
157 lines
4.4 KiB

package yqlib
import (
lex "github.com/timtadh/lexmachine"
var precedenceMap map[int]int
type PathElementType uint32
const (
PathKey PathElementType = 1 << iota
type OperationType uint32
const (
None OperationType = 1 << iota
type PathElement struct {
PathElementType PathElementType
OperationType OperationType
Value interface{}
ChildElements [][]*PathElement
Finished bool
// debugging purposes only
func (p *PathElement) toString() string {
var result string = `Type: `
switch p.PathElementType {
case PathKey:
result = result + fmt.Sprintf("PathKey - %v", p.Value)
for _, next := range p.ChildElements[0] {
result = result + fmt.Sprintf(".%v", next.Value)
result = result + "\n"
case ArrayIndex:
result = result + fmt.Sprintf("ArrayIndex - %v\n", p.Value)
case Operation:
result = result + "Operation - "
switch p.OperationType {
case Or:
result = result + "OR\n"
case And:
result = result + "AND\n"
case Equals:
result = result + "EQUALS\n"
return result
var operationTypeMapper map[int]OperationType
func initMaps() {
precedenceMap = make(map[int]int)
operationTypeMapper = make(map[int]OperationType)
precedenceMap[TokenIds["("]] = 0
precedenceMap[TokenIds["OR_OPERATOR"]] = 10
operationTypeMapper[TokenIds["OR_OPERATOR"]] = Or
precedenceMap[TokenIds["AND_OPERATOR"]] = 20
operationTypeMapper[TokenIds["AND_OPERATOR"]] = And
precedenceMap[TokenIds["EQUALS_OPERATOR"]] = 30
operationTypeMapper[TokenIds["EQUALS_OPERATOR"]] = Equals
func createOperationPathElement(opToken *lex.Token) PathElement {
var childElements = make([][]*PathElement, 2)
var pathElement = PathElement{PathElementType: Operation, OperationType: operationTypeMapper[opToken.Type], ChildElements: childElements}
return pathElement
type PathPostFixer interface {
ConvertToPostfix([]*lex.Token) ([]*PathElement, error)
type pathPostFixer struct {
func NewPathPostFixer() PathPostFixer {
return &pathPostFixer{}
func popOpToResult(opStack []*lex.Token, result []*PathElement) ([]*lex.Token, []*PathElement) {
var operatorToPushToPostFix *lex.Token
opStack, operatorToPushToPostFix = opStack[0:len(opStack)-1], opStack[len(opStack)-1]
var pathElement = createOperationPathElement(operatorToPushToPostFix)
return opStack, append(result, &pathElement)
func finishPathKey(result []*PathElement) {
if len(result) > 0 {
//need to mark PathKey elements as finished so we
//stop appending PathKeys as children
result[len(result)-1].Finished = true
func (p *pathPostFixer) ConvertToPostfix(infixTokens []*lex.Token) ([]*PathElement, error) {
var result []*PathElement
// surround the whole thing with quotes
var opStack = []*lex.Token{&lex.Token{Type: TokenIds["("]}}
var tokens = append(infixTokens, &lex.Token{Type: TokenIds[")"]})
for _, token := range tokens {
switch token.Type {
case TokenIds["PATH_KEY"]: // handle splats and array appends here too
var emptyArray = [][]*PathElement{make([]*PathElement, 0)}
var pathElement = PathElement{PathElementType: PathKey, Value: token.Value, ChildElements: emptyArray}
if len(result) > 0 && result[len(result)-1].PathElementType == PathKey && !result[len(result)-1].Finished {
var lastElement = result[len(result)-1]
lastElement.ChildElements[0] = append(lastElement.ChildElements[0], &pathElement)
} else {
result = append(result, &pathElement)
case TokenIds["("]:
opStack = append(opStack, token)
case TokenIds["OR_OPERATOR"], TokenIds["AND_OPERATOR"], TokenIds["EQUALS_OPERATOR"]:
var currentPrecedence = precedenceMap[token.Type]
// pop off higher precedent operators onto the result
for len(opStack) > 0 && precedenceMap[opStack[len(opStack)-1].Type] > currentPrecedence {
opStack, result = popOpToResult(opStack, result)
// add this operator to the opStack
opStack = append(opStack, token)
case TokenIds[")"]:
for len(opStack) > 0 && opStack[len(opStack)-1].Type != TokenIds["("] {
opStack, result = popOpToResult(opStack, result)
if len(opStack) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Bad path expression, got close brackets without matching opening bracket")
// now we should have ( as the last element on the opStack, get rid of it
opStack = opStack[0 : len(opStack)-1]
return result, nil