package yqlib import ( "container/list" ) /* [Mike: cat, Bob: dog] [Thing: rabbit, peter: sam] ==> cross multiply {Mike: cat, Thing: rabbit} {Mike: cat, peter: sam} ... */ func collectObjectOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, originalContext Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) { log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation") context := originalContext.WritableClone() if context.MatchingNodes.Len() == 0 { candidate := &CandidateNode{Kind: MappingNode, Tag: "!!map", Value: "{}"} log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation - starting with empty map") return context.SingleChildContext(candidate), nil } first := context.MatchingNodes.Front().Value.(*CandidateNode) var rotated = make([]*list.List, len(first.Content)) for i := 0; i < len(first.Content); i++ { rotated[i] = list.New() } for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { candidateNode := el.Value.(*CandidateNode) for i := 0; i < len(first.Content); i++ { log.Debugf("rotate[%v] = %v", i, NodeToString(candidateNode.Content[i])) log.Debugf("children:\n%v", NodeContentToString(candidateNode.Content[i], 0)) rotated[i].PushBack(candidateNode.Content[i]) } } log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation, length of rotated is %v", len(rotated)) newObject := list.New() for i := 0; i < len(first.Content); i++ { additions, err := collect(d, context.ChildContext(list.New()), rotated[i]) if err != nil { return Context{}, err } // we should reset the parents and keys of these top level nodes, // as they are new for el := additions.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { addition := el.Value.(*CandidateNode) additionCopy := addition.Copy() additionCopy.SetParent(nil) additionCopy.Key = nil log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation, adding result %v", NodeToString(additionCopy)) newObject.PushBack(additionCopy) } } return context.ChildContext(newObject), nil } func collect(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, remainingMatches *list.List) (Context, error) { if remainingMatches.Len() == 0 { return context, nil } candidate := remainingMatches.Remove(remainingMatches.Front()).(*CandidateNode) log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation - collect %v", NodeToString(candidate)) splatted, err := splat(context.SingleChildContext(candidate), traversePreferences{DontFollowAlias: true, IncludeMapKeys: false}) if err != nil { return Context{}, err } if context.MatchingNodes.Len() == 0 { log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation - collect context is empty, next") return collect(d, splatted, remainingMatches) } newAgg := list.New() for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { aggCandidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode) for splatEl := splatted.MatchingNodes.Front(); splatEl != nil; splatEl = splatEl.Next() { splatCandidate := splatEl.Value.(*CandidateNode) log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation; splatCandidate: %v", NodeToString(splatCandidate)) newCandidate := aggCandidate.Copy() log.Debugf("-- collectObjectOperation; aggCandidate: %v", NodeToString(aggCandidate)) newCandidate, err = multiply(multiplyPreferences{AppendArrays: false})(d, context, newCandidate, splatCandidate) if err != nil { return Context{}, err } newAgg.PushBack(newCandidate) } } return collect(d, context.ChildContext(newAgg), remainingMatches) }