## Number modulo - int If the lhs and rhs are ints then the expression will be calculated with ints. Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml a: 13 b: 2 ``` then ```bash yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml a: 1 b: 2 ``` ## Number modulo - float If the lhs or rhs are floats then the expression will be calculated with floats. Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml a: 12 b: 2.5 ``` then ```bash yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml a: !!float 2 b: 2.5 ``` ## Number modulo - int by zero If the lhs is an int and rhs is a 0 the result is an error. Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml a: 1 b: 0 ``` then ```bash yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml ``` will output ```bash Error: cannot modulo by 0 ``` ## Number modulo - float by zero If the lhs is a float and rhs is a 0 the result is NaN. Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml a: 1.1 b: 0 ``` then ```bash yq '.a = .a % .b' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml a: !!float NaN b: 0 ```