package yqlib import ( "testing" ) var selectOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{ { skipDoc: true, document: `cat`, expression: `select(false, true)`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!str)::cat\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, document: `cat`, expression: `select(true, false)`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!str)::cat\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, document: `cat`, expression: `select(false)`, expected: []string{}, }, { description: "Select elements from array using wildcard prefix", document: `[cat,goat,dog]`, expression: `.[] | select(. == "*at")`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[0], (!!str)::cat\n", "D0, P[1], (!!str)::goat\n", }, }, { description: "Select elements from array using wildcard suffix", document: `[go-kart,goat,dog]`, expression: `.[] | select(. == "go*")`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[0], (!!str)::go-kart\n", "D0, P[1], (!!str)::goat\n", }, }, { description: "Select elements from array using wildcard prefix and suffix", document: `[ago, go, meow, going]`, expression: `.[] | select(. == "*go*")`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[0], (!!str)::ago\n", "D0, P[1], (!!str)::go\n", "D0, P[3], (!!str)::going\n", }, }, { description: "Select elements from array with regular expression", subdescription: "See more regular expression examples under the [`string` operator docs](", document: `[this_0, not_this, nor_0_this, thisTo_4]`, expression: `.[] | select(test("[a-zA-Z]+_[0-9]$"))`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[0], (!!str)::this_0\n", "D0, P[3], (!!str)::thisTo_4\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, document: "a: hello", document2: "b: world", expression: `select(.a == "hello" or .b == "world")`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!map)::a: hello\n", "D0, P[], (!!map)::b: world\n", }, }, { description: "select does not update the map", skipDoc: true, document: `[{animal: cat, legs: {cool: true}}, {animal: fish}]`, expression: `(.[] | select( == true).canWalk) = true | (.[] | .alive.things) = "yes"`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!seq)::[{animal: cat, legs: {cool: true}, canWalk: true, alive: {things: yes}}, {animal: fish, alive: {things: yes}}]\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, document: `[hot, fot, dog]`, expression: `.[] | select(. == "*at")`, expected: []string{}, }, { skipDoc: true, document: `a: [cat,goat,dog]`, expression: `.a.[] | select(. == "*at")`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[a 0], (!!str)::cat\n", "D0, P[a 1], (!!str)::goat\n"}, }, { description: "Select items from a map", document: `{ things: cat, bob: goat, horse: dog }`, expression: `.[] | select(. == "cat" or test("og$"))`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[things], (!!str)::cat\n", "D0, P[horse], (!!str)::dog\n", }, }, { description: "Use select and with_entries to filter map keys", document: `{name: bob, legs: 2, game: poker}`, expression: `with_entries(select(.key | test("ame$")))`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!map)::name: bob\ngame: poker\n", }, }, { description: "Select multiple items in a map and update", subdescription: "Note the brackets around the entire LHS.", document: `a: { things: cat, bob: goat, horse: dog }`, expression: `(.a.[] | select(. == "cat" or . == "goat")) |= "rabbit"`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!map)::a: {things: rabbit, bob: rabbit, horse: dog}\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, document: `a: { things: {include: true}, notMe: {include: false}, andMe: {include: fold} }`, expression: `.a.[] | select(.include)`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[a things], (!!map)::{include: true}\n", "D0, P[a andMe], (!!map)::{include: fold}\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, document: `[cat,~,dog]`, expression: `.[] | select(. == ~)`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[1], (!!null)::~\n", }, }, } func TestSelectOperatorScenarios(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range selectOperatorScenarios { testScenario(t, &tt) } documentOperatorScenarios(t, "select", selectOperatorScenarios) }