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synced 2025-02-26 01:25:45 +00:00
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189 lines
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package yqlib
import (
func sortOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) {
selfExpression := &ExpressionNode{Operation: &Operation{OperationType: selfReferenceOpType}}
expressionNode.RHS = selfExpression
return sortByOperator(d, context, expressionNode)
// context represents the current matching nodes in the expression pipeline
// expressionNode is your current expression (sort_by)
func sortByOperator(d *dataTreeNavigator, context Context, expressionNode *ExpressionNode) (Context, error) {
results := list.New()
for el := context.MatchingNodes.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
candidate := el.Value.(*CandidateNode)
var sortableArray sortableNodeArray
if candidate.CanVisitValues() {
sortableArray = make(sortableNodeArray, 0)
visitor := func(valueNode *CandidateNode) error {
compareContext, err := d.GetMatchingNodes(context.SingleReadonlyChildContext(valueNode), expressionNode.RHS)
if err != nil {
return err
sortableNode := sortableNode{Node: valueNode, CompareContext: compareContext, dateTimeLayout: context.GetDateTimeLayout()}
sortableArray = append(sortableArray, sortableNode)
return nil
if err := candidate.VisitValues(visitor); err != nil {
return context, err
} else {
return context, fmt.Errorf("node at path [%v] is not an array or map (it's a %v)", candidate.GetNicePath(), candidate.Tag)
sortedList := candidate.CopyWithoutContent()
if candidate.Kind == MappingNode {
for _, sortedNode := range sortableArray {
sortedList.AddKeyValueChild(sortedNode.Node.Key, sortedNode.Node)
} else if candidate.Kind == SequenceNode {
for _, sortedNode := range sortableArray {
// convert array of value nodes back to map
return context.ChildContext(results), nil
type sortableNode struct {
Node *CandidateNode
CompareContext Context
dateTimeLayout string
type sortableNodeArray []sortableNode
func (a sortableNodeArray) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a sortableNodeArray) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a sortableNodeArray) Less(i, j int) bool {
lhsContext := a[i].CompareContext
rhsContext := a[j].CompareContext
rhsEl := rhsContext.MatchingNodes.Front()
for lhsEl := lhsContext.MatchingNodes.Front(); lhsEl != nil && rhsEl != nil; lhsEl = lhsEl.Next() {
lhs := lhsEl.Value.(*CandidateNode)
rhs := rhsEl.Value.(*CandidateNode)
result := a.compare(lhs, rhs, a[i].dateTimeLayout)
if result < 0 {
return true
} else if result > 0 {
return false
rhsEl = rhsEl.Next()
return lhsContext.MatchingNodes.Len() < rhsContext.MatchingNodes.Len()
func (a sortableNodeArray) compare(lhs *CandidateNode, rhs *CandidateNode, dateTimeLayout string) int {
lhsTag := lhs.Tag
rhsTag := rhs.Tag
if !strings.HasPrefix(lhsTag, "!!") {
// custom tag - we have to have a guess
lhsTag = lhs.guessTagFromCustomType()
if !strings.HasPrefix(rhsTag, "!!") {
// custom tag - we have to have a guess
rhsTag = rhs.guessTagFromCustomType()
isDateTime := lhsTag == "!!timestamp" && rhsTag == "!!timestamp"
layout := dateTimeLayout
// if the lhs is a string, it might be a timestamp in a custom format.
if lhsTag == "!!str" && layout != time.RFC3339 {
_, errLhs := parseDateTime(layout, lhs.Value)
_, errRhs := parseDateTime(layout, rhs.Value)
isDateTime = errLhs == nil && errRhs == nil
if lhsTag == "!!null" && rhsTag != "!!null" {
return -1
} else if lhsTag != "!!null" && rhsTag == "!!null" {
return 1
} else if lhsTag == "!!bool" && rhsTag != "!!bool" {
return -1
} else if lhsTag != "!!bool" && rhsTag == "!!bool" {
return 1
} else if lhsTag == "!!bool" && rhsTag == "!!bool" {
lhsTruthy := isTruthyNode(lhs)
rhsTruthy := isTruthyNode(rhs)
if lhsTruthy == rhsTruthy {
return 0
} else if lhsTruthy {
return 1
return -1
} else if isDateTime {
lhsTime, err := parseDateTime(layout, lhs.Value)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("Could not parse time %v with layout %v for sort, sorting by string instead: %w", lhs.Value, layout, err)
return strings.Compare(lhs.Value, rhs.Value)
rhsTime, err := parseDateTime(layout, rhs.Value)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("Could not parse time %v with layout %v for sort, sorting by string instead: %w", rhs.Value, layout, err)
return strings.Compare(lhs.Value, rhs.Value)
if lhsTime.Equal(rhsTime) {
return 0
} else if lhsTime.Before(rhsTime) {
return -1
return 1
} else if lhsTag == "!!int" && rhsTag == "!!int" {
_, lhsNum, err := parseInt64(lhs.Value)
if err != nil {
_, rhsNum, err := parseInt64(rhs.Value)
if err != nil {
return int(lhsNum - rhsNum)
} else if (lhsTag == "!!int" || lhsTag == "!!float") && (rhsTag == "!!int" || rhsTag == "!!float") {
lhsNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(lhs.Value, 64)
if err != nil {
rhsNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rhs.Value, 64)
if err != nil {
if lhsNum == rhsNum {
return 0
} else if lhsNum < rhsNum {
return -1
return 1
return strings.Compare(lhs.Value, rhs.Value)