package yqlib import ( "container/list" "fmt" "strconv" "" yaml "" ) type traversePreferences struct { DontFollowAlias bool IncludeMapKeys bool DontAutoCreate bool // by default, we automatically create entries on the fly. } func splat(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, prefs traversePreferences) (Context, error) { return traverseNodesWithArrayIndices(context, make([]*yaml.Node, 0), prefs) } func traversePathOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) { log.Debugf("-- Traversing") var matches = list.New() for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { newNodes, err := traverse(d, context, el.Value.(*CandidateNode), expressionNode.Operation) if err != nil { return Context{}, err } matches.PushBackList(newNodes) } return context.ChildContext(matches), nil } func traverse(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, matchingNode *CandidateNode, operation *Operation) (*list.List, error) { log.Debug("Traversing %v", NodeToString(matchingNode)) value := matchingNode.Node if value.Tag == "!!null" && operation.Value != "[]" { log.Debugf("Guessing kind") // we must ahve added this automatically, lets guess what it should be now switch operation.Value.(type) { case int, int64: log.Debugf("probably an array") value.Kind = yaml.SequenceNode default: log.Debugf("probably a map") value.Kind = yaml.MappingNode } value.Tag = "" } switch value.Kind { case yaml.MappingNode: log.Debug("its a map with %v entries", len(value.Content)/2) return traverseMap(context, matchingNode, operation.StringValue, operation.Preferences.(traversePreferences), false) case yaml.SequenceNode: log.Debug("its a sequence of %v things!", len(value.Content)) return traverseArray(matchingNode, operation) case yaml.AliasNode: log.Debug("its an alias!") matchingNode.Node = matchingNode.Node.Alias return traverse(d, context, matchingNode, operation) case yaml.DocumentNode: log.Debug("digging into doc node") return traverse(d, context, matchingNode.CreateChild(nil, matchingNode.Node.Content[0]), operation) default: return list.New(), nil } } func traverseArrayOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) { // rhs is a collect expression that will yield indexes to retreive of the arrays rhs, err := d.GetMatchingNodes(context, expressionNode.Rhs) if err != nil { return Context{}, err } var indicesToTraverse = rhs.MatchingNodes.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode).Node.Content return traverseNodesWithArrayIndices(context, indicesToTraverse, traversePreferences{}) } func traverseNodesWithArrayIndices(context Context, indicesToTraverse []*yaml.Node, prefs traversePreferences) (Context, error) { var matchingNodeMap = list.New() for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode) newNodes, err := traverseArrayIndices(context, candidate, indicesToTraverse, prefs) if err != nil { return Context{}, err } matchingNodeMap.PushBackList(newNodes) } return context.ChildContext(matchingNodeMap), nil } func traverseArrayIndices(context Context, matchingNode *CandidateNode, indicesToTraverse []*yaml.Node, prefs traversePreferences) (*list.List, error) { // call this if doc / alias like the other traverse node := matchingNode.Node if node.Tag == "!!null" { log.Debugf("OperatorArrayTraverse got a null - turning it into an empty array") // auto vivification, make it into an empty array node.Tag = "" node.Kind = yaml.SequenceNode } if node.Kind == yaml.AliasNode { matchingNode.Node = node.Alias return traverseArrayIndices(context, matchingNode, indicesToTraverse, prefs) } else if node.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode { return traverseArrayWithIndices(matchingNode, indicesToTraverse) } else if node.Kind == yaml.MappingNode { return traverseMapWithIndices(context, matchingNode, indicesToTraverse, prefs) } else if node.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode { return traverseArrayIndices(context, matchingNode.CreateChild(nil, matchingNode.Node.Content[0]), indicesToTraverse, prefs) } log.Debugf("OperatorArrayTraverse skipping %v as its a %v", matchingNode, node.Tag) return list.New(), nil } func traverseMapWithIndices(context Context, candidate *CandidateNode, indices []*yaml.Node, prefs traversePreferences) (*list.List, error) { if len(indices) == 0 { return traverseMap(context, candidate, "", prefs, true) } var matchingNodeMap = list.New() for _, indexNode := range indices { log.Debug("traverseMapWithIndices: %v", indexNode.Value) newNodes, err := traverseMap(context, candidate, indexNode.Value, prefs, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } matchingNodeMap.PushBackList(newNodes) } return matchingNodeMap, nil } func traverseArrayWithIndices(candidate *CandidateNode, indices []*yaml.Node) (*list.List, error) { log.Debug("traverseArrayWithIndices") var newMatches = list.New() node := unwrapDoc(candidate.Node) if len(indices) == 0 { log.Debug("splatting") var index int64 for index = 0; index < int64(len(node.Content)); index = index + 1 { newMatches.PushBack(candidate.CreateChild(index, node.Content[index])) } return newMatches, nil } for _, indexNode := range indices { log.Debug("traverseArrayWithIndices: '%v'", indexNode.Value) index, err := strconv.ParseInt(indexNode.Value, 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot index array with '%v' (%v)", indexNode.Value, err) } indexToUse := index contentLength := int64(len(node.Content)) for contentLength <= index { node.Content = append(node.Content, &yaml.Node{Tag: "!!null", Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "null"}) contentLength = int64(len(node.Content)) } if indexToUse < 0 { indexToUse = contentLength + indexToUse } if indexToUse < 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Index [%v] out of range, array size is %v", index, contentLength) } newMatches.PushBack(candidate.CreateChild(index, node.Content[indexToUse])) } return newMatches, nil } func keyMatches(key *yaml.Node, wantedKey string) bool { return matchKey(key.Value, wantedKey) } func traverseMap(context Context, matchingNode *CandidateNode, key string, prefs traversePreferences, splat bool) (*list.List, error) { var newMatches = orderedmap.NewOrderedMap() err := doTraverseMap(newMatches, matchingNode, key, prefs, splat) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !prefs.DontAutoCreate && !context.DontAutoCreate && newMatches.Len() == 0 { //no matches, create one automagically valueNode := &yaml.Node{Tag: "!!null", Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "null"} node := matchingNode.Node node.Content = append(node.Content, &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: key}, valueNode) candidateNode := matchingNode.CreateChild(key, valueNode) newMatches.Set(candidateNode.GetKey(), candidateNode) } results := list.New() i := 0 for el := newMatches.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { results.PushBack(el.Value) i++ } return results, nil } func doTraverseMap(newMatches *orderedmap.OrderedMap, candidate *CandidateNode, wantedKey string, prefs traversePreferences, splat bool) error { // value.Content is a concatenated array of key, value, // so keys are in the even indexes, values in odd. // merge aliases are defined first, but we only want to traverse them // if we don't find a match directly on this node first. node := candidate.Node var contents = node.Content for index := 0; index < len(contents); index = index + 2 { key := contents[index] value := contents[index+1] log.Debug("checking %v (%v)", key.Value, key.Tag) //skip the 'merge' tag, find a direct match first if key.Tag == "!!merge" && !prefs.DontFollowAlias { log.Debug("Merge anchor") err := traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches, candidate, value, wantedKey, prefs, splat) if err != nil { return err } } else if splat || keyMatches(key, wantedKey) { log.Debug("MATCHED") if prefs.IncludeMapKeys { candidateNode := candidate.CreateChild(key.Value, key) newMatches.Set(fmt.Sprintf("keyOf-%v", candidateNode.GetKey()), candidateNode) } candidateNode := candidate.CreateChild(key.Value, value) newMatches.Set(candidateNode.GetKey(), candidateNode) } } return nil } func traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches *orderedmap.OrderedMap, originalCandidate *CandidateNode, value *yaml.Node, wantedKey string, prefs traversePreferences, splat bool) error { switch value.Kind { case yaml.AliasNode: candidateNode := originalCandidate.CreateChild(nil, value.Alias) return doTraverseMap(newMatches, candidateNode, wantedKey, prefs, splat) case yaml.SequenceNode: for _, childValue := range value.Content { err := traverseMergeAnchor(newMatches, originalCandidate, childValue, wantedKey, prefs, splat) if err != nil { return err } } } return nil } func traverseArray(candidate *CandidateNode, operation *Operation) (*list.List, error) { log.Debug("operation Value %v", operation.Value) indices := []*yaml.Node{&yaml.Node{Value: operation.StringValue}} return traverseArrayWithIndices(candidate, indices) }