# New Features - Keeps yaml comments and formatting (string blocks are saved, number formatting is preserved, so it won't drop off trailing 0s for values like 0.10, which is important when that's a version entry ) - Handles anchors! (doc link) - Can specify yaml tags (e.g. !!int), quoting values no longer sufficient, need to specify the tag value instead. - Can print out matching paths and values when splatting (doc link) - JSON output works for all commands! Yaml files with multiple documents are printed out as one JSON document per line. - Deep splat (**) to match arbitrary paths, (doc link) # Breaking changes ## Update scripts file format has changed to be more powerful. Comments can be added, and delete commands have been introduced. ## Reading and splatting, matching results are printed once per line. e.g: ```json parent: childA: no: matches here childB: there: matches hi: no match there2: also matches ``` yq r sample.yaml 'parent.*.there*' old ```yaml - null - - matches - also matches ``` new ```yaml matches also matches ``` and you can print the matching paths: yq r --printMode pv sample.yaml 'parent.*.there*' ```yaml parent.childB.there: matches parent.childB.there2: also matches ``` # Merge command - New flag 'autocreates' missing entries in target by default, new flag to turn that off.