package cmd import ( "fmt" "io" "os" "" "" "" ) func initCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (string, []string, error) { cmd.SilenceUsage = true fileInfo, _ := os.Stdout.Stat() if forceColor || (!forceNoColor && (fileInfo.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice) != 0) { colorsEnabled = true } expression, args, err := processArgs(args) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } if splitFileExpFile != "" { splitExpressionBytes, err := os.ReadFile(splitFileExpFile) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } splitFileExp = string(splitExpressionBytes) } // backwards compatibility if outputToJSON { outputFormat = "json" } if writeInplace && (len(args) == 0 || args[0] == "-") { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("write inplace flag only applicable when giving an expression and at least one file") } if frontMatter != "" && len(args) == 0 { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("front matter flag only applicable when giving an expression and at least one file") } if writeInplace && splitFileExp != "" { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("write inplace cannot be used with split file") } if nullInput && len(args) > 0 { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot pass files in when using null-input flag") } inputFilename := "" if len(args) > 0 { inputFilename = args[0] } if inputFormat == "" || inputFormat == "auto" || inputFormat == "a" { inputFormat = yqlib.FormatFromFilename(inputFilename) if outputFormat == "" || outputFormat == "auto" || outputFormat == "a" { outputFormat = yqlib.FormatFromFilename(inputFilename) } } else if outputFormat == "" || outputFormat == "auto" || outputFormat == "a" { // backwards compatibility - // before this was introduced, `yq -pcsv things.csv` // would produce *yaml* output. // outputFormat = yqlib.FormatFromFilename(inputFilename) if inputFilename != "-" { yqlib.GetLogger().Warning("yq default output is now 'auto' (based on the filename extension)") yqlib.GetLogger().Warning("For backwards compatibility 'yaml' has been set as the output format. Please use -oy to specify yaml, or drop the -p flag.", outputFormat) } outputFormat = "yaml" } outputFormatType, err := yqlib.OutputFormatFromString(outputFormat) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } yqlib.GetLogger().Debug("Using outputformat %v", outputFormat) if outputFormatType == yqlib.YamlOutputFormat || outputFormatType == yqlib.PropsOutputFormat { unwrapScalar = true } if unwrapScalarFlag.IsExplicitySet() { unwrapScalar = unwrapScalarFlag.IsSet() } //copy preference form global setting yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences.UnwrapScalar = unwrapScalar yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences.PrintDocSeparators = !noDocSeparators return expression, args, nil } func configureDecoder(evaluateTogether bool) (yqlib.Decoder, error) { yqlibInputFormat, err := yqlib.InputFormatFromString(inputFormat) if err != nil { return nil, err } yqlibDecoder, err := createDecoder(yqlibInputFormat, evaluateTogether) if yqlibDecoder == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no support for %s input format", inputFormat) } return yqlibDecoder, err } func createDecoder(format yqlib.InputFormat, evaluateTogether bool) (yqlib.Decoder, error) { switch format { case yqlib.XMLInputFormat: return yqlib.NewXMLDecoder(yqlib.ConfiguredXMLPreferences), nil case yqlib.PropertiesInputFormat: return yqlib.NewPropertiesDecoder(), nil case yqlib.JsonInputFormat: return yqlib.NewJSONDecoder(), nil case yqlib.CSVObjectInputFormat: return yqlib.NewCSVObjectDecoder(','), nil case yqlib.TSVObjectInputFormat: return yqlib.NewCSVObjectDecoder('\t'), nil case yqlib.YamlInputFormat: prefs := yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences prefs.EvaluateTogether = evaluateTogether return yqlib.NewYamlDecoder(prefs), nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid decoder: %v", format) } func configurePrinterWriter(format yqlib.PrinterOutputFormat, out io.Writer) (yqlib.PrinterWriter, error) { var printerWriter yqlib.PrinterWriter if splitFileExp != "" { colorsEnabled = forceColor splitExp, err := yqlib.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression(splitFileExp) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad split document expression: %w", err) } printerWriter = yqlib.NewMultiPrinterWriter(splitExp, format) } else { printerWriter = yqlib.NewSinglePrinterWriter(out) } return printerWriter, nil } func configureEncoder() (yqlib.Encoder, error) { yqlibOutputFormat, err := yqlib.OutputFormatFromString(outputFormat) if err != nil { return nil, err } yqlibEncoder, err := createEncoder(yqlibOutputFormat) if yqlibEncoder == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no support for %s output format", outputFormat) } return yqlibEncoder, err } func createEncoder(format yqlib.PrinterOutputFormat) (yqlib.Encoder, error) { switch format { case yqlib.JSONOutputFormat: return yqlib.NewJSONEncoder(indent, colorsEnabled, unwrapScalar), nil case yqlib.PropsOutputFormat: return yqlib.NewPropertiesEncoder(unwrapScalar), nil case yqlib.CSVOutputFormat: return yqlib.NewCsvEncoder(','), nil case yqlib.TSVOutputFormat: return yqlib.NewCsvEncoder('\t'), nil case yqlib.YamlOutputFormat: return yqlib.NewYamlEncoder(indent, colorsEnabled, yqlib.ConfiguredYamlPreferences), nil case yqlib.XMLOutputFormat: return yqlib.NewXMLEncoder(indent, yqlib.ConfiguredXMLPreferences), nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid encoder: %v", format) } // this is a hack to enable backwards compatibility with githubactions (which pipe /dev/null into everything) // and being able to call yq with the filename as a single parameter // // without this - yq detects there is stdin (thanks githubactions), // then tries to parse the filename as an expression func maybeFile(str string) bool { yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("checking '%v' is a file", str) stat, err := os.Stat(str) // #nosec result := err == nil && !stat.IsDir() if yqlib.GetLogger().IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) { if err != nil { yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("error: %v", err) } else { yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("error: %v, dir: %v", err, stat.IsDir()) } yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("result: %v", result) } return result } func processStdInArgs(args []string) []string { stat, _ := os.Stdin.Stat() pipingStdin := (stat.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) == 0 // if we've been given a file, don't automatically // read from stdin. // this happens if there is more than one argument // or only one argument and its a file if nullInput || !pipingStdin || len(args) > 1 || (len(args) > 0 && maybeFile(args[0])) { return args } for _, arg := range args { if arg == "-" { return args } } yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("missing '-', adding it to the end") // we're piping from stdin, but there's no '-' arg // lets add one to the end return append(args, "-") } func processArgs(originalArgs []string) (string, []string, error) { expression := forceExpression if expressionFile != "" { expressionBytes, err := os.ReadFile(expressionFile) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } expression = string(expressionBytes) } args := processStdInArgs(originalArgs) yqlib.GetLogger().Debugf("processed args: %v", args) if expression == "" && len(args) > 0 && args[0] != "-" && !maybeFile(args[0]) { yqlib.GetLogger().Debug("assuming expression is '%v'", args[0]) expression = args[0] args = args[1:] } return expression, args, nil }