# TOML Decode from TOML. Note that `yq` does not yet support outputting in TOML format (and therefore it cannot roundtrip) ## Parse: Simple Given a sample.toml file of: ```toml A = "hello" B = 12 ``` then ```bash yq -oy '.' sample.toml ``` will output ```yaml A: hello B: 12 ``` ## Parse: Deep paths Given a sample.toml file of: ```toml person.name = "hello" person.address = "12 cat st" ``` then ```bash yq -oy '.' sample.toml ``` will output ```yaml person: name: hello address: 12 cat st ``` ## Parse: inline table Given a sample.toml file of: ```toml name = { first = "Tom", last = "Preston-Werner" } ``` then ```bash yq -oy '.' sample.toml ``` will output ```yaml name: first: Tom last: Preston-Werner ``` ## Parse: Array Table Given a sample.toml file of: ```toml [owner.contact] name = "Tom Preston-Werner" age = 36 [[owner.addresses]] street = "first street" suburb = "ok" [[owner.addresses]] street = "second street" suburb = "nice" ``` then ```bash yq -oy '.' sample.toml ``` will output ```yaml owner: contact: name: Tom Preston-Werner age: 36 addresses: - street: first street suburb: ok - street: second street suburb: nice ``` ## Parse: with header Given a sample.toml file of: ```toml [servers] [servers.alpha] ip = "" ``` then ```bash yq -oy '.' sample.toml ``` will output ```yaml servers: alpha: ip: ```