mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:37:46 +00:00
better v3
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
b.c: cat
- command: update
path: b.c
things: frog # wow!
b.e[+].name: Mike Farah
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module github.com/mikefarah/yq/v2
module github.com/mikefarah/yq/v3
require (
github.com/mikefarah/yaml/v2 v2.4.0
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ require (
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191030203535-5e247c9ad0a0 // indirect
gopkg.in/imdario/mergo.v0 v0.3.7
gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1 v1.0.0-20160211212156-b2cb9fa56473
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20191120175047-4206685974f2
go 1.13
@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0/go.mod h1:E5yfLk+7swimpb2L/Alb/PJmXilQ/rhwaUYs4T
github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 h1:Z8tu5sraLXCXIcARxBp/8cbvlwVa7Z1NHg9XEKhtSvM=
github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0/go.mod h1:PxqpIevigyE2G7u3NXJIT2ANytuPF1OarO4DADm73n8=
github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.0/go.mod h1:PppfXfuXeibc/6YijjN8zIbojt8czPbwD3XqdrwzmxQ=
github.com/mikefarah/yaml v2.1.0+incompatible h1:nu2cqmzk4WlWJNgnevY88faMcdrDzYGcsUjYFxEpB7Y=
github.com/mikefarah/yaml/v2 v2.4.0 h1:eYqfooY0BnvKTJxr7+ABJs13n3dg9n347GScDaU2Lww=
github.com/mikefarah/yaml/v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:ahVqZF4n1W4NqwvVnZzC4es67xsW9uR/RRf2RRxieJU=
github.com/mikefarah/yq v2.4.0+incompatible h1:oBxbWy8R9hI3BIUUxEf0CzikWa2AgnGrGhvGQt5jgjk=
github.com/mikefarah/yq/v2 v2.4.1 h1:tajDonaFK6WqitSZExB6fKlWQy/yCkptqxh2AXEe3N4=
github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0/go.mod h1:SfyaCUpYCn1Vlf4IUYiD9fPX4A5wJrkLzIz1N1q0pr0=
github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2/go.mod h1:FVVH3fgwuzCH5S8UJGiWEs2h04kUh9fWfEaFds41c1Y=
github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0/go.mod h1:5z9KED0ma1S8pY6P1sdut58dfprrGBbd/94hg7ilaic=
@ -48,3 +51,5 @@ gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1 v1.0.0-20160211212156-b2cb9fa56473 h1:6D+BvnJ/j6e222UW
gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1 v1.0.0-20160211212156-b2cb9fa56473/go.mod h1:N1eN2tsCx0Ydtgjl4cqmbRCsY4/+z4cYDeqwZTk6zog=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20191120175047-4206685974f2 h1:XZx7nhd5GMaZpmDaEHFVafUZC7ya0fuo7cSJ3UCKYmM=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20191120175047-4206685974f2/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
package yqlib
import (
yaml "github.com/mikefarah/yaml/v2"
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
type WriteCommand struct {
// Command string TODO
Value yaml.Node
type DataNavigator interface {
ReadChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string) (interface{}, error)
UpdatedChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string, value interface{}) interface{}
DeleteChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string) (interface{}, error)
Get(rootNode *yaml.Node, remainingPath []string) (*yaml.Node, error)
Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, remainingPath []string, writeCommand WriteCommand) error
type navigator struct {
@ -26,351 +27,451 @@ func NewDataNavigator(l *logging.Logger) DataNavigator {
func (n *navigator) ReadChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string) (interface{}, error) {
if len(remainingPaths) == 0 {
return child, nil
func (n *navigator) Get(value *yaml.Node, path []string) (*yaml.Node, error) {
realValue := value
if realValue.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode {
realValue = value.Content[0]
return n.recurse(child, remainingPaths[0], remainingPaths[1:])
if len(path) > 0 {
n.log.Debug("diving into %v", path[0])
return n.recurse(realValue, path[0], path[1:])
return realValue, nil
func (n *navigator) UpdatedChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string, value interface{}) interface{} {
if len(remainingPaths) == 0 {
return value
func (n *navigator) guessKind(tail []string) yaml.Kind {
n.log.Debug("tail %v", tail)
if len(tail) == 0 {
return yaml.ScalarNode
n.log.Debugf("UpdatedChildValue for child %v with path %v to set value %v", child, remainingPaths, value)
n.log.Debugf("type of child is %v", reflect.TypeOf(child))
switch child := child.(type) {
case nil:
if remainingPaths[0] == "+" || remainingPaths[0] == "*" {
return n.writeArray(child, remainingPaths, value)
case []interface{}:
_, nextIndexErr := strconv.ParseInt(remainingPaths[0], 10, 64)
arrayCommand := nextIndexErr == nil || remainingPaths[0] == "+" || remainingPaths[0] == "*"
if arrayCommand {
return n.writeArray(child, remainingPaths, value)
var _, errorParsingInt = strconv.ParseInt(tail[0], 10, 64)
if tail[0] == "*" || tail[0] == "+" || errorParsingInt == nil {
return yaml.SequenceNode
return n.writeMap(child, remainingPaths, value)
return yaml.MappingNode
func (n *navigator) DeleteChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string) (interface{}, error) {
n.log.Debugf("DeleteChildValue for %v for %v\n", remainingPaths, child)
if len(remainingPaths) == 0 {
return child, nil
func (n *navigator) getOrReplace(original *yaml.Node, expectedKind yaml.Kind) *yaml.Node {
// expected is a scalar when we reach the end of the path
// no need to clobber the original because:
// when reading, it should deal with the original kind
// when writing, it will clobber the kind anyway
if original.Kind != expectedKind && (expectedKind != yaml.ScalarNode) {
return &yaml.Node{Kind: expectedKind}
var head = remainingPaths[0]
var tail = remainingPaths[1:]
switch child := child.(type) {
case yaml.MapSlice:
return n.deleteMap(child, remainingPaths)
case []interface{}:
if head == "*" {
return n.deleteArraySplat(child, tail)
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error accessing array: %v", err)
return n.deleteArray(child, remainingPaths, index)
return child, nil
return original
func (n *navigator) recurse(value interface{}, head string, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
switch value := value.(type) {
case []interface{}:
if head == "*" {
return n.readArraySplat(value, tail)
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error accessing array: %v", err)
return n.readArray(value, index, tail)
case yaml.MapSlice:
return n.readMap(value, head, tail)
return nil, nil
func (n *navigator) matchesKey(key string, actual interface{}) bool {
var actualString = fmt.Sprintf("%v", actual)
var prefixMatch = strings.TrimSuffix(key, "*")
if prefixMatch != key {
return strings.HasPrefix(actualString, prefixMatch)
return actualString == key
func (n *navigator) entriesInSlice(context yaml.MapSlice, key string) []*yaml.MapItem {
var matches = make([]*yaml.MapItem, 0)
for idx := range context {
var entry = &context[idx]
if n.matchesKey(key, entry.Key) {
matches = append(matches, entry)
return matches
func (n *navigator) getMapSlice(context interface{}) yaml.MapSlice {
var mapSlice yaml.MapSlice
switch context := context.(type) {
case yaml.MapSlice:
mapSlice = context
mapSlice = make(yaml.MapSlice, 0)
return mapSlice
func (n *navigator) getArray(context interface{}) (array []interface{}, ok bool) {
switch context := context.(type) {
case []interface{}:
array = context
ok = true
array = make([]interface{}, 0)
ok = false
func (n *navigator) writeMap(context interface{}, paths []string, value interface{}) interface{} {
n.log.Debugf("writeMap with path %v for %v to set value %v\n", paths, context, value)
mapSlice := n.getMapSlice(context)
if len(paths) == 0 {
return context
children := n.entriesInSlice(mapSlice, paths[0])
if len(children) == 0 && paths[0] == "*" {
n.log.Debugf("\tNo matches, return map as is")
return context
if len(children) == 0 {
newChild := yaml.MapItem{Key: paths[0]}
mapSlice = append(mapSlice, newChild)
children = n.entriesInSlice(mapSlice, paths[0])
n.log.Debugf("\tAppended child at %v for mapSlice %v\n", paths[0], mapSlice)
remainingPaths := paths[1:]
for _, child := range children {
child.Value = n.UpdatedChildValue(child.Value, remainingPaths, value)
n.log.Debugf("\tReturning mapSlice %v\n", mapSlice)
return mapSlice
func (n *navigator) writeArray(context interface{}, paths []string, value interface{}) []interface{} {
n.log.Debugf("writeArray with path %v for %v to set value %v\n", paths, context, value)
array, _ := n.getArray(context)
if len(paths) == 0 {
return array
n.log.Debugf("\tarray %v\n", array)
rawIndex := paths[0]
remainingPaths := paths[1:]
var index int64
// the append array indicator
if rawIndex == "+" {
index = int64(len(array))
} else if rawIndex == "*" {
for index, oldChild := range array {
array[index] = n.UpdatedChildValue(oldChild, remainingPaths, value)
return array
} else {
index, _ = strconv.ParseInt(rawIndex, 10, 64) // nolint
// writeArray is only called by UpdatedChildValue which handles parsing the
// index, as such this renders this dead code.
for index >= int64(len(array)) {
array = append(array, nil)
currentChild := array[index]
n.log.Debugf("\tcurrentChild %v\n", currentChild)
array[index] = n.UpdatedChildValue(currentChild, remainingPaths, value)
n.log.Debugf("\tReturning array %v\n", array)
return array
func (n *navigator) readMap(context yaml.MapSlice, head string, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
n.log.Debugf("readingMap %v with key %v\n", context, head)
if head == "*" {
return n.readMapSplat(context, tail)
entries := n.entriesInSlice(context, head)
if len(entries) == 1 {
return n.calculateValue(entries[0].Value, tail)
} else if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var errInIdx error
values := make([]interface{}, len(entries))
for idx, entry := range entries {
values[idx], errInIdx = n.calculateValue(entry.Value, tail)
if errInIdx != nil {
n.log.Errorf("Error updating index %v in %v", idx, context)
return nil, errInIdx
return values, nil
func (n *navigator) readMapSplat(context yaml.MapSlice, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(context))
var i = 0
for _, entry := range context {
if len(tail) > 0 {
val, err := n.recurse(entry.Value, tail[0], tail[1:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
func (n *navigator) recurse(value *yaml.Node, head string, tail []string) (*yaml.Node, error) {
switch value.Kind {
case yaml.MappingNode:
n.log.Debug("its a map with %v entries", len(value.Content)/2)
for index, content := range value.Content {
// value.Content is a concatenated array of key, value,
// so keys are in the even indexes, values in odd.
if index%2 == 1 || content.Value != head {
newArray[i] = val
} else {
newArray[i] = entry.Value
value.Content[index+1] = n.getOrReplace(value.Content[index+1], n.guessKind(tail))
return n.Get(value.Content[index+1], tail)
return newArray, nil
value.Content = append(value.Content, &yaml.Node{Value: head, Kind: yaml.ScalarNode})
mapEntryValue := yaml.Node{Kind: n.guessKind(tail)}
value.Content = append(value.Content, &mapEntryValue)
n.log.Debug("adding new node %v", value.Content)
return n.Get(&mapEntryValue, tail)
case yaml.SequenceNode:
n.log.Debug("its a sequence of %v things!", len(value.Content))
if head == "*" {
var newNode = yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.SequenceNode, Style: value.Style}
newNode.Content = make([]*yaml.Node, len(value.Content))
func (n *navigator) readArray(array []interface{}, head int64, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
if head >= int64(len(array)) {
return nil, nil
for index, value := range value.Content {
value.Content[index] = n.getOrReplace(value.Content[index], n.guessKind(tail))
var nestedValue, err = n.Get(value.Content[index], tail)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newNode.Content[index] = nestedValue
return &newNode, nil
} else if head == "+" {
value := array[head]
return n.calculateValue(value, tail)
func (n *navigator) readArraySplat(array []interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(array))
for index, value := range array {
val, err := n.calculateValue(value, tail)
var newNode = yaml.Node{Kind: n.guessKind(tail)}
value.Content = append(value.Content, &newNode)
n.log.Debug("appending a new node, %v", value.Content)
return n.Get(&newNode, tail)
var index, err = strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64) // nolint
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newArray[index] = val
return newArray, nil
func (n *navigator) calculateValue(value interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
if len(tail) > 0 {
return n.recurse(value, tail[0], tail[1:])
return value, nil
func (n *navigator) deleteMap(context interface{}, paths []string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
n.log.Debugf("deleteMap for %v for %v\n", paths, context)
mapSlice := n.getMapSlice(context)
if len(paths) == 0 {
return mapSlice, nil
var index int
var child yaml.MapItem
for index, child = range mapSlice {
if n.matchesKey(paths[0], child.Key) {
n.log.Debugf("\tMatched [%v] with [%v] at index %v", paths[0], child.Key, index)
var badDelete error
mapSlice, badDelete = n.deleteEntryInMap(mapSlice, child, index, paths)
if badDelete != nil {
return nil, badDelete
if index >= int64(len(value.Content)) {
return nil, nil
value.Content[index] = n.getOrReplace(value.Content[index], n.guessKind(tail))
return n.Get(value.Content[index], tail)
return nil, nil
return mapSlice, nil
func (n *navigator) deleteEntryInMap(original yaml.MapSlice, child yaml.MapItem, index int, paths []string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
remainingPaths := paths[1:]
var newSlice yaml.MapSlice
if len(remainingPaths) > 0 {
newChild := yaml.MapItem{Key: child.Key}
var errorDeleting error
newChild.Value, errorDeleting = n.DeleteChildValue(child.Value, remainingPaths)
if errorDeleting != nil {
return nil, errorDeleting
newSlice = make(yaml.MapSlice, len(original))
for i := range original {
item := original[i]
if i == index {
item = newChild
newSlice[i] = item
} else {
// Delete item from slice at index
newSlice = append(original[:index], original[index+1:]...)
n.log.Debugf("\tDeleted item index %d from original", index)
func (n *navigator) Update(dataBucket *yaml.Node, remainingPath []string, writeCommand WriteCommand) error {
nodeToUpdate, errorRecursing := n.Get(dataBucket, remainingPath)
if errorRecursing != nil {
return errorRecursing
// later, support ability to execute other commands
n.log.Debugf("\tReturning original %v\n", original)
return newSlice, nil
changesToApply := writeCommand.Value
nodeToUpdate.Value = changesToApply.Value
nodeToUpdate.Tag = changesToApply.Tag
nodeToUpdate.Kind = changesToApply.Kind
nodeToUpdate.Style = changesToApply.Style
nodeToUpdate.Content = changesToApply.Content
nodeToUpdate.HeadComment = changesToApply.HeadComment
nodeToUpdate.LineComment = changesToApply.LineComment
nodeToUpdate.FootComment = changesToApply.FootComment
return nil
func (n *navigator) deleteArraySplat(array []interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
n.log.Debugf("deleteArraySplat for %v for %v\n", tail, array)
var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(array))
for index, value := range array {
val, err := n.DeleteChildValue(value, tail)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newArray[index] = val
return newArray, nil
// func matchesKey(key string, actual interface{}) bool {
// var actualString = fmt.Sprintf("%v", actual)
// var prefixMatch = strings.TrimSuffix(key, "*")
// if prefixMatch != key {
// return strings.HasPrefix(actualString, prefixMatch)
// }
// return actualString == key
// }
func (n *navigator) deleteArray(array []interface{}, paths []string, index int64) (interface{}, error) {
n.log.Debugf("deleteArray for %v for %v\n", paths, array)
// func entriesInSlice(context yaml.MapSlice, key string) []*yaml.MapItem {
// var matches = make([]*yaml.MapItem, 0)
// for idx := range context {
// var entry = &context[idx]
// if matchesKey(key, entry.Key) {
// matches = append(matches, entry)
// }
// }
// return matches
// }
if index >= int64(len(array)) {
return array, nil
// func getMapSlice(context interface{}) yaml.MapSlice {
// var mapSlice yaml.MapSlice
// switch context := context.(type) {
// case yaml.MapSlice:
// mapSlice = context
// default:
// mapSlice = make(yaml.MapSlice, 0)
// }
// return mapSlice
// }
remainingPaths := paths[1:]
if len(remainingPaths) > 0 {
// recurse into the array element at index
var errorDeleting error
array[index], errorDeleting = n.deleteMap(array[index], remainingPaths)
if errorDeleting != nil {
return nil, errorDeleting
// func getArray(context interface{}) (array []interface{}, ok bool) {
// switch context := context.(type) {
// case []interface{}:
// array = context
// ok = true
// default:
// array = make([]interface{}, 0)
// ok = false
// }
// return
// }
} else {
// Delete the array element at index
array = append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
n.log.Debugf("\tDeleted item index %d from array, leaving %v", index, array)
// func writeMap(context interface{}, paths []string, value interface{}) interface{} {
// log.Debugf("writeMap with path %v for %v to set value %v\n", paths, context, value)
n.log.Debugf("\tReturning array: %v\n", array)
return array, nil
// mapSlice := getMapSlice(context)
// if len(paths) == 0 {
// return context
// }
// children := entriesInSlice(mapSlice, paths[0])
// if len(children) == 0 && paths[0] == "*" {
// log.Debugf("\tNo matches, return map as is")
// return context
// }
// if len(children) == 0 {
// newChild := yaml.MapItem{Key: paths[0]}
// mapSlice = append(mapSlice, newChild)
// children = entriesInSlice(mapSlice, paths[0])
// log.Debugf("\tAppended child at %v for mapSlice %v\n", paths[0], mapSlice)
// }
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// for _, child := range children {
// child.Value = updatedChildValue(child.Value, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// log.Debugf("\tReturning mapSlice %v\n", mapSlice)
// return mapSlice
// }
// func updatedChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string, value interface{}) interface{} {
// if len(remainingPaths) == 0 {
// return value
// }
// log.Debugf("updatedChildValue for child %v with path %v to set value %v", child, remainingPaths, value)
// log.Debugf("type of child is %v", reflect.TypeOf(child))
// switch child := child.(type) {
// case nil:
// if remainingPaths[0] == "+" || remainingPaths[0] == "*" {
// return writeArray(child, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// case []interface{}:
// _, nextIndexErr := strconv.ParseInt(remainingPaths[0], 10, 64)
// arrayCommand := nextIndexErr == nil || remainingPaths[0] == "+" || remainingPaths[0] == "*"
// if arrayCommand {
// return writeArray(child, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// }
// return writeMap(child, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// func writeArray(context interface{}, paths []string, value interface{}) []interface{} {
// log.Debugf("writeArray with path %v for %v to set value %v\n", paths, context, value)
// array, _ := getArray(context)
// if len(paths) == 0 {
// return array
// }
// log.Debugf("\tarray %v\n", array)
// rawIndex := paths[0]
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// var index int64
// // the append array indicator
// if rawIndex == "+" {
// index = int64(len(array))
// } else if rawIndex == "*" {
// for index, oldChild := range array {
// array[index] = updatedChildValue(oldChild, remainingPaths, value)
// }
// return array
// } else {
// index, _ = strconv.ParseInt(rawIndex, 10, 64) // nolint
// // writeArray is only called by updatedChildValue which handles parsing the
// // index, as such this renders this dead code.
// }
// for index >= int64(len(array)) {
// array = append(array, nil)
// }
// currentChild := array[index]
// log.Debugf("\tcurrentChild %v\n", currentChild)
// array[index] = updatedChildValue(currentChild, remainingPaths, value)
// log.Debugf("\tReturning array %v\n", array)
// return array
// }
// func readMap(context yaml.MapSlice, head string, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("readingMap %v with key %v\n", context, head)
// if head == "*" {
// return readMapSplat(context, tail)
// }
// entries := entriesInSlice(context, head)
// if len(entries) == 1 {
// return calculateValue(entries[0].Value, tail)
// } else if len(entries) == 0 {
// return nil, nil
// }
// var errInIdx error
// values := make([]interface{}, len(entries))
// for idx, entry := range entries {
// values[idx], errInIdx = calculateValue(entry.Value, tail)
// if errInIdx != nil {
// log.Errorf("Error updating index %v in %v", idx, context)
// return nil, errInIdx
// }
// }
// return values, nil
// }
// func readMapSplat(context yaml.MapSlice, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(context))
// var i = 0
// for _, entry := range context {
// if len(tail) > 0 {
// val, err := recurse(entry.Value, tail[0], tail[1:])
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// newArray[i] = val
// } else {
// newArray[i] = entry.Value
// }
// i++
// }
// return newArray, nil
// }
// func recurse(value interface{}, head string, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// switch value := value.(type) {
// case []interface{}:
// if head == "*" {
// return readArraySplat(value, tail)
// }
// index, err := strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("error accessing array: %v", err)
// }
// return readArray(value, index, tail)
// case yaml.MapSlice:
// return readMap(value, head, tail)
// default:
// return nil, nil
// }
// }
// func readArray(array []interface{}, head int64, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// if head >= int64(len(array)) {
// return nil, nil
// }
// value := array[head]
// return calculateValue(value, tail)
// }
// func readArraySplat(array []interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(array))
// for index, value := range array {
// val, err := calculateValue(value, tail)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// newArray[index] = val
// }
// return newArray, nil
// }
// func calculateValue(value interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// if len(tail) > 0 {
// return recurse(value, tail[0], tail[1:])
// }
// return value, nil
// }
// func deleteMap(context interface{}, paths []string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteMap for %v for %v\n", paths, context)
// mapSlice := getMapSlice(context)
// if len(paths) == 0 {
// return mapSlice, nil
// }
// var index int
// var child yaml.MapItem
// for index, child = range mapSlice {
// if matchesKey(paths[0], child.Key) {
// log.Debugf("\tMatched [%v] with [%v] at index %v", paths[0], child.Key, index)
// var badDelete error
// mapSlice, badDelete = deleteEntryInMap(mapSlice, child, index, paths)
// if badDelete != nil {
// return nil, badDelete
// }
// }
// }
// return mapSlice, nil
// }
// func deleteEntryInMap(original yaml.MapSlice, child yaml.MapItem, index int, paths []string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// var newSlice yaml.MapSlice
// if len(remainingPaths) > 0 {
// newChild := yaml.MapItem{Key: child.Key}
// var errorDeleting error
// newChild.Value, errorDeleting = deleteChildValue(child.Value, remainingPaths)
// if errorDeleting != nil {
// return nil, errorDeleting
// }
// newSlice = make(yaml.MapSlice, len(original))
// for i := range original {
// item := original[i]
// if i == index {
// item = newChild
// }
// newSlice[i] = item
// }
// } else {
// // Delete item from slice at index
// newSlice = append(original[:index], original[index+1:]...)
// log.Debugf("\tDeleted item index %d from original", index)
// }
// log.Debugf("\tReturning original %v\n", original)
// return newSlice, nil
// }
// func deleteArraySplat(array []interface{}, tail []string) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteArraySplat for %v for %v\n", tail, array)
// var newArray = make([]interface{}, len(array))
// for index, value := range array {
// val, err := deleteChildValue(value, tail)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// newArray[index] = val
// }
// return newArray, nil
// }
// func deleteArray(array []interface{}, paths []string, index int64) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteArray for %v for %v\n", paths, array)
// if index >= int64(len(array)) {
// return array, nil
// }
// remainingPaths := paths[1:]
// if len(remainingPaths) > 0 {
// // Recurse into the array element at index
// var errorDeleting error
// array[index], errorDeleting = deleteMap(array[index], remainingPaths)
// if errorDeleting != nil {
// return nil, errorDeleting
// }
// } else {
// // Delete the array element at index
// array = append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
// log.Debugf("\tDeleted item index %d from array, leaving %v", index, array)
// }
// log.Debugf("\tReturning array: %v\n", array)
// return array, nil
// }
// func deleteChildValue(child interface{}, remainingPaths []string) (interface{}, error) {
// log.Debugf("deleteChildValue for %v for %v\n", remainingPaths, child)
// var head = remainingPaths[0]
// var tail = remainingPaths[1:]
// switch child := child.(type) {
// case yaml.MapSlice:
// return deleteMap(child, remainingPaths)
// case []interface{}:
// if head == "*" {
// return deleteArraySplat(child, tail)
// }
// index, err := strconv.ParseInt(head, 10, 64)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("error accessing array: %v", err)
// }
// return deleteArray(child, remainingPaths, index)
// }
// return child, nil
// }
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
package yqlib
import (
mergo "gopkg.in/imdario/mergo.v0"
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
type YqLib interface {
ReadPath(dataBucket interface{}, path string) (interface{}, error)
WritePath(dataBucket interface{}, path string, value interface{}) interface{}
PrefixPath(dataBucket interface{}, prefix string) interface{}
DeletePath(dataBucket interface{}, path string) (interface{}, error)
Merge(dst interface{}, src interface{}, overwrite bool, append bool) error
Get(rootNode *yaml.Node, path string) (*yaml.Node, error)
Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, path string, writeCommand WriteCommand) error
type lib struct {
@ -25,44 +22,15 @@ func NewYqLib(l *logging.Logger) YqLib {
func (l *lib) ReadPath(dataBucket interface{}, path string) (interface{}, error) {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(path)
return l.navigator.ReadChildValue(dataBucket, paths)
func (l *lib) WritePath(dataBucket interface{}, path string, value interface{}) interface{} {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(path)
return l.navigator.UpdatedChildValue(dataBucket, paths, value)
func (l *lib) PrefixPath(dataBucket interface{}, prefix string) interface{} {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(prefix)
// Inverse order
for i := len(paths)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
opp := len(paths) - 1 - i
paths[i], paths[opp] = paths[opp], paths[i]
func (l *lib) Get(rootNode *yaml.Node, path string) (*yaml.Node, error) {
if path == "" {
return rootNode, nil
var mapDataBucket = dataBucket
for _, key := range paths {
singlePath := []string{key}
mapDataBucket = l.navigator.UpdatedChildValue(nil, singlePath, mapDataBucket)
return mapDataBucket
func (l *lib) DeletePath(dataBucket interface{}, path string) (interface{}, error) {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(path)
return l.navigator.DeleteChildValue(dataBucket, paths)
return l.navigator.Get(rootNode, paths)
func (l *lib) Merge(dst interface{}, src interface{}, overwrite bool, append bool) error {
if overwrite {
return mergo.Merge(dst, src, mergo.WithOverride)
} else if append {
return mergo.Merge(dst, src, mergo.WithAppendSlice)
return mergo.Merge(dst, src)
func (l *lib) Update(rootNode *yaml.Node, path string, writeCommand WriteCommand) error {
var paths = l.parser.ParsePath(path)
return l.navigator.Update(rootNode, paths, writeCommand)
@ -6,20 +6,19 @@ import (
errors "github.com/pkg/errors"
yaml "github.com/mikefarah/yaml/v2"
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
var rawOutput = false
var trimOutput = true
var writeInplace = false
var writeScript = ""
@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ func main() {
func newCommandCLI() *cobra.Command {
yaml.DefaultMapType = reflect.TypeOf(yaml.MapSlice{})
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "yq",
Short: "yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor.",
@ -83,10 +81,10 @@ func newCommandCLI() *cobra.Command {
// createPrefixCmd(),
// createDeleteCmd(),
// createNewCmd(),
// createMergeCmd(),
@ -110,6 +108,7 @@ yq r -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dashes
RunE: readProperty,
cmdRead.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
cmdRead.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&rawOutput, "raw", "r", false, "raw yaml output - prints out values instead of yaml")
cmdRead.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&outputToJSON, "tojson", "j", false, "output as json")
return cmdRead
@ -149,104 +148,104 @@ a.b.e:
return cmdWrite
func createPrefixCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdWrite = &cobra.Command{
Use: "prefix [yaml_file] [path]",
Aliases: []string{"p"},
Short: "yq p [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
Example: `
yq prefix things.yaml a.b.c
yq prefix --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
yq prefix --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
yq p -i things.yaml a.b.c
yq p --doc 2 things.yaml a.b.d
yq p -d2 things.yaml a.b.d
Long: `Prefixes w.r.t to the yaml file at the given path.
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
RunE: prefixProperty,
cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdWrite
// func createPrefixCmd() *cobra.Command {
// var cmdWrite = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "prefix [yaml_file] [path]",
// Aliases: []string{"p"},
// Short: "yq p [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
// Example: `
// yq prefix things.yaml a.b.c
// yq prefix --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
// yq prefix --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
// yq p -i things.yaml a.b.c
// yq p --doc 2 things.yaml a.b.d
// yq p -d2 things.yaml a.b.d
// `,
// Long: `Prefixes w.r.t to the yaml file at the given path.
// Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
// `,
// RunE: prefixProperty,
// }
// cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
// cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
// return cmdWrite
// }
func createDeleteCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdDelete = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete [yaml_file] [path]",
Aliases: []string{"d"},
Short: "yq d [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
Example: `
yq delete things.yaml a.b.c
yq delete --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
yq delete --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
yq d -i things.yaml a.b.c
yq d things.yaml a.b.c
Long: `Deletes the given path from the YAML file.
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
RunE: deleteProperty,
cmdDelete.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdDelete.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdDelete
// func createDeleteCmd() *cobra.Command {
// var cmdDelete = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "delete [yaml_file] [path]",
// Aliases: []string{"d"},
// Short: "yq d [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
// Example: `
// yq delete things.yaml a.b.c
// yq delete --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
// yq delete --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
// yq d -i things.yaml a.b.c
// yq d things.yaml a.b.c
// `,
// Long: `Deletes the given path from the YAML file.
// Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
// `,
// RunE: deleteProperty,
// }
// cmdDelete.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
// cmdDelete.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
// return cmdDelete
// }
func createNewCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdNew = &cobra.Command{
Use: "new [path] [value]",
Aliases: []string{"n"},
Short: "yq n [--script/-s script_file] a.b.c newValue",
Example: `
yq new a.b.c cat
yq n a.b.c cat
yq n -- --key-starting-with-dash cat
yq n --script create_script.yaml
Long: `Creates a new yaml w.r.t the given path and value.
Outputs to STDOUT
// func createNewCmd() *cobra.Command {
// var cmdNew = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "new [path] [value]",
// Aliases: []string{"n"},
// Short: "yq n [--script/-s script_file] a.b.c newValue",
// Example: `
// yq new a.b.c cat
// yq n a.b.c cat
// yq n -- --key-starting-with-dash cat
// yq n --script create_script.yaml
// `,
// Long: `Creates a new yaml w.r.t the given path and value.
// Outputs to STDOUT
Create Scripts:
Note that you can give a create script to perform more sophisticated yaml. This follows the same format as the update script.
RunE: newProperty,
cmdNew.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&writeScript, "script", "s", "", "yaml script for updating yaml")
return cmdNew
// Create Scripts:
// Note that you can give a create script to perform more sophisticated yaml. This follows the same format as the update script.
// `,
// RunE: newProperty,
// }
// cmdNew.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&writeScript, "script", "s", "", "yaml script for updating yaml")
// return cmdNew
// }
func createMergeCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdMerge = &cobra.Command{
Use: "merge [initial_yaml_file] [additional_yaml_file]...",
Aliases: []string{"m"},
Short: "yq m [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] [--overwrite/-x] [--append/-a] sample.yaml sample2.yaml",
Example: `
yq merge things.yaml other.yaml
yq merge --inplace things.yaml other.yaml
yq m -i things.yaml other.yaml
yq m --overwrite things.yaml other.yaml
yq m -i -x things.yaml other.yaml
yq m -i -a things.yaml other.yaml
Long: `Updates the yaml file by adding/updating the path(s) and value(s) from additional yaml file(s).
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
// func createMergeCmd() *cobra.Command {
// var cmdMerge = &cobra.Command{
// Use: "merge [initial_yaml_file] [additional_yaml_file]...",
// Aliases: []string{"m"},
// Short: "yq m [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] [--overwrite/-x] [--append/-a] sample.yaml sample2.yaml",
// Example: `
// yq merge things.yaml other.yaml
// yq merge --inplace things.yaml other.yaml
// yq m -i things.yaml other.yaml
// yq m --overwrite things.yaml other.yaml
// yq m -i -x things.yaml other.yaml
// yq m -i -a things.yaml other.yaml
// `,
// Long: `Updates the yaml file by adding/updating the path(s) and value(s) from additional yaml file(s).
// Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
If overwrite flag is set then existing values will be overwritten using the values from each additional yaml file.
If append flag is set then existing arrays will be merged with the arrays from each additional yaml file.
// If overwrite flag is set then existing values will be overwritten using the values from each additional yaml file.
// If append flag is set then existing arrays will be merged with the arrays from each additional yaml file.
Note that if you set both flags only overwrite will take effect.
RunE: mergeProperties,
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&overwriteFlag, "overwrite", "x", false, "update the yaml file by overwriting existing values")
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&appendFlag, "append", "a", false, "update the yaml file by appending array values")
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&allowEmptyFlag, "allow-empty", "e", false, "allow empty yaml files")
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdMerge
// Note that if you set both flags only overwrite will take effect.
// `,
// RunE: mergeProperties,
// }
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&overwriteFlag, "overwrite", "x", false, "update the yaml file by overwriting existing values")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&appendFlag, "append", "a", false, "update the yaml file by appending array values")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&allowEmptyFlag, "allow-empty", "e", false, "allow empty yaml files")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
// return cmdMerge
// }
func readProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var path = ""
@ -261,8 +260,9 @@ func readProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var mappedDocs []interface{}
var dataBucket interface{}
var mappedDocs []*yaml.Node
var dataBucket yaml.Node
var currentIndex = 0
var errorReadingStream = readStream(args[0], func(decoder *yaml.Decoder) error {
for {
@ -274,21 +274,14 @@ func readProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return nil
log.Debugf("processing %v - requested index %v", currentIndex, docIndexInt)
log.Debugf("processing document %v - requested index %v", currentIndex, docIndexInt)
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("reading %v in index %v", path, currentIndex)
if path == "" {
log.Debug("no path")
log.Debugf("%v", dataBucket)
mappedDocs = append(mappedDocs, dataBucket)
} else {
mappedDoc, errorParsing := lib.ReadPath(dataBucket, path)
log.Debugf("%v", mappedDoc)
if errorParsing != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorParsing, "Error reading path in document index %v", currentIndex)
mappedDocs = append(mappedDocs, mappedDoc)
log.Debugf("reading %v in document %v", path, currentIndex)
mappedDoc, errorParsing := lib.Get(&dataBucket, path)
if errorParsing != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorParsing, "Error reading path in document index %v", currentIndex)
mappedDocs = append(mappedDocs, mappedDoc)
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
@ -298,56 +291,64 @@ func readProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return errorReadingStream
if !updateAll {
dataBucket = mappedDocs[0]
} else {
dataBucket = mappedDocs
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(cmd.OutOrStdout())
var err error
dataStr, err := toString(dataBucket)
if rawOutput {
for _, mappedDoc := range mappedDocs {
if mappedDoc != nil {
} else if !updateAll {
err = encoder.Encode(mappedDocs[0])
} else {
err = encoder.Encode(&yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.SequenceNode, Content: mappedDocs})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
updatedData, err := newYaml(args)
if err != nil {
return err
dataStr, err := toString(updatedData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// func newProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// updatedData, err := newYaml(args)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// dataStr, err := toString(updatedData)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// cmd.Println(dataStr)
// return nil
// }
func newYaml(args []string) (interface{}, error) {
var writeCommands, writeCommandsError = readWriteCommands(args, 2, "Must provide <path_to_update> <value>")
if writeCommandsError != nil {
return nil, writeCommandsError
// func newYaml(args []string) (interface{}, error) {
// var writeCommands, writeCommandsError = readWriteCommands(args, 2, "Must provide <path_to_update> <value>")
// if writeCommandsError != nil {
// return nil, writeCommandsError
// }
var dataBucket interface{}
var isArray = strings.HasPrefix(writeCommands[0].Key.(string), "[")
if isArray {
dataBucket = make([]interface{}, 0)
} else {
dataBucket = make(yaml.MapSlice, 0)
// var dataBucket interface{}
// var isArray = strings.HasPrefix(writeCommands[0].Key.(string), "[")
// if isArray {
// dataBucket = make([]interface{}, 0)
// } else {
// dataBucket = make(yaml.MapSlice, 0)
// }
for _, entry := range writeCommands {
path := entry.Key.(string)
value := entry.Value
log.Debugf("setting %v to %v", path, value)
dataBucket = lib.WritePath(dataBucket, path, value)
// for _, entry := range writeCommands {
// path := entry.Key.(string)
// value := entry.Value
// log.Debugf("setting %v to %v", path, value)
// dataBucket = lib.WritePath(dataBucket, path, value)
// }
return dataBucket, nil
// return dataBucket, nil
// }
func parseDocumentIndex() (bool, int, error) {
if docIndex == "*" {
@ -360,11 +361,11 @@ func parseDocumentIndex() (bool, int, error) {
return false, int(docIndexInt64), nil
type updateDataFn func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error)
type updateDataFn func(dataBucket *yaml.Node, currentIndex int) error
func mapYamlDecoder(updateData updateDataFn, encoder *yaml.Encoder) yamlDecoderFn {
return func(decoder *yaml.Decoder) error {
var dataBucket interface{}
var dataBucket yaml.Node
var errorReading error
var errorWriting error
var errorUpdating error
@ -387,12 +388,12 @@ func mapYamlDecoder(updateData updateDataFn, encoder *yaml.Encoder) yamlDecoderF
} else if errorReading != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorReading, "Error reading document at index %v, %v", currentIndex, errorReading)
dataBucket, errorUpdating = updateData(dataBucket, currentIndex)
errorUpdating = updateData(&dataBucket, currentIndex)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorUpdating, "Error updating document at index %v", currentIndex)
errorWriting = encoder.Encode(dataBucket)
errorWriting = encoder.Encode(&dataBucket)
if errorWriting != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorWriting, "Error writing document at index %v, %v", currentIndex, errorWriting)
@ -412,43 +413,47 @@ func writeProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
var updateData = func(dataBucket *yaml.Node, currentIndex int) error {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Updating doc %v", currentIndex)
for _, entry := range writeCommands {
path := entry.Key.(string)
value := entry.Value
log.Debugf("setting %v to %v", path, value)
dataBucket = lib.WritePath(dataBucket, path, value)
path := entry.Key
changesToApply := entry.Value
var paths = parsePath(path)
errorUpdating := updateChild(dataBucket, paths, changesToApply)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errorUpdating
return dataBucket, nil
return nil
return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
func prefixProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 2 {
return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <prefixed_path>")
prefixPath := args[1]
// func prefixProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// if len(args) != 2 {
// return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <prefixed_path>")
// }
// prefixPath := args[1]
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
// var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
// if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
// return errorParsingDocIndex
// }
var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
// var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Prefixing %v to doc %v", prefixPath, currentIndex)
var mapDataBucket = lib.PrefixPath(dataBucket, prefixPath)
return mapDataBucket, nil
return dataBucket, nil
return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
// if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
// log.Debugf("Prefixing %v to doc %v", prefixPath, currentIndex)
// var mapDataBucket = lib.PrefixPath(dataBucket, prefixPath)
// return mapDataBucket, nil
// }
// return dataBucket, nil
// }
// return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
// }
func readAndUpdate(stdOut io.Writer, inputFile string, updateData updateDataFn) error {
var destination io.Writer
@ -479,90 +484,137 @@ func readAndUpdate(stdOut io.Writer, inputFile string, updateData updateDataFn)
defer safelyFlush(writer)
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(destination)
log.Debugf("Writing to %v from %v", destinationName, inputFile)
return readStream(inputFile, mapYamlDecoder(updateData, encoder))
func deleteProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <path_to_delete>")
var deletePath = args[1]
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
// func deleteProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// if len(args) < 2 {
// return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <path_to_delete>")
// }
// var deletePath = args[1]
// var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
// if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
// return errorParsingDocIndex
// }
var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Deleting path in doc %v", currentIndex)
return lib.DeletePath(dataBucket, deletePath)
return dataBucket, nil
// var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
// if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
// log.Debugf("Deleting path in doc %v", currentIndex)
// return lib.DeletePath(dataBucket, deletePath)
// }
// return dataBucket, nil
// }
return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
// return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
// }
// func mergeProperties(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// if len(args) < 2 {
// return errors.New("Must provide at least 2 yaml files")
// }
// var input = args[0]
// var filesToMerge = args[1:]
// var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
// if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
// return errorParsingDocIndex
// }
// var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
// if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
// log.Debugf("Merging doc %v", currentIndex)
// var mergedData map[interface{}]interface{}
// // merge only works for maps, so put everything in a temporary
// // map
// var mapDataBucket = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
// mapDataBucket["root"] = dataBucket
// if err := lib.Merge(&mergedData, mapDataBucket, overwriteFlag, appendFlag); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// for _, f := range filesToMerge {
// var fileToMerge interface{}
// if err := readData(f, 0, &fileToMerge); err != nil {
// if allowEmptyFlag && err == io.EOF {
// continue
// }
// return nil, err
// }
// mapDataBucket["root"] = fileToMerge
// if err := lib.Merge(&mergedData, mapDataBucket, overwriteFlag, appendFlag); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
// return mergedData["root"], nil
// }
// return dataBucket, nil
// }
// return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), input, updateData)
// }
type rawWriteCommand struct {
// Command string TODO
Key string
Value yaml.Node
func mergeProperties(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("Must provide at least 2 yaml files")
var input = args[0]
var filesToMerge = args[1:]
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Merging doc %v", currentIndex)
var mergedData map[interface{}]interface{}
// merge only works for maps, so put everything in a temporary
// map
var mapDataBucket = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
mapDataBucket["root"] = dataBucket
if err := lib.Merge(&mergedData, mapDataBucket, overwriteFlag, appendFlag); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, f := range filesToMerge {
var fileToMerge interface{}
if err := readData(f, 0, &fileToMerge); err != nil {
if allowEmptyFlag && err == io.EOF {
return nil, err
mapDataBucket["root"] = fileToMerge
if err := lib.Merge(&mergedData, mapDataBucket, overwriteFlag, appendFlag); err != nil {
return nil, err
return mergedData["root"], nil
return dataBucket, nil
yaml.DefaultMapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[interface{}]interface{}{})
defer func() { yaml.DefaultMapType = reflect.TypeOf(yaml.MapSlice{}) }()
return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), input, updateData)
func readWriteCommands(args []string, expectedArgs int, badArgsMessage string) (yaml.MapSlice, error) {
var writeCommands yaml.MapSlice
func readWriteCommands(args []string, expectedArgs int, badArgsMessage string) ([]rawWriteCommand, error) {
var writeCommands []rawWriteCommand
if writeScript != "" {
if err := readData(writeScript, 0, &writeCommands); err != nil {
var rawCommands yaml.Node
if err := readData(writeScript, 0, &rawCommands); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Read write commands file '%v'", rawCommands)
var key string
for index, content := range rawCommands.Content[0].Content {
if index%2 == 0 { // must be the key
key = content.Value
} else { // its the value
writeCommands = append(writeCommands, rawWriteCommand{Key: key, Value: *content})
log.Debugf("Read write commands '%v'", writeCommands)
} else if len(args) < expectedArgs {
return nil, errors.New(badArgsMessage)
} else {
writeCommands = make(yaml.MapSlice, 1)
writeCommands[0] = yaml.MapItem{Key: args[expectedArgs-2], Value: valueParser.ParseValue(args[expectedArgs-1])}
writeCommands = make([]rawWriteCommand, 1)
writeCommands[0] = rawWriteCommand{Key: args[expectedArgs-2], Value: parseValue(args[expectedArgs-1])}
return writeCommands, nil
func parseValue(argument string) yaml.Node {
var err interface{}
var tag = customTag
var inQuotes = len(argument) > 0 && argument[0] == '"'
if tag == "" && !inQuotes {
_, err = strconv.ParseBool(argument)
if err == nil {
tag = "!!bool"
_, err = strconv.ParseFloat(argument, 64)
if err == nil {
tag = "!!float"
_, err = strconv.ParseInt(argument, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
tag = "!!int"
if argument == "null" {
tag = "!!null"
if argument == "[]" {
return yaml.Node{Tag: "!!seq", Kind: yaml.SequenceNode}
log.Debugf("Updating node to value '%v', tag: '%v'", argument, tag)
return yaml.Node{Value: argument, Tag: tag, Kind: yaml.ScalarNode}
func toString(context interface{}) (string, error) {
if outputToJSON {
return jsonConverter.JsonToString(context)
@ -572,7 +624,7 @@ func toString(context interface{}) (string, error) {
func safelyRenameFile(from string, to string) {
if renameError := os.Rename(from, to); renameError != nil {
log.Debugf("Error renaming from %v to %v, attemting to copy contents", from, to)
log.Debugf("Error renaming from %v to %v, attempting to copy contents", from, to)
// can't do this rename when running in docker to a file targeted in a mounted volume,
// so gracefully degrade to copying the entire contents.
Reference in New Issue
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