mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 02:25:45 +00:00
Added prefix command
This commit is contained in:
@ -605,6 +605,22 @@ func TestWriteCmd(t *testing.T) {
test.AssertResult(t, expectedOutput, result.Output)
func TestWriteCmdScript(t *testing.T) {
content := `b:
c: 3
filename := test.WriteTempYamlFile(content)
defer test.RemoveTempYamlFile(filename)
cmd := getRootCommand()
result := test.RunCmd(cmd, fmt.Sprintf("write %s b.c 7", filename))
if result.Error != nil {
expectedOutput := `IMPLEMENT ME`
test.AssertResult(t, expectedOutput, result.Output)
func TestWriteMultiCmd(t *testing.T) {
content := `b:
c: 3
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
- command: update
path: b.e[+].name
value: Mike Farah
- command: delete
path: a
- command: update
path: d.a
value: Cow
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
type DataNavigator interface {
DebugNode(node *yaml.Node)
Get(rootNode *yaml.Node, path []string) (*yaml.Node, error)
Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, path []string, changesToApply yaml.Node) error
Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, path []string, changesToApply *yaml.Node) error
Delete(rootNode *yaml.Node, path []string) error
GuessKind(tail []string, guess yaml.Kind) yaml.Kind
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ func (n *navigator) Get(value *yaml.Node, path []string) (*yaml.Node, error) {
return &newNode, nil
func (n *navigator) Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, path []string, changesToApply yaml.Node) error {
func (n *navigator) Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, path []string, changesToApply *yaml.Node) error {
errorVisiting := n.Visit(rootNode, path, func(nodeToUpdate *yaml.Node) error {
n.log.Debug("going to update")
nodeToUpdate.Value = changesToApply.Value
nodeToUpdate.Tag = changesToApply.Tag
nodeToUpdate.Kind = changesToApply.Kind
@ -288,333 +288,3 @@ func (n *navigator) recurseArray(value *yaml.Node, head string, tail []string, v
value.Content[index] = n.getOrReplace(value.Content[index], n.GuessKind(tail, value.Content[index].Kind))
return n.Visit(value.Content[index], tail, visitor)
// func entriesInSlice(context yaml.MapSlice, key string) []*yaml.MapItem {
// var matches = make([]*yaml.MapItem, 0)
// for idx := range context {
// var entry = &context[idx]
// if matchesKey(key, entry.Key) {
// matches = append(matches, entry)
// }
// }
// return matches
// }
// func getMapSlice(context interface{}) yaml.MapSlice {
// var mapSlice yaml.MapSlice
// switch context := context.(type) {
// case yaml.MapSlice:
// mapSlice = context
// default:
// mapSlice = make(yaml.MapSlice, 0)
// }
// return mapSlice
// }
// func getArray(context interface{}) (array []interface{}, ok bool) {
// switch context := context.(type) {
// case []interface{}:
// array = context
// ok = true
// default:
// array = make([]interface{}, 0)
// ok = false
// }
// return
// }
// func writeMap(context interface{}, paths []string, value interface{}) interface{} {
// log.Debugf("writeMap with path %v for %v to set value %v\n", paths, context, value)
// mapSlice := getMapSlice(context)
// if len(paths) == 0 {
// return context
// }
// children := entriesInSlice(mapSlice, paths[0])
// if len(children) == 0 && paths[0] == "*" {
// log.Debugf("\tNo matches, return map as is")
// return context
// }
// if len(children) == 0 {
// newChild := yaml.MapItem{Key: paths[0]}
// mapSlice = append(mapSlice, newChild)
// children = entriesInSlice(mapSlice, paths[0])
// log.Debugf("\tAppended child at %v for mapSlice %v\n", paths[0], mapSlice)
// }
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// for _, child := range children {
// child.Value = updatedChildValue(child.Value, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// log.Debugf("\tReturning mapSlice %v\n", mapSlice)
// return mapSlice
// }
// func updatedChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string, value interface{}) interface{} {
// if len(remainingPaths) == 0 {
// return value
// }
// log.Debugf("updatedChildValue for child %v with path %v to set value %v", child, remainingPaths, value)
// log.Debugf("type of child is %v", reflect.TypeOf(child))
// switch child := child.(type) {
// case nil:
// if remainingPaths[0] == "+" || remainingPaths[0] == "*" {
// return writeArray(child, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// case []interface{}:
// _, nextIndexErr := strconv.ParseInt(remainingPaths[0], 10, 64)
// arrayCommand := nextIndexErr == nil || remainingPaths[0] == "+" || remainingPaths[0] == "*"
// if arrayCommand {
// return writeArray(child, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// }
// return writeMap(child, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// func writeArray(context interface{}, paths []string, value interface{}) []interface{} {
// log.Debugf("writeArray with path %v for %v to set value %v\n", paths, context, value)
// array, _ := getArray(context)
// if len(paths) == 0 {
// return array
// }
// log.Debugf("\tarray %v\n", array)
// rawIndex := paths[0]
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// var index int64
// // the append array indicator
// if rawIndex == "+" {
// index = int64(len(array))
// } else if rawIndex == "*" {
// for index, oldChild := range array {
// array[index] = updatedChildValue(oldChild, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// return array
// } else {
// index, _ = strconv.ParseInt(rawIndex, 10, 64) // nolint
// // writeArray is only called by updatedChildValue which handles parsing the
// // index, as such this renders this dead code.
// }
// for index >= int64(len(array)) {
// array = append(array, nil)
// }
// currentChild := array[index]
// log.Debugf("\tcurrentChild %v\n", currentChild)
// array[index] = updatedChildValue(currentChild, remainingPaths, value)
// log.Debugf("\tReturning array %v\n", array)
// return array
// }
// func readMap(context yaml.MapSlice, head string, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("readingMap %v with key %v\n", context, head)
// if head == "*" {
// return readMapSplat(context, tail)
// }
// entries := entriesInSlice(context, head)
// if len(entries) == 1 {
// return calculateValue(entries[0].Value, tail)
// } else if len(entries) == 0 {
// return nil, nil
// }
// var errInIdx error
// values := make([]interface{}, len(entries))
// for idx, entry := range entries {
// values[idx], errInIdx = calculateValue(entry.Value, tail)
// if errInIdx != nil {
// log.Errorf("Error updating index %v in %v", idx, context)
// return nil, errInIdx
// }
// }
// return values, nil
// }
// func readMapSplat(context yaml.MapSlice, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(context))
// var i = 0
// for _, entry := range context {
// if len(tail) > 0 {
// val, err := recurse(entry.Value, tail[0], tail[1:])
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// newArray[i] = val
// } else {
// newArray[i] = entry.Value
// }
// i++
// }
// return newArray, nil
// }
// func recurse(value interface{}, head string, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// switch value := value.(type) {
// case []interface{}:
// if head == "*" {
// return readArraySplat(value, tail)
// }
// index, err := strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("error accessing array: %v", err)
// }
// return readArray(value, index, tail)
// case yaml.MapSlice:
// return readMap(value, head, tail)
// default:
// return nil, nil
// }
// }
// func readArray(array []interface{}, head int64, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// if head >= int64(len(array)) {
// return nil, nil
// }
// value := array[head]
// return calculateValue(value, tail)
// }
// func readArraySplat(array []interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(array))
// for index, value := range array {
// val, err := calculateValue(value, tail)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// newArray[index] = val
// }
// return newArray, nil
// }
// func calculateValue(value interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// if len(tail) > 0 {
// return recurse(value, tail[0], tail[1:])
// }
// return value, nil
// }
// func deleteMap(context interface{}, paths []string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteMap for %v for %v\n", paths, context)
// mapSlice := getMapSlice(context)
// if len(paths) == 0 {
// return mapSlice, nil
// }
// var index int
// var child yaml.MapItem
// for index, child = range mapSlice {
// if matchesKey(paths[0], child.Key) {
// log.Debugf("\tMatched [%v] with [%v] at index %v", paths[0], child.Key, index)
// var badDelete error
// mapSlice, badDelete = deleteEntryInMap(mapSlice, child, index, paths)
// if badDelete != nil {
// return nil, badDelete
// }
// }
// }
// return mapSlice, nil
// }
// func deleteEntryInMap(original yaml.MapSlice, child yaml.MapItem, index int, paths []string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// var newSlice yaml.MapSlice
// if len(remainingPaths) > 0 {
// newChild := yaml.MapItem{Key: child.Key}
// var errorDeleting error
// newChild.Value, errorDeleting = deleteChildValue(child.Value, remainingPaths)
// if errorDeleting != nil {
// return nil, errorDeleting
// }
// newSlice = make(yaml.MapSlice, len(original))
// for i := range original {
// item := original[i]
// if i == index {
// item = newChild
// }
// newSlice[i] = item
// }
// } else {
// // Delete item from slice at index
// newSlice = append(original[:index], original[index+1:]...)
// log.Debugf("\tDeleted item index %d from original", index)
// }
// log.Debugf("\tReturning original %v\n", original)
// return newSlice, nil
// }
// func deleteArraySplat(array []interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteArraySplat for %v for %v\n", tail, array)
// var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(array))
// for index, value := range array {
// val, err := deleteChildValue(value, tail)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// newArray[index] = val
// }
// return newArray, nil
// }
// func deleteArray(array []interface{}, paths []string, index int64) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteArray for %v for %v\n", paths, array)
// if index >= int64(len(array)) {
// return array, nil
// }
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// if len(remainingPaths) > 0 {
// // Recurse into the array element at index
// var errorDeleting error
// array[index], errorDeleting = deleteMap(array[index], remainingPaths)
// if errorDeleting != nil {
// return nil, errorDeleting
// }
// } else {
// // Delete the array element at index
// array = append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
// log.Debugf("\tDeleted item index %d from array, leaving %v", index, array)
// }
// log.Debugf("\tReturning array: %v\n", array)
// return array, nil
// }
// func deleteChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteChildValue for %v for %v\n", remainingPaths, child)
// var head = remainingPaths[0]
// var tail = remainingPaths[1:]
// switch child := child.(type) {
// case yaml.MapSlice:
// return deleteMap(child, remainingPaths)
// case []interface{}:
// if head == "*" {
// return deleteArraySplat(child, tail)
// }
// index, err := strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("error accessing array: %v", err)
// }
// return deleteArray(child, remainingPaths, index)
// }
// return child, nil
// }
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import (
type UpdateCommand struct {
Command string
Path string
Value yaml.Node
Value *yaml.Node
type YqLib interface {
DebugNode(node *yaml.Node)
Get(rootNode *yaml.Node, path string) (*yaml.Node, error)
Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, updateCommand UpdateCommand) error
New(updateCommand UpdateCommand) (yaml.Node, error)
New(path string) yaml.Node
type lib struct {
@ -43,14 +43,10 @@ func (l *lib) Get(rootNode *yaml.Node, path string) (*yaml.Node, error) {
return l.navigator.Get(rootNode, paths)
func (l *lib) New(updateCommand UpdateCommand) (yaml.Node, error) {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(updateCommand.Path)
func (l *lib) New(path string) yaml.Node {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(path)
newNode := yaml.Node{Kind: l.navigator.GuessKind(paths, 0)}
errorUpdating := l.navigator.Update(&newNode, paths, updateCommand.Value)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return newNode, errorUpdating
return newNode, nil
return newNode
func (l *lib) Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, updateCommand UpdateCommand) error {
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func newCommandCLI() *cobra.Command {
// createPrefixCmd(),
// createMergeCmd(),
@ -143,28 +143,28 @@ a.b.e:
return cmdWrite
// func createPrefixCmd() *cobra.Command {
// var cmdWrite = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "prefix [yaml_file] [path]",
// Aliases: []string{"p"},
// Short: "yq p [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
// Example: `
// yq prefix things.yaml a.b.c
// yq prefix --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
// yq prefix --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
// yq p -i things.yaml a.b.c
// yq p --doc 2 things.yaml a.b.d
// yq p -d2 things.yaml a.b.d
// `,
// Long: `Prefixes w.r.t to the yaml file at the given path.
// Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
// `,
// RunE: prefixProperty,
// }
// cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
// cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
// return cmdWrite
// }
func createPrefixCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdPrefix = &cobra.Command{
Use: "prefix [yaml_file] [path]",
Aliases: []string{"p"},
Short: "yq p [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
Example: `
yq prefix things.yaml a.b.c
yq prefix --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
yq prefix --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
yq p -i things.yaml a.b.c
yq p --doc 2 things.yaml a.b.d
yq p -d2 things.yaml a.b.d
Long: `Prefixes w.r.t to the yaml file at the given path.
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
RunE: prefixProperty,
cmdPrefix.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdPrefix.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdPrefix
func createDeleteCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdDelete = &cobra.Command{
@ -418,17 +418,13 @@ func writeProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
func newProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var updateCommands, updateCommandsError = readUpdateCommands(args, 2, "Must provide <filename> <path_to_update> <value>")
var updateCommands, updateCommandsError = readUpdateCommands(args, 2, "Must provide <path_to_update> <value>")
if updateCommandsError != nil {
return updateCommandsError
firstCommand, restOfCommands := updateCommands[0], updateCommands[1:]
newNode, errorCreating := lib.New(firstCommand)
if errorCreating != nil {
return errorCreating
newNode := lib.New(updateCommands[0].Path)
for _, updateCommand := range restOfCommands {
for _, updateCommand := range updateCommands {
errorUpdating := lib.Update(&newNode, updateCommand)
@ -442,6 +438,40 @@ func newProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return nil
func prefixProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <prefixed_path>")
updateCommand := yqlib.UpdateCommand{Command: "update", Path: args[1]}
log.Debugf("args %v", args)
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var updateData = func(dataBucket *yaml.Node, currentIndex int) error {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Prefixing document %v", currentIndex)
updateCommand.Value = dataBucket.Content[0]
dataBucket.Content = make([]*yaml.Node, 1)
newNode := lib.New(updateCommand.Path)
dataBucket.Content[0] = &newNode
errorUpdating := lib.Update(dataBucket, updateCommand)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errorUpdating
return nil
return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
@ -575,12 +605,26 @@ func readAndUpdate(stdOut io.Writer, inputFile string, updateData updateDataFn)
// return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), input, updateData)
// }
type updateCommandParsed struct {
Command string
Path string
Value yaml.Node
func readUpdateCommands(args []string, expectedArgs int, badArgsMessage string) ([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, error) {
var updateCommands []yqlib.UpdateCommand = make([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, 1)
var updateCommands []yqlib.UpdateCommand = make([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, 0)
if writeScript != "" {
if err := readData(writeScript, 0, &updateCommands); err != nil {
var parsedCommands = make([]updateCommandParsed, 0)
if err := readData(writeScript, 0, &parsedCommands); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Read write commands file '%v'", parsedCommands)
for index := range parsedCommands {
parsedCommand := parsedCommands[index]
updateCommand := yqlib.UpdateCommand{Command: parsedCommand.Command, Path: parsedCommand.Path, Value: &parsedCommand.Value}
updateCommands = append(updateCommands, updateCommand)
log.Debugf("Read write commands file '%v'", updateCommands)
} else if len(args) < expectedArgs {
return nil, errors.New(badArgsMessage)
@ -594,7 +638,7 @@ func readUpdateCommands(args []string, expectedArgs int, badArgsMessage string)
return updateCommands, nil
func parseValue(argument string) yaml.Node {
func parseValue(argument string) *yaml.Node {
var err interface{}
var tag = customTag
@ -618,11 +662,11 @@ func parseValue(argument string) yaml.Node {
tag = "!!null"
if argument == "[]" {
return yaml.Node{Tag: "!!seq", Kind: yaml.SequenceNode}
return &yaml.Node{Tag: "!!seq", Kind: yaml.SequenceNode}
log.Debugf("Updating node to value '%v', tag: '%v'", argument, tag)
return yaml.Node{Value: argument, Tag: tag, Kind: yaml.ScalarNode}
return &yaml.Node{Value: argument, Tag: tag, Kind: yaml.ScalarNode}
func safelyRenameFile(from string, to string) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user