mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:37:46 +00:00
Added XML encoding/decoding
This commit is contained in:
@ -142,4 +142,25 @@ EOM
assertEquals "$expected" "$X"
testOutputXmComplex() {
cat >test.yml <<EOL
a: {b: {c: ["cat", "dog"], +f: meow}}
read -r -d '' expected << EOM
<b f="meow">
X=$(./yq e --output-format=x test.yml)
assertEquals "$expected" "$X"
X=$(./yq ea --output-format=x test.yml)
assertEquals "$expected" "$X"
source ./scripts/shunit2
@ -85,8 +85,9 @@ func evaluateAll(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (cmdError error) {
printerWriter := configurePrinterWriter(format, out)
encoder := configureEncoder(format)
printer := yqlib.NewPrinter(printerWriter, format, unwrapScalar, colorsEnabled, indent, !noDocSeparators)
printer := yqlib.NewPrinter(encoder, printerWriter)
if frontMatter != "" {
frontMatterHandler := yqlib.NewFrontMatterHandler(args[firstFileIndex])
@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ func evaluateSequence(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (cmdError error) {
printerWriter := configurePrinterWriter(format, out)
encoder := configureEncoder(format)
printer := yqlib.NewPrinter(printerWriter, format, unwrapScalar, colorsEnabled, indent, !noDocSeparators)
printer := yqlib.NewPrinter(encoder, printerWriter)
decoder, err := configureDecoder()
if err != nil {
@ -73,3 +73,21 @@ func configurePrinterWriter(format yqlib.PrinterOutputFormat, out io.Writer) yql
return printerWriter
func configureEncoder(format yqlib.PrinterOutputFormat) yqlib.Encoder {
switch format {
case yqlib.JsonOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewJsonEncoder(indent)
case yqlib.PropsOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewPropertiesEncoder()
case yqlib.CsvOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewCsvEncoder(',')
case yqlib.TsvOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewCsvEncoder('\t')
case yqlib.YamlOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewYamlEncoder(indent, colorsEnabled, !noDocSeparators, unwrapScalar)
case yqlib.XmlOutputFormat:
return yqlib.NewXmlEncoder(indent, xmlAttributePrefix, xmlContentName)
panic("invalid encoder")
@ -1,15 +1 @@
- a: banana
- a: cat
- a: apple
- a: 12
- a: 13
- a: 120
- a: {cat: "adog"}
- a: {cat: "doga"}
- a: apple
cat: purrs
@ -1,2 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cat legs="4">BiBi</cat>
<!-- before cat -->
<!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x>
<!-- in y before -->
<d><!-- in d before -->4<!-- in d after --></d>
<!-- in y after -->
<!-- in_cat_after -->
<!-- after cat -->
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ require (
github.com/goccy/go-yaml v1.9.5
github.com/jinzhu/copier v0.3.4
github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.5
github.com/pkg/diff v0.0.0-20210226163009-20ebb0f2a09e
github.com/spf13/cobra v1.3.0
github.com/timtadh/lexmachine v0.2.2
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210813160813-60bc85c4be6d
@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ github.com/mwitkow/go-conntrack v0.0.0-20161129095857-cc309e4a2223/go.mod h1:qRW
github.com/pascaldekloe/goe v0.0.0-20180627143212-57f6aae5913c/go.mod h1:lzWF7FIEvWOWxwDKqyGYQf6ZUaNfKdP144TG7ZOy1lc=
github.com/pascaldekloe/goe v0.1.0/go.mod h1:lzWF7FIEvWOWxwDKqyGYQf6ZUaNfKdP144TG7ZOy1lc=
github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.9.4/go.mod h1:u1nR/EPcESfeI/szUZKdtJ0xRNbUoANCkoOuaOx1Y+c=
github.com/pkg/diff v0.0.0-20210226163009-20ebb0f2a09e h1:aoZm08cpOy4WuID//EZDgcC4zIxODThtZNPirFr42+A=
github.com/pkg/diff v0.0.0-20210226163009-20ebb0f2a09e/go.mod h1:pJLUxLENpZxwdsKMEsNbx1VGcRFpLqf3715MtcvvzbA=
github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.0/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0=
github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0=
github.com/pkg/sftp v1.10.1/go.mod h1:lYOWFsE0bwd1+KfKJaKeuokY15vzFx25BLbzYYoAxZI=
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import (
// "strings"
@ -31,15 +34,15 @@ func InputFormatFromString(format string) (InputFormat, error) {
type xmlDecoder struct {
reader io.Reader
attributePrefix string
contentPrefix string
contentName string
finished bool
func NewXmlDecoder(attributePrefix string, contentPrefix string) Decoder {
if contentPrefix == "" {
contentPrefix = "content"
func NewXmlDecoder(attributePrefix string, contentName string) Decoder {
if contentName == "" {
contentName = "content"
return &xmlDecoder{attributePrefix: attributePrefix, contentPrefix: contentPrefix, finished: false}
return &xmlDecoder{attributePrefix: attributePrefix, contentName: contentName, finished: false}
func (dec *xmlDecoder) Init(reader io.Reader) {
@ -60,20 +63,41 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) createSequence(nodes []*xmlNode) (*yaml.Node, error) {
return yamlNode, nil
func (dec *xmlDecoder) processComment(c string) string {
if c == "" {
return ""
return "#" + strings.TrimRight(c, " ")
func (dec *xmlDecoder) createMap(n *xmlNode) (*yaml.Node, error) {
yamlNode := &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.MappingNode, HeadComment: n.Comment}
log.Debug("createMap: headC: %v, footC: %v", n.HeadComment, n.FootComment)
yamlNode := &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.MappingNode}
if len(n.Data) > 0 {
label := dec.contentPrefix
yamlNode.Content = append(yamlNode.Content, createScalarNode(label, label), createScalarNode(n.Data, n.Data))
label := dec.contentName
labelNode := createScalarNode(label, label)
labelNode.HeadComment = dec.processComment(n.HeadComment)
labelNode.FootComment = dec.processComment(n.FootComment)
yamlNode.Content = append(yamlNode.Content, labelNode, createScalarNode(n.Data, n.Data))
for _, keyValuePair := range n.Children {
for i, keyValuePair := range n.Children {
label := keyValuePair.K
children := keyValuePair.V
labelNode := createScalarNode(label, label)
var valueNode *yaml.Node
var err error
if i == 0 {
labelNode.HeadComment = dec.processComment(n.HeadComment)
// if i == len(n.Children)-1 {
labelNode.FootComment = dec.processComment(keyValuePair.FootComment)
// }
log.Debug("len of children in %v is %v", label, len(children))
if len(children) > 1 {
valueNode, err = dec.createSequence(children)
@ -81,6 +105,13 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) createMap(n *xmlNode) (*yaml.Node, error) {
return nil, err
} else {
// comment hack for maps of scalars
// if the value is a scalar, the head comment of the scalar needs to go on the key?
// add tests for <z/> as well as multiple <ds> of inputXmlWithComments > yaml
if len(children[0].Children) == 0 && children[0].HeadComment != "" {
labelNode.HeadComment = labelNode.HeadComment + "\n" + strings.TrimSpace(children[0].HeadComment)
children[0].HeadComment = ""
valueNode, err = dec.convertToYamlNode(children[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -97,7 +128,11 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) convertToYamlNode(n *xmlNode) (*yaml.Node, error) {
return dec.createMap(n)
scalar := createScalarNode(n.Data, n.Data)
scalar.HeadComment = n.Comment
log.Debug("scalar headC: %v, footC: %v", n.HeadComment, n.FootComment)
scalar.HeadComment = dec.processComment(n.HeadComment)
scalar.LineComment = dec.processComment(n.LineComment)
scalar.FootComment = dec.processComment(n.FootComment)
return scalar, nil
@ -124,14 +159,17 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) Decode(rootYamlNode *yaml.Node) error {
type xmlNode struct {
Children []*xmlChildrenKv
Comment string
Data string
Children []*xmlChildrenKv
HeadComment string
FootComment string
LineComment string
Data string
type xmlChildrenKv struct {
K string
V []*xmlNode
K string
V []*xmlNode
FootComment string
// AddChild appends a node to the list of children
@ -158,6 +196,7 @@ type element struct {
parent *element
n *xmlNode
label string
state string
// this code is heavily based on https://github.com/basgys/goxml2json
@ -183,6 +222,8 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) decodeXml(root *xmlNode) error {
switch se := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
log.Debug("start element %v", se.Name.Local)
elem.state = "started"
// Build new a new current element and link it to its parent
elem = &element{
parent: elem,
@ -197,7 +238,13 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) decodeXml(root *xmlNode) error {
case xml.CharData:
// Extract XML data (if any)
elem.n.Data = trimNonGraphic(string(se))
if elem.n.Data != "" {
elem.state = "chardata"
log.Debug("chardata [%v] for %v", elem.n.Data, elem.label)
case xml.EndElement:
log.Debug("end element %v", elem.label)
elem.state = "finished"
// And add it to its parent list
if elem.parent != nil {
elem.parent.n.AddChild(elem.label, elem.n)
@ -206,13 +253,49 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) decodeXml(root *xmlNode) error {
// Then change the current element to its parent
elem = elem.parent
case xml.Comment:
elem.n.Comment = trimNonGraphic(string(xml.CharData(se)))
commentStr := string(xml.CharData(se))
if elem.state == "started" {
applyFootComment(elem, commentStr)
} else if elem.state == "chardata" {
log.Debug("got a line comment for (%v) %v: [%v]", elem.state, elem.label, commentStr)
elem.n.LineComment = joinFilter([]string{elem.n.LineComment, commentStr})
} else {
log.Debug("got a head comment for (%v) %v: [%v]", elem.state, elem.label, commentStr)
elem.n.HeadComment = joinFilter([]string{elem.n.HeadComment, commentStr})
return nil
func applyFootComment(elem *element, commentStr string) {
// first lets try to put the comment on the last child
if len(elem.n.Children) > 0 {
lastChildIndex := len(elem.n.Children) - 1
childKv := elem.n.Children[lastChildIndex]
log.Debug("got a foot comment for %v: [%v]", childKv.K, commentStr)
childKv.FootComment = joinFilter([]string{elem.n.FootComment, commentStr})
} else {
log.Debug("got a foot comment for %v: [%v]", elem.label, commentStr)
elem.n.FootComment = joinFilter([]string{elem.n.FootComment, commentStr})
func joinFilter(rawStrings []string) string {
stringsToJoin := make([]string, 0)
for _, str := range rawStrings {
if str != "" {
stringsToJoin = append(stringsToJoin, str)
return strings.Join(stringsToJoin, " ")
// trimNonGraphic returns a slice of the string s, with all leading and trailing
// non graphic characters and spaces removed.
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
Encode and decode to and from XML. Whitespace is not conserved for round trips - but the order of the fields are.
As yaml does not have the concept of attributes, xml attributes are converted to regular fields with a prefix to prevent clobbering. This defaults to "+", use the `--xml-attribute-prefix` to change.
Consecutive xml nodes with the same name are assumed to be arrays.
All values in XML are assumed to be strings - but you can use `from_yaml` to parse them into their correct types:
@ -14,8 +12,6 @@ yq e -p=xml '.myNumberField |= from_yaml' my.xml
XML nodes that have attributes then plain content, e.g:
<cat name="tiger">meow</cat>
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
Encode and decode to and from XML. Whitespace is not conserved for round trips - but the order of the fields are.
As yaml does not have the concept of attributes, xml attributes are converted to regular fields with a prefix to prevent clobbering. This defaults to "+", use the `--xml-attribute-prefix` to change.
Consecutive xml nodes with the same name are assumed to be arrays.
All values in XML are assumed to be strings - but you can use `from_yaml` to parse them into their correct types:
@ -14,8 +12,6 @@ yq e -p=xml '.myNumberField |= from_yaml' my.xml
XML nodes that have attributes then plain content, e.g:
<cat name="tiger">meow</cat>
@ -58,7 +54,7 @@ animal:
## Parse xml: attributes
Attributes are converted to fields, with the attribute prefix.
Attributes are converted to fields, with the default attribute prefix '+'. Use '--xml-attribute-prefix` to set your own.
Given a sample.xml file of:
@ -79,7 +75,7 @@ cat:
## Parse xml: attributes with content
Content is added as a field, using the content name
Content is added as a field, using the default content name of '+content'. Use `--xml-content-name` to set your own.
Given a sample.xml file of:
@ -97,6 +93,53 @@ cat:
+legs: "4"
## Parse xml: with comments
A best attempt is made to preserve comments.
Given a sample.xml file of:
<!-- before cat -->
<!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x>
<!-- before y -->
<!-- in y before -->
<d><!-- in d before -->z<!-- in d after --></d>
<!-- in y after -->
<!-- in_cat_after -->
<!-- after cat -->
yq e -p=xml '.' sample.xml
will output
# before cat
# in cat before
x: "3" # multi
# line comment
# for x
# before y
# in y before
# in d before
d: z # in d after
# in y after
# in_cat_after
# after cat
## Encode xml: simple
Given a sample.yml file of:
@ -108,7 +151,8 @@ yq e -o=xml '.' sample.yml
will output
## Encode xml: array
Given a sample.yml file of:
@ -127,7 +171,8 @@ will output
## Encode xml: attributes
Fields with the matching xml-attribute-prefix are assumed to be attributes.
@ -147,7 +192,8 @@ will output
<cat name="tiger">
## Encode xml: attributes with content
Fields with the matching xml-content-name is assumed to be content.
@ -165,5 +211,74 @@ yq e -o=xml '.' sample.yml
will output
<cat name="tiger">cool</cat>```
<cat name="tiger">cool</cat>
## Encode xml: comments
A best attempt is made to copy comments to xml.
Given a sample.yml file of:
# above_cat
cat: # inline_cat
# above_array
array: # inline_array
- val1 # inline_val1
# above_val2
- val2 # inline_val2
# below_cat
yq e -o=xml '.' sample.yml
will output
<!-- above_cat inline_cat --><cat><!-- above_array inline_array -->
<array>val1<!-- inline_val1 --></array>
<array><!-- above_val2 -->val2<!-- inline_val2 --></array>
</cat><!-- below_cat -->
## Round trip: with comments
A best effort is made, but comment positions and white space are not preserved perfectly.
Given a sample.xml file of:
<!-- before cat -->
<!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x>
<!-- before y -->
<!-- in y before -->
<d><!-- in d before -->z<!-- in d after --></d>
<!-- in y after -->
<!-- in_cat_after -->
<!-- after cat -->
yq e -p=xml -o=xml '.' sample.xml
will output
<!-- before cat --><cat><!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x><!-- before y -->
<y><!-- in y before
in d before -->
<d>z<!-- in d after --></d><!-- in y after -->
</y><!-- in_cat_after -->
</cat><!-- after cat -->
@ -11,92 +11,10 @@ import (
type Encoder interface {
Encode(node *yaml.Node) error
type yamlEncoder struct {
destination io.Writer
indent int
colorise bool
firstDoc bool
func NewYamlEncoder(destination io.Writer, indent int, colorise bool) Encoder {
if indent < 0 {
indent = 0
return &yamlEncoder{destination, indent, colorise, true}
func (ye *yamlEncoder) Encode(node *yaml.Node) error {
destination := ye.destination
tempBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if ye.colorise {
destination = tempBuffer
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(destination)
// TODO: work out if the first doc had a separator or not.
if ye.firstDoc {
ye.firstDoc = false
} else if _, err := destination.Write([]byte("---\n")); err != nil {
return err
if err := encoder.Encode(node); err != nil {
return err
if ye.colorise {
return colorizeAndPrint(tempBuffer.Bytes(), ye.destination)
return nil
type jsonEncoder struct {
encoder *json.Encoder
func mapKeysToStrings(node *yaml.Node) {
if node.Kind == yaml.MappingNode {
for index, child := range node.Content {
if index%2 == 0 { // its a map key
child.Tag = "!!str"
for _, child := range node.Content {
func NewJsonEncoder(destination io.Writer, indent int) Encoder {
var encoder = json.NewEncoder(destination)
encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false) // do not escape html chars e.g. &, <, >
var indentString = ""
for index := 0; index < indent; index++ {
indentString = indentString + " "
encoder.SetIndent("", indentString)
return &jsonEncoder{encoder}
func (je *jsonEncoder) Encode(node *yaml.Node) error {
var dataBucket orderedMap
// firstly, convert all map keys to strings
errorDecoding := node.Decode(&dataBucket)
if errorDecoding != nil {
return errorDecoding
return je.encoder.Encode(dataBucket)
Encode(writer io.Writer, node *yaml.Node) error
PrintDocumentSeparator(writer io.Writer) error
PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) error
CanHandleAliases() bool
// orderedMap allows to marshal and unmarshal JSON and YAML values keeping the
@ -9,16 +9,26 @@ import (
type csvEncoder struct {
destination csv.Writer
separator rune
func NewCsvEncoder(destination io.Writer, separator rune) Encoder {
csvWriter := *csv.NewWriter(destination)
csvWriter.Comma = separator
return &csvEncoder{csvWriter}
func NewCsvEncoder(separator rune) Encoder {
return &csvEncoder{separator}
func (e *csvEncoder) encodeRow(contents []*yaml.Node) error {
func (e *csvEncoder) CanHandleAliases() bool {
return false
func (e *csvEncoder) PrintDocumentSeparator(writer io.Writer) error {
return nil
func (e *csvEncoder) PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) error {
return nil
func (e *csvEncoder) encodeRow(csvWriter *csv.Writer, contents []*yaml.Node) error {
stringValues := make([]string, len(contents))
for i, child := range contents {
@ -28,10 +38,13 @@ func (e *csvEncoder) encodeRow(contents []*yaml.Node) error {
stringValues[i] = child.Value
return e.destination.Write(stringValues)
return csvWriter.Write(stringValues)
func (e *csvEncoder) Encode(originalNode *yaml.Node) error {
func (e *csvEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, originalNode *yaml.Node) error {
csvWriter := csv.NewWriter(writer)
csvWriter.Comma = e.separator
// node must be a sequence
node := unwrapDoc(originalNode)
if node.Kind != yaml.SequenceNode {
@ -40,7 +53,7 @@ func (e *csvEncoder) Encode(originalNode *yaml.Node) error {
return nil
if node.Content[0].Kind == yaml.ScalarNode {
return e.encodeRow(node.Content)
return e.encodeRow(csvWriter, node.Content)
for i, child := range node.Content {
@ -48,7 +61,7 @@ func (e *csvEncoder) Encode(originalNode *yaml.Node) error {
if child.Kind != yaml.SequenceNode {
return fmt.Errorf("csv encoding only works for arrays of scalars (string/numbers/booleans), child[%v] is a %v", i, child.Tag)
err := e.encodeRow(child.Content)
err := e.encodeRow(csvWriter, child.Content)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ func yamlToCsv(sampleYaml string, separator rune) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
writer := bufio.NewWriter(&output)
var jsonEncoder = NewCsvEncoder(writer, separator)
var jsonEncoder = NewCsvEncoder(separator)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(sampleYaml), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
node := inputs.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode).Node
err = jsonEncoder.Encode(node)
err = jsonEncoder.Encode(writer, node)
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package yqlib
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
type jsonEncoder struct {
indentString string
func mapKeysToStrings(node *yaml.Node) {
if node.Kind == yaml.MappingNode {
for index, child := range node.Content {
if index%2 == 0 { // its a map key
child.Tag = "!!str"
for _, child := range node.Content {
func NewJsonEncoder(indent int) Encoder {
var indentString = ""
for index := 0; index < indent; index++ {
indentString = indentString + " "
return &jsonEncoder{indentString}
func (je *jsonEncoder) CanHandleAliases() bool {
return false
func (je *jsonEncoder) PrintDocumentSeparator(writer io.Writer) error {
return nil
func (je *jsonEncoder) PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) error {
return nil
func (je *jsonEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *yaml.Node) error {
var encoder = json.NewEncoder(writer)
encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false) // do not escape html chars e.g. &, <, >
encoder.SetIndent("", je.indentString)
var dataBucket orderedMap
// firstly, convert all map keys to strings
errorDecoding := node.Decode(&dataBucket)
if errorDecoding != nil {
return errorDecoding
return encoder.Encode(dataBucket)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package yqlib
import (
@ -10,14 +12,54 @@ import (
type propertiesEncoder struct {
destination io.Writer
func NewPropertiesEncoder(destination io.Writer) Encoder {
return &propertiesEncoder{destination}
func NewPropertiesEncoder() Encoder {
return &propertiesEncoder{}
func (pe *propertiesEncoder) Encode(node *yaml.Node) error {
func (pe *propertiesEncoder) CanHandleAliases() bool {
return false
func (pe *propertiesEncoder) PrintDocumentSeparator(writer io.Writer) error {
return nil
func (pe *propertiesEncoder) PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) error {
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(content))
for {
readline, errReading := reader.ReadString('\n')
if errReading != nil && !errors.Is(errReading, io.EOF) {
return errReading
if strings.Contains(readline, "$yqDocSeperator$") {
if err := pe.PrintDocumentSeparator(writer); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := writeString(writer, readline); err != nil {
return err
if errors.Is(errReading, io.EOF) {
if readline != "" {
// the last comment we read didn't have a new line, put one in
if err := writeString(writer, "\n"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (pe *propertiesEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *yaml.Node) error {
p := properties.NewProperties()
err := pe.doEncode(p, node, "")
@ -25,14 +67,12 @@ func (pe *propertiesEncoder) Encode(node *yaml.Node) error {
return err
_, err = p.WriteComment(pe.destination, "#", properties.UTF8)
_, err = p.WriteComment(writer, "#", properties.UTF8)
return err
func (pe *propertiesEncoder) doEncode(p *properties.Properties, node *yaml.Node, path string) error {
strings.Replace(node.HeadComment, "#", "", 1)+
strings.Replace(node.LineComment, "#", "", 1))
p.SetComment(path, headAndLineComment(node))
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.ScalarNode:
_, _, err := p.Set(path, node.Value)
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ func yamlToProps(sampleYaml string) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
writer := bufio.NewWriter(&output)
var propsEncoder = NewPropertiesEncoder(writer)
var propsEncoder = NewPropertiesEncoder()
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(sampleYaml), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
node := inputs.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode).Node
err = propsEncoder.Encode(node)
err = propsEncoder.Encode(writer, node)
if err != nil {
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ func yamlToJson(sampleYaml string, indent int) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
writer := bufio.NewWriter(&output)
var jsonEncoder = NewJsonEncoder(writer, indent)
var jsonEncoder = NewJsonEncoder(indent)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(sampleYaml), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
node := inputs.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode).Node
err = jsonEncoder.Encode(node)
err = jsonEncoder.Encode(writer, node)
if err != nil {
@ -9,89 +9,157 @@ import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
var XmlPreferences = xmlPreferences{AttributePrefix: "+", ContentName: "+content"}
type xmlEncoder struct {
xmlEncoder *xml.Encoder
attributePrefix string
contentName string
indentString string
func NewXmlEncoder(writer io.Writer, indent int, attributePrefix string, contentName string) Encoder {
encoder := xml.NewEncoder(writer)
func NewXmlEncoder(indent int, attributePrefix string, contentName string) Encoder {
var indentString = ""
for index := 0; index < indent; index++ {
indentString = indentString + " "
encoder.Indent("", indentString)
return &xmlEncoder{encoder, attributePrefix, contentName}
func (e *xmlEncoder) Encode(node *yaml.Node) error {
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.MappingNode:
err := e.encodeTopLevelMap(node)
if err != nil {
return err
var charData xml.CharData = []byte("\n")
err = e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(charData)
if err != nil {
return err
return e.xmlEncoder.Flush()
case yaml.DocumentNode:
return e.Encode(unwrapDoc(node))
case yaml.ScalarNode:
var charData xml.CharData = []byte(node.Value)
err := e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(charData)
if err != nil {
return err
return e.xmlEncoder.Flush()
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %v", node.Tag)
return &xmlEncoder{attributePrefix, contentName, indentString}
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeTopLevelMap(node *yaml.Node) error {
func (e *xmlEncoder) CanHandleAliases() bool {
return false
func (e *xmlEncoder) PrintDocumentSeparator(writer io.Writer) error {
return nil
func (e *xmlEncoder) PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) error {
return nil
func (e *xmlEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *yaml.Node) error {
encoder := xml.NewEncoder(writer)
encoder.Indent("", e.indentString)
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.MappingNode:
err := e.encodeTopLevelMap(encoder, node)
if err != nil {
return err
case yaml.DocumentNode:
err := e.encodeComment(encoder, headAndLineComment(node))
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("OK NOW THE ACTUAL")
err = e.encodeTopLevelMap(encoder, unwrapDoc(node))
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(node))
if err != nil {
return err
case yaml.ScalarNode:
var charData xml.CharData = []byte(node.Value)
err := encoder.EncodeToken(charData)
if err != nil {
return err
return encoder.Flush()
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %v", node.Tag)
var charData xml.CharData = []byte("\n")
return encoder.EncodeToken(charData)
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeTopLevelMap(encoder *xml.Encoder, node *yaml.Node) error {
err := e.encodeComment(encoder, headAndLineComment(node))
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 2 {
key := node.Content[i]
value := node.Content[i+1]
start := xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: key.Value}}
err := e.doEncode(value, start)
log.Debugf("comments of key %v", key.Value)
err := e.encodeComment(encoder, headAndLineComment(key))
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.doEncode(encoder, value, start)
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(node))
func (e *xmlEncoder) doEncode(node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeStart(encoder *xml.Encoder, node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
err := encoder.EncodeToken(start)
if err != nil {
return err
return e.encodeComment(encoder, headComment(node))
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeEnd(encoder *xml.Encoder, node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
err := encoder.EncodeToken(start.End())
if err != nil {
return err
return e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(node))
func (e *xmlEncoder) doEncode(encoder *xml.Encoder, node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.MappingNode:
return e.encodeMap(node, start)
return e.encodeMap(encoder, node, start)
case yaml.SequenceNode:
return e.encodeArray(node, start)
return e.encodeArray(encoder, node, start)
case yaml.ScalarNode:
err := e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(start)
err := e.encodeStart(encoder, node, start)
if err != nil {
return err
var charData xml.CharData = []byte(node.Value)
err = e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(charData)
err = encoder.EncodeToken(charData)
if err != nil {
return err
return e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(start.End())
if err = e.encodeComment(encoder, lineComment(node)); err != nil {
return err
return e.encodeEnd(encoder, node, start)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %v", node.Tag)
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeArray(node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i++ {
value := node.Content[i]
err := e.doEncode(value, start.Copy())
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeComment(encoder *xml.Encoder, commentStr string) error {
if commentStr != "" {
log.Debugf("encoding comment %v", commentStr)
if !strings.HasSuffix(commentStr, " ") {
commentStr = commentStr + " "
var comment xml.Comment = []byte(commentStr)
err := encoder.EncodeToken(comment)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -99,7 +167,23 @@ func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeArray(node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error
return nil
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeMap(node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeArray(encoder *xml.Encoder, node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
if err := e.encodeComment(encoder, headAndLineComment(node)); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i++ {
value := node.Content[i]
if err := e.doEncode(encoder, value, start.Copy()); err != nil {
return err
return e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(node))
func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeMap(encoder *xml.Encoder, node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
log.Debug("its a map")
//first find all the attributes and put them on the start token
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 2 {
@ -116,7 +200,7 @@ func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeMap(node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
err := e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(start)
err := e.encodeStart(encoder, node, start)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -126,21 +210,38 @@ func (e *xmlEncoder) encodeMap(node *yaml.Node, start xml.StartElement) error {
key := node.Content[i]
value := node.Content[i+1]
err := e.encodeComment(encoder, headAndLineComment(key))
if err != nil {
return err
if !strings.HasPrefix(key.Value, e.attributePrefix) && key.Value != e.contentName {
start := xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: key.Value}}
err := e.doEncode(value, start)
err := e.doEncode(encoder, value, start)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if key.Value == e.contentName {
// directly encode the contents
err = e.encodeComment(encoder, headAndLineComment(value))
if err != nil {
return err
var charData xml.CharData = []byte(value.Value)
err = e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(charData)
err = encoder.EncodeToken(charData)
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(value))
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.encodeComment(encoder, footComment(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return e.xmlEncoder.EncodeToken(start.End())
return e.encodeEnd(encoder, node, start)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package yqlib
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
type yamlEncoder struct {
indent int
colorise bool
printDocSeparators bool
unwrapScalar bool
func NewYamlEncoder(indent int, colorise bool, printDocSeparators bool, unwrapScalar bool) Encoder {
if indent < 0 {
indent = 0
return &yamlEncoder{indent, colorise, printDocSeparators, unwrapScalar}
func (ye *yamlEncoder) CanHandleAliases() bool {
return true
func (ye *yamlEncoder) PrintDocumentSeparator(writer io.Writer) error {
if ye.printDocSeparators {
log.Debug("-- writing doc sep")
if err := writeString(writer, "---\n"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ye *yamlEncoder) PrintLeadingContent(writer io.Writer, content string) error {
// log.Debug("headcommentwas [%v]", content)
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(content))
for {
readline, errReading := reader.ReadString('\n')
if errReading != nil && !errors.Is(errReading, io.EOF) {
return errReading
if strings.Contains(readline, "$yqDocSeperator$") {
if err := ye.PrintDocumentSeparator(writer); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := writeString(writer, readline); err != nil {
return err
if errors.Is(errReading, io.EOF) {
if readline != "" {
// the last comment we read didn't have a new line, put one in
if err := writeString(writer, "\n"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ye *yamlEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *yaml.Node) error {
if node.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode && ye.unwrapScalar {
return writeString(writer, node.Value+"\n")
destination := writer
tempBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if ye.colorise {
destination = tempBuffer
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(destination)
if err := encoder.Encode(node); err != nil {
return err
if ye.colorise {
return colorizeAndPrint(tempBuffer.Bytes(), writer)
return nil
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ type xmlPreferences struct {
ContentName string
var XmlPreferences = xmlPreferences{AttributePrefix: "+", ContentName: "+content"}
var log = logging.MustGetLogger("yq-lib")
// GetLogger returns the yq logger instance.
@ -236,6 +234,22 @@ func createScalarNode(value interface{}, stringValue string) *yaml.Node {
return node
func headAndLineComment(node *yaml.Node) string {
return headComment(node) + lineComment(node)
func headComment(node *yaml.Node) string {
return strings.Replace(node.HeadComment, "#", "", 1)
func lineComment(node *yaml.Node) string {
return strings.Replace(node.LineComment, "#", "", 1)
func footComment(node *yaml.Node) string {
return strings.Replace(node.FootComment, "#", "", 1)
func createValueOperation(value interface{}, stringValue string) *Operation {
var node *yaml.Node = createScalarNode(value, stringValue)
@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ func getCommentsOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *
var chompRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\n$`)
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
if err := processLeadingContent(candidate, writer, false, YamlOutputFormat); err != nil {
var encoder = NewYamlEncoder(2, false, false, false)
if err := encoder.PrintLeadingContent(writer, candidate.LeadingContent); err != nil {
return Context{}, err
if err := writer.Flush(); err != nil {
@ -10,11 +10,31 @@ import (
func yamlToString(candidate *CandidateNode, prefs encoderPreferences) (string, error) {
func configureEncoder(format PrinterOutputFormat, indent int) Encoder {
switch format {
case JsonOutputFormat:
return NewJsonEncoder(indent)
case PropsOutputFormat:
return NewPropertiesEncoder()
case CsvOutputFormat:
return NewCsvEncoder(',')
case TsvOutputFormat:
return NewCsvEncoder('\t')
case YamlOutputFormat:
return NewYamlEncoder(indent, false, true, true)
case XmlOutputFormat:
return NewXmlEncoder(indent, XmlPreferences.AttributePrefix, XmlPreferences.ContentName)
panic("invalid encoder")
func encodeToString(candidate *CandidateNode, prefs encoderPreferences) (string, error) {
var output bytes.Buffer
log.Debug("printing with indent: %v", prefs.indent)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), prefs.format, true, false, prefs.indent, true)
encoder := configureEncoder(prefs.format, prefs.indent)
printer := NewPrinter(encoder, NewSinglePrinterWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&output)))
err := printer.PrintResults(candidate.AsList())
return output.String(), err
@ -36,7 +56,7 @@ func encodeOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expre
for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
stringValue, err := yamlToString(candidate, preferences)
stringValue, err := encodeToString(candidate, preferences)
if err != nil {
return Context{}, err
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ type expressionScenario struct {
dontFormatInputForDoc bool // dont format input doc for documentation generation
func NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer io.Writer, outputFormat PrinterOutputFormat, unwrapScalar bool, colorsEnabled bool, indent int, printDocSeparators bool) Printer {
return NewPrinter(NewYamlEncoder(indent, colorsEnabled, printDocSeparators, unwrapScalar), NewSinglePrinterWriter(writer))
func readDocumentWithLeadingContent(content string, fakefilename string, fakeFileIndex int) (*list.List, error) {
reader, firstFileLeadingContent, err := processReadStream(bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(content)))
if err != nil {
@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ func testScenario(t *testing.T, s *expressionScenario) {
func resultToString(t *testing.T, n *CandidateNode) string {
var valueBuffer bytes.Buffer
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&valueBuffer), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 4, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&valueBuffer), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 4, true)
err := printer.PrintResults(n.AsList())
if err != nil {
@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ func copyFromHeader(folder string, title string, out *os.File) error {
func formatYaml(yaml string, filename string) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
node, err := NewExpressionParser().ParseExpression(".. style= \"\"")
if err != nil {
@ -268,7 +272,7 @@ func documentInput(w *bufio.Writer, s expressionScenario) (string, string) {
func documentOutput(t *testing.T, w *bufio.Writer, s expressionScenario, formattedDoc string, formattedDoc2 string) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var err error
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
node, err := NewExpressionParser().ParseExpression(s.expression)
if err != nil {
@ -48,34 +48,22 @@ func OutputFormatFromString(format string) (PrinterOutputFormat, error) {
type resultsPrinter struct {
outputFormat PrinterOutputFormat
unwrapScalar bool
colorsEnabled bool
indent int
printDocSeparators bool
printerWriter PrinterWriter
firstTimePrinting bool
previousDocIndex uint
previousFileIndex int
printedMatches bool
treeNavigator DataTreeNavigator
appendixReader io.Reader
encoder Encoder
printerWriter PrinterWriter
firstTimePrinting bool
previousDocIndex uint
previousFileIndex int
printedMatches bool
treeNavigator DataTreeNavigator
appendixReader io.Reader
func NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer io.Writer, outputFormat PrinterOutputFormat, unwrapScalar bool, colorsEnabled bool, indent int, printDocSeparators bool) Printer {
return NewPrinter(NewSinglePrinterWriter(writer), outputFormat, unwrapScalar, colorsEnabled, indent, printDocSeparators)
func NewPrinter(printerWriter PrinterWriter, outputFormat PrinterOutputFormat, unwrapScalar bool, colorsEnabled bool, indent int, printDocSeparators bool) Printer {
func NewPrinter(encoder Encoder, printerWriter PrinterWriter) Printer {
return &resultsPrinter{
printerWriter: printerWriter,
outputFormat: outputFormat,
unwrapScalar: unwrapScalar,
colorsEnabled: colorsEnabled,
indent: indent,
printDocSeparators: outputFormat == YamlOutputFormat && printDocSeparators,
firstTimePrinting: true,
treeNavigator: NewDataTreeNavigator(),
encoder: encoder,
printerWriter: printerWriter,
firstTimePrinting: true,
treeNavigator: NewDataTreeNavigator(),
@ -90,28 +78,7 @@ func (p *resultsPrinter) PrintedAnything() bool {
func (p *resultsPrinter) printNode(node *yaml.Node, writer io.Writer) error {
p.printedMatches = p.printedMatches || (node.Tag != "!!null" &&
(node.Tag != "!!bool" || node.Value != "false"))
var encoder Encoder
if node.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode && p.unwrapScalar && p.outputFormat == YamlOutputFormat {
return writeString(writer, node.Value+"\n")
switch p.outputFormat {
case JsonOutputFormat:
encoder = NewJsonEncoder(writer, p.indent)
case PropsOutputFormat:
encoder = NewPropertiesEncoder(writer)
case CsvOutputFormat:
encoder = NewCsvEncoder(writer, ',')
case TsvOutputFormat:
encoder = NewCsvEncoder(writer, '\t')
case YamlOutputFormat:
encoder = NewYamlEncoder(writer, p.indent, p.colorsEnabled)
case XmlOutputFormat:
encoder = NewXmlEncoder(writer, p.indent, XmlPreferences.AttributePrefix, XmlPreferences.ContentName)
return encoder.Encode(node)
return p.encoder.Encode(writer, node)
func (p *resultsPrinter) PrintResults(matchingNodes *list.List) error {
@ -122,7 +89,7 @@ func (p *resultsPrinter) PrintResults(matchingNodes *list.List) error {
return nil
if p.outputFormat != YamlOutputFormat {
if !p.encoder.CanHandleAliases() {
explodeOp := Operation{OperationType: explodeOpType}
explodeNode := ExpressionNode{Operation: &explodeOp}
context, err := p.treeNavigator.GetMatchingNodes(Context{MatchingNodes: matchingNodes}, &explodeNode)
@ -142,7 +109,7 @@ func (p *resultsPrinter) PrintResults(matchingNodes *list.List) error {
for el := matchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
mappedDoc := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
log.Debug("-- print sep logic: p.firstTimePrinting: %v, previousDocIndex: %v, mappedDoc.Document: %v, printDocSeparators: %v", p.firstTimePrinting, p.previousDocIndex, mappedDoc.Document, p.printDocSeparators)
log.Debug("-- print sep logic: p.firstTimePrinting: %v, previousDocIndex: %v, mappedDoc.Document: %v", p.firstTimePrinting, p.previousDocIndex, mappedDoc.Document)
writer, errorWriting := p.printerWriter.GetWriter(mappedDoc)
if errorWriting != nil {
@ -152,14 +119,13 @@ func (p *resultsPrinter) PrintResults(matchingNodes *list.List) error {
commentsStartWithSepExp := regexp.MustCompile(`^\$yqDocSeperator\$`)
commentStartsWithSeparator := commentsStartWithSepExp.MatchString(mappedDoc.LeadingContent)
if (p.previousDocIndex != mappedDoc.Document || p.previousFileIndex != mappedDoc.FileIndex) && p.printDocSeparators && !commentStartsWithSeparator {
log.Debug("-- writing doc sep")
if err := writeString(writer, "---\n"); err != nil {
if (p.previousDocIndex != mappedDoc.Document || p.previousFileIndex != mappedDoc.FileIndex) && !commentStartsWithSeparator {
if err := p.encoder.PrintDocumentSeparator(writer); err != nil {
return err
if err := processLeadingContent(mappedDoc, writer, p.printDocSeparators, p.outputFormat); err != nil {
if err := p.encoder.PrintLeadingContent(writer, mappedDoc.LeadingContent); err != nil {
return err
@ -171,9 +137,11 @@ func (p *resultsPrinter) PrintResults(matchingNodes *list.List) error {
if err := writer.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("done printing results")
if p.appendixReader != nil && p.outputFormat == YamlOutputFormat {
// what happens if I remove output format check?
if p.appendixReader != nil {
writer, err := p.printerWriter.GetWriter(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ func nodeToList(candidate *CandidateNode) *list.List {
return elMap
func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSequence(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSequenceOnly(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSequence(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSequenceWithLeadingContent(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSequenceWithLeadingContent(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrinterMultipleFilesInSequence(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func TestPrinterMultipleFilesInSequence(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrinterMultipleFilesInSequenceWithLeadingContent(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func TestPrinterMultipleFilesInSequenceWithLeadingContent(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSinglePrint(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSinglePrint(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSinglePrintWithLeadingDoc(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ a: coconut
func TestPrinterMultipleDocsInSinglePrintWithLeadingDocTrailing(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ a: coconut
func TestPrinterScalarWithLeadingCont(t *testing.T) {
var output bytes.Buffer
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(writer, YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
node, err := NewExpressionParser().ParseExpression(".a")
if err != nil {
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ func TestPrinterMultipleDocsJson(t *testing.T) {
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(&output)
// note printDocSeparators is true, it should still not print document separators
// when outputing JSON.
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(writer, JsonOutputFormat, true, false, 0, true)
printer := NewPrinter(NewJsonEncoder(0), NewSinglePrinterWriter(writer))
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(multiDocSample), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
if err != nil {
@ -38,43 +38,6 @@ func writeString(writer io.Writer, txt string) error {
return errorWriting
func processLeadingContent(mappedDoc *CandidateNode, writer io.Writer, printDocSeparators bool, outputFormat PrinterOutputFormat) error {
log.Debug("headcommentwas %v", mappedDoc.LeadingContent)
log.Debug("finished headcomment")
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(mappedDoc.LeadingContent))
for {
readline, errReading := reader.ReadString('\n')
if errReading != nil && !errors.Is(errReading, io.EOF) {
return errReading
if strings.Contains(readline, "$yqDocSeperator$") {
if printDocSeparators {
if err := writeString(writer, "---\n"); err != nil {
return err
} else if outputFormat == YamlOutputFormat {
if err := writeString(writer, readline); err != nil {
return err
if errors.Is(errReading, io.EOF) {
if readline != "" {
// the last comment we read didn't have a new line, put one in
if err := writeString(writer, "\n"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func processReadStream(reader *bufio.Reader) (io.Reader, string, error) {
var commentLineRegEx = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*#`)
var sb strings.Builder
@ -24,23 +24,29 @@ func decodeXml(t *testing.T, xml string) *CandidateNode {
return &CandidateNode{Node: node}
func yamlToXml(sampleYaml string, indent int) string {
func processScenario(s xmlScenario) string {
var output bytes.Buffer
writer := bufio.NewWriter(&output)
var encoder = NewXmlEncoder(writer, indent, "+", "+content")
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(sampleYaml), "sample.yml", 0, NewYamlDecoder())
var encoder = NewXmlEncoder(2, "+", "+content")
var decoder = NewYamlDecoder()
if s.scenarioType == "roundtrip" {
decoder = NewXmlDecoder("+", "+content")
inputs, err := readDocuments(strings.NewReader(s.input), "sample.yml", 0, decoder)
if err != nil {
node := inputs.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode).Node
err = encoder.Encode(node)
err = encoder.Encode(writer, node)
if err != nil {
return strings.TrimSuffix(output.String(), "\n")
return output.String()
type xmlScenario struct {
@ -49,9 +55,154 @@ type xmlScenario struct {
description string
subdescription string
skipDoc bool
encodeScenario bool
scenarioType string
var inputXmlWithComments = `
<!-- before cat -->
<!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x>
<!-- before y -->
<!-- in y before -->
<d><!-- in d before -->z<!-- in d after --></d>
<!-- in y after -->
<!-- in_cat_after -->
<!-- after cat -->
var inputXmlWithCommentsWithSubChild = `
<!-- before cat -->
<!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x>
<!-- before y -->
<!-- in y before -->
<d><!-- in d before --><z sweet="cool"/><!-- in d after --></d>
<!-- in y after -->
<!-- in_cat_after -->
<!-- after cat -->
var expectedDecodeYamlWithSubChild = `D0, P[], (doc)::# before cat
# in cat before
x: "3" # multi
# line comment
# for x
# before y
# in y before
# in d before
+sweet: cool
# in d after
# in y after
# in_cat_after
# after cat
var inputXmlWithCommentsWithArray = `
<!-- before cat -->
<!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x>
<!-- before y -->
<!-- in y before -->
<d><!-- in d before --><z sweet="cool"/><!-- in d after --></d>
<d><!-- in d2 before --><z sweet="cool2"/><!-- in d2 after --></d>
<!-- in y after -->
<!-- in_cat_after -->
<!-- after cat -->
var expectedDecodeYamlWithArray = `D0, P[], (doc)::# before cat
# in cat before
x: "3" # multi
# line comment
# for x
# before y
# in y before
- # in d before
+sweet: cool
# in d after
- # in d2 before
+sweet: cool2
# in d2 after
# in y after
# in_cat_after
# after cat
var expectedDecodeYamlWithComments = `D0, P[], (doc)::# before cat
# in cat before
x: "3" # multi
# line comment
# for x
# before y
# in y before
# in d before
d: z # in d after
# in y after
# in_cat_after
# after cat
var expectedRoundtripXmlWithComments = `<!-- before cat --><cat><!-- in cat before -->
<x>3<!-- multi
line comment
for x --></x><!-- before y -->
<y><!-- in y before
in d before -->
<d>z<!-- in d after --></d><!-- in y after -->
</y><!-- in_cat_after -->
</cat><!-- after cat -->
var yamlWithComments = `# above_cat
cat: # inline_cat
# above_array
array: # inline_array
- val1 # inline_val1
# above_val2
- val2 # inline_val2
# below_cat
var expectedXmlWithComments = `<!-- above_cat inline_cat --><cat><!-- above_array inline_array -->
<array>val1<!-- inline_val1 --></array>
<array><!-- above_val2 -->val2<!-- inline_val2 --></array>
</cat><!-- below_cat -->
var xmlScenarios = []xmlScenario{
description: "Parse xml: simple",
@ -66,53 +217,88 @@ var xmlScenarios = []xmlScenario{
description: "Parse xml: attributes",
subdescription: "Attributes are converted to fields, with the attribute prefix.",
subdescription: "Attributes are converted to fields, with the default attribute prefix '+'. Use '--xml-attribute-prefix` to set your own.",
input: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<cat legs=\"4\">\n <legs>7</legs>\n</cat>",
expected: "D0, P[], (doc)::cat:\n +legs: \"4\"\n legs: \"7\"\n",
description: "Parse xml: attributes with content",
subdescription: "Content is added as a field, using the content name",
subdescription: "Content is added as a field, using the default content name of '+content'. Use `--xml-content-name` to set your own.",
input: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<cat legs=\"4\">meow</cat>",
expected: "D0, P[], (doc)::cat:\n +content: meow\n +legs: \"4\"\n",
description: "Encode xml: simple",
input: "cat: purrs",
expected: "<cat>purrs</cat>",
encodeScenario: true,
description: "Parse xml: with comments",
subdescription: "A best attempt is made to preserve comments.",
input: inputXmlWithComments,
expected: expectedDecodeYamlWithComments,
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "Encode xml: array",
input: "pets:\n cat:\n - purrs\n - meows",
expected: "<pets>\n <cat>purrs</cat>\n <cat>meows</cat>\n</pets>",
encodeScenario: true,
description: "Parse xml: with comments subchild",
skipDoc: true,
input: inputXmlWithCommentsWithSubChild,
expected: expectedDecodeYamlWithSubChild,
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "Parse xml: with comments array",
skipDoc: true,
input: inputXmlWithCommentsWithArray,
expected: expectedDecodeYamlWithArray,
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "Encode xml: simple",
input: "cat: purrs",
expected: "<cat>purrs</cat>\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode xml: array",
input: "pets:\n cat:\n - purrs\n - meows",
expected: "<pets>\n <cat>purrs</cat>\n <cat>meows</cat>\n</pets>\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode xml: attributes",
subdescription: "Fields with the matching xml-attribute-prefix are assumed to be attributes.",
input: "cat:\n +name: tiger\n meows: true\n",
expected: "<cat name=\"tiger\">\n <meows>true</meows>\n</cat>",
encodeScenario: true,
expected: "<cat name=\"tiger\">\n <meows>true</meows>\n</cat>\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
skipDoc: true,
input: "cat:\n ++name: tiger\n meows: true\n",
expected: "<cat +name=\"tiger\">\n <meows>true</meows>\n</cat>",
encodeScenario: true,
skipDoc: true,
input: "cat:\n ++name: tiger\n meows: true\n",
expected: "<cat +name=\"tiger\">\n <meows>true</meows>\n</cat>\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode xml: attributes with content",
subdescription: "Fields with the matching xml-content-name is assumed to be content.",
input: "cat:\n +name: tiger\n +content: cool\n",
expected: "<cat name=\"tiger\">cool</cat>",
encodeScenario: true,
expected: "<cat name=\"tiger\">cool</cat>\n",
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Encode xml: comments",
subdescription: "A best attempt is made to copy comments to xml.",
input: yamlWithComments,
expected: expectedXmlWithComments,
scenarioType: "encode",
description: "Round trip: with comments",
subdescription: "A best effort is made, but comment positions and white space are not preserved perfectly.",
input: inputXmlWithComments,
expected: expectedRoundtripXmlWithComments,
scenarioType: "roundtrip",
func testXmlScenario(t *testing.T, s *xmlScenario) {
if s.encodeScenario {
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, yamlToXml(s.input, 2), s.description)
func testXmlScenario(t *testing.T, s xmlScenario) {
if s.scenarioType == "encode" || s.scenarioType == "roundtrip" {
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, processScenario(s), s.description)
} else {
var actual = resultToString(t, decodeXml(t, s.input))
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, actual, s.description)
@ -125,8 +311,10 @@ func documentXmlScenario(t *testing.T, w *bufio.Writer, i interface{}) {
if s.skipDoc {
if s.encodeScenario {
if s.scenarioType == "encode" {
documentXmlEncodeScenario(w, s)
} else if s.scenarioType == "roundtrip" {
documentXmlRoundTripScenario(w, s)
} else {
documentXmlDecodeScenario(t, w, s)
@ -149,7 +337,7 @@ func documentXmlDecodeScenario(t *testing.T, w *bufio.Writer, s xmlScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
var output bytes.Buffer
printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
printer := NewSimpleYamlPrinter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), YamlOutputFormat, true, false, 2, true)
node := decodeXml(t, s.input)
@ -177,12 +365,30 @@ func documentXmlEncodeScenario(w *bufio.Writer, s xmlScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, "```bash\nyq e -o=xml '.' sample.yml\n```\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```xml\n%v```\n\n", yamlToXml(s.input, 2)))
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```xml\n%v```\n\n", processScenario(s)))
func documentXmlRoundTripScenario(w *bufio.Writer, s xmlScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("## %v\n", s.description))
if s.subdescription != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, s.subdescription)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "Given a sample.xml file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```xml\n%v\n```\n", s.input))
writeOrPanic(w, "then\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "```bash\nyq e -p=xml -o=xml '.' sample.xml\n```\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```xml\n%v```\n\n", processScenario(s)))
func TestXmlScenarios(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range xmlScenarios {
testXmlScenario(t, &tt)
testXmlScenario(t, tt)
genericScenarios := make([]interface{}, len(xmlScenarios))
for i, s := range xmlScenarios {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package test
import (
@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
@ -63,8 +66,14 @@ func AssertResultComplexWithContext(t *testing.T, expectedValue interface{}, act
func AssertResultWithContext(t *testing.T, expectedValue interface{}, actualValue interface{}, context interface{}) {
opts := []write.Option{write.TerminalColor()}
if expectedValue != actualValue {
t.Error(": expected <", expectedValue, "> but got <", actualValue, ">")
var differenceBuffer bytes.Buffer
if err := diff.Text("expected", "actual", expectedValue, actualValue, bufio.NewWriter(&differenceBuffer), opts...); err != nil {
} else {
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