mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:35:36 +00:00
use addChild methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,11 @@ func TestAllAtOnceEvaluateNodes(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range evaluateNodesScenario {
decoder := NewYamlDecoder(NewDefaultYamlPreferences())
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(tt.document))
err := decoder.Init(reader)
if err != nil {
candidateNode, errorReading := decoder.Decode()
if errorReading != nil {
@ -185,8 +185,6 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) GetNicePath() string {
path := n.GetPath()
for i, element := range path {
elementStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", element)
log.Debugf("element: %v", element)
log.Debugf("elementStr: %v", elementStr)
switch element.(type) {
case int:
sb.WriteString("[" + elementStr + "]")
@ -209,6 +207,10 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) AsList() *list.List {
return elMap
func (n *CandidateNode) SetParent(parent *CandidateNode) {
n.Parent = parent
func (n *CandidateNode) AddKeyValueChild(rawKey *CandidateNode, rawValue *CandidateNode) {
key := rawKey.unwrapDocument().Copy()
@ -221,8 +223,18 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) AddKeyValueChild(rawKey *CandidateNode, rawValue *Candid
n.Content = append(n.Content, key, value)
func (n *CandidateNode) SetParent(parent *CandidateNode) {
n.Parent = parent
func (n *CandidateNode) AddChild(rawChild *CandidateNode) {
value := rawChild.unwrapDocument().Copy()
if value.Key != nil {
} else {
index := len(n.Content)
keyNode := createScalarNode(index, fmt.Sprintf("%v", index))
value.Key = keyNode
n.Content = append(n.Content, value)
func (n *CandidateNode) AddChildren(children []*CandidateNode) {
@ -230,29 +242,12 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) AddChildren(children []*CandidateNode) {
for i := 0; i < len(children); i += 2 {
key := children[i]
value := children[i+1]
keyClone := key.Copy()
valueClone := value.Copy()
valueClone.Key = keyClone
n.Content = append(n.Content, keyClone, valueClone)
n.AddKeyValueChild(key, value)
} else {
for _, rawChild := range children {
value := rawChild.unwrapDocument().Copy()
if value.Key != nil {
} else {
index := len(n.Content)
keyNode := createScalarNode(index, fmt.Sprintf("%v", index))
value.Key = keyNode
n.Content = append(n.Content, value)
@ -269,7 +264,7 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) GetValueRep() (interface{}, error) {
// need to test this
return strconv.ParseFloat(n.Value, 64)
case "!!bool":
return isTruthyNode(n)
return isTruthyNode(n), nil
case "!!null":
return nil, nil
@ -307,9 +302,12 @@ func (n *CandidateNode) CreateReplacement(kind Kind, tag string, value string) *
func (n *CandidateNode) CopyAsReplacement(replacement *CandidateNode) *CandidateNode {
newCopy := replacement.Copy()
newCopy.Parent = n.Parent
newCopy.Key = n.Key
newCopy.IsMapKey = n.IsMapKey
if n.IsMapKey {
newCopy.Key = n
} else {
newCopy.Key = n.Key
return newCopy
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func (o *CandidateNode) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node, anchorMap map[string]*Can
log.Debugf("node Style: %v", node.Style)
log.Debugf("o Style: %v", o.Style)
o.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, len(node.Content))
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 1 {
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i++ {
keyNode := o.CreateChild()
keyNode.IsMapKey = true
keyNode.Tag = "!!int"
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ func (o *CandidateNode) MarshalYAML() (*yaml.Node, error) {
log.Debugf("original style: %v", o.Style)
log.Debugf("original: %v, tag: %v, style: %v, kind: %v", NodeToString(o), target.Tag, target.Style, target.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode)
target.Content = make([]*yaml.Node, len(o.Content))
for i := 0; i < len(o.Content); i += 1 {
for i := 0; i < len(o.Content); i++ {
child, err := o.Content[i].MarshalYAML()
@ -65,89 +65,105 @@ because excel is cool
var csvScenarios = []formatScenario{
// {
// description: "Encode CSV simple",
// input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
// expected: expectedSimpleCsv,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode TSV simple",
// input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
// expected: tsvTestExpectedSimpleCsv,
// scenarioType: "encode-tsv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode Empty",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: `[]`,
// expected: "",
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Comma in value",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: `["comma, in, value", things]`,
// expected: "\"comma, in, value\",things\n",
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode array of objects to csv",
// input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// expected: csvSimple,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode array of objects to custom csv format",
// subdescription: "Add the header row manually, then the we convert each object into an array of values - resulting in an array of arrays. Pick the columns and call the header whatever you like.",
// input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// expected: csvSimpleShort,
// expression: `[["Name", "Number of Cats"]] + [.[] | [.name, .numberOfCats ]]`,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Encode array of objects to csv - missing fields behaviour",
// subdescription: "First entry is used to determine the headers, and it is missing 'likesApples', so it is not included in the csv. Second entry does not have 'numberOfCats' so that is blank",
// input: expectedYamlFromCSVMissingData,
// expected: csvSimpleMissingData,
// scenarioType: "encode-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "decode csv missing",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: csvMissing,
// expected: csvMissing,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Parse CSV into an array of objects",
// subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
// input: csvSimple,
// expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// scenarioType: "decode-csv-object",
// },
// {
// description: "Scalar roundtrip",
// skipDoc: true,
// input: "mike\ncat",
// expression: ".[0].mike",
// expected: "cat\n",
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// },
// {
// description: "Parse TSV into an array of objects",
// subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
// input: tsvSimple,
// expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
// scenarioType: "decode-tsv-object",
// },
// {
// description: "Round trip",
// input: csvSimple,
// expected: expectedUpdatedSimpleCsv,
// expression: `(.[] | select(.name == "Gary") | .numberOfCats) = 3`,
// scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
// },
description: "Encode CSV simple",
input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
expected: expectedSimpleCsv,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode TSV simple",
input: csvTestSimpleYaml,
expected: tsvTestExpectedSimpleCsv,
scenarioType: "encode-tsv",
description: "Encode Empty",
skipDoc: true,
input: `[]`,
expected: "",
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Comma in value",
skipDoc: true,
input: `["comma, in, value", things]`,
expected: "\"comma, in, value\",things\n",
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode array of objects to csv",
input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
expected: csvSimple,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode array of objects to custom csv format",
subdescription: "Add the header row manually, then the we convert each object into an array of values - resulting in an array of arrays. Pick the columns and call the header whatever you like.",
input: expectedYamlFromCSV,
expected: csvSimpleShort,
expression: `[["Name", "Number of Cats"]] + [.[] | [.name, .numberOfCats ]]`,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "Encode array of objects to csv - missing fields behaviour",
subdescription: "First entry is used to determine the headers, and it is missing 'likesApples', so it is not included in the csv. Second entry does not have 'numberOfCats' so that is blank",
input: expectedYamlFromCSVMissingData,
expected: csvSimpleMissingData,
scenarioType: "encode-csv",
description: "decode csv missing",
skipDoc: true,
input: csvMissing,
expected: csvMissing,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
description: "decode csv key",
skipDoc: true,
input: csvSimple,
expression: ".[0].name | key",
expected: "name\n",
scenarioType: "decode-csv-object",
description: "decode csv parent",
skipDoc: true,
input: csvSimple,
expression: ".[0].name | parent | .height",
expected: "168.8\n",
scenarioType: "decode-csv-object",
description: "Parse CSV into an array of objects",
subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
input: csvSimple,
expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
scenarioType: "decode-csv-object",
description: "Scalar roundtrip",
skipDoc: true,
input: "mike\ncat",
expression: ".[0].mike",
expected: "cat\n",
scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
description: "Parse TSV into an array of objects",
subdescription: "First row is assumed to be the header row.",
input: tsvSimple,
expected: expectedYamlFromCSV,
scenarioType: "decode-tsv-object",
description: "Round trip",
input: csvSimple,
expected: expectedUpdatedSimpleCsv,
expression: `(.[] | select(.name == "Gary") | .numberOfCats) = 3`,
scenarioType: "roundtrip-csv",
func testCSVScenario(t *testing.T, s formatScenario) {
@ -286,5 +302,5 @@ func TestCSVScenarios(t *testing.T) {
for i, s := range csvScenarios {
genericScenarios[i] = s
// documentScenarios(t, "usage", "csv-tsv", genericScenarios, documentCSVScenario)
documentScenarios(t, "usage", "csv-tsv", genericScenarios, documentCSVScenario)
@ -39,10 +39,7 @@ func (dec *csvObjectDecoder) createObject(headerRow []string, contentRow []strin
objectNode := &CandidateNode{Kind: MappingNode, Tag: "!!map"}
for i, header := range headerRow {
objectNode.Content = append(
createScalarNode(header, header),
objectNode.AddKeyValueChild(createScalarNode(header, header), dec.convertToNode(contentRow[i]))
return objectNode
@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ func (dec *csvObjectDecoder) Decode() (*CandidateNode, error) {
for err == nil && len(contentRow) > 0 {
log.Debugf("Adding contentRow: %v", contentRow)
rootArray.Content = append(rootArray.Content, dec.createObject(headerRow, contentRow))
rootArray.AddChild(dec.createObject(headerRow, contentRow))
contentRow, err = dec.reader.Read()
log.Debugf("Read next contentRow: %v, %v", contentRow, err)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) createSequence(nodes []*xmlNode) (*CandidateNode, error)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
yamlNode.Content = append(yamlNode.Content, yamlChild)
return yamlNode, nil
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) createMap(n *xmlNode) (*CandidateNode, error) {
labelNode.HeadComment = dec.processComment(n.HeadComment)
labelNode.LineComment = dec.processComment(n.LineComment)
labelNode.FootComment = dec.processComment(n.FootComment)
yamlNode.Content = append(yamlNode.Content, labelNode, dec.createValueNodeFromData(n.Data))
yamlNode.AddKeyValueChild(labelNode, dec.createValueNodeFromData(n.Data))
for i, keyValuePair := range n.Children {
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func (dec *xmlDecoder) createMap(n *xmlNode) (*CandidateNode, error) {
return nil, err
yamlNode.Content = append(yamlNode.Content, labelNode, valueNode)
yamlNode.AddKeyValueChild(labelNode, valueNode)
return yamlNode, nil
@ -10,6 +10,56 @@ This will set the LHS nodes' comments equal to the expression on the RHS. The RH
### relative form: `|=`
This is similar to the plain form, but it evaluates the RHS with _each matching LHS node as context_. This is useful if you want to set the comments as a relative expression of the node, for instance its value or path.
## Set line comment
Set the comment on the key node for more reliability (see below).
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
yq '.a line_comment="single"' sample.yml
will output
a: cat # single
## Set line comment of a maps/arrays
For maps and arrays, you need to set the line comment on the _key_ node. This will also work for scalars.
Given a sample.yml file of:
b: things
yq '(.a | key) line_comment="single"' sample.yml
will output
a: # single
b: things
## Use update assign to perform relative updates
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
b: dog
yq '.. line_comment |= .' sample.yml
will output
a: cat # cat
b: dog # dog
## Where is the comment - map key example
The underlying yaml parser can assign comments in a document to surprising nodes. Use an expression like this to find where you comment is. 'p' indicates the path, 'isKey' is if the node is a map key (as opposed to a map value).
From this, you can see the 'hello-world-comment' is actually on the 'hello' key
@ -52,3 +102,239 @@ will output
fc: ""
## Retrieve comment - map key example
From the previous example, we know that the comment is on the 'hello' _key_ as a lineComment
Given a sample.yml file of:
hello: # hello-world-comment
message: world
yq '.hello | key | line_comment' sample.yml
will output
## Where is the comment - array example
The underlying yaml parser can assign comments in a document to surprising nodes. Use an expression like this to find where you comment is. 'p' indicates the path, 'isKey' is if the node is a map key (as opposed to a map value).
From this, you can see the 'under-name-comment' is actually on the first child
Given a sample.yml file of:
# under-name-comment
- first-array-child
yq '[... | {"p": path | join("."), "isKey": is_key, "hc": headComment, "lc": lineComment, "fc": footComment}]' sample.yml
will output
- p: ""
isKey: false
hc: ""
lc: ""
fc: ""
- p: name
isKey: true
hc: ""
lc: ""
fc: ""
- p: name
isKey: false
hc: ""
lc: ""
fc: ""
- p: name.0
isKey: false
hc: under-name-comment
lc: ""
fc: ""
## Retrieve comment - array example
From the previous example, we know that the comment is on the first child as a headComment
Given a sample.yml file of:
# under-name-comment
- first-array-child
yq '.name[0] | headComment' sample.yml
will output
## Set head comment
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
yq '. head_comment="single"' sample.yml
will output
# single
a: cat
## Set head comment of a map entry
Given a sample.yml file of:
f: foo
b: cat
yq '(.a | key) head_comment="single"' sample.yml
will output
f: foo
# single
b: cat
## Set foot comment, using an expression
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
yq '. foot_comment=.a' sample.yml
will output
a: cat
# cat
## Remove comment
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat # comment
b: dog # leave this
yq '.a line_comment=""' sample.yml
will output
a: cat
b: dog # leave this
## Remove (strip) all comments
Note the use of `...` to ensure key nodes are included.
Given a sample.yml file of:
# hi
a: cat # comment
# great
b: # key comment
yq '... comments=""' sample.yml
will output
a: cat
## Get line comment
Given a sample.yml file of:
# welcome!
a: cat # meow
# have a great day
yq '.a | line_comment' sample.yml
will output
## Get head comment
Given a sample.yml file of:
# welcome!
a: cat # meow
# have a great day
yq '. | head_comment' sample.yml
will output
## Head comment with document split
Given a sample.yml file of:
# welcome!
# bob
a: cat # meow
# have a great day
yq 'head_comment' sample.yml
will output
## Get foot comment
Given a sample.yml file of:
# welcome!
a: cat # meow
# have a great day
# no really
yq '. | foot_comment' sample.yml
will output
have a great day
no really
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ will output
Mike: cat
Mike: dog
Rosey: monkey
Rosey: sheep
@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ will output
match: cat
doc: 0
match: frog
doc: 1
@ -2,10 +2,119 @@
Use the `keys` operator to return map keys or array indices.
## Map keys
Given a sample.yml file of:
{dog: woof, cat: meow}
yq 'keys' sample.yml
will output
- dog
- cat
## Array keys
Given a sample.yml file of:
[apple, banana]
yq 'keys' sample.yml
will output
- 0
- 1
## Retrieve array key
Given a sample.yml file of:
[1, 2, 3]
yq '.[1] | key' sample.yml
will output
## Retrieve map key
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: thing
yq '.a | key' sample.yml
will output
## No key
Given a sample.yml file of:
yq 'key' sample.yml
will output
## Update map key
Given a sample.yml file of:
x: 3
y: 4
yq '(.a.x | key) = "meow"' sample.yml
will output
meow: 3
y: 4
## Get comment from map key
Given a sample.yml file of:
# comment on key
x: 3
y: 4
yq '.a.x | key | headComment' sample.yml
will output
comment on key
## Check node is a key
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: frog
- cat
c: frog
@ -18,9 +127,20 @@ will output
tag: '!!map'
- p: a
isKey: true
tag: null
'!!str': null
tag: '!!str'
- p: a
isKey: false
tag: '!!map'
- p: a.c
isKey: true
tag: '!!str'
- p: a.b
isKey: false
tag: '!!seq'
- p: a.b.0
isKey: false
tag: '!!str'
- p: a.c
isKey: false
tag: '!!str'
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ returns length of string
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
{a: cat}
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ will output
## null length
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: null
{a: null}
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ returns number of entries
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
c: dog
{a: cat, c: dog}
@ -54,10 +53,7 @@ returns number of elements
Given a sample.yml file of:
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
[2, 4, 6, 8]
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ bXkgc2VjcmV0IGNoaWxsaSByZWNpcGUgaXMuLi4u
## Simple example
Given a sample.yml file of:
myFile: ../../examples/thing.yml
{myFile: ../../examples/thing.yml}
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ Note that you can modify the filename in the load operator if needed.
Given a sample.yml file of:
file: thing.yml
{something: {file: thing.yml}}
@ -74,9 +73,7 @@ yq '.something |= load("../../examples/" + .file)' sample.yml
will output
a: apple is included
b: cool.
{something: {a: apple is included, b: cool.}}
## Replace _all_ nodes with referenced file
@ -84,11 +81,7 @@ Recursively match all the nodes (`..`) and then filter the ones that have a 'fil
Given a sample.yml file of:
file: thing.yml
- file: thing.yml
{something: {file: thing.yml}, over: {here: [{file: thing.yml}]}}
@ -96,13 +89,7 @@ yq '(.. | select(has("file"))) |= load("../../examples/" + .file)' sample.yml
will output
a: apple is included
b: cool.
- a: apple is included
b: cool.
{something: {a: apple is included, b: cool.}, over: {here: [{a: apple is included, b: cool.}]}}
## Replace node with referenced file as string
@ -110,8 +97,7 @@ This will work for any text based file
Given a sample.yml file of:
file: thing.yml
{something: {file: thing.yml}}
@ -119,9 +105,7 @@ yq '.something |= load_str("../../examples/" + .file)' sample.yml
will output
something: |-
a: apple is included
b: cool.
{something: "a: apple is included\nb: cool."}
## Load from XML
@ -172,9 +156,7 @@ yq '. *= load_props("../../examples/small.properties")' sample.yml
will output
is: a properties file
cool: ay
## Load from base64 encoded file
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ Maps values of an array. Use `map_values` to map values of an object.
## Map array
Given a sample.yml file of:
- 1
- 2
- 3
[1, 2, 3]
@ -15,17 +13,13 @@ yq 'map(. + 1)' sample.yml
will output
- 2
- 3
- 4
[2, 3, 4]
## Map object values
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
@ -33,8 +27,6 @@ yq 'map_values(. + 1)' sample.yml
will output
a: 2
b: 3
c: 4
{a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}
@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ If the lhs and rhs are ints then the expression will be calculated with ints.
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 13
b: 2
{a: 13, b: 2}
@ -16,8 +15,7 @@ yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml
will output
a: 1
b: 2
{a: 1, b: 2}
## Number modulo - float
@ -25,8 +23,7 @@ If the lhs or rhs are floats then the expression will be calculated with floats.
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 12
b: 2.5
{a: 12, b: 2.5}
@ -34,8 +31,7 @@ yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml
will output
a: !!float 2
b: 2.5
{a: !!float 2, b: 2.5}
## Number modulo - int by zero
@ -43,8 +39,7 @@ If the lhs is an int and rhs is a 0 the result is an error.
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 1
b: 0
{a: 1, b: 0}
@ -60,8 +55,7 @@ If the lhs is a float and rhs is a 0 the result is NaN.
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 1.1
b: 0
{a: 1.1, b: 0}
@ -69,7 +63,6 @@ yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml
will output
a: !!float NaN
b: 0
{a: !!float NaN, b: 0}
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ Use `setpath` to set a value to the path array returned by `path`, and similarly
## Map path
Given a sample.yml file of:
b: cat
{a: {b: cat}}
@ -26,8 +25,7 @@ will output
## Get map key
Given a sample.yml file of:
b: cat
{a: {b: cat}}
@ -41,9 +39,7 @@ b
## Array path
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
{a: [cat, dog]}
@ -58,9 +54,7 @@ will output
## Get array index
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
{a: [cat, dog]}
@ -74,10 +68,7 @@ will output
## Print path and value
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
- frog
{a: [cat, dog, frog]}
@ -98,8 +89,7 @@ will output
## Set path
Given a sample.yml file of:
b: cat
{a: {b: cat}}
@ -107,8 +97,7 @@ yq 'setpath(["a", "b"]; "things")' sample.yml
will output
b: things
{a: {b: things}}
## Set on empty document
@ -183,10 +172,7 @@ Notice delpaths takes an _array_ of paths.
Given a sample.yml file of:
b: cat
c: dog
d: frog
{a: {b: cat, c: dog, d: frog}}
@ -194,8 +180,7 @@ yq 'delpaths([["a", "c"], ["a", "d"]])' sample.yml
will output
b: cat
{a: {b: cat}}
## Delete array path
@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ Note that the order of the indices matches the pick order and non existent indic
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- leopard
- lion
[cat, leopard, lion]
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ yq 'pick([2, 0, 734, -5])' sample.yml
will output
- lion
- cat
[lion, cat]
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ Reverses the order of the items in an array
## Reverse
Given a sample.yml file of:
- 1
- 2
- 3
[1, 2, 3]
@ -15,9 +13,7 @@ yq 'reverse' sample.yml
will output
- 3
- 2
- 1
[3, 2, 1]
## Sort descending by string field
@ -25,9 +21,7 @@ Use sort with reverse to sort in descending order.
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: banana
- a: cat
- a: apple
[{a: banana}, {a: cat}, {a: apple}]
@ -35,8 +29,6 @@ yq 'sort_by(.a) | reverse' sample.yml
will output
- a: cat
- a: banana
- a: apple
[{a: cat}, {a: banana}, {a: apple}]
@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ You may leave out the first or second number, which will will refer to the start
## Slicing arrays
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
- frog
- cow
[cat, dog, frog, cow]
@ -27,10 +24,7 @@ Starts from the start of the array
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
- frog
- cow
[cat, dog, frog, cow]
@ -47,10 +41,7 @@ Finishes at the end of the array
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
- frog
- cow
[cat, dog, frog, cow]
@ -65,10 +56,7 @@ will output
## Slicing arrays - use negative numbers to count backwards from the end
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
- frog
- cow
[cat, dog, frog, cow]
@ -85,10 +73,7 @@ using an expression to find the index
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
- frog
- cow
[cat, dog, frog, cow]
@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ See [here](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/operators/entries#custom-sort-map-key
## Sort keys of map
Given a sample.yml file of:
c: frog
a: blah
b: bing
{c: frog, a: blah, b: bing}
@ -28,9 +26,7 @@ yq 'sort_keys(.)' sample.yml
will output
a: blah
b: bing
c: frog
{a: blah, b: bing, c: frog}
## Sort keys recursively
@ -38,19 +34,7 @@ Note the array elements are left unsorted, but maps inside arrays are sorted
Given a sample.yml file of:
c: dog
- 3
- 1
- 2
z: donkey
- c: yum
b: delish
- b: ew
a: apple
{bParent: {c: dog, array: [3, 1, 2]}, aParent: {z: donkey, x: [{c: yum, b: delish}, {b: ew, a: apple}]}}
@ -58,18 +42,6 @@ yq 'sort_keys(..)' sample.yml
will output
- b: delish
c: yum
- a: apple
b: ew
z: donkey
- 3
- 1
- 2
c: dog
{aParent: {x: [{b: delish, c: yum}, {a: apple, b: ew}], z: donkey}, bParent: {array: [3, 1, 2], c: dog}}
@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ Note that at this stage, `yq` only sorts scalar fields.
## Sort by string field
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: banana
- a: cat
- a: apple
[{a: banana}, {a: cat}, {a: apple}]
@ -20,19 +18,13 @@ yq 'sort_by(.a)' sample.yml
will output
- a: apple
- a: banana
- a: cat
[{a: apple}, {a: banana}, {a: cat}]
## Sort by multiple fields
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: dog
- a: cat
b: banana
- a: cat
b: apple
[{a: dog}, {a: cat, b: banana}, {a: cat, b: apple}]
@ -40,11 +32,7 @@ yq 'sort_by(.a, .b)' sample.yml
will output
- a: cat
b: apple
- a: cat
b: banana
- a: dog
[{a: cat, b: apple}, {a: cat, b: banana}, {a: dog}]
## Sort descending by string field
@ -52,9 +40,7 @@ Use sort with reverse to sort in descending order.
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: banana
- a: cat
- a: apple
[{a: banana}, {a: cat}, {a: apple}]
@ -62,9 +48,7 @@ yq 'sort_by(.a) | reverse' sample.yml
will output
- a: cat
- a: banana
- a: apple
[{a: cat}, {a: banana}, {a: apple}]
## Sort array in place
@ -114,14 +98,7 @@ Note the order of the elements in unchanged when equal in sorting.
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: banana
b: 1
- a: banana
b: 2
- a: banana
b: 3
- a: banana
b: 4
[{a: banana, b: 1}, {a: banana, b: 2}, {a: banana, b: 3}, {a: banana, b: 4}]
@ -129,22 +106,13 @@ yq 'sort_by(.a)' sample.yml
will output
- a: banana
b: 1
- a: banana
b: 2
- a: banana
b: 3
- a: banana
b: 4
[{a: banana, b: 1}, {a: banana, b: 2}, {a: banana, b: 3}, {a: banana, b: 4}]
## Sort by numeric field
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: 10
- a: 100
- a: 1
[{a: 10}, {a: 100}, {a: 1}]
@ -152,17 +120,13 @@ yq 'sort_by(.a)' sample.yml
will output
- a: 1
- a: 10
- a: 100
[{a: 1}, {a: 10}, {a: 100}]
## Sort by custom date field
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: 12-Jun-2011
- a: 23-Dec-2010
- a: 10-Aug-2011
[{a: 12-Jun-2011}, {a: 23-Dec-2010}, {a: 10-Aug-2011}]
@ -170,21 +134,13 @@ yq 'with_dtf("02-Jan-2006"; sort_by(.a))' sample.yml
will output
- a: 23-Dec-2010
- a: 12-Jun-2011
- a: 10-Aug-2011
[{a: 23-Dec-2010}, {a: 12-Jun-2011}, {a: 10-Aug-2011}]
## Sort, nulls come first
Given a sample.yml file of:
- 8
- 3
- null
- 6
- true
- false
- cat
[8, 3, null, 6, true, false, cat]
@ -192,12 +148,6 @@ yq 'sort' sample.yml
will output
- null
- false
- true
- 3
- 6
- 8
- cat
[null, false, true, 3, 6, 8, cat]
@ -91,11 +91,7 @@ will output
## Join strings
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- meow
- 1
- null
- true
[cat, meow, 1, null, true]
@ -109,10 +105,7 @@ cat; meow; 1; ; true
## Trim strings
Given a sample.yml file of:
- ' cat'
- 'dog '
- ' cow cow '
- horse
[' cat', 'dog ', ' cow cow ', horse]
@ -284,8 +277,7 @@ Like jq's equivalent, this works like match but only returns true/false instead
Given a sample.yml file of:
- cat
- dog
[cat, dog]
@ -354,7 +346,7 @@ b: !goat heart
## Split strings
Given a sample.yml file of:
cat; meow; 1; ; true
"cat; meow; 1; ; true"
@ -372,7 +364,7 @@ will output
## Split strings one match
Given a sample.yml file of:
@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ Note that order of the keys does not matter
Given a sample.yml file of:
- a: b
c: d
- a: b
[{a: b, c: d}, {a: b}]
@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ yq '. - [{"c": "d", "a": "b"}]' sample.yml
will output
- a: b
[{a: b}]
## Number subtraction - float
@ -46,8 +44,7 @@ If the lhs or rhs are floats then the expression will be calculated with floats.
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 3
b: 4.5
{a: 3, b: 4.5}
@ -55,8 +52,7 @@ yq '.a = .a - .b' sample.yml
will output
a: -1.5
b: 4.5
{a: -1.5, b: 4.5}
## Number subtraction - int
@ -64,8 +60,7 @@ If both the lhs and rhs are ints then the expression will be calculated with int
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 3
b: 4
{a: 3, b: 4}
@ -73,15 +68,13 @@ yq '.a = .a - .b' sample.yml
will output
a: -1
b: 4
{a: -1, b: 4}
## Decrement numbers
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: 3
b: 5
{a: 3, b: 5}
@ -89,8 +82,7 @@ yq '.[] -= 1' sample.yml
will output
a: 2
b: 4
{a: 2, b: 4}
## Date subtraction
@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ The tag operator can be used to get or set the tag of nodes (e.g. `!!str`, `!!in
## Get tag
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
b: 5
c: 3.2
e: true
f: []
{a: cat, b: 5, c: 3.2, e: true, f: []}
@ -28,11 +24,7 @@ will output
## type is an alias for tag
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
b: 5
c: 3.2
e: true
f: []
{a: cat, b: 5, c: 3.2, e: true, f: []}
@ -51,7 +43,7 @@ will output
## Set custom tag
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: str
{a: str}
@ -59,16 +51,13 @@ yq '.a tag = "!!mikefarah"' sample.yml
will output
a: !!mikefarah str
{a: !!mikefarah str}
## Find numbers and convert them to strings
Given a sample.yml file of:
a: cat
b: 5
c: 3.2
e: true
{a: cat, b: 5, c: 3.2, e: true}
@ -76,9 +65,6 @@ yq '(.. | select(tag == "!!int")) tag= "!!str"' sample.yml
will output
a: cat
b: "5"
c: 3.2
e: true
{a: cat, b: "5", c: 3.2, e: true}
@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ Note that unique maintains the original order of the array.
Given a sample.yml file of:
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 2
[2, 1, 3, 2]
@ -19,9 +16,7 @@ yq 'unique' sample.yml
will output
- 2
- 1
- 3
[2, 1, 3]
## Unique nulls
@ -29,10 +24,7 @@ Unique works on the node value, so it considers different representations of nul
Given a sample.yml file of:
- ~
- null
- ~
- null
[~, null, ~, null]
@ -40,8 +32,7 @@ yq 'unique' sample.yml
will output
- ~
- null
[~, null]
## Unique all nulls
@ -49,10 +40,7 @@ Run against the node tag to unique all the nulls
Given a sample.yml file of:
- ~
- null
- ~
- null
[~, null, ~, null]
@ -60,18 +48,13 @@ yq 'unique_by(tag)' sample.yml
will output
- ~
## Unique array object fields
Given a sample.yml file of:
- name: harry
pet: cat
- name: billy
pet: dog
- name: harry
pet: dog
[{name: harry, pet: cat}, {name: billy, pet: dog}, {name: harry, pet: dog}]
@ -79,9 +62,6 @@ yq 'unique_by(.name)' sample.yml
will output
- name: harry
pet: cat
- name: billy
pet: dog
[{name: harry, pet: cat}, {name: billy, pet: dog}]
@ -111,3 +111,98 @@ Gary,1
Samantha's Rabbit,2
## Encode array of objects to csv - missing fields behaviour
First entry is used to determine the headers, and it is missing 'likesApples', so it is not included in the csv. Second entry does not have 'numberOfCats' so that is blank
Given a sample.yml file of:
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
height: -188.8
likesApples: false
yq -o=csv sample.yml
will output
Samantha's Rabbit,,-188.8
## Parse CSV into an array of objects
First row is assumed to be the header row.
Given a sample.csv file of:
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
yq -p=csv sample.csv
will output
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
## Parse TSV into an array of objects
First row is assumed to be the header row.
Given a sample.tsv file of:
name numberOfCats likesApples height
Gary 1 true 168.8
Samantha's Rabbit 2 false -188.8
yq -p=tsv sample.tsv
will output
- name: Gary
numberOfCats: 1
likesApples: true
height: 168.8
- name: Samantha's Rabbit
numberOfCats: 2
likesApples: false
height: -188.8
## Round trip
Given a sample.csv file of:
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
yq -p=csv -o=csv '(.[] | select(.name == "Gary") | .numberOfCats) = 3' sample.csv
will output
Samantha's Rabbit,2,false,-188.8
@ -55,14 +55,6 @@ func (je *jsonEncoder) Encode(writer io.Writer, node *CandidateNode) error {
encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false) // do not escape html chars e.g. &, <, >
encoder.SetIndent("", je.indentString)
// var dataBucket orderedMap
// firstly, convert all map keys to strings
// mapKeysToStrings(node)
// errorDecoding := node.Decode(&dataBucket)
// if errorDecoding != nil {
// return errorDecoding
// }
err := encoder.Encode(node)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
var ExpressionParser ExpressionParserInterface
@ -291,45 +290,6 @@ func recursiveNodeEqual(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) bool {
return false
func deepCloneContent(content []*yaml.Node) []*yaml.Node {
clonedContent := make([]*yaml.Node, len(content))
for i, child := range content {
clonedContent[i] = deepClone(child)
return clonedContent
func deepCloneNoContent(node *yaml.Node) *yaml.Node {
return deepCloneWithOptions(node, false)
func deepClone(node *yaml.Node) *yaml.Node {
return deepCloneWithOptions(node, true)
func deepCloneWithOptions(node *yaml.Node, cloneContent bool) *yaml.Node {
if node == nil {
return nil
var clonedContent []*yaml.Node
if cloneContent {
clonedContent = deepCloneContent(node.Content)
return &yaml.Node{
Content: clonedContent,
Kind: node.Kind,
Style: node.Style,
Tag: node.Tag,
Value: node.Value,
Anchor: node.Anchor,
Alias: node.Alias,
HeadComment: node.HeadComment,
LineComment: node.LineComment,
FootComment: node.FootComment,
Line: node.Line,
Column: node.Column,
// yaml numbers can be hex encoded...
func parseInt64(numberString string) (string, int64, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(numberString, "0x") ||
@ -436,6 +396,24 @@ func NodeToString(node *CandidateNode) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`D%v, P%v, %v (%v)::%v`, node.GetDocument(), node.GetNicePath(), KindString(node.Kind), tag, valueToUse)
func NodeContentToString(node *CandidateNode, depth int) string {
if !log.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
return ""
var sb strings.Builder
for _, child := range node.Content {
for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
sb.WriteString(" ")
sb.WriteString("- ")
sb.WriteString(NodeContentToString(child, depth+1))
return sb.String()
func KindString(kind Kind) string {
switch kind {
case ScalarNode:
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ func matchKey(name string, pattern string) (matched bool) {
if pattern == "" {
return name == pattern
log.Debug("pattern: %v", pattern)
if pattern == "*" {
return true
@ -17,20 +17,17 @@ func addAssignOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Ex
return compoundAssignFunction(d, context, expressionNode, createAddOp)
func toNodes(candidate *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode) ([]*CandidateNode, error) {
if candidate.Tag == "!!null" {
return []*CandidateNode{}, nil
func toNodes(candidate *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode) []*CandidateNode {
clone := candidate.Copy()
switch candidate.Kind {
case SequenceNode:
return clone.Content, nil
return clone.Content
if len(lhs.Content) > 0 {
clone.Style = lhs.Content[0].Style
return []*CandidateNode{clone}, nil
return []*CandidateNode{clone}
@ -60,10 +57,7 @@ func add(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *Candida
addMaps(target, lhs, rhs)
case SequenceNode:
if err := addSequences(target, lhs, rhs); err != nil {
return nil, err
addSequences(target, lhs, rhs)
case ScalarNode:
if rhs.Kind != ScalarNode {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v (%v) cannot be added to a %v (%v)", rhs.Tag, rhs.GetNicePath(), lhsNode.Tag, lhs.GetNicePath())
@ -156,7 +150,7 @@ func addDateTimes(layout string, target *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs
func addSequences(target *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) error {
func addSequences(target *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) {
log.Debugf("adding sequences! target: %v; lhs %v; rhs: %v", NodeToString(target), NodeToString(lhs), NodeToString(rhs))
target.Kind = SequenceNode
if len(lhs.Content) == 0 {
@ -165,15 +159,10 @@ func addSequences(target *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode)
target.Tag = lhs.Tag
extraNodes, err := toNodes(rhs, lhs)
if err != nil {
return err
extraNodes := toNodes(rhs, lhs)
return nil
func addMaps(target *CandidateNode, lhsC *CandidateNode, rhsC *CandidateNode) {
@ -185,8 +174,8 @@ func addMaps(target *CandidateNode, lhsC *CandidateNode, rhsC *CandidateNode) {
target.Style = 0
target.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, len(lhs.Content))
copy(target.Content, lhs.Content)
target.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, 0)
for index := 0; index < len(rhs.Content); index = index + 2 {
key := rhs.Content[index]
@ -196,10 +185,12 @@ func addMaps(target *CandidateNode, lhsC *CandidateNode, rhsC *CandidateNode) {
log.Debug("indexInLhs %v", indexInLHS)
if indexInLHS < 0 {
// not in there, append it
target.Content = append(target.Content, key, value)
target.AddKeyValueChild(key, value)
} else {
// it's there, replace it
target.Content[indexInLHS+1] = value
oldValue := target.Content[indexInLHS+1]
newValueCopy := oldValue.CopyAsReplacement(value)
target.Content[indexInLHS+1] = newValueCopy
target.Kind = MappingNode
@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ func alternativeOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *
if lhs == nil {
return nil, nil
truthy, err := isTruthyNode(lhs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
truthy := isTruthyNode(lhs)
if truthy {
return lhs, nil
@ -30,10 +27,8 @@ func alternativeFunc(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, lhs *CandidateNode,
return lhs, nil
isTrue, err := isTruthyNode(lhs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if isTrue {
isTrue := isTruthyNode(lhs)
if isTrue {
return lhs, nil
return rhs, nil
@ -171,11 +171,9 @@ func reconstructAliasedMap(node *CandidateNode, context Context) error {
node.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, newContent.Len())
index := 0
node.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, 0)
for newEl := newContent.Front(); newEl != nil; newEl = newEl.Next() {
node.Content[index] = newEl.Value.(*CandidateNode)
return nil
@ -6,23 +6,23 @@ import (
func isTruthyNode(candidate *CandidateNode) (bool, error) {
func isTruthyNode(candidate *CandidateNode) bool {
if candidate == nil {
return false, nil
return false
node := candidate.unwrapDocument()
if node.Tag == "!!null" {
return false, nil
return false
if node.Kind == ScalarNode && node.Tag == "!!bool" {
// yes/y/true/on
return (strings.EqualFold(node.Value, "y") ||
strings.EqualFold(node.Value, "yes") ||
strings.EqualFold(node.Value, "on") ||
strings.EqualFold(node.Value, "true")), nil
strings.EqualFold(node.Value, "true"))
return true, nil
return true
func getOwner(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) *CandidateNode {
@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ func getOwner(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) *CandidateNode {
func returnRhsTruthy(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) (*CandidateNode, error) {
owner := getOwner(lhs, rhs)
rhsBool, err := isTruthyNode(rhs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rhsBool := isTruthyNode(rhs)
return createBooleanCandidate(owner, rhsBool), nil
@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ func returnLHSWhen(targetBool bool) func(lhs *CandidateNode) (*CandidateNode, er
var err error
var lhsBool bool
if lhsBool, err = isTruthyNode(lhs); err != nil || lhsBool != targetBool {
if lhsBool = isTruthyNode(lhs); lhsBool != targetBool {
return nil, err
owner := &CandidateNode{}
@ -79,11 +76,7 @@ func findBoolean(wantBool bool, d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressio
truthy, err := isTruthyNode(node)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if truthy == wantBool {
if isTruthyNode(node) == wantBool {
return true, nil
@ -153,10 +146,7 @@ func notOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expressi
for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
log.Debug("notOperation checking %v", candidate)
truthy, errDecoding := isTruthyNode(candidate)
if errDecoding != nil {
return Context{}, errDecoding
truthy := isTruthyNode(candidate)
result := createBooleanCandidate(candidate, !truthy)
@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ func collectTogether(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expr
for result := collectExpResults.MatchingNodes.Front(); result != nil; result = result.Next() {
resultC := result.Value.(*CandidateNode)
log.Debugf("found this: %v", NodeToString(resultC))
// collectedNode.Content = append(collectedNode.Content, resultC.unwrapDocument())
return collectedNode, nil
@ -65,8 +64,7 @@ func collectOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expr
for result := collectExpResults.MatchingNodes.Front(); result != nil; result = result.Next() {
resultC := result.Value.(*CandidateNode)
log.Debugf("found this: %v", NodeToString(resultC))
// collectCandidate.Content = append(collectCandidate.Content, resultC.unwrapDocument())
log.Debugf("done collect rhs: %v", expressionNode.RHS.Operation.toString())
@ -34,12 +34,14 @@ func collectObjectOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, originalContext Context, expres
for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
candidateNode := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
for i := 0; i < len(first.Content); i++ {
for i := 0; i < len(first.Content); i++ {
log.Debugf("rotate[%v] = %v", i, NodeToString(candidateNode.Content[i]))
log.Debugf("children:\n%v", NodeContentToString(candidateNode.Content[i], 0))
log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation, lenght of rotated is %v", len(rotated))
log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation, length of rotated is %v", len(rotated))
newObject := list.New()
for i := 0; i < len(first.Content); i++ {
@ -80,7 +82,9 @@ func collect(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, remainingMatches *list.List)
aggCandidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
for splatEl := splatted.MatchingNodes.Front(); splatEl != nil; splatEl = splatEl.Next() {
splatCandidate := splatEl.Value.(*CandidateNode)
log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation; splatCandidate: %v", NodeToString(splatCandidate))
newCandidate := aggCandidate.Copy()
log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation; aggCandidate: %v", NodeToString(aggCandidate))
newCandidate, err = multiply(multiplyPreferences{AppendArrays: false})(d, context, newCandidate, splatCandidate)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ var columnOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: "a: cat\nb: bob",
expression: `.b | key | column`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[1], (!!int)::1\n",
"D0, P[b], (!!int)::1\n",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ var columnOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: "a: cat",
expression: `.a | key | column`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[1], (!!int)::1\n",
"D0, P[a], (!!int)::1\n",
@ -54,57 +54,57 @@ var expectedWhereIsMyCommentArray = `D0, P[], (!!seq)::- p: ""
var commentOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
// {
// description: "Set line comment",
// subdescription: "Set the comment on the key node for more reliability (see below).",
// document: `a: cat`,
// expression: `.a line_comment="single"`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # single\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Set line comment of a maps/arrays",
// subdescription: "For maps and arrays, you need to set the line comment on the _key_ node. This will also work for scalars.",
// document: "a:\n b: things",
// expression: `(.a | key) line_comment="single"`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: # single\n b: things\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: "a: cat\nb: dog",
// expression: `.a line_comment=.b`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # dog\nb: dog\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: "a: cat\n---\na: dog",
// expression: `.a line_comment |= documentIndex`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # 0\n",
// "D1, P[], (doc)::a: dog # 1\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Use update assign to perform relative updates",
// document: "a: cat\nb: dog",
// expression: `.. line_comment |= .`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # cat\nb: dog # dog\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: "a: cat\nb: dog",
// expression: `.. comments |= .`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # cat\n# cat\n\n# cat\nb: dog # dog\n# dog\n\n# dog\n",
// },
// },
description: "Set line comment",
subdescription: "Set the comment on the key node for more reliability (see below).",
document: `a: cat`,
expression: `.a line_comment="single"`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # single\n",
description: "Set line comment of a maps/arrays",
subdescription: "For maps and arrays, you need to set the line comment on the _key_ node. This will also work for scalars.",
document: "a:\n b: things",
expression: `(.a | key) line_comment="single"`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: # single\n b: things\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: "a: cat\nb: dog",
expression: `.a line_comment=.b`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # dog\nb: dog\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: "a: cat\n---\na: dog",
expression: `.a line_comment |= documentIndex`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # 0\n",
"D1, P[], (doc)::a: dog # 1\n",
description: "Use update assign to perform relative updates",
document: "a: cat\nb: dog",
expression: `.. line_comment |= .`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # cat\nb: dog # dog\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: "a: cat\nb: dog",
expression: `.. comments |= .`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat # cat\n# cat\n\n# cat\nb: dog # dog\n# dog\n\n# dog\n",
description: "Where is the comment - map key example",
subdescription: "The underlying yaml parser can assign comments in a document to surprising nodes. Use an expression like this to find where you comment is. 'p' indicates the path, 'isKey' is if the node is a map key (as opposed to a map value).\nFrom this, you can see the 'hello-world-comment' is actually on the 'hello' key",
@ -114,152 +114,152 @@ var commentOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
// {
// description: "Retrieve comment - map key example",
// subdescription: "From the previous example, we know that the comment is on the 'hello' _key_ as a lineComment",
// document: "hello: # hello-world-comment\n message: world",
// expression: `.hello | key | line_comment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[hello], (!!str)::hello-world-comment\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Where is the comment - array example",
// subdescription: "The underlying yaml parser can assign comments in a document to surprising nodes. Use an expression like this to find where you comment is. 'p' indicates the path, 'isKey' is if the node is a map key (as opposed to a map value).\nFrom this, you can see the 'under-name-comment' is actually on the first child",
// document: "name:\n # under-name-comment\n - first-array-child",
// expression: `[... | {"p": path | join("."), "isKey": is_key, "hc": headComment, "lc": lineComment, "fc": footComment}]`,
// expected: []string{
// expectedWhereIsMyCommentArray,
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Retrieve comment - array example",
// subdescription: "From the previous example, we know that the comment is on the first child as a headComment",
// document: "name:\n # under-name-comment\n - first-array-child",
// expression: `.name[0] | headComment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[name 0], (!!str)::under-name-comment\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Set head comment",
// document: `a: cat`,
// expression: `. head_comment="single"`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::# single\n\na: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Set head comment of a map entry",
// document: "f: foo\na:\n b: cat",
// expression: `(.a | key) head_comment="single"`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::f: foo\n# single\na:\n b: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Set foot comment, using an expression",
// document: `a: cat`,
// expression: `. foot_comment=.a`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n# cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// description: "Set foot comment, using an expression",
// document: "a: cat\n\n# hi",
// expression: `. foot_comment=""`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: `a: cat`,
// expression: `. foot_comment=.b.d`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: `a: cat`,
// expression: `. foot_comment|=.b.d`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Remove comment",
// document: "a: cat # comment\nb: dog # leave this",
// expression: `.a line_comment=""`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\nb: dog # leave this\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Remove (strip) all comments",
// subdescription: "Note the use of `...` to ensure key nodes are included.",
// document: "# hi\n\na: cat # comment\n\n# great\n\nb: # key comment",
// expression: `... comments=""`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\nb:\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Get line comment",
// document: "# welcome!\n\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day",
// expression: `.a | line_comment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[a], (!!str)::meow\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Get head comment",
// dontFormatInputForDoc: true,
// document: "# welcome!\n\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day",
// expression: `. | head_comment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!str)::welcome!\n\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// description: "strip trailing comment recurse all",
// document: "a: cat\n\n# haha",
// expression: `... comments= ""`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// description: "strip trailing comment recurse values",
// document: "a: cat\n\n# haha",
// expression: `.. comments= ""`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Head comment with document split",
// dontFormatInputForDoc: true,
// document: "# welcome!\n---\n# bob\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day",
// expression: `head_comment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!str)::welcome!\nbob\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Get foot comment",
// dontFormatInputForDoc: true,
// document: "# welcome!\n\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day\n# no really",
// expression: `. | foot_comment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!str)::have a great day\nno really\n",
// },
// },
description: "Retrieve comment - map key example",
subdescription: "From the previous example, we know that the comment is on the 'hello' _key_ as a lineComment",
document: "hello: # hello-world-comment\n message: world",
expression: `.hello | key | line_comment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[hello], (!!str)::hello-world-comment\n",
description: "Where is the comment - array example",
subdescription: "The underlying yaml parser can assign comments in a document to surprising nodes. Use an expression like this to find where you comment is. 'p' indicates the path, 'isKey' is if the node is a map key (as opposed to a map value).\nFrom this, you can see the 'under-name-comment' is actually on the first child",
document: "name:\n # under-name-comment\n - first-array-child",
expression: `[... | {"p": path | join("."), "isKey": is_key, "hc": headComment, "lc": lineComment, "fc": footComment}]`,
expected: []string{
description: "Retrieve comment - array example",
subdescription: "From the previous example, we know that the comment is on the first child as a headComment",
document: "name:\n # under-name-comment\n - first-array-child",
expression: `.name[0] | headComment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[name 0], (!!str)::under-name-comment\n",
description: "Set head comment",
document: `a: cat`,
expression: `. head_comment="single"`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::# single\n\na: cat\n",
description: "Set head comment of a map entry",
document: "f: foo\na:\n b: cat",
expression: `(.a | key) head_comment="single"`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::f: foo\n# single\na:\n b: cat\n",
description: "Set foot comment, using an expression",
document: `a: cat`,
expression: `. foot_comment=.a`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n# cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Set foot comment, using an expression",
document: "a: cat\n\n# hi",
expression: `. foot_comment=""`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: `a: cat`,
expression: `. foot_comment=.b.d`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: `a: cat`,
expression: `. foot_comment|=.b.d`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
description: "Remove comment",
document: "a: cat # comment\nb: dog # leave this",
expression: `.a line_comment=""`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\nb: dog # leave this\n",
description: "Remove (strip) all comments",
subdescription: "Note the use of `...` to ensure key nodes are included.",
document: "# hi\n\na: cat # comment\n\n# great\n\nb: # key comment",
expression: `... comments=""`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\nb:\n",
description: "Get line comment",
document: "# welcome!\n\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day",
expression: `.a | line_comment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[a], (!!str)::meow\n",
description: "Get head comment",
dontFormatInputForDoc: true,
document: "# welcome!\n\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day",
expression: `. | head_comment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!str)::welcome!\n\n",
skipDoc: true,
description: "strip trailing comment recurse all",
document: "a: cat\n\n# haha",
expression: `... comments= ""`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
description: "strip trailing comment recurse values",
document: "a: cat\n\n# haha",
expression: `.. comments= ""`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a: cat\n",
description: "Head comment with document split",
dontFormatInputForDoc: true,
document: "# welcome!\n---\n# bob\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day",
expression: `head_comment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!str)::welcome!\nbob\n",
description: "Get foot comment",
dontFormatInputForDoc: true,
document: "# welcome!\n\na: cat # meow\n\n# have a great day\n# no really",
expression: `. | foot_comment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!str)::have a great day\nno really\n",
func TestCommentOperatorScenarios(t *testing.T) {
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func listToNodeSeq(list *list.List) *CandidateNode {
for entry := list.Front(); entry != nil; entry = entry.Next() {
entryCandidate := entry.Value.(*CandidateNode)
log.Debugf("Collecting %v into sequence", NodeToString(entryCandidate))
node.Content = append(node.Content, entryCandidate)
return &node
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func divideScalars(target *CandidateNode, lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode
tKind, tTag, res := split(lhs.Value, rhs.Value)
target.Kind = tKind
target.Tag = tTag
target.Content = res
} else if (lhsTag == "!!int" || lhsTag == "!!float") && (rhsTag == "!!int" || rhsTag == "!!float") {
target.Kind = ScalarNode
target.Style = lhs.Style
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func toEntriesFromMap(candidateNode *CandidateNode) *CandidateNode {
key := contents[index]
value := contents[index+1]
sequence.Content = append(sequence.Content, entrySeqFor(key, value))
sequence.AddChild(entrySeqFor(key, value))
return sequence
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func toEntriesfromSeq(candidateNode *CandidateNode) *CandidateNode {
key := &CandidateNode{Kind: ScalarNode, Tag: "!!int", Value: fmt.Sprintf("%v", index)}
value := contents[index]
sequence.Content = append(sequence.Content, entrySeqFor(key, value))
sequence.AddChild(entrySeqFor(key, value))
return sequence
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func fromEntries(candidateNode *CandidateNode) (*CandidateNode, error) {
return nil, err
node.Content = append(node.Content, key, value)
node.AddKeyValueChild(key, value)
node.Kind = MappingNode
node.Tag = "!!map"
@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ func flatten(node *CandidateNode, depth int) {
newSeq = append(newSeq, content[i])
node.Content = newSeq
node.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, 0)
func flattenOp(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) {
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ func flattenOp(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expression
candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
candidateNode := candidate.unwrapDocument()
if candidateNode.Kind != SequenceNode {
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("Only arrays are supported for flatten")
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("only arrays are supported for flatten")
flatten(candidateNode, depth)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func groupBy(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNo
candidateNode := candidate.unwrapDocument()
if candidateNode.Kind != SequenceNode {
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("Only arrays are supported for group by")
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("only arrays are supported for group by")
newMatches, err := processIntoGroups(d, context, expressionNode.RHS, candidateNode)
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ func groupBy(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNo
groupResultNode := &CandidateNode{Kind: SequenceNode, Tag: "!!seq"}
groupList := groupEl.Value.(*list.List)
for groupItem := groupList.Front(); groupItem != nil; groupItem = groupItem.Next() {
groupResultNode.Content = append(groupResultNode.Content, groupItem.Value.(*CandidateNode))
resultNode.Content = append(resultNode.Content, groupResultNode)
@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ var groupByOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
"D0, P[], (!!seq)::- - {foo: 1, bar: 10}\n - {foo: 1, bar: 1}\n- - {foo: 3, bar: 100}\n",
description: "Group by field, with nuls",
document: `[{cat: dog}, {foo: 1, bar: 10}, {foo: 3, bar: 100}, {no: foo for you}, {foo: 1, bar: 1}]`,
expression: `group_by(.foo)`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!seq)::- - {cat: dog}\n - {no: foo for you}\n- - {foo: 1, bar: 10}\n - {foo: 1, bar: 1}\n- - {foo: 3, bar: 100}\n",
// {
// description: "Group by field, with nuls",
// document: `[{cat: dog}, {foo: 1, bar: 10}, {foo: 3, bar: 100}, {no: foo for you}, {foo: 1, bar: 1}]`,
// expression: `group_by(.foo)`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!seq)::- - {cat: dog}\n - {no: foo for you}\n- - {foo: 1, bar: 10}\n - {foo: 1, bar: 1}\n- - {foo: 3, bar: 100}\n",
// },
// },
func TestGroupByOperatorScenarios(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range groupByOperatorScenarios {
testScenario(t, &tt)
documentOperatorScenarios(t, "group-by", groupByOperatorScenarios)
// documentOperatorScenarios(t, "group-by", groupByOperatorScenarios)
@ -31,82 +31,82 @@ var expectedIsKey = `D0, P[], (!!seq)::- p: ""
var keysOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
// {
// description: "Map keys",
// document: `{dog: woof, cat: meow}`,
// expression: `keys`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!seq)::- dog\n- cat\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: `{}`,
// expression: `keys`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!seq)::[]\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Array keys",
// document: `[apple, banana]`,
// expression: `keys`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!seq)::- 0\n- 1\n",
// },
// },
// {
// skipDoc: true,
// document: `[]`,
// expression: `keys`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (!!seq)::[]\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Retrieve array key",
// document: "[1,2,3]",
// expression: `.[1] | key`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[1], (!!int)::1\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Retrieve map key",
// document: "a: thing",
// expression: `.a | key`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[a], (!!str)::a\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "No key",
// document: "{}",
// expression: `key`,
// expected: []string{},
// },
// {
// description: "Update map key",
// document: "a:\n x: 3\n y: 4",
// expression: `(.a.x | key) = "meow"`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[], (doc)::a:\n meow: 3\n y: 4\n",
// },
// },
// {
// description: "Get comment from map key",
// document: "a: \n # comment on key\n x: 3\n y: 4",
// expression: `.a.x | key | headComment`,
// expected: []string{
// "D0, P[a x], (!!str)::comment on key\n",
// },
// },
description: "Map keys",
document: `{dog: woof, cat: meow}`,
expression: `keys`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!seq)::- dog\n- cat\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: `{}`,
expression: `keys`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!seq)::[]\n",
description: "Array keys",
document: `[apple, banana]`,
expression: `keys`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!seq)::- 0\n- 1\n",
skipDoc: true,
document: `[]`,
expression: `keys`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!seq)::[]\n",
description: "Retrieve array key",
document: "[1,2,3]",
expression: `.[1] | key`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[1], (!!int)::1\n",
description: "Retrieve map key",
document: "a: thing",
expression: `.a | key`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[a], (!!str)::a\n",
description: "No key",
document: "{}",
expression: `key`,
expected: []string{},
description: "Update map key",
document: "a:\n x: 3\n y: 4",
expression: `(.a.x | key) = "meow"`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (doc)::a:\n meow: 3\n y: 4\n",
description: "Get comment from map key",
document: "a: \n # comment on key\n x: 3\n y: 4",
expression: `.a.x | key | headComment`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[a x], (!!str)::comment on key\n",
description: "Check node is a key",
document: "a: frog\n",
document: "a: \n b: [cat]\n c: frog\n",
expression: `[... | { "p": path | join("."), "isKey": is_key, "tag": tag }]`,
expected: []string{
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func loadYaml(filename string, decoder Decoder) (*CandidateNode, error) {
} else {
sequenceNode := &CandidateNode{Kind: SequenceNode}
for doc := documents.Front(); doc != nil; doc = doc.Next() {
sequenceNode.Content = append(sequenceNode.Content, doc.Value.(*CandidateNode).unwrapDocument())
return sequenceNode, nil
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func loadYamlOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Exp
return Context{}, err
if rhs.MatchingNodes.Front() == nil {
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("Filename expression returned nil")
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("filename expression returned nil")
nameCandidateNode := rhs.MatchingNodes.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode)
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func getPathOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expr
path := path[pathIndex]
content[pathIndex] = createPathNodeFor(path)
node.Content = content
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ func pickMap(original *CandidateNode, indices *CandidateNode) *CandidateNode {
newNode := original.CopyWithoutContent()
newNode.Content = filteredContent
return newNode
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func pickSequence(original *CandidateNode, indices *CandidateNode) (*CandidateNo
newNode := original.CopyWithoutContent()
newNode.Content = filteredContent
return newNode, nil
@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ func reverseOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expr
return context, fmt.Errorf("node at path [%v] is not an array (it's a %v)", candidate.GetNicePath(), candidate.GetNiceTag())
reverseList := candidate.CreateReplacementWithDocWrappers(SequenceNode, "!!tag", candidateNode.Style)
reverseList.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, len(candidateNode.Content))
reverseList := candidate.CreateReplacementWithDocWrappers(SequenceNode, "!!seq", candidateNode.Style)
reverseContent := make([]*CandidateNode, len(candidateNode.Content))
for i, originalNode := range candidateNode.Content {
reverseList.Content[len(candidateNode.Content)-i-1] = originalNode
reverseContent[len(candidateNode.Content)-i-1] = originalNode
@ -18,16 +18,11 @@ func selectOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expre
// find any truthy node
var errDecoding error
includeResult := false
for resultEl := rhs.MatchingNodes.Front(); resultEl != nil; resultEl = resultEl.Next() {
result := resultEl.Value.(*CandidateNode)
includeResult, errDecoding = isTruthyNode(result)
log.Debugf("isTruthy %v", includeResult)
if errDecoding != nil {
return Context{}, errDecoding
includeResult = isTruthyNode(result)
if includeResult {
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func sliceArrayOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *E
sliceArrayNode := lhsNode.CreateReplacement(SequenceNode, lhsNode.Tag, "")
sliceArrayNode.Content = newResults
@ -47,10 +47,8 @@ func sortByOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *Expre
sortedList := candidate.CreateReplacementWithDocWrappers(SequenceNode, "!!seq", candidateNode.Style)
sortedList.Content = make([]*CandidateNode, len(candidateNode.Content))
for i, sortedNode := range sortableArray {
sortedList.Content[i] = sortedNode.Node
for _, sortedNode := range sortableArray {
@ -122,15 +120,9 @@ func (a sortableNodeArray) compare(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode, dateT
} else if lhsTag != "!!bool" && rhsTag == "!!bool" {
return 1
} else if lhsTag == "!!bool" && rhsTag == "!!bool" {
lhsTruthy, err := isTruthyNode(lhs)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not parse %v as boolean: %w", lhs.Value, err))
lhsTruthy := isTruthyNode(lhs)
rhsTruthy, err := isTruthyNode(rhs)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not parse %v as boolean: %w", rhs.Value, err))
rhsTruthy := isTruthyNode(rhs)
if lhsTruthy == rhsTruthy {
return 0
} else if lhsTruthy {
@ -46,5 +46,8 @@ func sortKeys(node *CandidateNode) {
sortedContent[index*2] = keyBucket[keyString]
sortedContent[1+(index*2)] = valueBucket[keyString]
// re-arranging children, no need to update their parent
// relationship
node.Content = sortedContent
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ var sortKeysOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `{bParent: {c: dog, array: [3,1,2]}, aParent: {z: donkey, x: [{c: yum, b: delish}, {b: ew, a: apple}]}}`,
expression: `sort_keys(..)`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!map)::{aParent: {x: [{b: delish, c: yum}, {a: apple, b: ew}], z: donkey}, bParent: {array: [3, 1, 2], c: dog}}\n",
"D0, P[], (doc)::{aParent: {x: [{b: delish, c: yum}, {a: apple, b: ew}], z: donkey}, bParent: {array: [3, 1, 2], c: dog}}\n",
@ -191,16 +191,13 @@ func match(matchPrefs matchPreferences, regEx *regexp.Regexp, candidate *Candida
match, submatches := matches[0], matches[1:]
for j, submatch := range submatches {
captureNode := &CandidateNode{Kind: MappingNode}
captureNode.Content = addMatch(captureNode.Content, submatch, allIndices[i][2+j*2], subNames[j+1])
capturesListNode.Content = append(capturesListNode.Content, captureNode)
captureNode.AddChildren(addMatch(captureNode.Content, submatch, allIndices[i][2+j*2], subNames[j+1]))
node := candidate.CreateReplacement(MappingNode, "!!map", "")
node.Content = addMatch(node.Content, match, allIndices[i][0], "")
node.Content = append(node.Content,
createScalarNode("captures", "captures"),
node.AddChildren(addMatch(node.Content, match, allIndices[i][0], ""))
node.AddKeyValueChild(createScalarNode("captures", "captures"), capturesListNode)
@ -222,20 +219,18 @@ func capture(matchPrefs matchPreferences, regEx *regexp.Regexp, candidate *Candi
_, submatches := matches[0], matches[1:]
for j, submatch := range submatches {
capturesNode.Content = append(capturesNode.Content,
createScalarNode(subNames[j+1], subNames[j+1]))
keyNode := createScalarNode(subNames[j+1], subNames[j+1])
var valueNode *CandidateNode
offset := allIndices[i][2+j*2]
// offset of -1 means there was no match, force a null value like jq
if offset < 0 {
capturesNode.Content = append(capturesNode.Content,
createScalarNode(nil, "null"),
valueNode = createScalarNode(nil, "null")
} else {
capturesNode.Content = append(capturesNode.Content,
createScalarNode(submatch, submatch),
valueNode = createScalarNode(submatch, submatch)
capturesNode.AddKeyValueChild(keyNode, valueNode)
@ -416,11 +411,11 @@ func splitStringOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *
if node.guessTagFromCustomType() != "!!str" {
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot split %v, can only split strings", node.Tag)
return Context{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot split %v, can only split strings", node.Tag)
kind, tag, content := split(node.Value, splitStr)
result := candidate.CreateReplacement(kind, tag, "")
result.Content = content
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ var stringsOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `foo bar foo`,
expression: `match("foo")`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], ()::string: foo\noffset: 0\nlength: 3\ncaptures: []\n",
"D0, P[], (!!map)::string: foo\noffset: 0\nlength: 3\ncaptures: []\n",
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ var stringsOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `!horse foo bar foo`,
expression: `match("foo")`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], ()::string: foo\noffset: 0\nlength: 3\ncaptures: []\n",
"D0, P[], (!!map)::string: foo\noffset: 0\nlength: 3\ncaptures: []\n",
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ var stringsOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `xyzzy-14`,
expression: `capture("(?P<a>[a-z]+)-(?P<n>[0-9]+)")`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], ()::a: xyzzy\nn: \"14\"\n",
"D0, P[], (!!map)::a: xyzzy\nn: \"14\"\n",
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ var stringsOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `!horse xyzzy-14`,
expression: `capture("(?P<a>[a-z]+)-(?P<n>[0-9]+)")`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], ()::a: xyzzy\nn: \"14\"\n",
"D0, P[], (!!map)::a: xyzzy\nn: \"14\"\n",
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ var stringsOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `xyzzy-14`,
expression: `capture("(?P<a>[a-z]+)-(?P<n>[0-9]+)(?P<bar123>bar)?")`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], ()::a: xyzzy\nn: \"14\"\nbar123: null\n",
"D0, P[], (!!map)::a: xyzzy\nn: \"14\"\nbar123: null\n",
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ var stringsOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `cat cat`,
expression: `match("cat")`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], ()::string: cat\noffset: 0\nlength: 3\ncaptures: []\n",
"D0, P[], (!!map)::string: cat\noffset: 0\nlength: 3\ncaptures: []\n",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ func subtractArray(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode) (*CandidateNode, erro
newLHSArray = append(newLHSArray, lhs.Content[lindex])
// removing children from LHS, parent hasn't changed
lhs.Content = newLHSArray
return lhs, nil
@ -5,6 +5,16 @@ import (
var tagOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
description: "tag of key is not a key",
subdescription: "so it should have 'a' as the path",
skipDoc: true,
document: "a: frog\n",
expression: `.a | key | tag`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[a], (!!str)::!!str\n",
description: "Get tag",
document: `{a: cat, b: 5, c: 3.2, e: true, f: []}`,
@ -69,7 +79,7 @@ var tagOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{
document: `{a: cat, b: 5, c: 3.2, e: true}`,
expression: `(.. | select(tag == "!!int")) tag= "!!str"`,
expected: []string{
"D0, P[], (!!map)::{a: cat, b: \"5\", c: 3.2, e: true}\n",
"D0, P[], (doc)::{a: cat, b: \"5\", c: 3.2, e: true}\n",
@ -203,13 +203,8 @@ func traverseArrayWithIndices(candidate *CandidateNode, indices []*CandidateNode
node.Style = 0
valueNode := node.CreateChild()
valueNode.Kind = ScalarNode
valueNode.Tag = "!!null"
valueNode.Value = "null"
valueNode.Key = createScalarNode(contentLength, fmt.Sprintf("%v", contentLength))
node.Content = append(node.Content, valueNode)
valueNode := createScalarNode(nil, "null")
contentLength = len(node.Content)
@ -251,7 +246,7 @@ func traverseMap(context Context, matchingNode *CandidateNode, keyNode *Candidat
matchingNode.Style = 0
matchingNode.Content = append(matchingNode.Content, keyNode, valueNode)
matchingNode.AddKeyValueChild(keyNode, valueNode)
if prefs.IncludeMapKeys {
newMatches.Set(keyNode.GetKey(), keyNode)
@ -281,11 +276,10 @@ func doTraverseMap(newMatches *orderedmap.OrderedMap, node *CandidateNode, wante
key := contents[index]
value := contents[index+1]
log.Debug("checking %v (%v)", key.Value, key.Tag)
//skip the 'merge' tag, find a direct match first
if key.Tag == "!!merge" && !prefs.DontFollowAlias {
log.Debug("Merge anchor")
err := traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches, node, value, wantedKey, prefs, splat)
err := traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches, value, wantedKey, prefs, splat)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -305,17 +299,16 @@ func doTraverseMap(newMatches *orderedmap.OrderedMap, node *CandidateNode, wante
return nil
func traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches *orderedmap.OrderedMap, originalCandidate *CandidateNode, value *CandidateNode, wantedKey string, prefs traversePreferences, splat bool) error {
func traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches *orderedmap.OrderedMap, value *CandidateNode, wantedKey string, prefs traversePreferences, splat bool) error {
switch value.Kind {
case AliasNode:
if value.Alias.Kind != MappingNode {
return fmt.Errorf("can only use merge anchors with maps (!!map), but got %v", value.Alias.Tag)
// candidateNode := originalCandidate.CreateReplacement(value.Alias)
return doTraverseMap(newMatches, value.Alias, wantedKey, prefs, splat)
case SequenceNode:
for _, childValue := range value.Content {
err := traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches, originalCandidate, childValue, wantedKey, prefs, splat)
err := traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches, childValue, wantedKey, prefs, splat)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func uniqueBy(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionN
resultNode := candidate.CreateReplacementWithDocWrappers(SequenceNode, "!!seq", candidateNode.Style)
for el := newMatches.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
resultNode.Content = append(resultNode.Content, el.Value.(*CandidateNode))
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
type operatorHandler func(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error)
@ -52,13 +51,6 @@ func compoundAssignFunction(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNod
return context, nil
func unwrapDoc(node *yaml.Node) *yaml.Node {
if node.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode {
return node.Content[0]
return node
func emptyOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) {
context.MatchingNodes = list.New()
return context, nil
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type expressionScenario struct {
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
logging.SetLevel(logging.ERROR, "")
logging.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "")
Now = func() time.Time {
return time.Date(2021, time.May, 19, 1, 2, 3, 4, time.UTC)
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
package yqlib
// orderedMap allows to marshal and unmarshal JSON and YAML values keeping the
// order of keys and values in a map or an object.
type orderedMap struct {
// if this is an object, kv != nil. If this is not an object, kv == nil.
kv []orderedMapKV
altVal interface{}
type orderedMapKV struct {
K string
V orderedMap
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package yqlib
import (
func (o *orderedMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
switch data[0] {
case '{':
// initialise so that even if the object is empty it is not nil
o.kv = []orderedMapKV{}
// create decoder
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
_, err := dec.Token() // open object
if err != nil {
return err
// cycle through k/v
var tok json.Token
for tok, err = dec.Token(); err == nil; tok, err = dec.Token() {
// we can expect two types: string or Delim. Delim automatically means
// that it is the closing bracket of the object, whereas string means
// that there is another key.
if _, ok := tok.(json.Delim); ok {
kv := orderedMapKV{
K: tok.(string),
if err := dec.Decode(&kv.V); err != nil {
return err
o.kv = append(o.kv, kv)
// unexpected error
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return err
return nil
case '[':
var res []*orderedMap
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &res); err != nil {
return err
o.altVal = res
o.kv = nil
return nil
return json.Unmarshal(data, &o.altVal)
func (o orderedMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
enc.SetEscapeHTML(false) // do not escape html chars e.g. &, <, >
if o.kv == nil {
if err := enc.Encode(o.altVal); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
for idx, el := range o.kv {
if err := enc.Encode(el.K); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := enc.Encode(el.V); err != nil {
return nil, err
if idx != len(o.kv)-1 {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
package yqlib
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
func (o *orderedMap) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node) error {
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.DocumentNode:
if len(node.Content) == 0 {
return nil
return o.UnmarshalYAML(node.Content[0])
case yaml.AliasNode:
return o.UnmarshalYAML(node.Alias)
case yaml.ScalarNode:
return node.Decode(&o.altVal)
case yaml.MappingNode:
// set kv to non-nil
o.kv = []orderedMapKV{}
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 2 {
var key string
var val orderedMap
if err := node.Content[i].Decode(&key); err != nil {
return err
if err := node.Content[i+1].Decode(&val); err != nil {
return err
o.kv = append(o.kv, orderedMapKV{
K: key,
V: val,
return nil
case yaml.SequenceNode:
// note that this has to be a pointer, so that nulls can be represented.
var res []*orderedMap
if err := node.Decode(&res); err != nil {
return err
o.altVal = res
o.kv = nil
return nil
case 0:
// null
o.kv = nil
o.altVal = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("orderedMap: invalid yaml node")
func (o *orderedMap) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
// fast path: kv is nil, use altVal
if o.kv == nil {
return o.altVal, nil
content := make([]*yaml.Node, 0, len(o.kv)*2)
for _, val := range o.kv {
n := new(yaml.Node)
if err := n.Encode(val.V); err != nil {
return nil, err
content = append(content, &yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.ScalarNode,
Tag: "!!str",
Value: val.K,
}, n)
return &yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.MappingNode,
Tag: "!!map",
Content: content,
}, nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user