add labels, quote some values

apply some standard labels from <>

quotes some secrets in case they might contain shell special characters
This commit is contained in:
Ben Burke 2021-11-20 16:55:16 +00:00 committed by Mike Farah
parent 183007d120
commit 3f4bbf748d
1 changed files with 24 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -86,11 +86,24 @@ jobs:
run: |
IMAGE_V_VERSION="$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)"
SHORT_SHA1=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
echo "Building and pushing version ${IMAGE_VERSION} of image ${IMAGE_NAME}"
echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin
docker buildx build --platform "${PLATFORMS}" -t "${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION}" -t "${IMAGE_NAME}:latest" -t "${IMAGE_NAME}:4" \
--push .
echo "Building and pushing version ${IMAGE_VERSION} of image ${IMAGE_NAME}"
echo '${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}' | docker login -u '${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}' --password-stdin
docker buildx build \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.authors=" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.created=$(date --rfc-3339=seconds)" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.description=yq is a portable command-line YAML processor" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.documentation=" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.licenses=MIT" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.revision=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.source=" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.title=yq" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.url=" \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.version=${IMAGE_VERSION}" \
--platform "${PLATFORMS}" \
--push \
-t "${IMAGE_NAME}:4" \
-t "${IMAGE_NAME}:latest" \