mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 17:05:35 +00:00
clarified pipe parsing tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ type OperationType struct {
// operators TODO:
// - cookbook doc for common things
// - mergeEmpty (sets only if the document is empty, do I do that now?)
// - compare ??
// - validate ??
var Or = &OperationType{Type: "OR", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 20, Handler: OrOperator}
var And = &OperationType{Type: "AND", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 20, Handler: AndOperator}
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ var Add = &OperationType{Type: "ADD", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 45, Handler: AddOp
var Equals = &OperationType{Type: "EQUALS", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 40, Handler: EqualsOperator}
var CreateMap = &OperationType{Type: "CREATE_MAP", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 40, Handler: CreateMapOperator}
var ShortPipe = &OperationType{Type: "PIPE", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 45, Handler: PipeOperator}
var ShortPipe = &OperationType{Type: "SHORT_PIPE", NumArgs: 2, Precedence: 45, Handler: PipeOperator}
var Length = &OperationType{Type: "LENGTH", NumArgs: 0, Precedence: 50, Handler: LengthOperator}
var Collect = &OperationType{Type: "COLLECT", NumArgs: 0, Precedence: 50, Handler: CollectOperator}
@ -11,58 +11,26 @@ var pathTests = []struct {
path string
expectedTokens []interface{}
expectedPostFix []interface{}
}{ // TODO: Ensure ALL documented examples have tests! sheesh
// {"len(.)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "LENGTH", "(", "SELF", ")")},
// {"\"len\"(.)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "len", "TRAVERSE", "(", "SELF", ")")},
// {".a OR (.b OR .c)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "OR", "(", "b", "OR", "c", ")")},
// {"a OR (b OR c)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "OR", "(", "b", "OR", "c", ")")},
// {"a .- (b OR c)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", " .- ", "(", "b", "OR", "c", ")")},
// {"(animal==3)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "(", "animal", "==", int64(3), ")")},
// {"(animal==f3)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "(", "animal", "==", "f3", ")")},
// {"apples.BANANAS", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "apples", "TRAVERSE", "BANANAS")},
// {"appl*.BANA*", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "appl*", "TRAVERSE", "BANA*")},
// {"a.b.**", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "**")},
// {"a.\"=\".frog", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "=", "TRAVERSE", "frog")},
// {"a.b.*", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "*")},
// {"a.b.thin*", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "thin*")},
// {".a.b.[0]", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", int64(0))},
// {".a.b.[]", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "[]")},
// {".a.b.[+]", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "[+]")},
// {".a.b.[-12]", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", int64(-12))},
// {".a.b.0", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "0")},
// {".a", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a")},
// {".\"a.b\".c", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a.b", "TRAVERSE", "c")},
// {`.b."foo.bar"`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "b", "TRAVERSE", "foo.bar")},
// {`f | . == *og | length`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "f", "TRAVERSE", "SELF", "EQUALS", "*og", "TRAVERSE", "LENGTH")},
// {`.a, .b`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "OR", "b")},
// {`[.a, .b]`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[", "a", "OR", "b", "]")},
// {`."[a", ."b]"`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[a", "OR", "b]")},
// {`.a.[]`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "PIPE", "[]")},
// {`.[].a`, append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[]", "PIPE", "a")},
// {
// `["cat"]`,
// append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[", "cat (string)", "]"),
// append(make([]interface{}, 0), "cat (string)", "COLLECT", "PIPE"),
// },
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[", "]"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EMPTY", "COLLECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EMPTY", "COLLECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[", "3 (int64)", "]"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "3 (int64)", "COLLECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "3 (int64)", "COLLECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "d0", "PIPE", "a"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "d0", "a", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "d0", "SHORT_PIPE", "a"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "d0", "a", "SHORT_PIPE"),
`.a | (.[].b == "apple")`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "PIPE", "(", "[]", "PIPE", "b", "EQUALS", "apple (string)", ")"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "[]", "b", "PIPE", "apple (string)", "EQUALS", "PIPE"),
`.a | .[].b == "apple"`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "PIPE", "[]", "SHORT_PIPE", "b", "EQUALS", "apple (string)"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "[]", "b", "SHORT_PIPE", "apple (string)", "EQUALS", "PIPE"),
`.[] | select(. == "*at")`,
@ -72,12 +40,12 @@ var pathTests = []struct {
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[", "true (bool)", "]"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "true (bool)", "COLLECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "true (bool)", "COLLECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
`[true, false]`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "[", "true (bool)", "UNION", "false (bool)", "]"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "true (bool)", "false (bool)", "UNION", "COLLECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "true (bool)", "false (bool)", "UNION", "COLLECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
`"mike": .a`,
@ -92,27 +60,27 @@ var pathTests = []struct {
`{"mike": .a}`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "{", "mike (string)", "CREATE_MAP", "a", "}"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "mike (string)", "a", "CREATE_MAP", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "mike (string)", "a", "CREATE_MAP", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
`{.a: "mike"}`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "{", "a", "CREATE_MAP", "mike (string)", "}"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "mike (string)", "CREATE_MAP", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "mike (string)", "CREATE_MAP", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
`{.a: .c, .b.[]: .f.g.[]}`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "{", "a", "CREATE_MAP", "c", "UNION", "b", "PIPE", "[]", "CREATE_MAP", "f", "PIPE", "g", "PIPE", "[]", "}"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "c", "CREATE_MAP", "b", "[]", "PIPE", "f", "g", "PIPE", "[]", "PIPE", "CREATE_MAP", "UNION", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "{", "a", "CREATE_MAP", "c", "UNION", "b", "SHORT_PIPE", "[]", "CREATE_MAP", "f", "SHORT_PIPE", "g", "SHORT_PIPE", "[]", "}"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "c", "CREATE_MAP", "b", "[]", "SHORT_PIPE", "f", "g", "SHORT_PIPE", "[]", "SHORT_PIPE", "CREATE_MAP", "UNION", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EXPLODE", "(", "a", "PIPE", "b", ")"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "b", "PIPE", "EXPLODE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EXPLODE", "(", "a", "SHORT_PIPE", "b", ")"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "b", "SHORT_PIPE", "EXPLODE"),
`.a.b style="folded"`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "PIPE", "b", "ASSIGN_STYLE", "folded (string)"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "b", "PIPE", "folded (string)", "ASSIGN_STYLE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "SHORT_PIPE", "b", "ASSIGN_STYLE", "folded (string)"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "b", "SHORT_PIPE", "folded (string)", "ASSIGN_STYLE"),
`tag == "str"`,
@ -135,11 +103,11 @@ var pathTests = []struct {
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "SELF", "str (string)", "ASSIGN_COMMENT"),
// {
// `.a.b tag="!!str"`,
// append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EXPLODE", "(", "a", "PIPE", "b", ")"),
// append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "b", "PIPE", "EXPLODE"),
// },
`.a.b tag="!!str"`,
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "SHORT_PIPE", "b", "ASSIGN_TAG", "!!str (string)"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "b", "SHORT_PIPE", "!!str (string)", "ASSIGN_TAG"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), " (string)"),
@ -153,27 +121,8 @@ var pathTests = []struct {
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "{", "}"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EMPTY", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "PIPE"),
append(make([]interface{}, 0), "EMPTY", "COLLECT_OBJECT", "SHORT_PIPE"),
// {".animals | .==cat", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "animals", "TRAVERSE", "SELF", "EQUALS", "cat")},
// {".animals | (. == cat)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "animals", "TRAVERSE", "(", "SELF", "EQUALS", "cat", ")")},
// {".animals | (.==c*)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "animals", "TRAVERSE", "(", "SELF", "EQUALS", "c*", ")")},
// {"animals(a.b==c*)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "animals", "TRAVERSE", "(", "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "==", "c*", ")")},
// {"animals.(a.b==c*)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "animals", "TRAVERSE", "(", "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "==", "c*", ")")},
// {"(a.b==c*).animals", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "(", "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "==", "c*", ")", "TRAVERSE", "animals")},
// {"(a.b==c*)animals", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "(", "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "==", "c*", ")", "TRAVERSE", "animals")},
// {"[1].a.d", append(make([]interface{}, 0), int64(1), "TRAVERSE", "a", "TRAVERSE", "d")},
// {"[1]a.d", append(make([]interface{}, 0), int64(1), "TRAVERSE", "a", "TRAVERSE", "d")},
// {"a[0]c", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", int64(0), "TRAVERSE", "c")},
// {"a.[0].c", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", int64(0), "TRAVERSE", "c")},
// {"[0]", append(make([]interface{}, 0), int64(0))},
// {"0", append(make([]interface{}, 0), int64(0))},
// {"a.b[+]c", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "[+]", "TRAVERSE", "c")},
// {"a.cool(s.d.f == cool)", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "cool", "TRAVERSE", "(", "s", "TRAVERSE", "d", "TRAVERSE", "f", " == ", "cool", ")")},
// {"a.cool.(s.d.f==cool OR t.b.h==frog).caterpillar", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "cool", "TRAVERSE", "(", "s", "TRAVERSE", "d", "TRAVERSE", "f", "==", "cool", "OR", "t", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "h", "==", "frog", ")", "TRAVERSE", "caterpillar")},
// {"a.cool(s.d.f==cool and t.b.h==frog)*", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "cool", "TRAVERSE", "(", "s", "TRAVERSE", "d", "TRAVERSE", "f", "==", "cool", "and", "t", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "h", "==", "frog", ")", "TRAVERSE", "*")},
// {"a.cool(s.d.f==cool and t.b.h==frog).th*", append(make([]interface{}, 0), "a", "TRAVERSE", "cool", "TRAVERSE", "(", "s", "TRAVERSE", "d", "TRAVERSE", "f", "==", "cool", "and", "t", "TRAVERSE", "b", "TRAVERSE", "h", "==", "frog", ")", "TRAVERSE", "th*")},
var tokeniser = NewPathTokeniser()
Reference in New Issue
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