package yqlib import ( "testing" ) var addOperatorScenarios = []expressionScenario{ { description: "Concatenate and assign arrays", document: `{a: {val: thing, b: [cat,dog]}}`, expression: ".a.b += [\"cow\"]", expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: {val: thing, b: [cat, dog, cow]}}\n", }, }, { description: "Concatenate arrays", document: `{a: [1,2], b: [3,4]}`, expression: `.a + .b`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[a], (!!seq)::[1, 2, 3, 4]\n", }, }, { skipDoc: true, expression: `[1] + ([2], [3])`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (!!seq)::- 1\n- 2\n", "D0, P[], (!!seq)::- 1\n- 3\n", }, }, { description: "Concatenate null to array", document: `{a: [1,2]}`, expression: `.a + null`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[a], (!!seq)::[1, 2]\n", }, }, { description: "Add object to array", document: `{a: [1,2], c: {cat: meow}}`, expression: `.a + .c`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[a], (!!seq)::[1, 2, {cat: meow}]\n", }, }, { description: "Add string to array", document: `{a: [1,2]}`, expression: `.a + "hello"`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[a], (!!seq)::[1, 2, hello]\n", }, }, { description: "Update array (append)", document: `{a: [1,2], b: [3,4]}`, expression: `.a = .a + .b`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: [1, 2, 3, 4], b: [3, 4]}\n", }, }, { description: "String concatenation", document: `{a: cat, b: meow}`, expression: `.a = .a + .b`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: catmeow, b: meow}\n", }, }, { description: "Relative string concatenation", document: `{a: cat, b: meow}`, expression: `.a += .b`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: catmeow, b: meow}\n", }, }, { description: "Number addition - float", subdescription: "If the lhs or rhs are floats then the expression will be calculated with floats.", document: `{a: 3, b: 4.9}`, expression: `.a = .a + .b`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: 7.9, b: 4.9}\n", }, }, { description: "Number addition - int", subdescription: "If both the lhs and rhs are ints then the expression will be calculated with ints.", document: `{a: 3, b: 4}`, expression: `.a = .a + .b`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: 7, b: 4}\n", }, }, { description: "Increment number", document: `{a: 3}`, expression: `.a += 1`, expected: []string{ "D0, P[], (doc)::{a: 4}\n", }, }, } func TestAddOperatorScenarios(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range addOperatorScenarios { testScenario(t, &tt) } documentScenarios(t, "Add", addOperatorScenarios) }