.removeEventListener('popstate', popStateHandler);
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener);
// setup the listeners and prepare teardown callbacks
window.addEventListener('popstate', popStateHandler);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener);
return {
* Creates a state object
function buildState(back, current, forward, replaced = false, computeScroll = false) {
return {
position: window.history.length,
scroll: computeScroll ? computeScrollPosition() : null,
function useHistoryStateNavigation(base) {
const { history, location } = window;
// private variables
let currentLocation = {
value: createCurrentLocation(base, location),
let historyState = { value: history.state };
// build current history entry as this is a fresh navigation
if (!historyState.value) {
changeLocation(currentLocation.value, {
back: null,
current: currentLocation.value,
forward: null,
// the length is off by one, we need to decrease it
position: history.length - 1,
replaced: true,
// don't add a scroll as the user may have an anchor and we want
// scrollBehavior to be triggered without a saved position
scroll: null,
}, true);
function changeLocation(to, state, replace) {
* if a base tag is provided and we are on a normal domain, we have to
* respect the provided `base` attribute because pushState() will use it and
* potentially erase anything before the `#` like at
* https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router-next/issues/685 where a base of
* `/folder/#` but a base of `/` would erase the `/folder/` section. If
* there is no host, the `<base>` tag makes no sense and if there isn't a
* base tag we can just use everything after the `#`.
const hashIndex = base.indexOf('#');
const url = hashIndex > -1
? (location.host && document.querySelector('base')
? base
: base.slice(hashIndex)) + to
: createBaseLocation() + base + to;
try {
// NOTE: Safari throws a SecurityError when calling this function 100 times in 30 seconds
history[replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState'](state, '', url);
historyState.value = state;
catch (err) {
warn('Error with push/replace State', err);
// Force the navigation, this also resets the call count
location[replace ? 'replace' : 'assign'](url);
function replace(to, data) {
const state = assign({}, history.state, buildState(historyState.value.back,
// keep back and forward entries but override current position
to, historyState.value.forward, true), data, { position: historyState.value.position });
changeLocation(to, state, true);
currentLocation.value = to;
function push(to, data) {
// Add to current entry the information of where we are going
// as well as saving the current position
const currentState = assign({},
// use current history state to gracefully handle a wrong call to
// history.replaceState
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router-next/issues/366
historyState.value, history.state, {
forward: to,
scroll: computeScrollPosition(),
if ( !history.state) {
warn(`history.state seems to have been manually replaced without preserving the necessary values. Make sure to preserve existing history state if you are manually calling history.replaceState:\n\n` +
`history.replaceState(history.state, '', url)\n\n` +
`You can find more information at https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/migration/#usage-of-history-state.`);
changeLocation(currentState.current, currentState, true);
const state = assign({}, buildState(currentLocation.value, to, null), { position: currentState.position + 1 }, data);
changeLocation(to, state, false);
currentLocation.value = to;
return {
location: currentLocation,
state: historyState,
* Creates an HTML5 history. Most common history for single page applications.
* @param base -
function createWebHistory(base) {
base = normalizeBase(base);
const historyNavigation = useHistoryStateNavigation(base);
const historyListeners = useHistoryListeners(base, historyNavigation.state, historyNavigation.location, historyNavigation.replace);
function go(delta, triggerListeners = true) {
if (!triggerListeners)
const routerHistory = assign({
// it's overridden right after
location: '',
createHref: createHref.bind(null, base),
}, historyNavigation, historyListeners);
Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'location', {
get: () => historyNavigation.location.value,
Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'state', {
get: () => historyNavigation.state.value,
return routerHistory;
* Creates a in-memory based history. The main purpose of this history is to handle SSR. It starts in a special location that is nowhere.
* It's up to the user to replace that location with the starter location by either calling `router.push` or `router.replace`.
* @param base - Base applied to all urls, defaults to '/'
* @returns a history object that can be passed to the router constructor
function createMemoryHistory(base = '') {
let listeners = [];
let queue = [START];
let position = 0;
function setLocation(location) {
if (position === queue.length) {
// we are at the end, we can simply append a new entry
else {
// we are in the middle, we remove everything from here in the queue
function triggerListeners(to, from, { direction, delta }) {
const info = {
type: NavigationType.pop,
for (let callback of listeners) {
callback(to, from, info);
const routerHistory = {
// rewritten by Object.defineProperty
location: START,
state: {},
createHref: createHref.bind(null, base),
replace(to) {
// remove current entry and decrement position
queue.splice(position--, 1);
push(to, data) {
listen(callback) {
return () => {
const index = listeners.indexOf(callback);
if (index > -1)
listeners.splice(index, 1);
destroy() {
listeners = [];
go(delta, shouldTrigger = true) {
const from = this.location;
const direction =
// we are considering delta === 0 going forward, but in abstract mode
// using 0 for the delta doesn't make sense like it does in html5 where
// it reloads the page
delta < 0 ? NavigationDirection.back : NavigationDirection.forward;
position = Math.max(0, Math.min(position + delta, queue.length - 1));
if (shouldTrigger) {
triggerListeners(this.location, from, {
Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'location', {
get: () => queue[position],
return routerHistory;
* Creates a hash history. Useful for web applications with no host (e.g.
* `file://`) or when configuring a server to handle any URL is not possible.
* @param base - optional base to provide. Defaults to `location.pathname +
* location.search` If there is a `<base>` tag in the `head`, its value will be
* ignored in favor of this parameter **but note it affects all the
* history.pushState() calls**, meaning that if you use a `<base>` tag, it's
* `href` value **has to match this parameter** (ignoring anything after the
* `#`).
* @example
* ```js
* // at https://example.com/folder
* createWebHashHistory() // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder#`
* createWebHashHistory('/folder/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder/#`
* // if the `#` is provided in the base, it won't be added by `createWebHashHistory`
* createWebHashHistory('/folder/#/app/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder/#/app/`
* // you should avoid doing this because it changes the original url and breaks copying urls
* createWebHashHistory('/other-folder/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/other-folder/#`
* // at file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html
* // for locations with no `host`, the base is ignored
* createWebHashHistory('/iAmIgnored') // gives a url of `file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html#`
* ```
function createWebHashHistory(base) {
// Make sure this implementation is fine in terms of encoding, specially for IE11
// for `file://`, directly use the pathname and ignore the base
// location.pathname contains an initial `/` even at the root: `https://example.com`
base = location.host ? base || location.pathname + location.search : '';
// allow the user to provide a `#` in the middle: `/base/#/app`
if (base.indexOf('#') < 0)
base += '#';
if ( !base.endsWith('#/') && !base.endsWith('#')) {
warn(`A hash base must end with a "#":\n"${base}" should be "${base.replace(/#.*$/, '#')}".`);
return createWebHistory(base);
function isRouteLocation(route) {
return typeof route === 'string' || (route && typeof route === 'object');
function isRouteName(name) {
return typeof name === 'string' || typeof name === 'symbol';
* Initial route location where the router is. Can be used in navigation guards
* to differentiate the initial navigation.
* @example
* ```js
* import { START_LOCATION } from 'vue-router'
* router.beforeEach((to, from) => {
* if (from === START_LOCATION) {
* // initial navigation
* }
* })
* ```
path: '/',
name: undefined,
params: {},
query: {},
hash: '',
fullPath: '/',
matched: [],
meta: {},
redirectedFrom: undefined,
const NavigationFailureSymbol = /*#__PURE__*/ PolySymbol( 'navigation failure' );
(function (NavigationFailureType) {
* An aborted navigation is a navigation that failed because a navigation
* guard returned `false` or called `next(false)`
NavigationFailureType[NavigationFailureType["aborted"] = 4] = "aborted";
* A cancelled navigation is a navigation that failed because a more recent
* navigation finished started (not necessarily finished).
NavigationFailureType[NavigationFailureType["cancelled"] = 8] = "cancelled";
* A duplicated navigation is a navigation that failed because it was
* initiated while already being at the exact same location.
NavigationFailureType[NavigationFailureType["duplicated"] = 16] = "duplicated";
})(exports.NavigationFailureType || (exports.NavigationFailureType = {}));
// DEV only debug messages
const ErrorTypeMessages = {
[1 /* MATCHER_NOT_FOUND */]({ location, currentLocation }) {
return `No match for\n ${JSON.stringify(location)}${currentLocation
? '\nwhile being at\n' + JSON.stringify(currentLocation)
: ''}`;
[2 /* NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT */]({ from, to, }) {
return `Redirected from "${from.fullPath}" to "${stringifyRoute(to)}" via a navigation guard.`;
[4 /* NAVIGATION_ABORTED */]({ from, to }) {
return `Navigation aborted from "${from.fullPath}" to "${to.fullPath}" via a navigation guard.`;
[8 /* NAVIGATION_CANCELLED */]({ from, to }) {
return `Navigation cancelled from "${from.fullPath}" to "${to.fullPath}" with a new navigation.`;
[16 /* NAVIGATION_DUPLICATED */]({ from, to }) {
return `Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "${from.fullPath}".`;
function createRouterError(type, params) {
return assign(new Error(ErrorTypeMessages[type](params)), {
[NavigationFailureSymbol]: true,
}, params);
function isNavigationFailure(error, type) {
return (error instanceof Error &&
NavigationFailureSymbol in error &&
(type == null || !!(error.type & type)));
const propertiesToLog = ['params', 'query', 'hash'];
function stringifyRoute(to) {
if (typeof to === 'string')
return to;
if ('path' in to)
return to.path;
const location = {};
for (const key of propertiesToLog) {
if (key in to)
location[key] = to[key];
return JSON.stringify(location, null, 2);
// default pattern for a param: non greedy everything but /
const BASE_PARAM_PATTERN = '[^/]+?';
sensitive: false,
strict: false,
start: true,
end: true,
// Special Regex characters that must be escaped in static tokens
const REGEX_CHARS_RE = /[.+*?^${}()[\]/\\]/g;
* Creates a path parser from an array of Segments (a segment is an array of Tokens)
* @param segments - array of segments returned by tokenizePath
* @param extraOptions - optional options for the regexp
* @returns a PathParser
function tokensToParser(segments, extraOptions) {
const options = assign({}, BASE_PATH_PARSER_OPTIONS, extraOptions);
// the amount of scores is the same as the length of segments except for the root segment "/"
let score = [];
// the regexp as a string
let pattern = options.start ? '^' : '';
// extracted keys
const keys = [];
for (const segment of segments) {
// the root segment needs special treatment
const segmentScores = segment.length ? [] : [90 /* Root */];
// allow trailing slash
if (options.strict && !segment.length)
pattern += '/';
for (let tokenIndex = 0; tokenIndex < segment.length; tokenIndex++) {
const token = segment[tokenIndex];
// resets the score if we are inside a sub segment /:a-other-:b
let subSegmentScore = 40 /* Segment */ +
(options.sensitive ? 0.25 /* BonusCaseSensitive */ : 0);
if (token.type === 0 /* Static */) {
// prepend the slash if we are starting a new segment
if (!tokenIndex)
pattern += '/';
pattern += token.value.replace(REGEX_CHARS_RE, '\\$&');
subSegmentScore += 40 /* Static */;
else if (token.type === 1 /* Param */) {
const { value, repeatable, optional, regexp } = token;
name: value,
const re = regexp ? regexp : BASE_PARAM_PATTERN;
// the user provided a custom regexp /:id(\\d+)
if (re !== BASE_PARAM_PATTERN) {
subSegmentScore += 10 /* BonusCustomRegExp */;
// make sure the regexp is valid before using it
try {
new RegExp(`(${re})`);
catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Invalid custom RegExp for param "${value}" (${re}): ` +
// when we repeat we must take care of the repeating leading slash
let subPattern = repeatable ? `((?:${re})(?:/(?:${re}))*)` : `(${re})`;
// prepend the slash if we are starting a new segment
if (!tokenIndex)
subPattern = optional ? `(?:/${subPattern})` : '/' + subPattern;
if (optional)
subPattern += '?';
pattern += subPattern;
subSegmentScore += 20 /* Dynamic */;
if (optional)
subSegmentScore += -8 /* BonusOptional */;
if (repeatable)
subSegmentScore += -20 /* BonusRepeatable */;
if (re === '.*')
subSegmentScore += -50 /* BonusWildcard */;
// an empty array like /home/ -> [[{home}], []]
// if (!segment.length) pattern += '/'
// only apply the strict bonus to the last score
if (options.strict && options.end) {
const i = score.length - 1;
score[i][score[i].length - 1] += 0.7000000000000001 /* BonusStrict */;
// TODO: dev only warn double trailing slash
if (!options.strict)
pattern += '/?';
if (options.end)
pattern += '$';
// allow paths like /dynamic to only match dynamic or dynamic/... but not dynamic_something_else
else if (options.strict)
pattern += '(?:/|$)';
const re = new RegExp(pattern, options.sensitive ? '' : 'i');
function parse(path) {
const match = path.match(re);
const params = {};
if (!match)
return null;
for (let i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
const value = match[i] || '';
const key = keys[i - 1];
params[key.name] = value && key.repeatable ? value.split('/') : value;
return params;
function stringify(params) {
let path = '';
// for optional parameters to allow to be empty
let avoidDuplicatedSlash = false;
for (const segment of segments) {
if (!avoidDuplicatedSlash || !path.endsWith('/'))
path += '/';
avoidDuplicatedSlash = false;
for (const token of segment) {
if (token.type === 0 /* Static */) {
path += token.value;
else if (token.type === 1 /* Param */) {
const { value, repeatable, optional } = token;
const param = value in params ? params[value] : '';
if (Array.isArray(param) && !repeatable)
throw new Error(`Provided param "${value}" is an array but it is not repeatable (* or + modifiers)`);
const text = Array.isArray(param) ? param.join('/') : param;
if (!text) {
if (optional) {
// remove the last slash as we could be at the end
if (path.endsWith('/'))
path = path.slice(0, -1);
// do not append a slash on the next iteration
avoidDuplicatedSlash = true;
throw new Error(`Missing required param "${value}"`);
path += text;
return path;
return {
* Compares an array of numbers as used in PathParser.score and returns a
* number. This function can be used to `sort` an array
* @param a - first array of numbers
* @param b - second array of numbers
* @returns 0 if both are equal, < 0 if a should be sorted first, > 0 if b
* should be sorted first
function compareScoreArray(a, b) {
let i = 0;
while (i < a.length && i < b.length) {
const diff = b[i] - a[i];
// only keep going if diff === 0
if (diff)
return diff;
// if the last subsegment was Static, the shorter segments should be sorted first
// otherwise sort the longest segment first
if (a.length < b.length) {
return a.length === 1 && a[0] === 40 /* Static */ + 40 /* Segment */
? -1
: 1;
else if (a.length > b.length) {
return b.length === 1 && b[0] === 40 /* Static */ + 40 /* Segment */
? 1
: -1;
return 0;
* Compare function that can be used with `sort` to sort an array of PathParser
* @param a - first PathParser
* @param b - second PathParser
* @returns 0 if both are equal, < 0 if a should be sorted first, > 0 if b
function comparePathParserScore(a, b) {
let i = 0;
const aScore = a.score;
const bScore = b.score;
while (i < aScore.length && i < bScore.length) {
const comp = compareScoreArray(aScore[i], bScore[i]);
// do not return if both are equal
if (comp)
return comp;
// if a and b share the same score entries but b has more, sort b first
return bScore.length - aScore.length;
// this is the ternary version
// return aScore.length < bScore.length
// ? 1
// : aScore.length > bScore.length
// ? -1
// : 0
const ROOT_TOKEN = {
type: 0 /* Static */,
value: '',
const VALID_PARAM_RE = /[a-zA-Z0-9_]/;
// After some profiling, the cache seems to be unnecessary because tokenizePath
// (the slowest part of adding a route) is very fast
// const tokenCache = new Map<string, Token[][]>()
function tokenizePath(path) {
if (!path)
return [[]];
if (path === '/')
return [[ROOT_TOKEN]];
if (!path.startsWith('/')) {
throw new Error( `Route paths should start with a "/": "${path}" should be "/${path}".`
// if (tokenCache.has(path)) return tokenCache.get(path)!
function crash(message) {
throw new Error(`ERR (${state})/"${buffer}": ${message}`);
let state = 0 /* Static */;
let previousState = state;
const tokens = [];
// the segment will always be valid because we get into the initial state
// with the leading /
let segment;
function finalizeSegment() {
if (segment)
segment = [];
// index on the path
let i = 0;
// char at index
let char;
// buffer of the value read
let buffer = '';
// custom regexp for a param
let customRe = '';
function consumeBuffer() {
if (!buffer)
if (state === 0 /* Static */) {
type: 0 /* Static */,
value: buffer,
else if (state === 1 /* Param */ ||
state === 2 /* ParamRegExp */ ||
state === 3 /* ParamRegExpEnd */) {
if (segment.length > 1 && (char === '*' || char === '+'))
crash(`A repeatable param (${buffer}) must be alone in its segment. eg: '/:ids+.`);
type: 1 /* Param */,
value: buffer,
regexp: customRe,
repeatable: char === '*' || char === '+',
optional: char === '*' || char === '?',
else {
crash('Invalid state to consume buffer');
buffer = '';
function addCharToBuffer() {
buffer += char;
while (i < path.length) {
char = path[i++];
if (char === '\\' && state !== 2 /* ParamRegExp */) {
previousState = state;
state = 4 /* EscapeNext */;
switch (state) {
case 0 /* Static */:
if (char === '/') {
if (buffer) {
else if (char === ':') {
state = 1 /* Param */;
else {
case 4 /* EscapeNext */:
state = previousState;
case 1 /* Param */:
if (char === '(') {
state = 2 /* ParamRegExp */;
else if (VALID_PARAM_RE.test(char)) {
else {
state = 0 /* Static */;
// go back one character if we were not modifying
if (char !== '*' && char !== '?' && char !== '+')
case 2 /* ParamRegExp */:
// TODO: is it worth handling nested regexp? like :p(?:prefix_([^/]+)_suffix)
// it already works by escaping the closing )
// https://paths.esm.dev/?p=AAMeJbiAwQEcDKbAoAAkP60PG2R6QAvgNaA6AFACM2ABuQBB#
// is this really something people need since you can also write
// /prefix_:p()_suffix
if (char === ')') {
// handle the escaped )
if (customRe[customRe.length - 1] == '\\')
customRe = customRe.slice(0, -1) + char;
state = 3 /* ParamRegExpEnd */;
else {
customRe += char;
case 3 /* ParamRegExpEnd */:
// same as finalizing a param
state = 0 /* Static */;
// go back one character if we were not modifying
if (char !== '*' && char !== '?' && char !== '+')
customRe = '';
crash('Unknown state');
if (state === 2 /* ParamRegExp */)
crash(`Unfinished custom RegExp for param "${buffer}"`);
// tokenCache.set(path, tokens)
return tokens;
function createRouteRecordMatcher(record, parent, options) {
const parser = tokensToParser(tokenizePath(record.path), options);
// warn against params with the same name
const existingKeys = new Set();
for (const key of parser.keys) {
if (existingKeys.has(key.name))
warn(`Found duplicated params with name "${key.name}" for path "${record.path}". Only the last one will be available on "$route.params".`);
const matcher = assign(parser, {
// these needs to be populated by the parent
children: [],
alias: [],
if (parent) {
// both are aliases or both are not aliases
// we don't want to mix them because the order is used when
// passing originalRecord in Matcher.addRoute
if (!matcher.record.aliasOf === !parent.record.aliasOf)
return matcher;
* Creates a Router Matcher.
* @internal
* @param routes - array of initial routes
* @param globalOptions - global route options
function createRouterMatcher(routes, globalOptions) {
// normalized ordered array of matchers
const matchers = [];
const matcherMap = new Map();
globalOptions = mergeOptions({ strict: false, end: true, sensitive: false }, globalOptions);
function getRecordMatcher(name) {
return matcherMap.get(name);
function addRoute(record, parent, originalRecord) {
// used later on to remove by name
let isRootAdd = !originalRecord;
let mainNormalizedRecord = normalizeRouteRecord(record);
// we might be the child of an alias
mainNormalizedRecord.aliasOf = originalRecord && originalRecord.record;
const options = mergeOptions(globalOptions, record);
// generate an array of records to correctly handle aliases
const normalizedRecords = [
if ('alias' in record) {
const aliases = typeof record.alias === 'string' ? [record.alias] : record.alias;
for (const alias of aliases) {
normalizedRecords.push(assign({}, mainNormalizedRecord, {
// this allows us to hold a copy of the `components` option
// so that async components cache is hold on the original record
components: originalRecord
? originalRecord.record.components
: mainNormalizedRecord.components,
path: alias,
// we might be the child of an alias
aliasOf: originalRecord
? originalRecord.record
: mainNormalizedRecord,
let matcher;
let originalMatcher;
for (const normalizedRecord of normalizedRecords) {
let { path } = normalizedRecord;
// Build up the path for nested routes if the child isn't an absolute
// route. Only add the / delimiter if the child path isn't empty and if the
// parent path doesn't have a trailing slash
if (parent && path[0] !== '/') {
let parentPath = parent.record.path;
let connectingSlash = parentPath[parentPath.length - 1] === '/' ? '' : '/';
normalizedRecord.path =
parent.record.path + (path && connectingSlash + path);
if ( normalizedRecord.path === '*') {
throw new Error('Catch all routes ("*") must now be defined using a param with a custom regexp.\n' +
'See more at https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/migration/#removed-star-or-catch-all-routes.');
// create the object before hand so it can be passed to children
matcher = createRouteRecordMatcher(normalizedRecord, parent, options);
if ( parent && path[0] === '/')
checkMissingParamsInAbsolutePath(matcher, parent);
// if we are an alias we must tell the original record that we exist
// so we can be removed
if (originalRecord) {
checkSameParams(originalRecord, matcher);
else {
// otherwise, the first record is the original and others are aliases
originalMatcher = originalMatcher || matcher;
if (originalMatcher !== matcher)
// remove the route if named and only for the top record (avoid in nested calls)
// this works because the original record is the first one
if (isRootAdd && record.name && !isAliasRecord(matcher))
if ('children' in mainNormalizedRecord) {
let children = mainNormalizedRecord.children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
addRoute(children[i], matcher, originalRecord && originalRecord.children[i]);
// if there was no original record, then the first one was not an alias and all
// other alias (if any) need to reference this record when adding children
originalRecord = originalRecord || matcher;
// TODO: add normalized records for more flexibility
// if (parent && isAliasRecord(originalRecord)) {
// parent.children.push(originalRecord)
// }
return originalMatcher
? () => {
// since other matchers are aliases, they should be removed by the original matcher
: noop;
function removeRoute(matcherRef) {
if (isRouteName(matcherRef)) {
const matcher = matcherMap.get(matcherRef);
if (matcher) {
matchers.splice(matchers.indexOf(matcher), 1);
else {
let index = matchers.indexOf(matcherRef);
if (index > -1) {
matchers.splice(index, 1);
if (matcherRef.record.name)
function getRoutes() {
return matchers;
function insertMatcher(matcher) {
let i = 0;
// console.log('i is', { i })
while (i < matchers.length &&
comparePathParserScore(matcher, matchers[i]) >= 0)
// console.log('END i is', { i })
// while (i < matchers.length && matcher.score <= matchers[i].score) i++
matchers.splice(i, 0, matcher);
// only add the original record to the name map
if (matcher.record.name && !isAliasRecord(matcher))
matcherMap.set(matcher.record.name, matcher);
function resolve(location, currentLocation) {
let matcher;
let params = {};
let path;
let name;
if ('name' in location && location.name) {
matcher = matcherMap.get(location.name);
if (!matcher)
throw createRouterError(1 /* MATCHER_NOT_FOUND */, {
name = matcher.record.name;
params = assign(
// paramsFromLocation is a new object
// only keep params that exist in the resolved location
// TODO: only keep optional params coming from a parent record
matcher.keys.filter(k => !k.optional).map(k => k.name)), location.params);
// throws if cannot be stringified
path = matcher.stringify(params);
else if ('path' in location) {
// no need to resolve the path with the matcher as it was provided
// this also allows the user to control the encoding
path = location.path;
if ( !path.startsWith('/')) {
warn(`The Matcher cannot resolve relative paths but received "${path}". Unless you directly called \`matcher.resolve("${path}")\`, this is probably a bug in vue-router. Please open an issue at https://new-issue.vuejs.org/?repo=vuejs/vue-router-next.`);
matcher = matchers.find(m => m.re.test(path));
// matcher should have a value after the loop
if (matcher) {
// TODO: dev warning of unused params if provided
// we know the matcher works because we tested the regexp
params = matcher.parse(path);
name = matcher.record.name;
// location is a relative path
else {
// match by name or path of current route
matcher = currentLocation.name
? matcherMap.get(currentLocation.name)
: matchers.find(m => m.re.test(currentLocation.path));
if (!matcher)
throw createRouterError(1 /* MATCHER_NOT_FOUND */, {
name = matcher.record.name;
// since we are navigating to the same location, we don't need to pick the
// params like when `name` is provided
params = assign({}, currentLocation.params, location.params);
path = matcher.stringify(params);
const matched = [];
let parentMatcher = matcher;
while (parentMatcher) {
// reversed order so parents are at the beginning
parentMatcher = parentMatcher.parent;
return {
meta: mergeMetaFields(matched),
// add initial routes
routes.forEach(route => addRoute(route));
return { addRoute, resolve, removeRoute, getRoutes, getRecordMatcher };
function paramsFromLocation(params, keys) {
let newParams = {};
for (let key of keys) {
if (key in params)
newParams[key] = params[key];
return newParams;
* Normalizes a RouteRecordRaw. Creates a copy
* @param record
* @returns the normalized version
function normalizeRouteRecord(record) {
return {
path: record.path,
redirect: record.redirect,
name: record.name,
meta: record.meta || {},
aliasOf: undefined,
beforeEnter: record.beforeEnter,
props: normalizeRecordProps(record),
children: record.children || [],
instances: {},
leaveGuards: new Set(),
updateGuards: new Set(),
enterCallbacks: {},
components: 'components' in record
? record.components || {}
: { default: record.component },
* Normalize the optional `props` in a record to always be an object similar to
* components. Also accept a boolean for components.
* @param record
function normalizeRecordProps(record) {
const propsObject = {};
// props does not exist on redirect records but we can set false directly
const props = record.props || false;
if ('component' in record) {
propsObject.default = props;
else {
// NOTE: we could also allow a function to be applied to every component.
// Would need user feedback for use cases
for (let name in record.components)
propsObject[name] = typeof props === 'boolean' ? props : props[name];
return propsObject;
* Checks if a record or any of its parent is an alias
* @param record
function isAliasRecord(record) {
while (record) {
if (record.record.aliasOf)
return true;
record = record.parent;
return false;
* Merge meta fields of an array of records
* @param matched - array of matched records
function mergeMetaFields(matched) {
return matched.reduce((meta, record) => assign(meta, record.meta), {});
function mergeOptions(defaults, partialOptions) {
let options = {};
for (let key in defaults) {
options[key] =
key in partialOptions ? partialOptions[key] : defaults[key];
return options;
function isSameParam(a, b) {
return (a.name === b.name &&
a.optional === b.optional &&
a.repeatable === b.repeatable);
function checkSameParams(a, b) {
for (let key of a.keys) {
if (!b.keys.find(isSameParam.bind(null, key)))
return warn(`Alias "${b.record.path}" and the original record: "${a.record.path}" should have the exact same param named "${key.name}"`);
for (let key of b.keys) {
if (!a.keys.find(isSameParam.bind(null, key)))
return warn(`Alias "${b.record.path}" and the original record: "${a.record.path}" should have the exact same param named "${key.name}"`);
function checkMissingParamsInAbsolutePath(record, parent) {
for (let key of parent.keys) {
if (!record.keys.find(isSameParam.bind(null, key)))
return warn(`Absolute path "${record.record.path}" should have the exact same param named "${key.name}" as its parent "${parent.record.path}".`);
* Encoding Rules = Space Path: " < > # ? { } Query: ␣ " < > # & = Hash: "
* < > `
* On top of that, the RFC3986 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2)
* defines some extra characters to be encoded. Most browsers do not encode them
* in encodeURI https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/369, so it may be safer to
* also encode `!'()*`. Leaving unencoded only ASCII alphanumeric(`a-zA-Z0-9`)
* plus `-._~`. This extra safety should be applied to query by patching the
* string returned by encodeURIComponent encodeURI also encodes `[\]^`. `\`
* should be encoded to avoid ambiguity. Browsers (IE, FF, C) transform a `\`
* into a `/` if directly typed in. The _backtick_ (`````) should also be
* encoded everywhere because some browsers like FF encode it when directly
* written while others don't. Safari and IE don't encode ``"<>{}``` in hash.
// const EXTRA_RESERVED_RE = /[!'()*]/g
// const encodeReservedReplacer = (c: string) => '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)
const HASH_RE = /#/g; // %23
const AMPERSAND_RE = /&/g; // %26
const SLASH_RE = /\//g; // %2F
const EQUAL_RE = /=/g; // %3D
const IM_RE = /\?/g; // %3F
const PLUS_RE = /\+/g; // %2B
* NOTE: It's not clear to me if we should encode the + symbol in queries, it
* seems to be less flexible than not doing so and I can't find out the legacy
* systems requiring this for regular requests like text/html. In the standard,
* the encoding of the plus character is only mentioned for
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* (https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlencoded-parsing) and most browsers seems lo
* leave the plus character as is in queries. To be more flexible, we allow the
* plus character on the query but it can also be manually encoded by the user.
* Resources:
* - https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlencoded-parsing
* - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1634271/url-encoding-the-space-character-or-20
const ENC_BRACKET_OPEN_RE = /%5B/g; // [
const ENC_BRACKET_CLOSE_RE = /%5D/g; // ]
const ENC_CARET_RE = /%5E/g; // ^
const ENC_BACKTICK_RE = /%60/g; // `
const ENC_CURLY_OPEN_RE = /%7B/g; // {
const ENC_PIPE_RE = /%7C/g; // |
const ENC_CURLY_CLOSE_RE = /%7D/g; // }
const ENC_SPACE_RE = /%20/g; // }
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the path, search and hash
* sections of the URL.
* @internal
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
function commonEncode(text) {
return encodeURI('' + text)
.replace(ENC_PIPE_RE, '|')
.replace(ENC_BRACKET_OPEN_RE, '[')
.replace(ENC_BRACKET_CLOSE_RE, ']');
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the hash section of the URL.
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
function encodeHash(text) {
return commonEncode(text)
.replace(ENC_CURLY_OPEN_RE, '{')
.replace(ENC_CURLY_CLOSE_RE, '}')
.replace(ENC_CARET_RE, '^');
* Encode characters that need to be encoded query values on the query
* section of the URL.
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
function encodeQueryValue(text) {
return (commonEncode(text)
// Encode the space as +, encode the + to differentiate it from the space
.replace(PLUS_RE, '%2B')
.replace(ENC_SPACE_RE, '+')
.replace(HASH_RE, '%23')
.replace(AMPERSAND_RE, '%26')
.replace(ENC_BACKTICK_RE, '`')
.replace(ENC_CURLY_OPEN_RE, '{')
.replace(ENC_CURLY_CLOSE_RE, '}')
.replace(ENC_CARET_RE, '^'));
* Like `encodeQueryValue` but also encodes the `=` character.
* @param text - string to encode
function encodeQueryKey(text) {
return encodeQueryValue(text).replace(EQUAL_RE, '%3D');
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the path section of the URL.
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
function encodePath(text) {
return commonEncode(text).replace(HASH_RE, '%23').replace(IM_RE, '%3F');
* Encode characters that need to be encoded on the path section of the URL as a
* param. This function encodes everything {@link encodePath} does plus the
* slash (`/`) character.
* @param text - string to encode
* @returns encoded string
function encodeParam(text) {
return encodePath(text).replace(SLASH_RE, '%2F');
* Decode text using `decodeURIComponent`. Returns the original text if it
* fails.
* @param text - string to decode
* @returns decoded string
function decode(text) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent('' + text);
catch (err) {
warn(`Error decoding "${text}". Using original value`);
return '' + text;
* Transforms a queryString into a {@link LocationQuery} object. Accept both, a
* version with the leading `?` and without Should work as URLSearchParams
* @internal
* @param search - search string to parse
* @returns a query object
function parseQuery(search) {
const query = {};
// avoid creating an object with an empty key and empty value
// because of split('&')
if (search === '' || search === '?')
return query;
const hasLeadingIM = search[0] === '?';
const searchParams = (hasLeadingIM ? search.slice(1) : search).split('&');
for (let i = 0; i < searchParams.length; ++i) {
// pre decode the + into space
const searchParam = searchParams[i].replace(PLUS_RE, ' ');
// allow the = character
let eqPos = searchParam.indexOf('=');
let key = decode(eqPos < 0 ? searchParam : searchParam.slice(0, eqPos));
let value = eqPos < 0 ? null : decode(searchParam.slice(eqPos + 1));
if (key in query) {
// an extra variable for ts types
let currentValue = query[key];
if (!Array.isArray(currentValue)) {
currentValue = query[key] = [currentValue];
else {
query[key] = value;
return query;
* Stringifies a {@link LocationQueryRaw} object. Like `URLSearchParams`, it
* doesn't prepend a `?`
* @internal
* @param query - query object to stringify
* @returns string version of the query without the leading `?`
function stringifyQuery(query) {
let search = '';
for (let key in query) {
if (search.length)
search += '&';
const value = query[key];
key = encodeQueryKey(key);
if (value == null) {
// only null adds the value
if (value !== undefined)
search += key;
// keep null values
let values = Array.isArray(value)
? value.map(v => v && encodeQueryValue(v))
: [value && encodeQueryValue(value)];
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// only append & with i > 0
search += (i ? '&' : '') + key;
if (values[i] != null)
search += ('=' + values[i]);
return search;
* Transforms a {@link LocationQueryRaw} into a {@link LocationQuery} by casting
* numbers into strings, removing keys with an undefined value and replacing
* undefined with null in arrays
* @param query - query object to normalize
* @returns a normalized query object
function normalizeQuery(query) {
const normalizedQuery = {};
for (let key in query) {
let value = query[key];
if (value !== undefined) {
normalizedQuery[key] = Array.isArray(value)
? value.map(v => (v == null ? null : '' + v))
: value == null
? value
: '' + value;
return normalizedQuery;
* Create a list of callbacks that can be reset. Used to create before and after navigation guards list
function useCallbacks() {
let handlers = [];
function add(handler) {
return () => {
const i = handlers.indexOf(handler);
if (i > -1)
handlers.splice(i, 1);
function reset() {
handlers = [];
return {
list: () => handlers,
function registerGuard(record, name, guard) {
const removeFromList = () => {
vue.onActivated(() => {
* Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the component for the current
* location is about to be left. Similar to {@link beforeRouteLeave} but can be
* used in any component. The guard is removed when the component is unmounted.
* @param leaveGuard - {@link NavigationGuard}
function onBeforeRouteLeave(leaveGuard) {
if ( !vue.getCurrentInstance()) {
warn('getCurrentInstance() returned null. onBeforeRouteLeave() must be called at the top of a setup function');
const activeRecord = vue.inject(matchedRouteKey, {}).value;
if (!activeRecord) {
warn('No active route record was found. Are you missing a <router-view> component?');
registerGuard(activeRecord, 'leaveGuards', leaveGuard);
* Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the current location is about
* to be updated. Similar to {@link beforeRouteUpdate} but can be used in any
* component. The guard is removed when the component is unmounted.
* @param updateGuard - {@link NavigationGuard}
function onBeforeRouteUpdate(updateGuard) {
if ( !vue.getCurrentInstance()) {
warn('getCurrentInstance() returned null. onBeforeRouteUpdate() must be called at the top of a setup function');
const activeRecord = vue.inject(matchedRouteKey, {}).value;
if (!activeRecord) {
warn('No active route record was found. Are you missing a <router-view> component?');
registerGuard(activeRecord, 'updateGuards', updateGuard);
function guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from, record, name) {
// keep a reference to the enterCallbackArray to prevent pushing callbacks if a new navigation took place
const enterCallbackArray = record &&
// name is defined if record is because of the function overload
(record.enterCallbacks[name] = record.enterCallbacks[name] || []);
return () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const next = (valid) => {
if (valid === false)
reject(createRouterError(4 /* NAVIGATION_ABORTED */, {
else if (valid instanceof Error) {
else if (isRouteLocation(valid)) {
reject(createRouterError(2 /* NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT */, {
from: to,
to: valid,
else {
if (enterCallbackArray &&
// since enterCallbackArray is truthy, both record and name also are
record.enterCallbacks[name] === enterCallbackArray &&
typeof valid === 'function')
// wrapping with Promise.resolve allows it to work with both async and sync guards
const guardReturn = guard.call(record && record.instances[name], to, from, canOnlyBeCalledOnce(next, to, from) );
let guardCall = Promise.resolve(guardReturn);
if (guard.length < 3)
guardCall = guardCall.then(next);
if ( guard.length > 2) {
const message = `The "next" callback was never called inside of ${guard.name ? '"' + guard.name + '"' : ''}:\n${guard.toString()}\n. If you are returning a value instead of calling "next", make sure to remove the "next" parameter from your function.`;
if (typeof guardReturn === 'object' && 'then' in guardReturn) {
guardCall = guardCall.then(resolvedValue => {
// @ts-ignore: _called is added at canOnlyBeCalledOnce
if (!next._called) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid navigation guard'));
return resolvedValue;
// TODO: test me!
else if (guardReturn !== undefined) {
// @ts-ignore: _called is added at canOnlyBeCalledOnce
if (!next._called) {
reject(new Error('Invalid navigation guard'));
guardCall.catch(err => reject(err));
function canOnlyBeCalledOnce(next, to, from) {
let called = 0;
return function () {
if (called++ === 1)
warn(`The "next" callback was called more than once in one navigation guard when going from "${from.fullPath}" to "${to.fullPath}". It should be called exactly one time in each navigation guard. This will fail in production.`);
// @ts-ignore: we put it in the original one because it's easier to check
next._called = true;
if (called === 1)
next.apply(null, arguments);
function extractComponentsGuards(matched, guardType, to, from) {
const guards = [];
for (const record of matched) {
for (const name in record.components) {
let rawComponent = record.components[name];
if (!rawComponent ||
(typeof rawComponent !== 'object' &&
typeof rawComponent !== 'function')) {
warn(`Component "${name}" in record with path "${record.path}" is not` +
` a valid component. Received "${String(rawComponent)}".`);
// throw to ensure we stop here but warn to ensure the message isn't
// missed by the user
throw new Error('Invalid route component');
else if ('then' in rawComponent) {
// warn if user wrote import('/component.vue') instead of () =>
// import('./component.vue')
warn(`Component "${name}" in record with path "${record.path}" is a ` +
`Promise instead of a function that returns a Promise. Did you ` +
`write "import('./MyPage.vue')" instead of ` +
`"() => import('./MyPage.vue')" ? This will break in ` +
`production if not fixed.`);
let promise = rawComponent;
rawComponent = () => promise;
else if (rawComponent.__asyncLoader &&
// warn only once per component
!rawComponent.__warnedDefineAsync) {
rawComponent.__warnedDefineAsync = true;
warn(`Component "${name}" in record with path "${record.path}" is defined ` +
`using "defineAsyncComponent()". ` +
`Write "() => import('./MyPage.vue')" instead of ` +
`"defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./MyPage.vue'))".`);
// skip update and leave guards if the route component is not mounted
if (guardType !== 'beforeRouteEnter' && !record.instances[name])
if (isRouteComponent(rawComponent)) {
// __vccOpts is added by vue-class-component and contain the regular options
let options = rawComponent.__vccOpts || rawComponent;
const guard = options[guardType];
guard && guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from, record, name));
else {
// start requesting the chunk already
let componentPromise = rawComponent();
if ( !('catch' in componentPromise)) {
warn(`Component "${name}" in record with path "${record.path}" is a function that does not return a Promise. If you were passing a functional component, make sure to add a "displayName" to the component. This will break in production if not fixed.`);
componentPromise = Promise.resolve(componentPromise);
else {
// display the error if any
componentPromise = componentPromise.catch( err => err && warn(err) );
guards.push(() => componentPromise.then(resolved => {
if (!resolved)
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Couldn't resolve component "${name}" at "${record.path}"`));
const resolvedComponent = isESModule(resolved)
? resolved.default
: resolved;
// replace the function with the resolved component
record.components[name] = resolvedComponent;
// @ts-ignore: the options types are not propagated to Component
const guard = resolvedComponent[guardType];
return guard && guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from, record, name)();
return guards;
* Allows differentiating lazy components from functional components and vue-class-component
* @param component
function isRouteComponent(component) {
return (typeof component === 'object' ||
'displayName' in component ||
'props' in component ||
'__vccOpts' in component);
// TODO: we could allow currentRoute as a prop to expose `isActive` and
// `isExactActive` behavior should go through an RFC
function useLink(props) {
const router = vue.inject(routerKey);
const currentRoute = vue.inject(routeLocationKey);
const route = vue.computed(() => router.resolve(vue.unref(props.to)));
const activeRecordIndex = vue.computed(() => {
let { matched } = route.value;
let { length } = matched;
const routeMatched = matched[length - 1];
let currentMatched = currentRoute.matched;
if (!routeMatched || !currentMatched.length)
return -1;
let index = currentMatched.findIndex(isSameRouteRecord.bind(null, routeMatched));
if (index > -1)
return index;
// possible parent record
let parentRecordPath = getOriginalPath(matched[length - 2]);
return (
// we are dealing with nested routes
length > 1 &&
// if the parent and matched route have the same path, this link is
// referring to the empty child. Or we currently are on a different
// child of the same parent
getOriginalPath(routeMatched) === parentRecordPath &&
// avoid comparing the child with its parent
currentMatched[currentMatched.length - 1].path !== parentRecordPath
? currentMatched.findIndex(isSameRouteRecord.bind(null, matched[length - 2]))
: index);
const isActive = vue.computed(() => activeRecordIndex.value > -1 &&
includesParams(currentRoute.params, route.value.params));
const isExactActive = vue.computed(() => activeRecordIndex.value > -1 &&
activeRecordIndex.value === currentRoute.matched.length - 1 &&
isSameRouteLocationParams(currentRoute.params, route.value.params));
function navigate(e = {}) {
if (guardEvent(e))
return router[vue.unref(props.replace) ? 'replace' : 'push'](vue.unref(props.to));
return Promise.resolve();
return {
href: vue.computed(() => route.value.href),
const RouterLinkImpl = /*#__PURE__*/ vue.defineComponent({
name: 'RouterLink',
props: {
to: {
type: [String, Object],
required: true,
replace: Boolean,
activeClass: String,
// inactiveClass: String,
exactActiveClass: String,
custom: Boolean,
ariaCurrentValue: {
type: String,
default: 'page',
setup(props, { slots, attrs }) {
const link = vue.reactive(useLink(props));
const { options } = vue.inject(routerKey);
const elClass = vue.computed(() => ({
[getLinkClass(props.activeClass, options.linkActiveClass, 'router-link-active')]: link.isActive,
// [getLinkClass(
// props.inactiveClass,
// options.linkInactiveClass,
// 'router-link-inactive'
// )]: !link.isExactActive,
[getLinkClass(props.exactActiveClass, options.linkExactActiveClass, 'router-link-exact-active')]: link.isExactActive,
return () => {
const children = slots.default && slots.default(link);
return props.custom
? children
: vue.h('a', assign({
'aria-current': link.isExactActive
? props.ariaCurrentValue
: null,
onClick: link.navigate,
href: link.href,
}, attrs, {
class: elClass.value,
}), children);
// export the public type for h/tsx inference
// also to avoid inline import() in generated d.ts files
* Component to render a link that triggers a navigation on click.
const RouterLink = RouterLinkImpl;
function guardEvent(e) {
// don't redirect with control keys
if (e.metaKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey)
// don't redirect when preventDefault called
if (e.defaultPrevented)
// don't redirect on right click
if (e.button !== undefined && e.button !== 0)
// don't redirect if `target="_blank"`
// @ts-ignore getAttribute does exist
if (e.currentTarget && e.currentTarget.getAttribute) {
// @ts-ignore getAttribute exists
const target = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('target');
if (/\b_blank\b/i.test(target))
// this may be a Weex event which doesn't have this method
if (e.preventDefault)
return true;
function includesParams(outer, inner) {
for (let key in inner) {
let innerValue = inner[key];
let outerValue = outer[key];
if (typeof innerValue === 'string') {
if (innerValue !== outerValue)
return false;
else {
if (!Array.isArray(outerValue) ||
outerValue.length !== innerValue.length ||
innerValue.some((value, i) => value !== outerValue[i]))
return false;
return true;
* Get the original path value of a record by following its aliasOf
* @param record
function getOriginalPath(record) {
return record ? (record.aliasOf ? record.aliasOf.path : record.path) : '';
* Utility class to get the active class based on defaults.
* @param propClass
* @param globalClass
* @param defaultClass
const getLinkClass = (propClass, globalClass, defaultClass) => propClass != null
? propClass
: globalClass != null
? globalClass
: defaultClass;
const RouterViewImpl = /*#__PURE__*/ vue.defineComponent({
name: 'RouterView',
// #674 we manually inherit them
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
name: {
type: String,
default: 'default',
route: Object,
setup(props, { attrs, slots }) {
const injectedRoute = vue.inject(routerViewLocationKey);
const routeToDisplay = vue.computed(() => props.route || injectedRoute.value);
const depth = vue.inject(viewDepthKey, 0);
const matchedRouteRef = vue.computed(() => routeToDisplay.value.matched[depth]);
vue.provide(viewDepthKey, depth + 1);
vue.provide(matchedRouteKey, matchedRouteRef);
vue.provide(routerViewLocationKey, routeToDisplay);
const viewRef = vue.ref();
// watch at the same time the component instance, the route record we are
// rendering, and the name
vue.watch(() => [viewRef.value, matchedRouteRef.value, props.name], ([instance, to, name], [oldInstance, from, oldName]) => {
// copy reused instances
if (to) {
// this will update the instance for new instances as well as reused
// instances when navigating to a new route
to.instances[name] = instance;
// the component instance is reused for a different route or name so
// we copy any saved update or leave guards
if (from && from !== to && instance && instance === oldInstance) {
to.leaveGuards = from.leaveGuards;
to.updateGuards = from.updateGuards;
// trigger beforeRouteEnter next callbacks
if (instance &&
to &&
// if there is no instance but to and from are the same this might be
// the first visit
(!from || !isSameRouteRecord(to, from) || !oldInstance)) {
(to.enterCallbacks[name] || []).forEach(callback => callback(instance));
}, { flush: 'post' });
return () => {
const route = routeToDisplay.value;
const matchedRoute = matchedRouteRef.value;
const ViewComponent = matchedRoute && matchedRoute.components[props.name];
// we need the value at the time we render because when we unmount, we
// navigated to a different location so the value is different
const currentName = props.name;
if (!ViewComponent) {
return normalizeSlot(slots.default, { Component: ViewComponent, route });
// props from route configuration
const routePropsOption = matchedRoute.props[props.name];
const routeProps = routePropsOption
? routePropsOption === true
? route.params
: typeof routePropsOption === 'function'
? routePropsOption(route)
: routePropsOption
: null;
const onVnodeUnmounted = vnode => {
// remove the instance reference to prevent leak
if (vnode.component.isUnmounted) {
matchedRoute.instances[currentName] = null;
const component = vue.h(ViewComponent, assign({}, routeProps, attrs, {
ref: viewRef,
return (
// pass the vnode to the slot as a prop.
// h and <component :is="..."> both accept vnodes
normalizeSlot(slots.default, { Component: component, route }) ||
function normalizeSlot(slot, data) {
if (!slot)
return null;
const slotContent = slot(data);
return slotContent.length === 1 ? slotContent[0] : slotContent;
// export the public type for h/tsx inference
// also to avoid inline import() in generated d.ts files
* Component to display the current route the user is at.
const RouterView = RouterViewImpl;
// warn against deprecated usage with <transition> & <keep-alive>
// due to functional component being no longer eager in Vue 3
function warnDeprecatedUsage() {
const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance();
const parentName = instance.parent && instance.parent.type.name;
if (parentName &&
(parentName === 'KeepAlive' || parentName.includes('Transition'))) {
const comp = parentName === 'KeepAlive' ? 'keep-alive' : 'transition';
warn(`<router-view> can no longer be used directly inside <transition> or <keep-alive>.\n` +
`Use slot props instead:\n\n` +
`<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">\n` +
` <${comp}>\n` +
` <component :is="Component" />\n` +
` </${comp}>\n` +
function getDevtoolsGlobalHook() {
return getTarget().__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
function getTarget() {
// @ts-ignore
return typeof navigator !== 'undefined'
? window
: typeof global !== 'undefined'
? global
: {};
const HOOK_SETUP = 'devtools-plugin:setup';
function setupDevtoolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn) {
const hook = getDevtoolsGlobalHook();
if (hook) {
hook.emit(HOOK_SETUP, pluginDescriptor, setupFn);
else {
const target = getTarget();
const list = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ || [];
function formatRouteLocation(routeLocation, tooltip) {
const copy = assign({}, routeLocation, {
// remove variables that can contain vue instances
matched: routeLocation.matched.map(matched => omit(matched, ['instances', 'children', 'aliasOf'])),
return {
_custom: {
type: null,
readOnly: true,
display: routeLocation.fullPath,
value: copy,
function formatDisplay(display) {
return {
_custom: {
// to support multiple router instances
let routerId = 0;
function addDevtools(app, router, matcher) {
// Take over router.beforeEach and afterEach
// increment to support multiple router instances
const id = routerId++;
id: 'Router' + id ? ' ' + id : '',
label: 'Router devtools',
}, api => {
api.on.inspectComponent((payload, ctx) => {
if (payload.instanceData) {
type: 'Routing',
key: '$route',
editable: false,
value: formatRouteLocation(router.currentRoute.value, 'Current Route'),
vue.watch(router.currentRoute, () => {
// refresh active state
// @ts-ignore
const navigationsLayerId = 'router:navigations:' + id;
id: navigationsLayerId,
label: `Router${id ? ' ' + id : ''} Navigations`,
color: 0x40a8c4,
// const errorsLayerId = 'router:errors'
// api.addTimelineLayer({
// id: errorsLayerId,
// label: 'Router Errors',
// color: 0xea5455,
// })
router.onError(error => {
layerId: navigationsLayerId,
event: {
// @ts-ignore
logType: 'error',
time: Date.now(),
data: { error },
router.beforeEach((to, from) => {
const data = {
guard: formatDisplay('beforeEach'),
from: formatRouteLocation(from, 'Current Location during this navigation'),
to: formatRouteLocation(to, 'Target location'),
layerId: navigationsLayerId,
event: {
time: Date.now(),
meta: {},
router.afterEach((to, from, failure) => {
const data = {
guard: formatDisplay('afterEach'),
if (failure) {
data.failure = {
_custom: {
type: Error,
readOnly: true,
display: failure ? failure.message : '',
tooltip: 'Navigation Failure',
value: failure,
data.status = formatDisplay('❌');
else {
data.status = formatDisplay('✅');
// we set here to have the right order
data.from = formatRouteLocation(from, 'Current Location during this navigation');
data.to = formatRouteLocation(to, 'Target location');
layerId: navigationsLayerId,
event: {
time: Date.now(),
// @ts-ignore
logType: failure ? 'warning' : 'default',
meta: {},
* Inspector of Existing routes
const routerInspectorId = 'router-inspector:' + id;
id: routerInspectorId,
label: 'Routes' + (id ? ' ' + id : ''),
icon: 'book',
treeFilterPlaceholder: 'Search routes',
function refreshRoutesView() {
// the routes view isn't active
if (!activeRoutesPayload)
const payload = activeRoutesPayload;
// children routes will appear as nested
let routes = matcher.getRoutes().filter(route => !route.parent);
// reset match state to false
// apply a match state if there is a payload
if (payload.filter) {
routes = routes.filter(route =>
// save matches state based on the payload
isRouteMatching(route, payload.filter.toLowerCase()));
// mark active routes
routes.forEach(route => markRouteRecordActive(route, router.currentRoute.value));
payload.rootNodes = routes.map(formatRouteRecordForInspector);
let activeRoutesPayload;
api.on.getInspectorTree(payload => {
activeRoutesPayload = payload;
if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === routerInspectorId) {
* Display information about the currently selected route record
api.on.getInspectorState(payload => {
if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === routerInspectorId) {
const routes = matcher.getRoutes();
const route = routes.find(route => route.record.__vd_id === payload.nodeId);
if (route) {
payload.state = {
options: formatRouteRecordMatcherForStateInspector(route),
function modifierForKey(key) {
if (key.optional) {
return key.repeatable ? '*' : '?';
else {
return key.repeatable ? '+' : '';
function formatRouteRecordMatcherForStateInspector(route) {
const { record } = route;
const fields = [
{ editable: false, key: 'path', value: record.path },
if (record.name != null) {
editable: false,
key: 'name',
value: record.name,
fields.push({ editable: false, key: 'regexp', value: route.re });
if (route.keys.length) {
editable: false,
key: 'keys',
value: {
_custom: {
type: null,
readOnly: true,
display: route.keys
.map(key => `${key.name}${modifierForKey(key)}`)
.join(' '),
tooltip: 'Param keys',
value: route.keys,
if (record.redirect != null) {
editable: false,
key: 'redirect',
value: record.redirect,
if (route.alias.length) {
editable: false,
key: 'aliases',
value: route.alias.map(alias => alias.record.path),
key: 'score',
editable: false,
value: {
_custom: {
type: null,
readOnly: true,
display: route.score.map(score => score.join(', ')).join(' | '),
tooltip: 'Score used to sort routes',
value: route.score,
return fields;
* Extracted from tailwind palette
const PINK_500 = 0xec4899;
const BLUE_600 = 0x2563eb;
const LIME_500 = 0x84cc16;
const CYAN_400 = 0x22d3ee;
const ORANGE_400 = 0xfb923c;
// const GRAY_100 = 0xf4f4f5
const DARK = 0x666666;
function formatRouteRecordForInspector(route) {
const tags = [];
const { record } = route;
if (record.name != null) {
label: String(record.name),
textColor: 0,
backgroundColor: CYAN_400,
if (record.aliasOf) {
label: 'alias',
textColor: 0,
backgroundColor: ORANGE_400,
if (route.__vd_match) {
label: 'matches',
textColor: 0,
backgroundColor: PINK_500,
if (route.__vd_exactActive) {
label: 'exact',
textColor: 0,
backgroundColor: LIME_500,
if (route.__vd_active) {
label: 'active',
textColor: 0,
backgroundColor: BLUE_600,
if (record.redirect) {
label: 'redirect: ' +
(typeof record.redirect === 'string' ? record.redirect : 'Object'),
textColor: 0xffffff,
backgroundColor: DARK,
// add an id to be able to select it. Using the `path` is not possible because
// empty path children would collide with their parents
let id = String(routeRecordId++);
record.__vd_id = id;
return {
label: record.path,
// @ts-ignore
children: route.children.map(formatRouteRecordForInspector),
// incremental id for route records and inspector state
let routeRecordId = 0;
const EXTRACT_REGEXP_RE = /^\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)$/;
function markRouteRecordActive(route, currentRoute) {
// no route will be active if matched is empty
// reset the matching state
const isExactActive = currentRoute.matched.length &&
isSameRouteRecord(currentRoute.matched[currentRoute.matched.length - 1], route.record);
route.__vd_exactActive = route.__vd_active = isExactActive;
if (!isExactActive) {
route.__vd_active = currentRoute.matched.some(match => isSameRouteRecord(match, route.record));
route.children.forEach(childRoute => markRouteRecordActive(childRoute, currentRoute));
function resetMatchStateOnRouteRecord(route) {
route.__vd_match = false;
function isRouteMatching(route, filter) {
const found = String(route.re).match(EXTRACT_REGEXP_RE);
route.__vd_match = false;
if (!found || found.length < 3) {
return false;
// use a regexp without $ at the end to match nested routes better
const nonEndingRE = new RegExp(found[1].replace(/\$$/, ''), found[2]);
if (nonEndingRE.test(filter)) {
// mark children as matches
route.children.forEach(child => isRouteMatching(child, filter));
// exception case: `/`
if (route.record.path !== '/' || filter === '/') {
route.__vd_match = route.re.test(filter);
return true;
// hide the / route
return false;
const path = route.record.path.toLowerCase();
const decodedPath = decode(path);
// also allow partial matching on the path
if (!filter.startsWith('/') &&
(decodedPath.includes(filter) || path.includes(filter)))
return true;
if (decodedPath.startsWith(filter) || path.startsWith(filter))
return true;
if (route.record.name && String(route.record.name).includes(filter))
return true;
return route.children.some(child => isRouteMatching(child, filter));
function omit(obj, keys) {
const ret = {};
for (let key in obj) {
if (!keys.includes(key)) {
// @ts-ignore
ret[key] = obj[key];
return ret;
* Creates a Router instance that can be used by a Vue app.
* @param options - {@link RouterOptions}
function createRouter(options) {
const matcher = createRouterMatcher(options.routes, options);
let parseQuery$1 = options.parseQuery || parseQuery;
let stringifyQuery$1 = options.stringifyQuery || stringifyQuery;
let routerHistory = options.history;
const beforeGuards = useCallbacks();
const beforeResolveGuards = useCallbacks();
const afterGuards = useCallbacks();
const currentRoute = vue.shallowRef(START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED);
let pendingLocation = START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED;
// leave the scrollRestoration if no scrollBehavior is provided
if (isBrowser && options.scrollBehavior && 'scrollRestoration' in history) {
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
const normalizeParams = applyToParams.bind(null, paramValue => '' + paramValue);
const encodeParams = applyToParams.bind(null, encodeParam);
const decodeParams = applyToParams.bind(null, decode);
function addRoute(parentOrRoute, route) {
let parent;
let record;
if (isRouteName(parentOrRoute)) {
parent = matcher.getRecordMatcher(parentOrRoute);
record = route;
else {
record = parentOrRoute;
return matcher.addRoute(record, parent);
function removeRoute(name) {
let recordMatcher = matcher.getRecordMatcher(name);
if (recordMatcher) {
else {
warn(`Cannot remove non-existent route "${String(name)}"`);
function getRoutes() {
return matcher.getRoutes().map(routeMatcher => routeMatcher.record);
function hasRoute(name) {
return !!matcher.getRecordMatcher(name);
function resolve(rawLocation, currentLocation) {
// const objectLocation = routerLocationAsObject(rawLocation)
// we create a copy to modify it later
currentLocation = assign({}, currentLocation || currentRoute.value);
if (typeof rawLocation === 'string') {
let locationNormalized = parseURL(parseQuery$1, rawLocation, currentLocation.path);
let matchedRoute = matcher.resolve({ path: locationNormalized.path }, currentLocation);
let href = routerHistory.createHref(locationNormalized.fullPath);
if (href.startsWith('//'))
warn(`Location "${rawLocation}" resolved to "${href}". A resolved location cannot start with multiple slashes.`);
else if (!matchedRoute.matched.length) {
warn(`No match found for location with path "${rawLocation}"`);
// locationNormalized is always a new object
return assign(locationNormalized, matchedRoute, {
params: decodeParams(matchedRoute.params),
hash: decode(locationNormalized.hash),
redirectedFrom: undefined,
let matcherLocation;
// path could be relative in object as well
if ('path' in rawLocation) {
if (
'params' in rawLocation &&
!('name' in rawLocation) &&
Object.keys(rawLocation.params).length) {
warn(`Path "${rawLocation.path}" was passed with params but they will be ignored. Use a named route alongside params instead.`);
matcherLocation = assign({}, rawLocation, {
path: parseURL(parseQuery$1, rawLocation.path, currentLocation.path).path,
else {
// pass encoded values to the matcher so it can produce encoded path and fullPath
matcherLocation = assign({}, rawLocation, {
params: encodeParams(rawLocation.params),
// current location params are decoded, we need to encode them in case the
// matcher merges the params
currentLocation.params = encodeParams(currentLocation.params);
let matchedRoute = matcher.resolve(matcherLocation, currentLocation);
const hash = rawLocation.hash || '';
if ( hash && !hash.startsWith('#')) {
warn(`A \`hash\` should always start with the character "#". Replace "${hash}" with "#${hash}".`);
// decoding them) the matcher might have merged current location params so
// we need to run the decoding again
matchedRoute.params = normalizeParams(decodeParams(matchedRoute.params));
const fullPath = stringifyURL(stringifyQuery$1, assign({}, rawLocation, {
hash: encodeHash(hash),
path: matchedRoute.path,
let href = routerHistory.createHref(fullPath);
if (href.startsWith('//')) {
warn(`Location "${rawLocation}" resolved to "${href}". A resolved location cannot start with multiple slashes.`);
else if (!matchedRoute.matched.length) {
warn(`No match found for location with path "${'path' in rawLocation ? rawLocation.path : rawLocation}"`);
return assign({
// keep the hash encoded so fullPath is effectively path + encodedQuery +
// hash
// if the user is using a custom query lib like qs, we might have
// nested objects, so we keep the query as is, meaning it can contain
// numbers at `$route.query`, but at the point, the user will have to
// use their own type anyway.
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router-next/issues/328#issuecomment-649481567
stringifyQuery$1 === stringifyQuery
? normalizeQuery(rawLocation.query)
: rawLocation.query,
}, matchedRoute, {
redirectedFrom: undefined,
function locationAsObject(to) {
return typeof to === 'string'
? parseURL(parseQuery$1, to, currentRoute.value.path)
: assign({}, to);
function checkCanceledNavigation(to, from) {
if (pendingLocation !== to) {
return createRouterError(8 /* NAVIGATION_CANCELLED */, {
function push(to) {
return pushWithRedirect(to);
function replace(to) {
return push(assign(locationAsObject(to), { replace: true }));
function handleRedirectRecord(to) {
const lastMatched = to.matched[to.matched.length - 1];
if (lastMatched && lastMatched.redirect) {
const { redirect } = lastMatched;
let newTargetLocation = typeof redirect === 'function' ? redirect(to) : redirect;
if (typeof newTargetLocation === 'string') {
newTargetLocation =
newTargetLocation.indexOf('?') > -1 ||
newTargetLocation.indexOf('#') > -1
? (newTargetLocation = locationAsObject(newTargetLocation))
: { path: newTargetLocation };
if (
!('path' in newTargetLocation) &&
!('name' in newTargetLocation)) {
warn(`Invalid redirect found:\n${JSON.stringify(newTargetLocation, null, 2)}\n when navigating to "${to.fullPath}". A redirect must contain a name or path. This will break in production.`);
throw new Error('Invalid redirect');
return assign({
query: to.query,
hash: to.hash,
params: to.params,
}, newTargetLocation);
function pushWithRedirect(to, redirectedFrom) {
const targetLocation = (pendingLocation = resolve(to));
const from = currentRoute.value;
const data = to.state;
const force = to.force;
// to could be a string where `replace` is a function
const replace = to.replace === true;
const shouldRedirect = handleRedirectRecord(targetLocation);
if (shouldRedirect)
return pushWithRedirect(assign(locationAsObject(shouldRedirect), {
state: data,
// keep original redirectedFrom if it exists
redirectedFrom || targetLocation);
// if it was a redirect we already called `pushWithRedirect` above
const toLocation = targetLocation;
toLocation.redirectedFrom = redirectedFrom;
let failure;
if (!force && isSameRouteLocation(stringifyQuery$1, from, targetLocation)) {
failure = createRouterError(16 /* NAVIGATION_DUPLICATED */, { to: toLocation, from });
// trigger scroll to allow scrolling to the same anchor
handleScroll(from, from,
// this is a push, the only way for it to be triggered from a
// history.listen is with a redirect, which makes it become a push
// This cannot be the first navigation because the initial location
// cannot be manually navigated to
return (failure ? Promise.resolve(failure) : navigate(toLocation, from))
.catch((error) => isNavigationFailure(error)
? error
: // reject any unknown error
.then((failure) => {
if (failure) {
if (isNavigationFailure(failure, 2 /* NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT */)) {
if (
// we are redirecting to the same location we were already at
isSameRouteLocation(stringifyQuery$1, resolve(failure.to), toLocation) &&
// and we have done it a couple of times
redirectedFrom &&
// @ts-ignore
(redirectedFrom._count = redirectedFrom._count
? // @ts-ignore
redirectedFrom._count + 1
: 1) > 10) {
warn(`Detected an infinite redirection in a navigation guard when going from "${from.fullPath}" to "${toLocation.fullPath}". Aborting to avoid a Stack Overflow. This will break in production if not fixed.`);
return Promise.reject(new Error('Infinite redirect in navigation guard'));
return pushWithRedirect(
// keep options
assign(locationAsObject(failure.to), {
state: data,
// preserve the original redirectedFrom if any
redirectedFrom || toLocation);
else {
// if we fail we don't finalize the navigation
failure = finalizeNavigation(toLocation, from, true, replace, data);
triggerAfterEach(toLocation, from, failure);
return failure;
* Helper to reject and skip all navigation guards if a new navigation happened
* @param to
* @param from
function checkCanceledNavigationAndReject(to, from) {
const error = checkCanceledNavigation(to, from);
return error ? Promise.reject(error) : Promise.resolve();
// TODO: refactor the whole before guards by internally using router.beforeEach
function navigate(to, from) {
let guards;
const [leavingRecords, updatingRecords, enteringRecords,] = extractChangingRecords(to, from);
// all components here have been resolved once because we are leaving
guards = extractComponentsGuards(leavingRecords.reverse(), 'beforeRouteLeave', to, from);
// leavingRecords is already reversed
for (const record of leavingRecords) {
record.leaveGuards.forEach(guard => {
guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from));
const canceledNavigationCheck = checkCanceledNavigationAndReject.bind(null, to, from);
// run the queue of per route beforeRouteLeave guards
return (runGuardQueue(guards)
.then(() => {
// check global guards beforeEach
guards = [];
for (const guard of beforeGuards.list()) {
guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from));
return runGuardQueue(guards);
.then(() => {
// check in components beforeRouteUpdate
guards = extractComponentsGuards(updatingRecords, 'beforeRouteUpdate', to, from);
for (const record of updatingRecords) {
record.updateGuards.forEach(guard => {
guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from));
// run the queue of per route beforeEnter guards
return runGuardQueue(guards);
.then(() => {
// check the route beforeEnter
guards = [];
for (const record of to.matched) {
// do not trigger beforeEnter on reused views
if (record.beforeEnter && from.matched.indexOf(record) < 0) {
if (Array.isArray(record.beforeEnter)) {
for (const beforeEnter of record.beforeEnter)
guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(beforeEnter, to, from));
else {
guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(record.beforeEnter, to, from));
// run the queue of per route beforeEnter guards
return runGuardQueue(guards);
.then(() => {
// NOTE: at this point to.matched is normalized and does not contain any () => Promise<Component>
// clear existing enterCallbacks, these are added by extractComponentsGuards
to.matched.forEach(record => (record.enterCallbacks = {}));
// check in-component beforeRouteEnter
guards = extractComponentsGuards(enteringRecords, 'beforeRouteEnter', to, from);
// run the queue of per route beforeEnter guards
return runGuardQueue(guards);
.then(() => {
// check global guards beforeResolve
guards = [];
for (const guard of beforeResolveGuards.list()) {
guards.push(guardToPromiseFn(guard, to, from));
return runGuardQueue(guards);
// catch any navigation canceled
.catch(err => isNavigationFailure(err, 8 /* NAVIGATION_CANCELLED */)
? err
: Promise.reject(err)));
function triggerAfterEach(to, from, failure) {
// navigation is confirmed, call afterGuards
// TODO: wrap with error handlers
for (const guard of afterGuards.list())
guard(to, from, failure);
* - Cleans up any navigation guards
* - Changes the url if necessary
* - Calls the scrollBehavior
function finalizeNavigation(toLocation, from, isPush, replace, data) {
// a more recent navigation took place
const error = checkCanceledNavigation(toLocation, from);
if (error)
return error;
// only consider as push if it's not the first navigation
const isFirstNavigation = from === START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED;
const state = !isBrowser ? {} : history.state;
// change URL only if the user did a push/replace and if it's not the initial navigation because
// it's just reflecting the url
if (isPush) {
// on the initial navigation, we want to reuse the scroll position from
// history state if it exists
if (replace || isFirstNavigation)
routerHistory.replace(toLocation.fullPath, assign({
scroll: isFirstNavigation && state && state.scroll,
}, data));
routerHistory.push(toLocation.fullPath, data);
// accept current navigation
currentRoute.value = toLocation;
handleScroll(toLocation, from, isPush, isFirstNavigation);
let removeHistoryListener;
// attach listener to history to trigger navigations
function setupListeners() {
removeHistoryListener = routerHistory.listen((to, _from, info) => {
// cannot be a redirect route because it was in history
let toLocation = resolve(to);
// due to dynamic routing, and to hash history with manual navigation
// (manually changing the url or calling history.hash = '#/somewhere'),
// there could be a redirect record in history
const shouldRedirect = handleRedirectRecord(toLocation);
if (shouldRedirect) {
pushWithRedirect(assign(shouldRedirect, { replace: true }), toLocation).catch(noop);
pendingLocation = toLocation;
const from = currentRoute.value;
// TODO: should be moved to web history?
if (isBrowser) {
saveScrollPosition(getScrollKey(from.fullPath, info.delta), computeScrollPosition());
navigate(toLocation, from)
.catch((error) => {
if (isNavigationFailure(error, 4 /* NAVIGATION_ABORTED */ | 8 /* NAVIGATION_CANCELLED */)) {
return error;
if (isNavigationFailure(error, 2 /* NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT */)) {
// Here we could call if (info.delta) routerHistory.go(-info.delta,
// false) but this is bug prone as we have no way to wait the
// navigation to be finished before calling pushWithRedirect. Using
// a setTimeout of 16ms seems to work but there is not guarantee for
// it to work on every browser. So Instead we do not restore the
// history entry and trigger a new navigation as requested by the
// navigation guard.
// the error is already handled by router.push we just want to avoid
// logging the error
pushWithRedirect(error.to, toLocation
// avoid an uncaught rejection, let push call triggerError
// avoid the then branch
return Promise.reject();
// do not restore history on unknown direction
if (info.delta)
routerHistory.go(-info.delta, false);
// unrecognized error, transfer to the global handler
return triggerError(error);
.then((failure) => {
failure =
failure ||
// after navigation, all matched components are resolved
toLocation, from, false);
// revert the navigation
if (failure && info.delta)
routerHistory.go(-info.delta, false);
triggerAfterEach(toLocation, from, failure);
// Initialization and Errors
let readyHandlers = useCallbacks();
let errorHandlers = useCallbacks();
let ready;
* Trigger errorHandlers added via onError and throws the error as well
* @param error - error to throw
* @returns the error as a rejected promise
function triggerError(error) {
errorHandlers.list().forEach(handler => handler(error));
return Promise.reject(error);
function isReady() {
if (ready && currentRoute.value !== START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED)
return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
readyHandlers.add([resolve, reject]);
* Mark the router as ready, resolving the promised returned by isReady(). Can
* only be called once, otherwise does nothing.
* @param err - optional error
function markAsReady(err) {
if (ready)
ready = true;
.forEach(([resolve, reject]) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve()));
// Scroll behavior
function handleScroll(to, from, isPush, isFirstNavigation) {
const { scrollBehavior } = options;
if (!isBrowser || !scrollBehavior)
return Promise.resolve();
let scrollPosition = (!isPush && getSavedScrollPosition(getScrollKey(to.fullPath, 0))) ||
((isFirstNavigation || !isPush) &&
history.state &&
history.state.scroll) ||
return vue.nextTick()
.then(() => scrollBehavior(to, from, scrollPosition))
.then(position => position && scrollToPosition(position))
const go = (delta) => routerHistory.go(delta);
let started;
const installedApps = new Set();
const router = {
back: () => go(-1),
forward: () => go(1),
beforeEach: beforeGuards.add,
beforeResolve: beforeResolveGuards.add,
afterEach: afterGuards.add,
onError: errorHandlers.add,
install(app) {
const router = this;
app.component('RouterLink', RouterLink);
app.component('RouterView', RouterView);
app.config.globalProperties.$router = router;
Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, '$route', {
get: () => vue.unref(currentRoute),
// this initial navigation is only necessary on client, on server it doesn't
// make sense because it will create an extra unnecessary navigation and could
// lead to problems
if (isBrowser &&
// used for the initial navigation client side to avoid pushing
// multiple times when the router is used in multiple apps
!started &&
currentRoute.value === START_LOCATION_NORMALIZED) {
// see above
started = true;
push(routerHistory.location).catch(err => {
warn('Unexpected error when starting the router:', err);
const reactiveRoute = {};
// @ts-ignore: the key matches
reactiveRoute[key] = vue.computed(() => currentRoute.value[key]);
app.provide(routerKey, router);
app.provide(routeLocationKey, vue.reactive(reactiveRoute));
app.provide(routerViewLocationKey, currentRoute);
let unmountApp = app.unmount;
app.unmount = function () {
if (installedApps.size < 1) {
started = false;
ready = false;
unmountApp.call(this, arguments);
addDevtools(app, router, matcher);
return router;
function runGuardQueue(guards) {
return guards.reduce((promise, guard) => promise.then(() => guard()), Promise.resolve());
function extractChangingRecords(to, from) {
const leavingRecords = [];
const updatingRecords = [];
const enteringRecords = [];
const len = Math.max(from.matched.length, to.matched.length);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const recordFrom = from.matched[i];
if (recordFrom) {
if (to.matched.indexOf(recordFrom) < 0)
const recordTo = to.matched[i];
if (recordTo) {
// the type doesn't matter because we are comparing per reference
if (from.matched.indexOf(recordTo) < 0)
return [leavingRecords, updatingRecords, enteringRecords];
* Returns the router instance. Equivalent to using `$router` inside
* templates.
function useRouter() {
return vue.inject(routerKey);
* Returns the current route location. Equivalent to using `$route` inside
* templates.
function useRoute() {
return vue.inject(routeLocationKey);
exports.RouterLink = RouterLink;
exports.RouterView = RouterView;
exports.createMemoryHistory = createMemoryHistory;
exports.createRouter = createRouter;
exports.createRouterMatcher = createRouterMatcher;
exports.createWebHashHistory = createWebHashHistory;
exports.createWebHistory = createWebHistory;
exports.isNavigationFailure = isNavigationFailure;
exports.matchedRouteKey = matchedRouteKey;
exports.onBeforeRouteLeave = onBeforeRouteLeave;
exports.onBeforeRouteUpdate = onBeforeRouteUpdate;
exports.parseQuery = parseQuery;
exports.routeLocationKey = routeLocationKey;
exports.routerKey = routerKey;
exports.routerViewLocationKey = routerViewLocationKey;
exports.stringifyQuery = stringifyQuery;
exports.useLink = useLink;
exports.useRoute = useRoute;
exports.useRouter = useRouter;
exports.viewDepthKey = viewDepthKey;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
return exports;
}({}, Vue));