Tweaking docs

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Mike Farah 2021-11-03 21:57:50 +11:00
parent 8c4ae979a2
commit 832db92eb2

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@ -66,20 +66,28 @@ Lets say you had:
Lets say you wanted to update the `sally` entry to have fruit: 'mango'. The _incorrect_ way to do that is:
`.[] | select(.name == "sally") | .fruit = "mango"`.
Becasue `|` has a low operator precedence, this will be evaluated (_incorrectly_) as : `(.[]) | (select(.name == "sally")) | (.fruit = "mango")`. What you'll see is only:
Becasue `|` has a low operator precedence, this will be evaluated (_incorrectly_) as : `(.[]) | (select(.name == "sally")) | (.fruit = "mango")`. What you'll see is only the updated segment returned:
name: sally
fruit: mango
Returned :(
In this case, you will need to use brackets (think BODMAS from maths) and wrap the entire LHS, so the _correct_ expression is:
To properly update this yaml, you will need to use brackets (think BODMAS from maths) and wrap the entire LHS:
`(.[] | select(.name == "sally") | .fruit) = "mango"`
Now that entire LHS expression is passed to the 'assign' (`=`) operator, and the yaml is correctly updated and returned:
- name: bob
fruit: apple
- name: sally
fruit: mango
## Relative update (e.g. `|=`)
There is another form of the `=` operator which we call the relative form. It's very similar to `=` but with one key difference when evaluating the RHS expression.