1189 lines
38 KiB
1189 lines
38 KiB
* TinyMCE version 6.0.3 (2022-05-25)
(function () {
'use strict';
var global$5 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var global$4 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.VK');
const hasProto = (v, constructor, predicate) => {
var _a;
if (predicate(v, constructor.prototype)) {
return true;
} else {
return ((_a = v.constructor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === constructor.name;
const typeOf = x => {
const t = typeof x;
if (x === null) {
return 'null';
} else if (t === 'object' && Array.isArray(x)) {
return 'array';
} else if (t === 'object' && hasProto(x, String, (o, proto) => proto.isPrototypeOf(o))) {
return 'string';
} else {
return t;
const isType = type => value => typeOf(value) === type;
const isSimpleType = type => value => typeof value === type;
const eq = t => a => t === a;
const isString = isType('string');
const isObject = isType('object');
const isArray = isType('array');
const isNull = eq(null);
const isBoolean = isSimpleType('boolean');
const isNullable = a => a === null || a === undefined;
const isNonNullable = a => !isNullable(a);
const isFunction = isSimpleType('function');
const isArrayOf = (value, pred) => {
if (isArray(value)) {
for (let i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (!pred(value[i])) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
const noop = () => {
const tripleEquals = (a, b) => {
return a === b;
class Optional {
constructor(tag, value) {
this.tag = tag;
this.value = value;
static some(value) {
return new Optional(true, value);
static none() {
return Optional.singletonNone;
fold(onNone, onSome) {
if (this.tag) {
return onSome(this.value);
} else {
return onNone();
isSome() {
return this.tag;
isNone() {
return !this.tag;
map(mapper) {
if (this.tag) {
return Optional.some(mapper(this.value));
} else {
return Optional.none();
bind(binder) {
if (this.tag) {
return binder(this.value);
} else {
return Optional.none();
exists(predicate) {
return this.tag && predicate(this.value);
forall(predicate) {
return !this.tag || predicate(this.value);
filter(predicate) {
if (!this.tag || predicate(this.value)) {
return this;
} else {
return Optional.none();
getOr(replacement) {
return this.tag ? this.value : replacement;
or(replacement) {
return this.tag ? this : replacement;
getOrThunk(thunk) {
return this.tag ? this.value : thunk();
orThunk(thunk) {
return this.tag ? this : thunk();
getOrDie(message) {
if (!this.tag) {
throw new Error(message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : 'Called getOrDie on None');
} else {
return this.value;
static from(value) {
return isNonNullable(value) ? Optional.some(value) : Optional.none();
getOrNull() {
return this.tag ? this.value : null;
getOrUndefined() {
return this.value;
each(worker) {
if (this.tag) {
toArray() {
return this.tag ? [this.value] : [];
toString() {
return this.tag ? `some(${ this.value })` : 'none()';
Optional.singletonNone = new Optional(false);
const nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
const nativePush = Array.prototype.push;
const rawIndexOf = (ts, t) => nativeIndexOf.call(ts, t);
const contains = (xs, x) => rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1;
const map = (xs, f) => {
const len = xs.length;
const r = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
r[i] = f(x, i);
return r;
const each$1 = (xs, f) => {
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
f(x, i);
const foldl = (xs, f, acc) => {
each$1(xs, (x, i) => {
acc = f(acc, x, i);
return acc;
const flatten = xs => {
const r = [];
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (!isArray(xs[i])) {
throw new Error('Arr.flatten item ' + i + ' was not an array, input: ' + xs);
nativePush.apply(r, xs[i]);
return r;
const bind = (xs, f) => flatten(map(xs, f));
const findMap = (arr, f) => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const r = f(arr[i], i);
if (r.isSome()) {
return r;
return Optional.none();
const is = (lhs, rhs, comparator = tripleEquals) => lhs.exists(left => comparator(left, rhs));
const cat = arr => {
const r = [];
const push = x => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
return r;
const someIf = (b, a) => b ? Optional.some(a) : Optional.none();
const option = name => editor => editor.options.get(name);
const register$1 = editor => {
const registerOption = editor.options.register;
registerOption('link_assume_external_targets', {
processor: value => {
const valid = isString(value) || isBoolean(value);
if (valid) {
if (value === true) {
return {
value: 1,
} else if (value === 'http' || value === 'https') {
return {
} else {
return {
value: 0,
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be a string or a boolean.'
default: false
registerOption('link_context_toolbar', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('link_list', { processor: value => isString(value) || isFunction(value) || isArrayOf(value, isObject) });
registerOption('link_default_target', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('link_default_protocol', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'https'
registerOption('link_target_list', {
processor: value => isBoolean(value) || isArrayOf(value, isObject),
default: true
registerOption('link_rel_list', {
processor: 'object[]',
default: []
registerOption('link_class_list', {
processor: 'object[]',
default: []
registerOption('link_title', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('allow_unsafe_link_target', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('link_quicklink', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
const assumeExternalTargets = option('link_assume_external_targets');
const hasContextToolbar = option('link_context_toolbar');
const getLinkList = option('link_list');
const getDefaultLinkTarget = option('link_default_target');
const getDefaultLinkProtocol = option('link_default_protocol');
const getTargetList = option('link_target_list');
const getRelList = option('link_rel_list');
const getLinkClassList = option('link_class_list');
const shouldShowLinkTitle = option('link_title');
const allowUnsafeLinkTarget = option('allow_unsafe_link_target');
const useQuickLink = option('link_quicklink');
var global$3 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Tools');
const getValue = item => isString(item.value) ? item.value : '';
const getText = item => {
if (isString(item.text)) {
return item.text;
} else if (isString(item.title)) {
return item.title;
} else {
return '';
const sanitizeList = (list, extractValue) => {
const out = [];
global$3.each(list, item => {
const text = getText(item);
if (item.menu !== undefined) {
const items = sanitizeList(item.menu, extractValue);
} else {
const value = extractValue(item);
return out;
const sanitizeWith = (extracter = getValue) => list => Optional.from(list).map(list => sanitizeList(list, extracter));
const sanitize = list => sanitizeWith(getValue)(list);
const createUi = (name, label) => items => ({
type: 'listbox',
const ListOptions = {
const keys = Object.keys;
const hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;
const each = (obj, f) => {
const props = keys(obj);
for (let k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) {
const i = props[k];
const x = obj[i];
f(x, i);
const objAcc = r => (x, i) => {
r[i] = x;
const internalFilter = (obj, pred, onTrue, onFalse) => {
const r = {};
each(obj, (x, i) => {
(pred(x, i) ? onTrue : onFalse)(x, i);
return r;
const filter = (obj, pred) => {
const t = {};
internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), noop);
return t;
const has = (obj, key) => hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
const hasNonNullableKey = (obj, key) => has(obj, key) && obj[key] !== undefined && obj[key] !== null;
var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.TreeWalker');
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.URI');
const isAnchor = elm => elm && elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a';
const isLink = elm => isAnchor(elm) && !!getHref(elm);
const collectNodesInRange = (rng, predicate) => {
if (rng.collapsed) {
return [];
} else {
const contents = rng.cloneContents();
const walker = new global$2(contents.firstChild, contents);
const elements = [];
let current = contents.firstChild;
do {
if (predicate(current)) {
} while (current = walker.next());
return elements;
const hasProtocol = url => /^\w+:/i.test(url);
const getHref = elm => {
const href = elm.getAttribute('data-mce-href');
return href ? href : elm.getAttribute('href');
const applyRelTargetRules = (rel, isUnsafe) => {
const rules = ['noopener'];
const rels = rel ? rel.split(/\s+/) : [];
const toString = rels => global$3.trim(rels.sort().join(' '));
const addTargetRules = rels => {
rels = removeTargetRules(rels);
return rels.length > 0 ? rels.concat(rules) : rules;
const removeTargetRules = rels => rels.filter(val => global$3.inArray(rules, val) === -1);
const newRels = isUnsafe ? addTargetRules(rels) : removeTargetRules(rels);
return newRels.length > 0 ? toString(newRels) : '';
const trimCaretContainers = text => text.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
const getAnchorElement = (editor, selectedElm) => {
selectedElm = selectedElm || editor.selection.getNode();
if (isImageFigure(selectedElm)) {
return editor.dom.select('a[href]', selectedElm)[0];
} else {
return editor.dom.getParent(selectedElm, 'a[href]');
const getAnchorText = (selection, anchorElm) => {
const text = anchorElm ? anchorElm.innerText || anchorElm.textContent : selection.getContent({ format: 'text' });
return trimCaretContainers(text);
const hasLinks = elements => global$3.grep(elements, isLink).length > 0;
const hasLinksInSelection = rng => collectNodesInRange(rng, isLink).length > 0;
const isOnlyTextSelected = editor => {
const inlineTextElements = editor.schema.getTextInlineElements();
const isElement = elm => elm.nodeType === 1 && !isAnchor(elm) && !has(inlineTextElements, elm.nodeName.toLowerCase());
const elements = collectNodesInRange(editor.selection.getRng(), isElement);
return elements.length === 0;
const isImageFigure = elm => elm && elm.nodeName === 'FIGURE' && /\bimage\b/i.test(elm.className);
const getLinkAttrs = data => {
const attrs = [
return foldl(attrs, (acc, key) => {
data[key].each(value => {
acc[key] = value.length > 0 ? value : null;
return acc;
}, { href: data.href });
const handleExternalTargets = (href, assumeExternalTargets) => {
if ((assumeExternalTargets === 'http' || assumeExternalTargets === 'https') && !hasProtocol(href)) {
return assumeExternalTargets + '://' + href;
return href;
const applyLinkOverrides = (editor, linkAttrs) => {
const newLinkAttrs = { ...linkAttrs };
if (getRelList(editor).length === 0 && !allowUnsafeLinkTarget(editor)) {
const newRel = applyRelTargetRules(newLinkAttrs.rel, newLinkAttrs.target === '_blank');
newLinkAttrs.rel = newRel ? newRel : null;
if (Optional.from(newLinkAttrs.target).isNone() && getTargetList(editor) === false) {
newLinkAttrs.target = getDefaultLinkTarget(editor);
newLinkAttrs.href = handleExternalTargets(newLinkAttrs.href, assumeExternalTargets(editor));
return newLinkAttrs;
const updateLink = (editor, anchorElm, text, linkAttrs) => {
text.each(text => {
if (has(anchorElm, 'innerText')) {
anchorElm.innerText = text;
} else {
anchorElm.textContent = text;
editor.dom.setAttribs(anchorElm, linkAttrs);
const createLink = (editor, selectedElm, text, linkAttrs) => {
if (isImageFigure(selectedElm)) {
linkImageFigure(editor, selectedElm, linkAttrs);
} else {
text.fold(() => {
editor.execCommand('mceInsertLink', false, linkAttrs);
}, text => {
editor.insertContent(editor.dom.createHTML('a', linkAttrs, editor.dom.encode(text)));
const linkDomMutation = (editor, attachState, data) => {
const selectedElm = editor.selection.getNode();
const anchorElm = getAnchorElement(editor, selectedElm);
const linkAttrs = applyLinkOverrides(editor, getLinkAttrs(data));
editor.undoManager.transact(() => {
if (data.href === attachState.href) {
if (anchorElm) {
updateLink(editor, anchorElm, data.text, linkAttrs);
} else {
createLink(editor, selectedElm, data.text, linkAttrs);
const unlinkSelection = editor => {
const dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
const bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
const rng = selection.getRng().cloneRange();
const startAnchorElm = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, 'a[href]', editor.getBody());
const endAnchorElm = dom.getParent(rng.endContainer, 'a[href]', editor.getBody());
if (startAnchorElm) {
if (endAnchorElm) {
const unlinkDomMutation = editor => {
editor.undoManager.transact(() => {
const node = editor.selection.getNode();
if (isImageFigure(node)) {
unlinkImageFigure(editor, node);
} else {
const unwrapOptions = data => {
const {
class: cls,
} = data;
return filter({
class: cls.getOrNull(),
rel: rel.getOrNull(),
target: target.getOrNull(),
text: text.getOrNull(),
title: title.getOrNull()
}, (v, _k) => isNull(v) === false);
const sanitizeData = (editor, data) => {
const getOption = editor.options.get;
const uriOptions = {
allow_html_data_urls: getOption('allow_html_data_urls'),
allow_script_urls: getOption('allow_script_urls'),
allow_svg_data_urls: getOption('allow_svg_data_urls')
const href = data.href;
return {
href: global$1.isDomSafe(href, 'a', uriOptions) ? href : ''
const link = (editor, attachState, data) => {
const sanitizedData = sanitizeData(editor, data);
editor.hasPlugin('rtc', true) ? editor.execCommand('createlink', false, unwrapOptions(sanitizedData)) : linkDomMutation(editor, attachState, sanitizedData);
const unlink = editor => {
editor.hasPlugin('rtc', true) ? editor.execCommand('unlink') : unlinkDomMutation(editor);
const unlinkImageFigure = (editor, fig) => {
const img = editor.dom.select('img', fig)[0];
if (img) {
const a = editor.dom.getParents(img, 'a[href]', fig)[0];
if (a) {
a.parentNode.insertBefore(img, a);
const linkImageFigure = (editor, fig, attrs) => {
const img = editor.dom.select('img', fig)[0];
if (img) {
const a = editor.dom.create('a', attrs);
img.parentNode.insertBefore(a, img);
const isListGroup = item => hasNonNullableKey(item, 'items');
const findTextByValue = (value, catalog) => findMap(catalog, item => {
if (isListGroup(item)) {
return findTextByValue(value, item.items);
} else {
return someIf(item.value === value, item);
const getDelta = (persistentText, fieldName, catalog, data) => {
const value = data[fieldName];
const hasPersistentText = persistentText.length > 0;
return value !== undefined ? findTextByValue(value, catalog).map(i => ({
url: {
value: i.value,
meta: {
text: hasPersistentText ? persistentText : i.text,
attach: noop
text: hasPersistentText ? persistentText : i.text
})) : Optional.none();
const findCatalog = (catalogs, fieldName) => {
if (fieldName === 'link') {
return catalogs.link;
} else if (fieldName === 'anchor') {
return catalogs.anchor;
} else {
return Optional.none();
const init = (initialData, linkCatalog) => {
const persistentData = {
text: initialData.text,
title: initialData.title
const getTitleFromUrlChange = url => someIf(persistentData.title.length <= 0, Optional.from(url.meta.title).getOr(''));
const getTextFromUrlChange = url => someIf(persistentData.text.length <= 0, Optional.from(url.meta.text).getOr(url.value));
const onUrlChange = data => {
const text = getTextFromUrlChange(data.url);
const title = getTitleFromUrlChange(data.url);
if (text.isSome() || title.isSome()) {
return Optional.some({
...text.map(text => ({ text })).getOr({}),
...title.map(title => ({ title })).getOr({})
} else {
return Optional.none();
const onCatalogChange = (data, change) => {
const catalog = findCatalog(linkCatalog, change.name).getOr([]);
return getDelta(persistentData.text, change.name, catalog, data);
const onChange = (getData, change) => {
const name = change.name;
if (name === 'url') {
return onUrlChange(getData());
} else if (contains([
], name)) {
return onCatalogChange(getData(), change);
} else if (name === 'text' || name === 'title') {
persistentData[name] = getData()[name];
return Optional.none();
} else {
return Optional.none();
return { onChange };
const DialogChanges = {
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay');
const delayedConfirm = (editor, message, callback) => {
const rng = editor.selection.getRng();
global.setEditorTimeout(editor, () => {
editor.windowManager.confirm(message, state => {
const tryEmailTransform = data => {
const url = data.href;
const suggestMailTo = url.indexOf('@') > 0 && url.indexOf('/') === -1 && url.indexOf('mailto:') === -1;
return suggestMailTo ? Optional.some({
message: 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?',
preprocess: oldData => ({
href: 'mailto:' + url
}) : Optional.none();
const tryProtocolTransform = (assumeExternalTargets, defaultLinkProtocol) => data => {
const url = data.href;
const suggestProtocol = assumeExternalTargets === 1 && !hasProtocol(url) || assumeExternalTargets === 0 && /^\s*www(\.|\d\.)/i.test(url);
return suggestProtocol ? Optional.some({
message: `The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required ${ defaultLinkProtocol }:// prefix?`,
preprocess: oldData => ({
href: defaultLinkProtocol + '://' + url
}) : Optional.none();
const preprocess = (editor, data) => findMap([
tryProtocolTransform(assumeExternalTargets(editor), getDefaultLinkProtocol(editor))
], f => f(data)).fold(() => Promise.resolve(data), transform => new Promise(callback => {
delayedConfirm(editor, transform.message, state => {
callback(state ? transform.preprocess(data) : data);
const DialogConfirms = { preprocess };
const getAnchors = editor => {
const anchorNodes = editor.dom.select('a:not([href])');
const anchors = bind(anchorNodes, anchor => {
const id = anchor.name || anchor.id;
return id ? [{
text: id,
value: '#' + id
}] : [];
return anchors.length > 0 ? Optional.some([{
text: 'None',
value: ''
}].concat(anchors)) : Optional.none();
const AnchorListOptions = { getAnchors };
const getClasses = editor => {
const list = getLinkClassList(editor);
if (list.length > 0) {
return ListOptions.sanitize(list);
return Optional.none();
const ClassListOptions = { getClasses };
const parseJson = text => {
try {
return Optional.some(JSON.parse(text));
} catch (err) {
return Optional.none();
const getLinks = editor => {
const extractor = item => editor.convertURL(item.value || item.url, 'href');
const linkList = getLinkList(editor);
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (isString(linkList)) {
fetch(linkList).then(res => res.ok ? res.text().then(parseJson) : Promise.reject()).then(resolve, () => resolve(Optional.none()));
} else if (isFunction(linkList)) {
linkList(output => resolve(Optional.some(output)));
} else {
}).then(optItems => optItems.bind(ListOptions.sanitizeWith(extractor)).map(items => {
if (items.length > 0) {
const noneItem = [{
text: 'None',
value: ''
return noneItem.concat(items);
} else {
return items;
const LinkListOptions = { getLinks };
const getRels = (editor, initialTarget) => {
const list = getRelList(editor);
if (list.length > 0) {
const isTargetBlank = is(initialTarget, '_blank');
const enforceSafe = allowUnsafeLinkTarget(editor) === false;
const safeRelExtractor = item => applyRelTargetRules(ListOptions.getValue(item), isTargetBlank);
const sanitizer = enforceSafe ? ListOptions.sanitizeWith(safeRelExtractor) : ListOptions.sanitize;
return sanitizer(list);
return Optional.none();
const RelOptions = { getRels };
const fallbacks = [
text: 'Current window',
value: ''
text: 'New window',
value: '_blank'
const getTargets = editor => {
const list = getTargetList(editor);
if (isArray(list)) {
return ListOptions.sanitize(list).orThunk(() => Optional.some(fallbacks));
} else if (list === false) {
return Optional.none();
return Optional.some(fallbacks);
const TargetOptions = { getTargets };
const nonEmptyAttr = (dom, elem, name) => {
const val = dom.getAttrib(elem, name);
return val !== null && val.length > 0 ? Optional.some(val) : Optional.none();
const extractFromAnchor = (editor, anchor) => {
const dom = editor.dom;
const onlyText = isOnlyTextSelected(editor);
const text = onlyText ? Optional.some(getAnchorText(editor.selection, anchor)) : Optional.none();
const url = anchor ? Optional.some(dom.getAttrib(anchor, 'href')) : Optional.none();
const target = anchor ? Optional.from(dom.getAttrib(anchor, 'target')) : Optional.none();
const rel = nonEmptyAttr(dom, anchor, 'rel');
const linkClass = nonEmptyAttr(dom, anchor, 'class');
const title = nonEmptyAttr(dom, anchor, 'title');
return {
const collect = (editor, linkNode) => LinkListOptions.getLinks(editor).then(links => {
const anchor = extractFromAnchor(editor, linkNode);
return {
catalogs: {
targets: TargetOptions.getTargets(editor),
rels: RelOptions.getRels(editor, anchor.target),
classes: ClassListOptions.getClasses(editor),
anchor: AnchorListOptions.getAnchors(editor),
link: links
optNode: Optional.from(linkNode),
flags: { titleEnabled: shouldShowLinkTitle(editor) }
const DialogInfo = { collect };
const handleSubmit = (editor, info) => api => {
const data = api.getData();
if (!data.url.value) {
const getChangedValue = key => Optional.from(data[key]).filter(value => !is(info.anchor[key], value));
const changedData = {
href: data.url.value,
text: getChangedValue('text'),
target: getChangedValue('target'),
rel: getChangedValue('rel'),
class: getChangedValue('linkClass'),
title: getChangedValue('title')
const attachState = {
href: data.url.value,
attach: data.url.meta !== undefined && data.url.meta.attach ? data.url.meta.attach : noop
DialogConfirms.preprocess(editor, changedData).then(pData => {
link(editor, attachState, pData);
const collectData = editor => {
const anchorNode = getAnchorElement(editor);
return DialogInfo.collect(editor, anchorNode);
const getInitialData = (info, defaultTarget) => {
const anchor = info.anchor;
const url = anchor.url.getOr('');
return {
url: {
value: url,
meta: { original: { value: url } }
text: anchor.text.getOr(''),
title: anchor.title.getOr(''),
anchor: url,
link: url,
rel: anchor.rel.getOr(''),
target: anchor.target.or(defaultTarget).getOr(''),
linkClass: anchor.linkClass.getOr('')
const makeDialog = (settings, onSubmit, editor) => {
const urlInput = [{
name: 'url',
type: 'urlinput',
filetype: 'file',
label: 'URL'
const displayText = settings.anchor.text.map(() => ({
name: 'text',
type: 'input',
label: 'Text to display'
const titleText = settings.flags.titleEnabled ? [{
name: 'title',
type: 'input',
label: 'Title'
}] : [];
const defaultTarget = Optional.from(getDefaultLinkTarget(editor));
const initialData = getInitialData(settings, defaultTarget);
const catalogs = settings.catalogs;
const dialogDelta = DialogChanges.init(initialData, catalogs);
const body = {
type: 'panel',
items: flatten([
catalogs.anchor.map(ListOptions.createUi('anchor', 'Anchors')),
catalogs.rels.map(ListOptions.createUi('rel', 'Rel')),
catalogs.targets.map(ListOptions.createUi('target', 'Open link in...')),
catalogs.link.map(ListOptions.createUi('link', 'Link list')),
catalogs.classes.map(ListOptions.createUi('linkClass', 'Class'))
return {
title: 'Insert/Edit Link',
size: 'normal',
buttons: [
type: 'cancel',
name: 'cancel',
text: 'Cancel'
type: 'submit',
name: 'save',
text: 'Save',
primary: true
onChange: (api, {name}) => {
dialogDelta.onChange(api.getData, { name }).each(newData => {
const open$1 = editor => {
const data = collectData(editor);
data.then(info => {
const onSubmit = handleSubmit(editor, info);
return makeDialog(info, onSubmit, editor);
}).then(spec => {
const appendClickRemove = (link, evt) => {
const open = url => {
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.target = '_blank';
link.href = url;
link.rel = 'noreferrer noopener';
const evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
appendClickRemove(link, evt);
const getLink = (editor, elm) => editor.dom.getParent(elm, 'a[href]');
const getSelectedLink = editor => getLink(editor, editor.selection.getStart());
const hasOnlyAltModifier = e => {
return e.altKey === true && e.shiftKey === false && e.ctrlKey === false && e.metaKey === false;
const gotoLink = (editor, a) => {
if (a) {
const href = getHref(a);
if (/^#/.test(href)) {
const targetEl = editor.dom.select(href);
if (targetEl.length) {
editor.selection.scrollIntoView(targetEl[0], true);
} else {
const openDialog = editor => () => {
const gotoSelectedLink = editor => () => {
gotoLink(editor, getSelectedLink(editor));
const setupGotoLinks = editor => {
editor.on('click', e => {
const link = getLink(editor, e.target);
if (link && global$4.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
gotoLink(editor, link);
editor.on('keydown', e => {
const link = getSelectedLink(editor);
if (link && e.keyCode === 13 && hasOnlyAltModifier(e)) {
gotoLink(editor, link);
const toggleState = (editor, toggler) => {
editor.on('NodeChange', toggler);
return () => editor.off('NodeChange', toggler);
const toggleActiveState = editor => api => {
const updateState = () => api.setActive(!editor.mode.isReadOnly() && getAnchorElement(editor, editor.selection.getNode()) !== null);
return toggleState(editor, updateState);
const toggleEnabledState = editor => api => {
const updateState = () => api.setEnabled(getAnchorElement(editor, editor.selection.getNode()) !== null);
return toggleState(editor, updateState);
const toggleUnlinkState = editor => api => {
const hasLinks$1 = parents => hasLinks(parents) || hasLinksInSelection(editor.selection.getRng());
const parents = editor.dom.getParents(editor.selection.getStart());
return toggleState(editor, e => api.setEnabled(hasLinks$1(e.parents)));
const register = editor => {
editor.addCommand('mceLink', () => {
if (useQuickLink(editor)) {
editor.dispatch('contexttoolbar-show', { toolbarKey: 'quicklink' });
} else {
const setup = editor => {
editor.addShortcut('Meta+K', '', () => {
const setupButtons = editor => {
editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton('link', {
icon: 'link',
tooltip: 'Insert/edit link',
onAction: openDialog(editor),
onSetup: toggleActiveState(editor)
editor.ui.registry.addButton('openlink', {
icon: 'new-tab',
tooltip: 'Open link',
onAction: gotoSelectedLink(editor),
onSetup: toggleEnabledState(editor)
editor.ui.registry.addButton('unlink', {
icon: 'unlink',
tooltip: 'Remove link',
onAction: () => unlink(editor),
onSetup: toggleUnlinkState(editor)
const setupMenuItems = editor => {
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('openlink', {
text: 'Open link',
icon: 'new-tab',
onAction: gotoSelectedLink(editor),
onSetup: toggleEnabledState(editor)
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('link', {
icon: 'link',
text: 'Link...',
shortcut: 'Meta+K',
onAction: openDialog(editor)
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('unlink', {
icon: 'unlink',
text: 'Remove link',
onAction: () => unlink(editor),
onSetup: toggleUnlinkState(editor)
const setupContextMenu = editor => {
const inLink = 'link unlink openlink';
const noLink = 'link';
editor.ui.registry.addContextMenu('link', { update: element => hasLinks(editor.dom.getParents(element, 'a')) ? inLink : noLink });
const setupContextToolbars = editor => {
const collapseSelectionToEnd = editor => {
const onSetupLink = buttonApi => {
const node = editor.selection.getNode();
buttonApi.setEnabled(getAnchorElement(editor, node) !== null);
return noop;
const getLinkText = value => {
const anchor = getAnchorElement(editor);
const onlyText = isOnlyTextSelected(editor);
if (!anchor && onlyText) {
const text = getAnchorText(editor.selection, anchor);
return Optional.some(text.length > 0 ? text : value);
} else {
return Optional.none();
editor.ui.registry.addContextForm('quicklink', {
launch: {
type: 'contextformtogglebutton',
icon: 'link',
tooltip: 'Link',
onSetup: toggleActiveState(editor)
label: 'Link',
predicate: node => !!getAnchorElement(editor, node) && hasContextToolbar(editor),
initValue: () => {
const elm = getAnchorElement(editor);
return !!elm ? getHref(elm) : '';
commands: [
type: 'contextformtogglebutton',
icon: 'link',
tooltip: 'Link',
primary: true,
onSetup: buttonApi => {
const node = editor.selection.getNode();
buttonApi.setActive(!!getAnchorElement(editor, node));
return toggleActiveState(editor)(buttonApi);
onAction: formApi => {
const value = formApi.getValue();
const text = getLinkText(value);
const attachState = {
href: value,
attach: noop
link(editor, attachState, {
href: value,
title: Optional.none(),
rel: Optional.none(),
target: Optional.none(),
class: Optional.none()
type: 'contextformbutton',
icon: 'unlink',
tooltip: 'Remove link',
onSetup: onSetupLink,
onAction: formApi => {
type: 'contextformbutton',
icon: 'new-tab',
tooltip: 'Open link',
onSetup: onSetupLink,
onAction: formApi => {
var Plugin = () => {
global$5.add('link', editor => {