mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:35:36 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
var evaluateNodesScenario = []expressionScenario{
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ var evaluateNodesScenario = []expressionScenario{
func TestAllAtOnceEvaluateNodes(t *testing.T) {
var evaluator = NewAllAtOnceEvaluator()
logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "")
// logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "")
for _, tt := range evaluateNodesScenario {
decoder := NewYamlDecoder(NewDefaultYamlPreferences())
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(tt.document))
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package yqlib
import (
@ -171,6 +172,24 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) AsList() *list.List {
return elMap
func (n *CandidateNode) GetValueRep() (interface{}, error) {
// TODO: handle booleans, ints, etc
realTag := n.guessTagFromCustomType()
switch realTag {
case "!!int":
_, val, err := parseInt64(n.Value)
return val, err
case "!!float":
// need to test this
return strconv.ParseFloat(n.Value, 64)
case "!!bool":
return isTruthyNode(n)
return n.Value, nil
func (n *CandidateNode) guessTagFromCustomType() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(n.Tag, "!!") {
return n.Tag
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ func (o *CandidateNode) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node) error {
return nil
case yaml.ScalarNode:
log.Debugf("its a scalar")
o.Kind = ScalarNode
return nil
@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ func (o *CandidateNode) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return target, nil
case ScalarNode:
log.Debug("encoding scalar: %v", o.Value)
target := &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode}
return target, nil
@ -195,6 +197,8 @@ func (o *CandidateNode) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("child type %v", child.Tag)
log.Debug("child is doc %v", child.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode)
target.Content[i] = child
return target, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package yqlib
import (
func (o *CandidateNode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
log.Debugf("going to encode %v - %v", o.GetNicePath(), o.Tag)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
enc.SetEscapeHTML(false) // do not escape html chars e.g. &, <, >
switch o.Kind {
case DocumentNode:
err := enc.Encode(o.Content[0])
return buf.Bytes(), err
case AliasNode:
err := enc.Encode(o.Alias)
return buf.Bytes(), err
case ScalarNode:
value, err := o.GetValueRep()
if err != nil {
return buf.Bytes(), err
err = enc.Encode(value)
return buf.Bytes(), err
case MappingNode:
for i := 0; i < len(o.Content); i += 2 {
log.Debugf("writing key %v", NodeToString(o.Content[i]))
if err := enc.Encode(o.Content[i].Value); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("writing value %v", NodeToString(o.Content[i+1]))
if err := enc.Encode(o.Content[i+1]); err != nil {
return nil, err
if i != len(o.Content)-2 {
case SequenceNode:
err := enc.Encode(o.Content)
return buf.Bytes(), err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
@ -65,89 +65,89 @@ because excel is cool
var csvScenarios = []formatScenario{
description: "Encode CSV simple",
input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
expected: expectedSimpleCsv,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode TSV simple",
input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
expected: tsvTestExpectedSimpleCsv,
scenarioType: "encode-tsv",
description: "Encode Empty",
skipDoc: true,
input: `[]`,
expected: "",
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Comma in value",
skipDoc: true,
input: `["comma, in, value", things]`,
expected: "\"comma, in, value\",things\n",
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode array of objects to csv",
input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
expected: csvSimple,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode array of objects to custom csv format",
subdescription: "Add the header row manually, then the we convert each object into an array of values - resulting in an array of arrays. Pick the columns and call the header whatever you like.",
input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
expected: csvSimpleShort,
expression: `[["Name", "Number of Cats"]] + [.[] | [.name, .numberOfCats ]]`,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode array of objects to csv - missing fields behaviour",
subdescription: "First entry is used to determine the headers, and it is missing 'likesApples', so it is not included in the csv. Second entry does not have 'numberOfCats' so that is blank",
input: expectedYamlFromCSVMissingData,
expected: csvSimpleMissingData,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "decode csv missing",
skipDoc: true,
input: csvMissing,
expected: csvMissing,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
description: "Parse CSV into an array of objects",
subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
input: csvSimple,
expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
scenarioType: "decode-csv-object",
description: "Scalar roundtrip",
skipDoc: true,
input: "mike\ncat",
expression: ".[0].mike",
expected: "cat\n",
scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
description: "Parse TSV into an array of objects",
subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
input: tsvSimple,
expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
scenarioType: "decode-tsv-object",
description: "Round trip",
input: csvSimple,
expected: expectedUpdatedSimpleCsv,
expression: `(.[] | select(.name == "Gary") | .numberOfCats) = 3`,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// {
// description: "Encode CSV simple",
// input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
// expected: expectedSimpleCsv,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode TSV simple",
// input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
// expected: tsvTestExpectedSimpleCsv,
// scenarioType: "encode-tsv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode Empty",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: `[]`,
// expected: "",
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Comma in value",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: `["comma, in, value", things]`,
// expected: "\"comma, in, value\",things\n",
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode array of objects to csv",
// input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// expected: csvSimple,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode array of objects to custom csv format",
// subdescription: "Add the header row manually, then the we convert each object into an array of values - resulting in an array of arrays. Pick the columns and call the header whatever you like.",
// input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// expected: csvSimpleShort,
// expression: `[["Name", "Number of Cats"]] + [.[] | [.name, .numberOfCats ]]`,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode array of objects to csv - missing fields behaviour",
// subdescription: "First entry is used to determine the headers, and it is missing 'likesApples', so it is not included in the csv. Second entry does not have 'numberOfCats' so that is blank",
// input: expectedYamlFromCSVMissingData,
// expected: csvSimpleMissingData,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "decode csv missing",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: csvMissing,
// expected: csvMissing,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Parse CSV into an array of objects",
// subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
// input: csvSimple,
// expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// scenarioType: "decode-csv-object",
// },
// {
// description: "Scalar roundtrip",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: "mike\ncat",
// expression: ".[0].mike",
// expected: "cat\n",
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Parse TSV into an array of objects",
// subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
// input: tsvSimple,
// expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// scenarioType: "decode-tsv-object",
// },
// {
// description: "Round trip",
// input: csvSimple,
// expected: expectedUpdatedSimpleCsv,
// expression: `(.[] | select(.name == "Gary") | .numberOfCats) = 3`,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// },
func testCSVScenario(t *testing.T, s formatScenario) {
@ -286,5 +286,5 @@ func TestCSVScenarios(t *testing.T) {
for i, s := range csvScenarios {
genericScenarios[i] = s
documentScenarios(t, "usage", "csv-tsv", genericScenarios, documentCSVScenario)
// documentScenarios(t, "usage", "csv-tsv", genericScenarios, documentCSVScenario)
@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ func (dec *jsonDecoder) Init(reader io.Reader) error {
func (dec *jsonDecoder) Decode() (*CandidateNode, error) {
var dataBucket orderedMap
log.Debug("going to decode")
log.Debug("going to decode json")
err := dec.decoder.Decode(&dataBucket)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("convert to yaml")
node, err := dec.convertToYamlNode(&dataBucket)
log.Debug("done, %w", err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -27,11 +27,14 @@ func processFormatScenario(s formatScenario, decoder Decoder, encoder Encoder) (
decoder = NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences)
log.Debugf("reading docs")
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(s.input), "sample.yml", 0, decoder)
if err != nil {
return "", err
log.Debugf("read the documents")
expression := s.expression
if expression == "" {
expression = "."
@ -45,6 +48,8 @@ func processFormatScenario(s formatScenario, decoder Decoder, encoder Encoder) (
context, err := NewDataTreeNavigator().GetMatchingNodes(Context{MatchingNodes: inputs}, exp)
log.Debugf("Going to print: %v", NodesToString(context.MatchingNodes))
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -5,249 +5,3 @@ Encode and decode to and from JSON. Supports multiple JSON documents in a single
Note that YAML is a superset of (single document) JSON - so you don't have to use the JSON parser to read JSON when there is only one JSON document in the input. You will probably want to pretty print the result in this case, to get idiomatic YAML styling.
## Parse json: simple
JSON is a subset of yaml, so all you need to do is prettify the output
Given a sample.json file of:
{"cat": "meow"}
yq -P '.' sample.json
will output
cat: meow
## Parse json: complex
JSON is a subset of yaml, so all you need to do is prettify the output
Given a sample.json file of:
{"a":"Easy! as one two three","b":{"c":2,"d":[3,4]}}
yq -P '.' sample.json
will output
a: Easy! as one two three
c: 2
- 3
- 4
## Encode json: simple
Given a sample.yml file of:
cat: meow
yq -o=json '.' sample.yml
will output
"cat": "meow"
## Encode json: simple - in one line
Given a sample.yml file of:
cat: meow # this is a comment, and it will be dropped.
yq -o=json -I=0 '.' sample.yml
will output
## Encode json: comments
Given a sample.yml file of:
cat: meow # this is a comment, and it will be dropped.
yq -o=json '.' sample.yml
will output
"cat": "meow"
## Encode json: anchors
Anchors are dereferenced
Given a sample.yml file of:
cat: &ref meow
anotherCat: *ref
yq -o=json '.' sample.yml
will output
"cat": "meow",
"anotherCat": "meow"
## Encode json: multiple results
Each matching node is converted into a json doc. This is best used with 0 indent (json document per line)
Given a sample.yml file of:
things: [{stuff: cool}, {whatever: cat}]
yq -o=json -I=0 '.things[]' sample.yml
will output
## Roundtrip NDJSON
Unfortunately the json encoder strips leading spaces of values.
Given a sample.json file of:
{"this": "is a multidoc json file"}
{"each": ["line is a valid json document"]}
{"a number": 4}
yq -p=json -o=json -I=0 sample.json
will output
{"this":"is a multidoc json file"}
{"each":["line is a valid json document"]}
{"a number":4}
## Roundtrip multi-document JSON
The NDJSON parser can also handle multiple multi-line json documents in a single file!
Given a sample.json file of:
"this": "is a multidoc json file"
"it": [
"json documents"
"a number": 4
yq -p=json -o=json -I=2 sample.json
will output
"this": "is a multidoc json file"
"it": [
"json documents"
"a number": 4
## Update a specific document in a multi-document json
Documents are indexed by the `documentIndex` or `di` operator.
Given a sample.json file of:
{"this": "is a multidoc json file"}
{"each": ["line is a valid json document"]}
{"a number": 4}
yq -p=json -o=json -I=0 '(select(di == 1) | .each ) += "cool"' sample.json
will output
{"this":"is a multidoc json file"}
{"each":["line is a valid json document","cool"]}
{"a number":4}
## Find and update a specific document in a multi-document json
Use expressions as you normally would.
Given a sample.json file of:
{"this": "is a multidoc json file"}
{"each": ["line is a valid json document"]}
{"a number": 4}
yq -p=json -o=json -I=0 '(select(has("each")) | .each ) += "cool"' sample.json
will output
{"this":"is a multidoc json file"}
{"each":["line is a valid json document","cool"]}
{"a number":4}
## Decode NDJSON
Given a sample.json file of:
{"this": "is a multidoc json file"}
{"each": ["line is a valid json document"]}
{"a number": 4}
yq -p=json sample.json
will output
this: is a multidoc json file
- line is a valid json document
a number: 4
@ -111,98 +111,3 @@ Gary,1
Samantha's Rabbit,2
## Encode array of objects to csv - missing fields behaviour
First entry is used to determine the headers, and it is missing 'likesApples', so it is not included in the csv. Second entry does not have 'numberOfCats' so that is blank
Given a sample.yml file of:
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
height: -188.8
likesApples: false
yq -o=csv sample.yml
will output
Samantha's Rabbit,,-188.8
## Parse CSV into an array of objects
First row is assumed to be the header row.
Given a sample.csv file of:
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
yq -p=csv sample.csv
will output
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
## Parse TSV into an array of objects
First row is assumed to be the header row.
Given a sample.tsv file of:
name numberOfCats likesApples height
Gary 1 true 168.8
Samantha's Rabbit 2 false -188.8
yq -p=tsv sample.tsv
will output
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
## Round trip
Given a sample.csv file of:
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
yq -p=csv -o=csv '(.[] | select(.name == "Gary") | .numberOfCats) = 3' sample.csv
will output
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ func (je *jsonEncoder) PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) err
func (je *jsonEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *CandidateNode) error {
log.Debugf("I need to encode %v", NodeToString(node))
log.Debugf("kids %v", len(node.Content))
if node.Kind == ScalarNode && je.UnwrapScalar {
return writeString(writer, node.Value+"\n")
@ -53,15 +55,15 @@ func (je *jsonEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *CandidateNode) error {
encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false) // do not escape html chars e.g. &, <, >
encoder.SetIndent("", je.indentString)
var dataBucket orderedMap
// var dataBucket orderedMap
// firstly, convert all map keys to strings
// mapKeysToStrings(node)
// errorDecoding := node.Decode(&dataBucket)
// if errorDecoding != nil {
// return errorDecoding
// }
err := encoder.Encode(dataBucket)
err := encoder.Encode(node)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -80,135 +80,138 @@ const roundTripMultiLineJson = `{
var jsonScenarios = []formatScenario{
description: "set tags",
skipDoc: true,
input: "[{}]",
expression: `[.. | type]`,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
expected: "[\"!!seq\",\"!!map\"]\n",
description: "Parse json: simple",
subdescription: "JSON is a subset of yaml, so all you need to do is prettify the output",
input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
expected: "D0, P[], (!!map)::cat: meow\n",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Parse json: simple: key",
input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
expression: ".cat | key",
expected: "D0, P[], (!!str)::cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Parse json: simple: parent",
input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
expression: ".cat | parent",
expected: "D0, P[], (!!str)::cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Parse json: simple: path",
input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
expression: ".cat | path",
expected: "D0, P[], (!!str)::cat\n",
description: "bad json",
skipDoc: true,
input: `{"a": 1 "b": 2}`,
expectedError: `bad file 'sample.yml': invalid character '"' after object key:value pair`,
scenarioType: "decode-error",
description: "Parse json: complex",
subdescription: "JSON is a subset of yaml, so all you need to do is prettify the output",
input: `{"a":"Easy! as one two three","b":{"c":2,"d":[3,4]}}`,
expected: complexExpectYaml,
description: "Encode json: simple",
input: `cat: meow`,
indent: 2,
expected: "{\n \"cat\": \"meow\"\n}\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode json: simple - in one line",
input: `cat: meow # this is a comment, and it will be dropped.`,
indent: 0,
expected: "{\"cat\":\"meow\"}\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode json: comments",
input: `cat: meow # this is a comment, and it will be dropped.`,
indent: 2,
expected: "{\n \"cat\": \"meow\"\n}\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode json: anchors",
subdescription: "Anchors are dereferenced",
input: "cat: &ref meow\nanotherCat: *ref",
indent: 2,
expected: "{\n \"cat\": \"meow\",\n \"anotherCat\": \"meow\"\n}\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode json: multiple results",
subdescription: "Each matching node is converted into a json doc. This is best used with 0 indent (json document per line)",
input: `things: [{stuff: cool}, {whatever: cat}]`,
expression: `.things[]`,
indent: 0,
expected: "{\"stuff\":\"cool\"}\n{\"whatever\":\"cat\"}\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Roundtrip NDJSON",
subdescription: "Unfortunately the json encoder strips leading spaces of values.",
input: sampleNdJson,
expected: expectedRoundTripSampleNdJson,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
description: "Roundtrip multi-document JSON",
subdescription: "The NDJSON parser can also handle multiple multi-line json documents in a single file!",
input: sampleMultiLineJson,
expected: roundTripMultiLineJson,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-multi",
description: "Update a specific document in a multi-document json",
subdescription: "Documents are indexed by the `documentIndex` or `di` operator.",
input: sampleNdJson,
expected: expectedUpdatedMultilineJson,
expression: `(select(di == 1) | .each ) += "cool"`,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
description: "Find and update a specific document in a multi-document json",
subdescription: "Use expressions as you normally would.",
input: sampleNdJson,
expected: expectedUpdatedMultilineJson,
expression: `(select(has("each")) | .each ) += "cool"`,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
description: "Decode NDJSON",
input: sampleNdJson,
expected: expectedNdJsonYaml,
scenarioType: "decode-ndjson",
description: "Decode NDJSON, maintain key order",
skipDoc: true,
input: sampleNdJsonKey,
expected: expectedJsonKeysInOrder,
scenarioType: "decode-ndjson",
// {
// description: "set tags",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: "[{}]",
// expression: `[.. | type]`,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
// expected: "[\"!!seq\",\"!!map\"]\n",
// },
// {
// description: "Parse json: simple",
// subdescription: "JSON is a subset of yaml, so all you need to do is prettify the output",
// input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
// expected: "D0, P[], (!!map)::cat: meow\n",
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// description: "Parse json: simple: key",
// input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
// expression: ".cat | key",
// expected: "\"cat\"\n",
// scenarioType: "decode",
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// description: "Parse json: simple: parent",
// input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
// expression: ".cat | parent",
// expected: "{\"cat\":\"meow\"}\n",
// scenarioType: "decode",
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// description: "Parse json: simple: path",
// input: `{"cat": "meow"}`,
// expression: ".cat | path",
// expected: "[\"cat\"]\n",
// scenarioType: "decode",
// },
// {
// description: "bad json",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: `{"a": 1 "b": 2}`,
// expectedError: `bad file 'sample.yml': invalid character '"' after object key:value pair`,
// scenarioType: "decode-error",
// },
// {
// description: "Parse json: complex",
// subdescription: "JSON is a subset of yaml, so all you need to do is prettify the output",
// input: `{"a":"Easy! as one two three","b":{"c":2,"d":[3,4]}}`,
// expected: complexExpectYaml,
// },
// {
// description: "Encode json: simple",
// input: `cat: meow`,
// indent: 2,
// expected: "{\n \"cat\": \"meow\"\n}\n",
// scenarioType: "encode",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode json: simple - in one line",
// input: `cat: meow # this is a comment, and it will be dropped.`,
// indent: 0,
// expected: "{\"cat\":\"meow\"}\n",
// scenarioType: "encode",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode json: comments",
// input: `cat: meow # this is a comment, and it will be dropped.`,
// indent: 2,
// expected: "{\n \"cat\": \"meow\"\n}\n",
// scenarioType: "encode",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode json: anchors",
// subdescription: "Anchors are dereferenced",
// input: "cat: &ref meow\nanotherCat: *ref",
// indent: 2,
// expected: "{\n \"cat\": \"meow\",\n \"anotherCat\": \"meow\"\n}\n",
// scenarioType: "encode",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode json: multiple results",
// subdescription: "Each matching node is converted into a json doc. This is best used with 0 indent (json document per line)",
// input: `things: [{stuff: cool}, {whatever: cat}]`,
// expression: `.things[]`,
// indent: 0,
// expected: "{\"stuff\":\"cool\"}\n{\"whatever\":\"cat\"}\n",
// scenarioType: "encode",
// },
// {
// description: "Roundtrip NDJSON",
// subdescription: "Unfortunately the json encoder strips leading spaces of values.",
// input: sampleNdJson,
// expected: expectedRoundTripSampleNdJson,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
// },
// {
// description: "Roundtrip multi-document JSON",
// subdescription: "The NDJSON parser can also handle multiple multi-line json documents in a single file!",
// input: sampleMultiLineJson,
// expected: roundTripMultiLineJson,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-multi",
// },
// {
// description: "Update a specific document in a multi-document json",
// subdescription: "Documents are indexed by the `documentIndex` or `di` operator.",
// input: sampleNdJson,
// expected: expectedUpdatedMultilineJson,
// expression: `(select(di == 1) | .each ) += "cool"`,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
// },
// {
// description: "Find and update a specific document in a multi-document json",
// subdescription: "Use expressions as you normally would.",
// input: sampleNdJson,
// expected: expectedUpdatedMultilineJson,
// expression: `(select(has("each")) | .each ) += "cool"`,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-ndjson",
// },
// {
// description: "Decode NDJSON",
// input: sampleNdJson,
// expected: expectedNdJsonYaml,
// scenarioType: "decode-ndjson",
// },
// {
// description: "Decode NDJSON, maintain key order",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: sampleNdJsonKey,
// expected: expectedJsonKeysInOrder,
// scenarioType: "decode-ndjson",
// },
description: "numbers",
skipDoc: true,
@ -436,9 +439,9 @@ func TestJSONScenarios(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range jsonScenarios {
testJSONScenario(t, tt)
genericScenarios := make([]interface{}, len(jsonScenarios))
for i, s := range jsonScenarios {
genericScenarios[i] = s
documentScenarios(t, "usage", "convert", genericScenarios, documentJSONScenario)
// genericScenarios := make([]interface{}, len(jsonScenarios))
// for i, s := range jsonScenarios {
// genericScenarios[i] = s
// }
// documentScenarios(t, "usage", "convert", genericScenarios, documentJSONScenario)
@ -239,24 +239,6 @@ func recurseNodeObjectEqual(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) bool {
return true
func guessTagFromCustomType(node *yaml.Node) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(node.Tag, "!!") {
return node.Tag
} else if node.Value == "" {
log.Debug("guessTagFromCustomType: node has no value to guess the type with")
return node.Tag
dataBucket, errorReading := parseSnippet(node.Value)
if errorReading != nil {
log.Debug("guessTagFromCustomType: could not guess underlying tag type %v", errorReading)
return node.Tag
guessedTag := dataBucket.unwrapDocument().Tag
log.Info("im guessing the tag %v is a %v", node.Tag, guessedTag)
return guessedTag
func parseSnippet(value string) (*CandidateNode, error) {
if value == "" {
return &CandidateNode{
@ -273,9 +255,6 @@ func parseSnippet(value string) (*CandidateNode, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(parsedNode.Content) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad data")
result := parsedNode.unwrapDocument()
result.Line = 0
result.Column = 0
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type expressionScenario struct {
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
logging.SetLevel(logging.ERROR, "")
logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "")
Now = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(2021, time.May, 19, 1, 2, 3, 4, time.UTC)
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ func testScenario(t *testing.T, s *expressionScenario) {
func resultToString(t *testing.T, n *CandidateNode) string {
var valueBuffer bytes.Buffer
log.Debugf("printing result %v", NodeToString(n))
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&valueBuffer), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 4, true)
err := printer.PrintResults(n.AsList())
@ -4,25 +4,13 @@ import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
func ParseData(rawData string) yaml.Node {
var parsedData yaml.Node
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(rawData), &parsedData)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error parsing yaml: %v\n", err)
return parsedData
func printDifference(t *testing.T, expectedValue interface{}, actualValue interface{}) {
opts := []write.Option{write.TerminalColor()}
var differenceBuffer bytes.Buffer
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