mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 02:58:54 +00:00

* Remove extra backtick * Reword explanation of update * Reword explanation of relative update * Change "remaple" to "remain" * Change "clovver" to "clobber" * Reword explanation of update for comment operators * Reword explanation of relative update for comment operators * Change "array" to "expression" * Change "the golangs" to "Golang's" * Change "golangs" to "Golang's" * Change "can durations" to "can add durations" * Change "array scalars" to "arrays" * Change "beit" to "be it" * Fix typo in `eval` tip * Fix typo in header for `has` operation * Add space before pipe in `line` operator example * Fix typos in explanation of deep array merges * Change "is now used" to "is now used." * Change "object," to "object." * Changes "indexes" to "indices" * Remove extraneous copied text from `..` article * Reword explanation of `...` operator * Change "your are" to "you are" * Add link to `string` operator docs in `select` article * Change "is a" to "parameter specifies" in `string` operators article * Change "new line" to "newline" * Change "golang regex" to "Golang's regex" * Change "golang" to "Golang" * Add period * Remove comma in `subtract` article * Remove duplicate number subtraction example * Remove comma in `traverse` operator article * Clarify use of brackets when `read`ing with special characters
211 lines
7.6 KiB
211 lines
7.6 KiB
yq (4.16.2) focal; urgency=medium
* Fixed with semicolon space issue
* Updating with documentation
* Added STDIN example to the top
* minor readme cleanup
* Help text tweak
* Fixed docker timeout - simplify docker builds
* New release with docker build fixes
* Updating to go 1.17 to fix CVE #944
* Fix a typo in root.go
* Skip the tests if the nocheck Debian build option is specified
* Fixed select bug (#958)
* Sped up explode operator
* Slight performance improvement to context.ChildContext
* Speed up multiply
* Update README with recently added / changed options
* Make deepMatch report in linear time
* Removed leadingContentPreProcessing flag - header preprocessing is stable
* Revert "Removed leadingContentPreProcessing flag - header preprocessing is stable"
* Keep flag, it is needed in corner cases
* Updated Readme
* Man page
* Fixed expression parsing bug #970
* Bumping go-lang, docker versions
* Added test release flow
* Updated github action release to generate man page
* Bumping version
* Removing no longer needed github action
* Added decoder op
* Fixed newline handling when decoding/encoding
* Fixed newline handling in encoder/decoder
* Can specify indent in encode ops
* Added group_by operator
* Added flatten operator
* Fixed flatten error message
* Improving docs
* Split printer
* Refactored command logic
* Fix JSON encoding removing null #985
* Fixed acceptance tests
* gitbook
* Update document generation script
* Updating README
* Updating release instructions
* github action no longer uses data1.yml
* Create dependabot.yml
* Bump actions/create-release from 1.0.0 to 1.1.4
* Bump actions/setup-go from 1 to 2.1.4
* Bump github.com/goccy/go-yaml from 1.8.9 to 1.9.4
* Bump github.com/jinzhu/copier from 0.2.8 to 0.3.2
* Bump github.com/fatih/color from 1.10.0 to 1.13.0
* Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1
* Update dependabot.yml
* Update go.yml
* add build check to PRs
* Include secure as part of build process
* Fixing bad label in github action
* fixed printer test
* remove leading content indicator
* Fixed header preprocessing!
* lint : define golangci configuration file
* Update check.sh
* Load file acceptance test
* Minor improvement on handling front matter
* Improved load doc
* feature: detect MANPATh and install there
* Update install-man-page.sh
* simplify prod stage, move version label to action
* add labels, quote some values
* enable errorlint linter
* Added errorlint to devtools
* Added key operator
* Added more tests
* Fixing comments
* Attempt to fix golint problem
* Include version query for tools
* Clean up errored file?
* enable misspell linter
* updated readme
* update Golangci version to v1.43.0
* gci linter
* Better merge array by key example
* Added credit for merge by array example
* Better formatting of merge arrays example
* Better merge example
* Add accessor for the yq logger instance (#1013)
* Fixed collect op when working with multiple nodes
* Added map, map_values
* Add support for Podman as well as Docker (#1026)
* Bump github.com/jinzhu/copier from 0.3.2 to 0.3.4 (#1027)
* Added csv, tsv output formats
* Added encoder tests
* Cleanup test
* Fixed docker permission issue #1014
* Recording release notes for next release
* Assignment op no longer clobbers anchor (#1029)
* Added sort_by operator
* Improved error message
* Improved tips and tricks
* Report while filename failed to parse #1030
* Added script for extracting checksums
* Improved extract-checksum.sh
* Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#1039)
* enable more linters (#1043)
* Bump Golang compiler #1037
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Tue, 21 Dec 2021 09:41:44 +0000
yq (4.13.0) focal; urgency=medium
* New `with` operator for making multiple changes to a given path
* New `contains` operator, works like the `jq` equivalent
* Subtract operator now supports subtracting elements from arrays!
* Fixed Swapping values using variables #934
* Github Action now properly supports multiline output #936, thanks @pjxiao
* Fixed missing closing bracket validation #932
* Fix processing of hex numbers #929
* Fixed alternative and union operator issues #930
* Can now convert yaml to properties properties format (`-o=props`), See [docs](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/v/v4.x/usage/properties) for more info.
* Fixed document header/footer comment handling when merging (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/919)
* pretty print yaml 1.1 compatibility (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/914)
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Thu, 16 Sep 2021 20:58:30 +0200
yq (4.9.6) focal; urgency=medium
* Added darwin/arm64 build, thanks @alecthomas
* Incremented docker alpine base version, thanks @da6d6i7-bronga
* Bug fix: multine expression
* Bug fix: special character
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Tue, 29 Jun 2021 21:32:14 +0200
yq (3.3.2) focal; urgency=medium
* Bug fix: existStatus bug (#459)
* Automatically makes a os temp directory if it does not exist (#461)
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Fri, 07 Aug 2020 18:53:01 +0200
yq (3.3-0) focal; urgency=medium
* You can control string styles (quotes) using the new --style flag
* String values now always have quotes when outputting to json
* Negative array indices now traverse the array backwards
* Added a --stripComments flag to print yaml without any comments
* Bumped go to version 1.14
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:45:44 +0200
yq (3.1-2) eoan; urgency=medium
* Bug fix: yq 3 was removing empty inline-style objects and arrays (#355)
* Bug fix: Merge option returned different output when switching order of
merging files(#347)
* Bug fix: Add new object to existing array object was failing in 3.1.1 (#361)
* Bug fix: yq 3 empty keys did not allow merging of values (#356)
* Bug fix: keys quoted during merge (#363)
* Bug fix: Correct length with wc -l (#362)
* Bug fix: Write to empty document removed path (#359)
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Mon, 24 Feb 2020 20:31:58 +0100
yq (3.1-1) eoan; urgency=medium
* Keeps yaml comments and formatting, can specify yaml tags when updating.
* Handles anchors
* Can print out matching paths and values when splatting
* JSON output works for all commands
* Yaml files with multiple documents are printed out as one JSON
document per line.
* Deep splat (**) to match arbitrary paths
* Update scripts file format has changed to be more powerful
* Reading and splatting, matching results are printed once per line
* Bugfixing
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Tue, 11 Feb 2020 22:18:24 +0100
yq (2.2-1) bionic; urgency=medium
* Added Windows support for the "--inplace" command flag
* Prefix now supports arrays
* Add prefix command
* Bump Alpine version to 3.8
* Improved docker build process
* Lint fixes
* Build support for all linux architectures supported by gox
-- Roberto Mier Escandon <rmescandon@gmail.com> Sat, 19 Jan 2019 15:50:47 +0100
yq (2.1-0) bionic; urgency=medium
* Ability to read multiple documents in a single file
* Ability to append list items instead of overwriting
-- Roberto Mier Escandón <rmescandon@gmail.com> Tue, 10 Jul 2018 14:02:42 +0200
yq (2.0-0) bionic; urgency=medium
* Release 2.0.0
-- Roberto Mier Escandón <rmescandon@gmail.com> Wed, 20 Jun 2018 10:29:53 +0200
yq (1.15-0) bionic; urgency=medium
* Release 1.15
-- Roberto Mier Escandón <rmescandon@gmail.com> Wed, 06 Jun 2018 11:32:03 +0200