yq (3.1-1ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium * yq 3 was removing empty inline-style objects and arrays (Closes: #355) * Merge option returned different output when switching order of merging files (Closes: #347) * Add new object to existing array object was failing in 3.1.1 (Closes: #361) * yq 3 empty keys did not allow merging of values (Closes: #356) * keys quoted during merge (Closes: #363) * Correct length with wc -l (Closes: #362) * Write to empty document removed path (Closes: #359) -- Roberto Mier Escandon Mon, 24 Feb 2020 20:31:58 +0100 yq (3.1-1) eoan; urgency=medium * Keeps yaml comments and formatting, can specify yaml tags when updating. * Handles anchors! https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/310, https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/178 * Can print out matching paths and values when splatting https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/20 * JSON output works for all commands! Yaml files with multiple documents are printed out as one JSON document per line. * Deep splat (**) to match arbitrary paths * Update scripts file format has changed to be more powerful * Reading and splatting, matching results are printed once per line * Bugfixing -- Roberto Mier Escandon Tue, 11 Feb 2020 22:18:24 +0100 yq (2.2-1) bionic; urgency=medium * Added Windows support for the "--inplace" command flag * Prefix now supports arrays * Add prefix command * Bump Alpine version to 3.8 * Improved docker build process * Lint fixes * Build support for all linux architectures supported by gox -- Roberto Mier Escandon Sat, 19 Jan 2019 15:50:47 +0100 yq (2.1-0) bionic; urgency=medium * Ability to read multiple documents in a single file * Ability to append list items instead of overwriting -- Roberto Mier Escandón Tue, 10 Jul 2018 14:02:42 +0200 yq (2.0-0) bionic; urgency=medium * Release 2.0.0 -- Roberto Mier Escandón Wed, 20 Jun 2018 10:29:53 +0200 yq (1.15-0) bionic; urgency=medium * Release 1.15 -- Roberto Mier Escandón Wed, 06 Jun 2018 11:32:03 +0200