package cmd import ( "" errors "" "" yaml "" ) func createMergeCmd() *cobra.Command { var cmdMerge = &cobra.Command{ Use: "merge [initial_yaml_file] [additional_yaml_file]...", Aliases: []string{"m"}, Short: "yq m [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] [--overwrite/-x] [--arrayMerge/-a strategy] sample.yaml sample2.yaml", Example: ` yq merge things.yaml other.yaml yq merge --inplace things.yaml other.yaml yq m -i things.yaml other.yaml yq m --overwrite things.yaml other.yaml yq m -i -x things.yaml other.yaml yq m -i -a=append things.yaml other.yaml yq m -i --autocreate=false things.yaml other.yaml `, Long: `Updates the yaml file by adding/updating the path(s) and value(s) from additional yaml file(s). Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead. If overwrite flag is set then existing values will be overwritten using the values from each additional yaml file. If append flag is set then existing arrays will be merged with the arrays from each additional yaml file. `, RunE: mergeProperties, } cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace") cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&overwriteFlag, "overwrite", "x", false, "update the yaml file by overwriting existing values") cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&autoCreateFlag, "autocreate", "c", true, "automatically create any missing entries") cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&arrayMergeStrategyFlag, "arrays", "a", "update", `array merge strategy (update/append/overwrite) update: recursively update arrays by their index append: concatenate arrays together overwrite: replace arrays `) cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&commentsMergeStrategyFlag, "comments", "", "setWhenBlank", `comments merge strategy (setWhenBlank/ignore/append/overwrite) setWhenBlank: set comment if the original document has no comment at that node ignore: leave comments as-is in the original append: append comments together overwrite: overwrite comments completely `) cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)") return cmdMerge } /* * We don't deeply traverse arrays when appending a merge, instead we want to * append the entire array element. */ func createReadFunctionForMerge(arrayMergeStrategy yqlib.ArrayMergeStrategy) func(*yaml.Node) ([]*yqlib.NodeContext, error) { return func(dataBucket *yaml.Node) ([]*yqlib.NodeContext, error) { return lib.GetForMerge(dataBucket, "**", arrayMergeStrategy) } } func mergeProperties(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { var updateCommands []yqlib.UpdateCommand = make([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, 0) if len(args) < 1 { return errors.New("Must provide at least 1 yaml file") } var arrayMergeStrategy yqlib.ArrayMergeStrategy switch arrayMergeStrategyFlag { case "update": arrayMergeStrategy = yqlib.UpdateArrayMergeStrategy case "append": arrayMergeStrategy = yqlib.AppendArrayMergeStrategy case "overwrite": arrayMergeStrategy = yqlib.OverwriteArrayMergeStrategy default: return errors.New("Array merge strategy must be one of: update/append/overwrite") } var commentsMergeStrategy yqlib.CommentsMergeStrategy switch commentsMergeStrategyFlag { case "setWhenBlank": commentsMergeStrategy = yqlib.SetWhenBlankCommentsMergeStrategy case "ignore": commentsMergeStrategy = yqlib.IgnoreCommentsMergeStrategy case "append": commentsMergeStrategy = yqlib.AppendCommentsMergeStrategy case "overwrite": commentsMergeStrategy = yqlib.OverwriteCommentsMergeStrategy default: return errors.New("Comments merge strategy must be one of: setWhenBlank/ignore/append/overwrite") } if len(args) > 1 { // first generate update commands from the file var filesToMerge = args[1:] for _, fileToMerge := range filesToMerge { matchingNodes, errorProcessingFile := doReadYamlFile(fileToMerge, createReadFunctionForMerge(arrayMergeStrategy), false, 0) if errorProcessingFile != nil { return errorProcessingFile } log.Debugf("finished reading for merge!") for _, matchingNode := range matchingNodes { log.Debugf("matched node %v", lib.PathStackToString(matchingNode.PathStack)) yqlib.DebugNode(matchingNode.Node) } for _, matchingNode := range matchingNodes { mergePath := lib.MergePathStackToString(matchingNode.PathStack, arrayMergeStrategy) updateCommands = append(updateCommands, yqlib.UpdateCommand{ Command: "merge", Path: mergePath, Value: matchingNode.Node, Overwrite: overwriteFlag, CommentsMergeStrategy: commentsMergeStrategy, // dont update the content for nodes midway, only leaf nodes DontUpdateNodeContent: matchingNode.IsMiddleNode && (arrayMergeStrategy != yqlib.OverwriteArrayMergeStrategy || matchingNode.Node.Kind != yaml.SequenceNode), }) } } } return updateDoc(args[0], updateCommands, cmd.OutOrStdout()) }