# yaml yaml command line tool written in go Allows you to read (and soon update) yaml files given a yaml path. All in a lovely dependency free binary! [Download latest release](https://github.com/mikefarah/yaml/releases/latest) or alternatively install using go get: ``` go get github.com/mikefarah/yaml ``` ## Read examples ``` yaml ``` ### Basic Given a sample.yaml file of: ```yaml b: c: 2 ``` then ```bash yaml sample.yaml b.c ``` will output the value of '2'. ### Handling '.' in the yaml key Given a sample.yaml file of: ```yaml b.x: c: 2 ``` then ```bash yaml sample.yaml \"b.x\".c ``` will output the value of '2'. ### Arrays You can give an index to access a specific element: e.g.: given a sample file of ```yaml b: e: - name: fred value: 3 - name: sam value: 4 ``` then ``` yaml sample.yaml b.e[1].name ``` will output 'sam' ### Updating yaml Given a sample.yaml file of: ```yaml b: c: 2 ``` then ```bash yaml w sample.yaml b.c 'cat' ``` will output: ```yaml b: c: cat ```