# Boolean Operators The `or` and `and` operators take two parameters and return a boolean result. `not` flips a boolean from true to false, or vice versa. `any` will return `true` if there are any `true` values in a array sequence, and `all` will return true if _all_ elements in an array are true. `any_c(condition)` and `all_c(condition)` are like `any` and `all` but they take a condition expression that is used against each element to determine if it's `true`. Note: in `jq` you can simply pass a condition to `any` or `all` and it simply works - `yq` isn't that clever..yet These are most commonly used with the `select` operator to filter particular nodes. ## Related Operators - equals / not equals (`==`, `!=`) operators [here](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/operators/equals) - comparison (`>=`, `<` etc) operators [here](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/operators/compare) - select operator [here](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/operators/select) ## `or` example Running ```bash yq --null-input 'true or false' ``` will output ```yaml true ``` ## "yes" and "no" are strings In the yaml 1.2 standard, support for yes/no as booleans was dropped - they are now considered strings. See ' Boolean' in https://yaml.org/spec/1.2.2/ Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml [yes, no] ``` then ```bash yq '.[] | tag' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml !!str !!str ``` ## `and` example Running ```bash yq --null-input 'true and false' ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## Matching nodes with select, equals and or Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml [{a: bird, b: dog}, {a: frog, b: bird}, {a: cat, b: fly}] ``` then ```bash yq '[.[] | select(.a == "cat" or .b == "dog")]' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml - {a: bird, b: dog} - {a: cat, b: fly} ``` ## `any` returns true if any boolean in a given array is true Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml [false, true] ``` then ```bash yq 'any' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml true ``` ## `any` returns false for an empty array Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml [] ``` then ```bash yq 'any' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## `any_c` returns true if any element in the array is true for the given condition. Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml a: - rad - awesome b: - meh - whatever ``` then ```bash yq '.[] |= any_c(. == "awesome")' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml a: true b: false ``` ## `all` returns true if all booleans in a given array are true Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml [true, true] ``` then ```bash yq 'all' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml true ``` ## `all` returns true for an empty array Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml [] ``` then ```bash yq 'all' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml true ``` ## `all_c` returns true if all elements in the array are true for the given condition. Given a sample.yml file of: ```yaml a: - rad - awesome b: - meh - 12 ``` then ```bash yq '.[] |= all_c(tag == "!!str")' sample.yml ``` will output ```yaml a: true b: false ``` ## Not true is false Running ```bash yq --null-input 'true | not' ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## Not false is true Running ```bash yq --null-input 'false | not' ``` will output ```yaml true ``` ## String values considered to be true Running ```bash yq --null-input '"cat" | not' ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## Empty string value considered to be true Running ```bash yq --null-input '"" | not' ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## Numbers are considered to be true Running ```bash yq --null-input '1 | not' ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## Zero is considered to be true Running ```bash yq --null-input '0 | not' ``` will output ```yaml false ``` ## Null is considered to be false Running ```bash yq --null-input '~ | not' ``` will output ```yaml true ```