#!/bin/bash set -e # acceptance test echo "test eval-sequence" random=$((1 + $RANDOM % 10)) ./yq e -n ".a = $random" > test.yml X=$(./yq e '.a' test.yml) if [[ $X != $random ]]; then echo "Failed create: expected $random but was $X" exit 1 fi echo "--success" echo "test update-in-place" update=$(($random + 1)) ./yq e -i ".a = $update" test.yml X=$(./yq e '.a' test.yml) if [[ $X != $update ]]; then echo "Failed to update inplace test: expected $update but was $X" exit 1 fi echo "--success" echo "test eval-all" ./yq ea -n ".a = $random" > test-eval-all.yml Y=$(./yq ea '.a' test-eval-all.yml) if [[ $Y != $random ]]; then echo "Failed create with eval all: expected $random but was $X" exit 1 fi echo "--success" echo "test no exit status" ./yq e '.z' test.yml echo "--success" echo "test exit status" set +e ./yq e -e '.z' test.yml if [[ $? != 1 ]]; then echo "Expected error code 1 but was $?" exit 1 fi echo "--success" set -e rm test.yml rm test-eval-all.yml echo "acceptance tests passed"