package yqlib

import (


func yamlToString(candidate *CandidateNode, prefs encoderPreferences) (string, error) {
	var output bytes.Buffer
	log.Debug("printing with indent: %v", prefs.indent)

	printer := NewPrinterWithSingleWriter(bufio.NewWriter(&output), prefs.format, true, false, prefs.indent, true)
	err := printer.PrintResults(candidate.AsList())
	return output.String(), err

type encoderPreferences struct {
	format PrinterOutputFormat
	indent int

/* encodes object as yaml string */

func encodeOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) {
	preferences := expressionNode.Operation.Preferences.(encoderPreferences)
	var results = list.New()

	hasOnlyOneNewLine := regexp.MustCompile("[^\n].*\n$")
	endWithNewLine := regexp.MustCompile(".*\n$")
	chomper := regexp.MustCompile("\n+$")

	for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
		candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
		stringValue, err := yamlToString(candidate, preferences)

		if err != nil {
			return Context{}, err

		// remove trailing newlines if needed.
		// check if we originally decoded this path, and the original thing had a single line.
		originalList := context.GetVariable("decoded: " + candidate.GetKey())
		if originalList != nil && originalList.Len() > 0 && hasOnlyOneNewLine.MatchString(stringValue) {

			original := originalList.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode)
			originalNode := unwrapDoc(original.Node)
			// original block did not have a new line at the end, get rid of this one too
			if !endWithNewLine.MatchString(originalNode.Value) {
				stringValue = chomper.ReplaceAllString(stringValue, "")

		// dont print a new line when printing json on a single line.
		if (preferences.format == JsonOutputFormat && preferences.indent == 0) ||
			preferences.format == CsvOutputFormat ||
			preferences.format == TsvOutputFormat {
			stringValue = chomper.ReplaceAllString(stringValue, "")

		stringContentNode := &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Tag: "!!str", Value: stringValue}
	return context.ChildContext(results), nil

type decoderPreferences struct {
	format InputFormat

/* takes a string and decodes it back into an object */
func decodeOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) {

	preferences := expressionNode.Operation.Preferences.(decoderPreferences)

	var decoder Decoder
	switch preferences.format {
	case YamlInputFormat:
		decoder = NewYamlDecoder()
	case XmlInputFormat:
		decoder = NewXmlDecoder(XmlPreferences.AttributePrefix, XmlPreferences.ContentName)

	var results = list.New()
	for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
		candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)

		context.SetVariable("decoded: "+candidate.GetKey(), candidate.AsList())

		var dataBucket yaml.Node
		log.Debugf("got: [%v]", candidate.Node.Value)


		errorReading := decoder.Decode(&dataBucket)
		if errorReading != nil {
			return Context{}, errorReading
		//first node is a doc
		node := unwrapDoc(&dataBucket)

	return context.ChildContext(results), nil