``` yaml r ``` {!snippets/works_with_json.md!} ### Basic Given a sample.yaml file of: ```yaml b: c: 2 ``` then ```bash yaml r sample.yaml b.c ``` will output the value of '2'. ### From Stdin Given a sample.yaml file of: ```bash cat sample.yaml | yaml r - b.c ``` will output the value of '2'. ### Splat Given a sample.yaml file of: ```yaml --- bob: item1: cats: bananas item2: cats: apples ``` then ```bash yaml r sample.yaml bob.*.cats ``` will output ```yaml - bananas - apples ``` ### Handling '.' in the yaml key Given a sample.yaml file of: ```yaml b.x: c: 2 ``` then ```bash yaml r sample.yaml \"b.x\".c ``` will output the value of '2'. ### Arrays You can give an index to access a specific element: e.g.: given a sample file of ```yaml b: e: - name: fred value: 3 - name: sam value: 4 ``` then ``` yaml r sample.yaml b.e[1].name ``` will output 'sam' ### Array Splat e.g.: given a sample file of ```yaml b: e: - name: fred value: 3 - name: sam value: 4 ``` then ``` yaml r sample.yaml b.e[*].name ``` will output: ``` - fred - sam ``` {!snippets/keys_with_dots.md!}