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726 lines
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726 lines
22 KiB
package main
import (
errors "github.com/pkg/errors"
logging "gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1"
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3"
var customTag = ""
var printMode = "v"
var writeInplace = false
var writeScript = ""
var overwriteFlag = false
var allowEmptyFlag = false
var appendFlag = false
var verbose = false
var version = false
var docIndex = "0"
var log = logging.MustGetLogger("yq")
var lib = yqlib.NewYqLib(log)
var valueParser = yqlib.NewValueParser(log)
func main() {
cmd := newCommandCLI()
if err := cmd.Execute(); err != nil {
func newCommandCLI() *cobra.Command {
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "yq",
Short: "yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor.",
Long: `yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor. It aims to be the jq or sed of yaml files.`,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if version {
return nil
return nil
PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var format = logging.MustStringFormatter(
`%{color}%{time:15:04:05} %{shortfunc} [%{level:.4s}]%{color:reset} %{message}`,
var backend = logging.AddModuleLevel(
logging.NewBackendFormatter(logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0), format))
if verbose {
backend.SetLevel(logging.DEBUG, "")
} else {
backend.SetLevel(logging.ERROR, "")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose mode")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&version, "version", "V", false, "Print version information and quit")
return rootCmd
func createReadCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdRead = &cobra.Command{
Use: "read [yaml_file] [path]",
Aliases: []string{"r"},
Short: "yq r [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
Example: `
yq read things.yaml a.b.c
yq r - a.b.c (reads from stdin)
yq r things.yaml a.*.c
yq r -d1 things.yaml a.array[0].blah
yq r things.yaml a.array[*].blah
yq r -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dashes
Long: "Outputs the value of the given path in the yaml file to STDOUT",
RunE: readProperty,
cmdRead.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
cmdRead.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&printMode, "printMode", "p", "v", "print mode (v (values, default), k (keys), kv (key and value pairs)")
return cmdRead
func createWriteCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdWrite = &cobra.Command{
Use: "write [yaml_file] [path] [value]",
Aliases: []string{"w"},
Short: "yq w [--inplace/-i] [--script/-s script_file] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c newValue",
Example: `
yq write things.yaml a.b.c cat
yq write --inplace -- things.yaml a.b.c --cat
yq w -i things.yaml a.b.c cat
yq w --script update_script.yaml things.yaml
yq w -i -s update_script.yaml things.yaml
yq w --doc 2 things.yaml a.b.d[+] foo
yq w -d2 things.yaml a.b.d[+] foo
Long: `Updates the yaml file w.r.t the given path and value.
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
Append value to array adds the value to the end of array.
Update Scripts:
Note that you can give an update script to perform more sophisticated updated. Update script
format is a yaml map where the key is the path and the value is..well the value. e.g.:
a.b.c: true,
- name: bob
RunE: writeProperty,
cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&writeScript, "script", "s", "", "yaml script for updating yaml")
cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&customTag, "tag", "t", "", "set yaml tag (e.g. !!int)")
cmdWrite.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdWrite
func createPrefixCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdPrefix = &cobra.Command{
Use: "prefix [yaml_file] [path]",
Aliases: []string{"p"},
Short: "yq p [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
Example: `
yq prefix things.yaml a.b.c
yq prefix --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
yq prefix --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
yq p -i things.yaml a.b.c
yq p --doc 2 things.yaml a.b.d
yq p -d2 things.yaml a.b.d
Long: `Prefixes w.r.t to the yaml file at the given path.
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
RunE: prefixProperty,
cmdPrefix.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdPrefix.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdPrefix
func createDeleteCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdDelete = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete [yaml_file] [path]",
Aliases: []string{"d"},
Short: "yq d [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] sample.yaml a.b.c",
Example: `
yq delete things.yaml a.b.c
yq delete --inplace things.yaml a.b.c
yq delete --inplace -- things.yaml --key-starting-with-dash
yq d -i things.yaml a.b.c
yq d things.yaml a.b.c
Long: `Deletes the given path from the YAML file.
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
RunE: deleteProperty,
cmdDelete.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
cmdDelete.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdDelete
func createNewCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdNew = &cobra.Command{
Use: "new [path] [value]",
Aliases: []string{"n"},
Short: "yq n [--script/-s script_file] a.b.c newValue",
Example: `
yq new a.b.c cat
yq n a.b.c cat
yq n -- --key-starting-with-dash cat
yq n --script create_script.yaml
Long: `Creates a new yaml w.r.t the given path and value.
Outputs to STDOUT
Create Scripts:
Note that you can give a create script to perform more sophisticated yaml. This follows the same format as the update script.
RunE: newProperty,
cmdNew.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&writeScript, "script", "s", "", "yaml script for updating yaml")
return cmdNew
func createMergeCmd() *cobra.Command {
var cmdMerge = &cobra.Command{
Use: "merge [initial_yaml_file] [additional_yaml_file]...",
Aliases: []string{"m"},
Short: "yq m [--inplace/-i] [--doc/-d index] [--overwrite/-x] [--append/-a] sample.yaml sample2.yaml",
Example: `
yq merge things.yaml other.yaml
yq merge --inplace things.yaml other.yaml
yq m -i things.yaml other.yaml
yq m --overwrite things.yaml other.yaml
yq m -i -x things.yaml other.yaml
yq m -i -a things.yaml other.yaml
Long: `Updates the yaml file by adding/updating the path(s) and value(s) from additional yaml file(s).
Outputs to STDOUT unless the inplace flag is used, in which case the file is updated instead.
If overwrite flag is set then existing values will be overwritten using the values from each additional yaml file.
If append flag is set then existing arrays will be merged with the arrays from each additional yaml file.
Note that if you set both flags only overwrite will take effect.
RunE: mergeProperties,
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&writeInplace, "inplace", "i", false, "update the yaml file inplace")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&overwriteFlag, "overwrite", "x", false, "update the yaml file by overwriting existing values")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&appendFlag, "append", "a", false, "update the yaml file by appending array values")
// cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&allowEmptyFlag, "allow-empty", "e", false, "allow empty yaml files")
cmdMerge.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&docIndex, "doc", "d", "0", "process document index number (0 based, * for all documents)")
return cmdMerge
func readProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var path = ""
if len(args) < 1 {
return errors.New("Must provide filename")
} else if len(args) > 1 {
path = args[1]
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var matchingNodes []*yqlib.VisitedNode
var currentIndex = 0
var errorReadingStream = readStream(args[0], func(decoder *yaml.Decoder) error {
for {
var dataBucket yaml.Node
errorReading := decoder.Decode(&dataBucket)
if errorReading == io.EOF {
return handleEOF(updateAll, docIndexInt, currentIndex)
var errorParsing error
matchingNodes, errorParsing = appendDocument(matchingNodes, dataBucket, path, updateAll, docIndexInt, currentIndex)
if errorParsing != nil {
return errorParsing
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
if errorReadingStream != nil {
return errorReadingStream
return printResults(matchingNodes, cmd)
func handleEOF(updateAll bool, docIndexInt int, currentIndex int) error {
log.Debugf("done %v / %v", currentIndex, docIndexInt)
if !updateAll && currentIndex <= docIndexInt {
return fmt.Errorf("asked to process document index %v but there are only %v document(s)", docIndex, currentIndex)
return nil
func appendDocument(originalMatchingNodes []*yqlib.VisitedNode, dataBucket yaml.Node, path string, updateAll bool, docIndexInt int, currentIndex int) ([]*yqlib.VisitedNode, error) {
log.Debugf("processing document %v - requested index %v", currentIndex, docIndexInt)
if !updateAll && currentIndex != docIndexInt {
return originalMatchingNodes, nil
log.Debugf("reading %v in document %v", path, currentIndex)
matchingNodes, errorParsing := lib.Get(&dataBucket, path)
if errorParsing != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(errorParsing, "Error reading path in document index %v", currentIndex)
return append(originalMatchingNodes, matchingNodes...), nil
func pathToString(pathStack []interface{}) string {
var sb strings.Builder
for index, path := range pathStack {
switch path.(type) {
case int:
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", path))
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", path))
if index < len(pathStack)-1 {
return sb.String()
func printValue(node *yaml.Node, cmd *cobra.Command) error {
if node.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode {
return nil
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(cmd.OutOrStdout())
if err := encoder.Encode(node); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func printResults(matchingNodes []*yqlib.VisitedNode, cmd *cobra.Command) error {
if len(matchingNodes) == 0 {
log.Debug("no matching results, nothing to print")
return nil
for index, mappedDoc := range matchingNodes {
switch printMode {
case "k":
if index < len(matchingNodes)-1 {
case "kv", "vk":
// put it into a node and print that.
var parentNode = yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.MappingNode}
parentNode.Content = make([]*yaml.Node, 2)
parentNode.Content[0] = &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: pathToString(mappedDoc.PathStack)}
parentNode.Content[1] = mappedDoc.Node
if err := printValue(&parentNode, cmd); err != nil {
return err
if err := printValue(mappedDoc.Node, cmd); err != nil {
return err
// Printing our Scalars does not print a new line at the end
// we only want to do that if there are more values (so users can easily script extraction of values in the yaml)
if index < len(matchingNodes)-1 && mappedDoc.Node.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode {
return nil
func parseDocumentIndex() (bool, int, error) {
if docIndex == "*" {
return true, -1, nil
docIndexInt64, err := strconv.ParseInt(docIndex, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return false, -1, errors.Wrapf(err, "Document index %v is not a integer or *", docIndex)
return false, int(docIndexInt64), nil
type updateDataFn func(dataBucket *yaml.Node, currentIndex int) error
func mapYamlDecoder(updateData updateDataFn, encoder *yaml.Encoder) yamlDecoderFn {
return func(decoder *yaml.Decoder) error {
var dataBucket yaml.Node
var errorReading error
var errorWriting error
var errorUpdating error
var currentIndex = 0
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
for {
log.Debugf("Read doc %v", currentIndex)
errorReading = decoder.Decode(&dataBucket)
if errorReading == io.EOF {
if !updateAll && currentIndex <= docIndexInt {
return fmt.Errorf("asked to process document index %v but there are only %v document(s)", docIndex, currentIndex)
return nil
} else if errorReading != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorReading, "Error reading document at index %v, %v", currentIndex, errorReading)
errorUpdating = updateData(&dataBucket, currentIndex)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorUpdating, "Error updating document at index %v", currentIndex)
errorWriting = encoder.Encode(&dataBucket)
if errorWriting != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorWriting, "Error writing document at index %v, %v", currentIndex, errorWriting)
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
func writeProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var updateCommands, updateCommandsError = readUpdateCommands(args, 3, "Must provide <filename> <path_to_update> <value>")
if updateCommandsError != nil {
return updateCommandsError
return updateDoc(args[0], updateCommands, cmd.OutOrStdout())
func mergeProperties(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// first generate update commands from the file
return nil
func newProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var updateCommands, updateCommandsError = readUpdateCommands(args, 2, "Must provide <path_to_update> <value>")
if updateCommandsError != nil {
return updateCommandsError
newNode := lib.New(updateCommands[0].Path)
for _, updateCommand := range updateCommands {
errorUpdating := lib.Update(&newNode, updateCommand)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errorUpdating
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(cmd.OutOrStdout())
return nil
func prefixProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <prefixed_path>")
updateCommand := yqlib.UpdateCommand{Command: "update", Path: args[1]}
log.Debugf("args %v", args)
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var updateData = func(dataBucket *yaml.Node, currentIndex int) error {
return prefixDocument(updateAll, docIndexInt, currentIndex, dataBucket, updateCommand)
return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), args[0], updateData)
func prefixDocument(updateAll bool, docIndexInt int, currentIndex int, dataBucket *yaml.Node, updateCommand yqlib.UpdateCommand) error {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Prefixing document %v", currentIndex)
updateCommand.Value = dataBucket.Content[0]
dataBucket.Content = make([]*yaml.Node, 1)
newNode := lib.New(updateCommand.Path)
dataBucket.Content[0] = &newNode
errorUpdating := lib.Update(dataBucket, updateCommand)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errorUpdating
return nil
func deleteProperty(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("Must provide <filename> <path_to_delete>")
var updateCommands []yqlib.UpdateCommand = make([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, 1)
updateCommands[0] = yqlib.UpdateCommand{Command: "delete", Path: args[1]}
return updateDoc(args[0], updateCommands, cmd.OutOrStdout())
func updateDoc(inputFile string, updateCommands []yqlib.UpdateCommand, writer io.Writer) error {
var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
return errorParsingDocIndex
var updateData = func(dataBucket *yaml.Node, currentIndex int) error {
if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
log.Debugf("Updating doc %v", currentIndex)
for _, updateCommand := range updateCommands {
errorUpdating := lib.Update(dataBucket, updateCommand)
if errorUpdating != nil {
return errorUpdating
return nil
return readAndUpdate(writer, inputFile, updateData)
func readAndUpdate(stdOut io.Writer, inputFile string, updateData updateDataFn) error {
var destination io.Writer
var destinationName string
if writeInplace {
info, err := os.Stat(inputFile)
if err != nil {
return err
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "temp")
if err != nil {
return err
destinationName = tempFile.Name()
err = os.Chmod(destinationName, info.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
destination = tempFile
defer func() {
safelyRenameFile(tempFile.Name(), inputFile)
} else {
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(stdOut)
destination = writer
destinationName = "Stdout"
defer safelyFlush(writer)
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(destination)
log.Debugf("Writing to %v from %v", destinationName, inputFile)
return readStream(inputFile, mapYamlDecoder(updateData, encoder))
// func mergeProperties(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// if len(args) < 2 {
// return errors.New("Must provide at least 2 yaml files")
// }
// var input = args[0]
// var filesToMerge = args[1:]
// var updateAll, docIndexInt, errorParsingDocIndex = parseDocumentIndex()
// if errorParsingDocIndex != nil {
// return errorParsingDocIndex
// }
// var updateData = func(dataBucket interface{}, currentIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
// if updateAll || currentIndex == docIndexInt {
// log.Debugf("Merging doc %v", currentIndex)
// var mergedData map[interface{}]interface{}
// // merge only works for maps, so put everything in a temporary
// // map
// var mapDataBucket = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
// mapDataBucket["root"] = dataBucket
// if err := lib.Merge(&mergedData, mapDataBucket, overwriteFlag, appendFlag); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// for _, f := range filesToMerge {
// var fileToMerge interface{}
// if err := readData(f, 0, &fileToMerge); err != nil {
// if allowEmptyFlag && err == io.EOF {
// continue
// }
// return nil, err
// }
// mapDataBucket["root"] = fileToMerge
// if err := lib.Merge(&mergedData, mapDataBucket, overwriteFlag, appendFlag); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
// return mergedData["root"], nil
// }
// return dataBucket, nil
// }
// return readAndUpdate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), input, updateData)
// }
type updateCommandParsed struct {
Command string
Path string
Value yaml.Node
func readUpdateCommands(args []string, expectedArgs int, badArgsMessage string) ([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, error) {
var updateCommands []yqlib.UpdateCommand = make([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, 0)
if writeScript != "" {
var parsedCommands = make([]updateCommandParsed, 0)
if err := readData(writeScript, 0, &parsedCommands); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Read write commands file '%v'", parsedCommands)
for index := range parsedCommands {
parsedCommand := parsedCommands[index]
updateCommand := yqlib.UpdateCommand{Command: parsedCommand.Command, Path: parsedCommand.Path, Value: &parsedCommand.Value}
updateCommands = append(updateCommands, updateCommand)
log.Debugf("Read write commands file '%v'", updateCommands)
} else if len(args) < expectedArgs {
return nil, errors.New(badArgsMessage)
} else {
updateCommands = make([]yqlib.UpdateCommand, 1)
log.Debug("args %v", args)
log.Debug("path %v", args[expectedArgs-2])
log.Debug("Value %v", args[expectedArgs-1])
updateCommands[0] = yqlib.UpdateCommand{Command: "update", Path: args[expectedArgs-2], Value: valueParser.Parse(args[expectedArgs-1], customTag)}
return updateCommands, nil
func safelyRenameFile(from string, to string) {
if renameError := os.Rename(from, to); renameError != nil {
log.Debugf("Error renaming from %v to %v, attempting to copy contents", from, to)
// can't do this rename when running in docker to a file targeted in a mounted volume,
// so gracefully degrade to copying the entire contents.
if copyError := copyFileContents(from, to); copyError != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed copying from %v to %v", from, to)
} else {
removeErr := os.Remove(from)
if removeErr != nil {
log.Errorf("failed removing original file: %s", from)
// thanks https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21060945/simple-way-to-copy-a-file-in-golang
func copyFileContents(src, dst string) (err error) {
in, err := os.Open(src) // nolint gosec
if err != nil {
return err
defer safelyCloseFile(in)
out, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer safelyCloseFile(out)
if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
return err
return out.Sync()
func safelyFlush(writer *bufio.Writer) {
if err := writer.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Error("Error flushing writer!")
func safelyCloseFile(file *os.File) {
err := file.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error closing file!")
type yamlDecoderFn func(*yaml.Decoder) error
func readStream(filename string, yamlDecoder yamlDecoderFn) error {
if filename == "" {
return errors.New("Must provide filename")
var stream io.Reader
if filename == "-" {
stream = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
} else {
file, err := os.Open(filename) // nolint gosec
if err != nil {
return err
defer safelyCloseFile(file)
stream = file
return yamlDecoder(yaml.NewDecoder(stream))
func readData(filename string, indexToRead int, parsedData interface{}) error {
return readStream(filename, func(decoder *yaml.Decoder) error {
for currentIndex := 0; currentIndex < indexToRead; currentIndex++ {
errorSkipping := decoder.Decode(parsedData)
if errorSkipping != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errorSkipping, "Error processing document at index %v, %v", currentIndex, errorSkipping)
return decoder.Decode(parsedData)