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synced 2025-03-10 11:15:36 +00:00
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470 lines
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package yqlib
import (
const propertiesWithCommentsOnMap = `this.thing = hi hi
# important notes
# about this value
this.value = cool
const expectedPropertiesWithCommentsOnMapProps = `this.thing = hi hi
# important notes
# about this value
this.value = cool
const expectedPropertiesWithCommentsOnMapYaml = `this:
thing: hi hi
# important notes
# about this value
value: cool
const propertiesWithCommentInArray = `
this.array.0 = cat
# important notes
# about dogs
this.array.1 = dog
const expectedPropertiesWithCommentInArrayProps = `this.array.0 = cat
# important notes
# about dogs
this.array.1 = dog
const expectedPropertiesWithCommentInArrayYaml = `this:
- cat
# important notes
# about dogs
- dog
const samplePropertiesYaml = `# block comments come through
person: # neither do comments on maps
name: Mike Wazowski # comments on values appear
- cat # comments on array values appear
- nested:
- list entry
food: [pizza] # comments on arrays do not
emptyArray: []
emptyMap: []
const expectedPropertiesUnwrapped = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
person.name = Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
person.pets.0 = cat
person.pets.1.nested.0 = list entry
person.food.0 = pizza
const expectedPropertiesUnwrappedArrayBrackets = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
person.name = Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
person.pets[0] = cat
person.pets[1].nested[0] = list entry
person.food[0] = pizza
const expectedPropertiesUnwrappedCustomSeparator = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
person.name :@ Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
person.pets.0 :@ cat
person.pets.1.nested.0 :@ list entry
person.food.0 :@ pizza
const expectedPropertiesWrapped = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
person.name = "Mike Wazowski"
# comments on array values appear
person.pets.0 = cat
person.pets.1.nested.0 = "list entry"
person.food.0 = pizza
const expectedUpdatedProperties = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
person.name = Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
person.pets.0 = dog
person.pets.1.nested.0 = list entry
person.food.0 = pizza
const expectedDecodedYaml = `person:
# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
name: Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
- cat
- nested:
- list entry
- pizza
const expectedDecodedPersonYaml = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
name: Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
- cat
- nested:
- list entry
- pizza
const expectedPropertiesNoComments = `person.name = Mike Wazowski
person.pets.0 = cat
person.pets.1.nested.0 = list entry
person.food.0 = pizza
const expectedPropertiesWithEmptyMapsAndArrays = `# block comments come through
# comments on values appear
person.name = Mike Wazowski
# comments on array values appear
person.pets.0 = cat
person.pets.1.nested.0 = list entry
person.food.0 = pizza
emptyArray =
emptyMap =
var propertyScenarios = []formatScenario{
description: "Encode properties",
subdescription: "Note that empty arrays and maps are not encoded by default.",
input: samplePropertiesYaml,
expected: expectedPropertiesUnwrapped,
description: "Encode properties with array brackets",
subdescription: "Declare the --properties-array-brackets flag to give array paths in brackets (e.g. SpringBoot).",
input: samplePropertiesYaml,
expected: expectedPropertiesUnwrappedArrayBrackets,
scenarioType: "encode-array-brackets",
description: "Encode properties - custom separator",
subdescription: "Use the --properties-customer-separator flag to specify your own key/value separator.",
input: samplePropertiesYaml,
expected: expectedPropertiesUnwrappedCustomSeparator,
scenarioType: "encode-custom-separator",
description: "Encode properties: scalar encapsulation",
subdescription: "Note that string values with blank characters in them are encapsulated with double quotes",
input: samplePropertiesYaml,
expected: expectedPropertiesWrapped,
scenarioType: "encode-wrapped",
description: "Encode properties: no comments",
input: samplePropertiesYaml,
expected: expectedPropertiesNoComments,
expression: `... comments = ""`,
description: "Encode properties: include empty maps and arrays",
subdescription: "Use a yq expression to set the empty maps and sequences to your desired value.",
expression: `(.. | select( (tag == "!!map" or tag =="!!seq") and length == 0)) = ""`,
input: samplePropertiesYaml,
expected: expectedPropertiesWithEmptyMapsAndArrays,
description: "Decode properties",
input: expectedPropertiesUnwrapped,
expected: expectedDecodedYaml,
scenarioType: "decode",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Decode properties - keeps key information",
input: expectedPropertiesUnwrapped,
expression: ".person.name | key",
expected: "name\n",
scenarioType: "decode",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Decode properties - keeps parent information",
input: expectedPropertiesUnwrapped,
expression: ".person.name | parent",
expected: expectedDecodedPersonYaml,
scenarioType: "decode",
skipDoc: true,
description: "Decode properties - keeps path information",
input: expectedPropertiesUnwrapped,
expression: ".person.name | path",
expected: "- person\n- name\n",
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "Decode properties: numbers",
subdescription: "All values are assumed to be strings when parsing properties, but you can use the `from_yaml` operator on all the strings values to autoparse into the correct type.",
input: "a.b = 10",
expression: " (.. | select(tag == \"!!str\")) |= from_yaml",
expected: "a:\n b: 10\n",
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "Decode properties - array should be a map",
subdescription: "If you have a numeric map key in your property files, use array_to_map to convert them to maps.",
input: `things.10 = mike`,
expression: `.things |= array_to_map`,
expected: "things:\n 10: mike\n",
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "does not expand automatically",
skipDoc: true,
input: "mike = ${dontExpand} this",
expected: "mike: ${dontExpand} this\n",
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "print scalar",
skipDoc: true,
input: "mike = cat",
expression: ".mike",
expected: "cat\n",
scenarioType: "roundtrip",
description: "Roundtrip",
input: expectedPropertiesUnwrapped,
expression: `.person.pets.0 = "dog"`,
expected: expectedUpdatedProperties,
scenarioType: "roundtrip",
skipDoc: true,
description: "comments on arrays roundtrip",
input: propertiesWithCommentInArray,
expected: expectedPropertiesWithCommentInArrayProps,
scenarioType: "roundtrip",
skipDoc: true,
description: "comments on arrays decode",
input: propertiesWithCommentInArray,
expected: expectedPropertiesWithCommentInArrayYaml,
scenarioType: "decode",
skipDoc: true,
description: "comments on map roundtrip",
input: propertiesWithCommentsOnMap,
expected: expectedPropertiesWithCommentsOnMapProps,
scenarioType: "roundtrip",
skipDoc: true,
description: "comments on map decode",
input: propertiesWithCommentsOnMap,
expected: expectedPropertiesWithCommentsOnMapYaml,
scenarioType: "decode",
description: "Empty doc",
skipDoc: true,
input: "",
expected: "",
scenarioType: "decode",
func documentUnwrappedEncodePropertyScenario(w *bufio.Writer, s formatScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("## %v\n", s.description))
if s.subdescription != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, s.subdescription)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "Given a sample.yml file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```yaml\n%v\n```\n", s.input))
writeOrPanic(w, "then\n")
expression := s.expression
prefs := NewDefaultPropertiesPreferences()
useArrayBracketsFlag := ""
useCustomSeparatorFlag := ""
if s.scenarioType == "encode-array-brackets" {
useArrayBracketsFlag = " --properties-array-brackets"
prefs.UseArrayBrackets = true
} else if s.scenarioType == "encode-custom-separator" {
prefs.KeyValueSeparator = " :@ "
useCustomSeparatorFlag = ` --properties-customer-separator=" :@ "`
if expression != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\nyq -o=props%v%v '%v' sample.yml\n```\n", useArrayBracketsFlag, useCustomSeparatorFlag, expression))
} else {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\nyq -o=props%v%v sample.yml\n```\n", useArrayBracketsFlag, useCustomSeparatorFlag))
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
prefs.UnwrapScalar = true
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```properties\n%v```\n\n", mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences), NewPropertiesEncoder(prefs))))
func documentWrappedEncodePropertyScenario(w *bufio.Writer, s formatScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("## %v\n", s.description))
if s.subdescription != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, s.subdescription)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "Given a sample.yml file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```yaml\n%v\n```\n", s.input))
writeOrPanic(w, "then\n")
expression := s.expression
if expression != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\nyq -o=props --unwrapScalar=false '%v' sample.yml\n```\n", expression))
} else {
writeOrPanic(w, "```bash\nyq -o=props --unwrapScalar=false sample.yml\n```\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
prefs := ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences.Copy()
prefs.UnwrapScalar = false
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```properties\n%v```\n\n", mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences), NewPropertiesEncoder(prefs))))
func documentDecodePropertyScenario(w *bufio.Writer, s formatScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("## %v\n", s.description))
if s.subdescription != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, s.subdescription)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "Given a sample.properties file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```properties\n%v\n```\n", s.input))
writeOrPanic(w, "then\n")
expression := s.expression
if expression != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\nyq -p=props '%v' sample.properties\n```\n", expression))
} else {
writeOrPanic(w, "```bash\nyq -p=props sample.properties\n```\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```yaml\n%v```\n\n", mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewPropertiesDecoder(), NewYamlEncoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences))))
func documentRoundTripPropertyScenario(w *bufio.Writer, s formatScenario) {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("## %v\n", s.description))
if s.subdescription != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, s.subdescription)
writeOrPanic(w, "\n\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "Given a sample.properties file of:\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```properties\n%v\n```\n", s.input))
writeOrPanic(w, "then\n")
expression := s.expression
if expression != "" {
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```bash\nyq -p=props -o=props '%v' sample.properties\n```\n", expression))
} else {
writeOrPanic(w, "```bash\nyq -p=props -o=props sample.properties\n```\n")
writeOrPanic(w, "will output\n")
writeOrPanic(w, fmt.Sprintf("```properties\n%v```\n\n", mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewPropertiesDecoder(), NewPropertiesEncoder(ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences))))
func documentPropertyScenario(_ *testing.T, w *bufio.Writer, i interface{}) {
s := i.(formatScenario)
if s.skipDoc {
switch s.scenarioType {
case "", "encode-array-brackets", "encode-custom-separator":
documentUnwrappedEncodePropertyScenario(w, s)
case "decode":
documentDecodePropertyScenario(w, s)
case "encode-wrapped":
documentWrappedEncodePropertyScenario(w, s)
case "roundtrip":
documentRoundTripPropertyScenario(w, s)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled scenario type %q", s.scenarioType))
func TestPropertyScenarios(t *testing.T) {
for _, s := range propertyScenarios {
switch s.scenarioType {
case "":
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences), NewPropertiesEncoder(ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences)), s.description)
case "decode":
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewPropertiesDecoder(), NewYamlEncoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences)), s.description)
case "encode-wrapped":
prefs := ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences.Copy()
prefs.UnwrapScalar = false
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences), NewPropertiesEncoder(prefs)), s.description)
case "encode-array-brackets":
prefs := ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences.Copy()
prefs.KeyValueSeparator = " = "
prefs.UseArrayBrackets = true
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences), NewPropertiesEncoder(prefs)), s.description)
case "encode-custom-separator":
prefs := ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences.Copy()
prefs.KeyValueSeparator = " :@ "
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewYamlDecoder(ConfiguredYamlPreferences), NewPropertiesEncoder(prefs)), s.description)
case "roundtrip":
test.AssertResultWithContext(t, s.expected, mustProcessFormatScenario(s, NewPropertiesDecoder(), NewPropertiesEncoder(ConfiguredPropertiesPreferences)), s.description)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled scenario type %q", s.scenarioType))
genericScenarios := make([]interface{}, len(propertyScenarios))
for i, s := range propertyScenarios {
genericScenarios[i] = s
documentScenarios(t, "usage", "properties", genericScenarios, documentPropertyScenario)