This operator is used to update node values. It can be used in either the:
### plain form: `=`
Which will assign the LHS node values to the RHS node values. The RHS expression is run against the matching nodes in the pipeline.
### relative form: `|=`
This will do a similar thing to the plain form, however, the RHS expression is run against _the LHS nodes_. This is useful for updating values based on old values, e.g. increment.
## Create yaml file
yq eval --null-input '.a.b = "cat" | .x = "frog"'
will output
b: cat
x: frog
## Update node to be the child value
Given a sample.yml file of:
g: foof
yq eval '.a |= .b' sample.yml
will output
g: foof
## Double elements in an array
Given a sample.yml file of:
- 1
- 2
- 3
yq eval '.[] |= . * 2' sample.yml
will output
- 2
- 4
- 6
## Update node from another file
Note this will also work when the second file is a scalar (string/number)